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College of business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management

Influence of brand name on consumer decision making process on

selected durable product.(In case of hawassa town)

Prepared by: Daniel Berhe

Advisor: Mr.Grma B.(MBA)

May, 2018



College of business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management

Influence of brand name on consumer decision making process on

selected durable product.(In case of hawassa town)

By: Daniel Berhe. ID No 0047/08

Advisors: Mr. Grma B. (MBA)

A senior essay submitted to department of marketing management in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for bachelor of Art degree (B.A) in
marketing Management



Influence of brand name on consumer decision making process on
selected durable product. (In case of hawassa town)

By: Daniel Berhe

ID No 0047/08

Approved by Advisor

Advisor Signature Date

_______________ _____________ _____________

May, 2018



First, I like to thank almightily God for giving me unlimited opportunity for my life. I like to
thank everyone who helps me from zero to know and next I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to my advisor Grma B. his heartfelt advice and support me. Lastly I would like to thank
my dormitory and special Amanueal Dula for his encouragement and sharing idea and material.

The purpose of research would assess what is the influence a brand name when people go for
purchasing durable products between different brands and also how brand names influence the
customer purchase decision? Why customers purchase a particular brand also implies how
customer decides what to buy. The research also would tries to examine the relation between
brands and the consumer decision making process and Customers follow the sequence of steps
in decision process to purchase a specific product. All the necessary data for the
accomplishment of the study would collect through primary source of data and from published
documents and from internet. The primary data would collect through distributing
questionnaire to customers. It would use convenience sampling method to collect data from
respondents. The result of data would organize and analysis by using tabulation, percentage
and graph. It would collect data were analyze to comply with the objectives and also to draw
conclusions and recommendation. The study would shows that when consumer purchases
durable product brand names do influence his or her choice. The study also would shows that
brand durable product have a great place in consumer mind, when customers go for purchasing
durable product they prefer to purchase a well known brands durable product rather than the

Contents Page
Table of contents......................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Back ground of the study.……………............................................…...………………….…..1
1.2 Statement of the problem………….…...….................................................…..........................2
1.3 Research Methodology..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objective of the study…………….…..….................................................…...…......................3
1.4.1 General objective of the study……..………........................................……………....3
1.4.2 Specific objective of the study.……….................……..……………..................……3
1.5 Significance of the study.………….....……...…………....………..……………..…….……4
1.6 Scope of the study.……………...................................…...….........…………………….……4
1.7 Limitations.………………................................................................................…....................4
1.8 Organization of the paper......................................................…….......…………………........4

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................5

2. Literature review.………………...……………………...…………………………………............5

2.1 Brand name.………………...….......................……..……………….………….......................5

2.2 Logos and symbols.………………...…..………...…………………………….......................5

2.3 Brand awareness.…….……...….........................…..………………………….........................6

2.4 Brand loyalty...…………...…...……......…..…..……………………......…….........................7

2.5 Brand equity.………………....................…...………….……………….…….........................7

2.6 Perceived quality.…………….…...........……...….....…..………………................................8

2.7 Consumer behaviour ............................……...………………………....................................9
2.8 Complex buying behaviour..………….……...............................………..…….......................9

2.9 Dissonance reducing buying behaviour ....……...........…...…….………………................9

2.10 Consumer Decision making ....………………........…...……………………….................10

2.11Social Class ....…………………...............................................………………......................10

2.12 Conspicuous Consumption ....……………............................………………….................11

2.13 Purchase Intention ....…………………................................................………………….....11

CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................................12

3. Research methodology.……………………..…………………….....................................12
3.1 Research Design.………………...……………………………...….…………………...…12
3.2 Source of data........………………...…………………………….………………………...12
3.3 Population and Sample .………………...……………………....……..…...………….….1.2
3.4 Data collection and instrument................................…......…..…………………………..13

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................14

4. Data analysis and Interpretation...........................................................................................14

4.1 Demographic information of the respondents............………......……..…...…………......14
4.2 Owner ship of specific brand television…..……………………….............……………..16
4.3 Extended information search before buying.…………………...…...…..……….…........16
4.4 Purchase decision.…………...…………………………………………......................…….17
4.5 Information search about unknown brand.………………...……….......…..…….………18
4.6 Opinion seeking from others.………………...………………………………........………18
4.7 Most important attribute for considering buying.………….………....…….……………19
4.8 Number of brands television considering before buying.……….........…...........…….…19
4.9 Consideration of lesser known brand when they purchase..………....……….…............20
4.10 Quality consideration between well known brand and lesser known brand.....…..........20
4.11 Branded products have better quality...………………...……….......………….................21
4.12 Brands signify the status...………………...……………………………………….……….21
4.13 Brands defining social class...………………...…………………………….......….………22
4.14 Preferences of branded products..………………...…………………...........….….………22
4.15 Lesser known are not always inferior quality..……………………....………...…............23
4.16 Importance of brand logo..…………...…...…………………………………...…...….……23
4.17 The brand image enhances a customer’s self esteem.…………………….......…….……24
4.18 Evaluation criteria to purchase a television.………...……………………………….……24
4.19 Ranking of television….…….....…….…..……………….….…..…………………….……24

CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................................25

5. Conclusions and Recommendation............................................................................................26

5.1 Conclusions..........…………………….........................................……............................................26

5.2 Recommendation.....................……....................................................……......................................27






Table 4.1: Demographic information of the respondent………..….............…………...……...….20

Table 4.2: Extended information search before buying.………..…....….……........................…23

Table 4.3: Information search about unknown brand...…..……...…………...


Table 4.4: Opinion seeking from others…………...…………...…...…………...


Table 4.5: Most important attribute for considering buying..........................................26

Table 4.6: Consideration of lesser known brand when they purchae...........................27

Table4.7: Quality consideration between well known brand and lesser known

Table 4.8: Branded products have better quality...…………...………………………...................


Table 4.9: Brands signify the status……...…………...…………………...………….............


Table 4.10: Brands defining social class...……………...………………….…....…...……................


Table 4.11: Preferences of branded products…………...……...……….....………......................


Table 4.12: Lesser known are not always inferior quality.…......……………..….....................…31

Table 4.13: The brand image enhances a customer’s self esteem.……....…...…….............32

Table 4.14: Evaluation criteria to purchase a television…………........…...….....………...…………


Table 4.15: ranking of television...…………...…….......……………………...….....................


List of figure

Figure 4.1: owner ship of specific brand television ……...………………...……………...................


Figure 4.2- Purchase Decision……...………...

Figure4.3- Number of brands television considering before buying...……...…………....……27

Figure 4.4: importance of brand logo……...………...……………………...



1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of them, intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of
competitors. Brand association is defined as “all brand-related thoughts, feeling, perceptions,
image, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that are linked to brand” (Kotler& Armstrong,

Brand name it shows the source of the product and help aware consumers to differentiate the
product from its competitors. The core base of naming a brand is that it is unique; can be easily
discriminated from other names; easy to remember and is eye catching to customers (Keller,

Marketers are highly concerned to know how brand names influence the customer purchase
decision. Why customers purchase a particular brand also implies how customers decide what
to buy. Customers follow the sequence of steps in decision process to purchase a specific
product. They start realizing a requirement of product, get information, identify & evaluate
alternative products and finally decide to purchase a product from a specific brand. When
customers purchase particular brand frequently, he or she uses his or her past experience about
that brand product regarding performance, quality and aesthetic appeal (Keller, 2013).
Brand awareness can be depicted into brand recognition (consumers’ ability to confirm prior
exposure to the brand when given the brand as cue) and brand recall (consumers’ ability to
retrieve the brand when given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or some

other cues).Brand awareness is essential in buying decision-making as it is important that
consumers recall the brand in the context of a given specific product category, awareness
increasing the probability that the brand will be a member of the consideration set. Awareness
also affects decisions about brands in the consideration set, even in the absence of any brand
associations in consumers’ minds. In low involvement decision settings, a minimum level of
brand awareness maybe sufficient for the choice to be final. Awareness can also influence
consumer decision making by affecting brand associations that form the brand image (Keller,

Globally many Suppliers start putting a lot of effort into develop and maintain a good brand
name for their product. To be successful in this way, the suppliers need to study consumer
behaviour and there brand attitude. They focus on what customer’s value especially customers
in developing countries like Ethiopia. Do they really give that much thought about brands? Is
their income level high enough to have the comfort of choosing between brands? Even if the
brand awareness exists, customers might not be able to be as brand sensitive as they like. There
are various factors which might limit the brand sensitivity of customers in Adigart, Ethiopia.

So the question remains, is it really important for retailers in Adigrat, Ethiopia to highly
concentrate on brands when the customers are not really aware about brands(for one reason or
another) or are unable to offer quality products with great brand names. The above lists are the
reasons that motivate me to do the research. The student researcher wants to find out the extent
of customers’ brand sensitivity.

1.2 The Statement of the Problem

Brands play a very important role in the consumer decision making processes. It is really
important for companies to find out customer’s decision making process and identify the
conditions, which customers apply while making decision (Cravens and Piercy, 2003).

Every brand differs in names or symbols like logo, trade mark, design and packing. The
products are recognized through these elements and thus make it possible to differentiate one
product from the other. A brand is a signal to protect the customer from similar brand names
and protect the producer from the competitors (Aker, 1991).

Brands also have a symbolic value which helps the people to choose the best product according
to their need and satisfaction. Usually people do not buy certain brands just for design and
requirement, but also in an attempt to enhance their self esteem in the society. Some brands

have very strong position in the market as they are more consumers friendly and customer
purchases these branded products on trust and without any hesitation (Chernatory 1992).

How brand names influence the customer purchase decision? Why customers purchase a
particular brand also implies how customers decide what to buy. Customers follow the
sequence of steps in decision process to purchase a specific product. They start realizing a
requirement of product, get information, identify & evaluate alternative products and finally
decide to purchase a product from a specific brand. When customers purchase particular brand
frequently, he or she uses his or her past experience about that brand product regarding
performance, quality and aesthetic appeal (Killer 2003).

As one will expect, the brand are perceive to be much better known than the unbranded
Product. The other large differences testify to the strength of brand image; brand products are
consider more expensive and high quality than the unbranded. The extent to which this mass
brand is considers to be, 'original' and to make a statement more than it’s unbranded. Positive
attitude to the product as might be expect towards brand are much more positive (Hillenbrand

The brand history tells us how the people have used the brand as a mark of identification. In
the earlier times the brand mark is use to differentiate the goods of one producer to others.
Now- a day’s brand is not only use for differentiation but also use to justify the purchase
decision (Killer, 2003).

As the researcher was tried to identify the influence of brand name on purchase decision
making process and the study attempts to address the following basic research questions about
problem face by consumer durable products.

1.2.1Research question
 What is the knowledge about consumer decision making process on consumer durable
 How to know about different issues relate to brand and brand selection process on
consumer durable product?
 What are the impacts of brand name on purchase decision?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1General Objective
The general objective of the study is to assess the influence of brand name on consumer
decision making process on consumer durable product in case of Adigrat town.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1. To evaluate the consumer decision making process on consumer durable product.
2. To different brand selection process on consumer durable product.
3. To identify the impact of brand name on purchase decision of consumers.

1.4Significance of the Study

The study will give helpful recommendations by providing insight into the relationship
between brand loyalty and purchasing decisions for concern bodies. It will be helps create
awareness about brand for customers and helps understand the consumer problem and
recommend the companies to resolve those problems. It was use as a reference for other
researcher and also the studies will have significance for the researcher to get experience.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The researcher was focus on assessing the influence of brand name on consumer decision
making process in Adigrat town.

The number of total population of respondent is unknown due to that the researcher used
convinces sampling method.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

There are lots of limitations while conduct the research. One of the main limitation of this
study is very limited consumer durable product in the town it’s difficult to gate actual
consumer durable product. The study conduct only found in Adigrat town and the other
limitation of this study is the title focus only the effect of brand name on consumer durable
product decision making.

1.7 Organization of the paper

The research was contain the following main topics first one deal about introduction part and
back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objective of study, significant of study,
limitation of study, scope of study, and second review of related literature. Third methodology
of study and four discuss data analysis and interpretation. Finally, based conclusion and
recommendation was present on fifth chapter.



2.1 Brand Name

The name of a brand is fundamental indicator of the brand. The name of the brand is a basis of for
raising awareness of the brand and communication efforts. Often even more important is the fact that it
can generate association which serves to describe the brand. (Aaker A david,1991)

A brand is more than a product, because it can have dimensions that differentiate it in some
way from other products designed to satisfy the same need. These differences may be rational
and tangible related to product performance of the brand or more symbolic, emotional, and
intangible related to what the brand represents.

The brand name is very significant choice because some time it captures the central theme or
key association of a product in a very condensed and reasonable fashion. Brand names can be
extremely successful means of communication. Some companies assign their product with a
brand name that in reality has nothing to do with the emotional experience but is catchy and a
name that people can easily memorize. The core base of naming a brand is that it should be
unique, can be easily discriminated from other names, easy to remember and are attractive to
customers (Keller, 2013).

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of them, intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of
competitors. Brand association is defined as “all brand-related thoughts, feeling, perceptions,
image, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that are linked to brand” (Kotler& Keller,

2.2 Logos and symbols

Logos and symbols have a long history which shows brand identification of the company.
There are different types of logos, which are unique from corporate names or trademarks.
Logos and symbol are easy way to recognize a product. It is a greater success if symbol and
logos became a linked in memory to corresponding brand name and product to increase brand
recall. Customer may perhaps identify definite symbols but be unable to link them any
particular brand or product. (Keller, second edition).

Logos and symbol are successful way to get a better place in customer mind. If customers find
something that is easily identifiable preferably in a positive way, customers feel more
comfortable with them. If there is not much difference among brands, then logos and symbols

can be a very effective way of differentiating the brands from each other. Logos helps
companies to develop the brand equity through raised brand identification and brand loyalty.
Logos are very important assets; companies spend enormous time and money to promote brand
logos and symbols (Keller, 2013).

All brands create feelings; some brands are designed to give customers more experience in the
true sense of the word than other brands. The most powerful brand goes beyond the traditional
means to steal customers’ heart away and take on special meaning to customers through their
product. With time and experience, consumers learn about the brands, they find out which
brands satisfy their needs and which ones do not (Travis, 2000).

2.3 Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the ability of a potential buyer to recognize or recall that a brand is a
member of a certain product category so he can establish a link between product class and
brand is involved. Advantages of brand awareness: what are the benefits of creating a high
level of brand awareness? There are three learning advantages, consideration advantages, and
choice advantages. (Ibid, p61)

Learning Advantages: Brand awareness influences the formation and strength of the
associations that make up the brand image. To create a brand image, marketers must first
establish a brand node in memory, the nature of which affects how easily the consumer learns
and stores additional brand associations. The first step in building brand equity is to register the
brand in the minds of consumers. If the right brand elements are chosen, the task becomes

Consideration Advantages: Consumers must consider the brand whenever they are making a
purchase for which it could be acceptable or fulfilling a need it could satisfy. Raising brand
awareness increases the likelihood that the brand will be a member of the consideration set, the
handful of brands that receive serious consideration for purchase. Much research has shown
that consumers are rarely loyal to only one brand but instead have a set of brands they would
consider buying and another possibly smaller set of brands they actually buy on a regular basis.
Because consumers typically consider only a few brands for purchase, making sure that the
brand is in the consideration set also makes other brands less likely to be considered or

Choice Advantages: The third advantage of creating a high level of brand awareness is that it
can affect choices among brands in the consideration set, even if there are essentially no other
associations to those brands. For example, consumers have been shown to adopt a decision rule
in some cases to buy only more familiar, well- established brands. Thus, in low-involvement
decision settings, a minimum level of brand awareness may be sufficient for product choice,
even in the absence of a well-formed attitude. One influential model of attitude change and
persuasion, the elaboration-likelihood model, is consistent with the notion that consumers may
make choices based on brand awareness considerations when they have low involvement. Low
involvement results when consumers lack either purchase motivation (they don’t care about the

product or service) or purchase ability (they don’t know anything else about the brands in a

1. Consumer purchase motivation: Although products and brands may be critically important to
marketers, choosing a brand in many categories is not a life-or-death decision for most
consumers. For example, despite millions of dollars spent in TV advertising over the years to
persuade consumers of product differences, percent of consumers in one survey believed all
brands of gasoline were about the same or did not know which brand was best. A lack of
perceived differences among brands in a category is likely to leave consumers unmotivated
about the choice process. (killer, 2013)

2. Consumer purchase ability: Consumers in some product categories just do not have the
necessary knowledge or experience to judge product quality even if they so desired. The
obvious examples are products with a high degree of technical sophistication, like
telecommunications equipment with state-of-the-art features. But consumers may be unable to
judge quality even in low-tech categories. Consider the college student who has not really had
to cook or clean before, shopping the supermarket aisles in earnest for the first time, or a new
manager forced to make an expensive capital purchase for the first time. The reality is that
product quality is often highly ambiguous and difficult to judge without a great deal of prior
experience and expertise. In such cases, consumers will use whatever shortcut or heuristic they
can come up with to make their decisions in the best manner possible. Sometimes they simply
choose the brand with which they are most familiar and aware (Killer, 2013).

2.4 Brand Loyalty

Define true brand loyalty as repeat purchasing behaviour under the condition of strong brand
sensitivity. In combination with the measure for brand sensitivity, adding a measure for repeat
purchasing behaviour will probably provide enough information to draw some inferences on
brand loyalty. Odin et al. (2001)

Brand loyalty defines in terms of repeat purchases and the amount or share of category volume
attributed to the brand, that is, the “share of category requirements.” In other words, how often
do customers purchase a brand and how much do they purchase? For bottom-line profit results,
the brand must generate sufficient purchase frequencies and volumes. The lifetime value of
behaviourally loyal consumers can be enormous. Perhaps the strongest affirmation of brand
loyalty occurs when customers are engaged, or willing to invest time, energy, money, or other
resources in the brand beyond those expended during purchase or consumption of the brand
(Killer, 2013).

“The brand loyalty of the customer base is often the core of brand equity. If customers are
indifferent to the brand and, in fact buy with respect to features, price and convince with little
concern to the brand name there is likely little equity. If on the other hand, they continue to
purchase the brand even in the face of competitors with superior features; price, and
convenience; substantial value exists in the brand and perhaps in its symbol and slogan.”
(Aaker,1991 p39).

2.5 Brand Equity
“Brand equity is a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that
add to or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s
customers” (Cravens, 2003).

Fundamentally, branding is all about endowing products and services with the power of brand
equity. Despite the many different views, most observers agree that brand equity consists of the
marketing effects uniquely attributable to a brand. That is, brand equity explains why different
outcomes result from the marketing of a branded product or service than if it were not branded.

Most marketing observers also agree with the following basic principles of branding and brand equity:

• Differences in outcomes arise from the “added value” endowed to a product as a result of past
marketing activity for the brand.

• This value can be created for a brand in many different ways.

• Brand equity provides a common denominator for interpreting marketing strategies and
assessing the value of a brand.

• There are many different ways in which the value of a brand can be manifested or exploited
to benefit the firm (in terms of greater proceeds or lower costs or both).

Fundamentally, the brand equity concept reinforces how important the brand is in marketing

What causes brand equity to exist? How do marketers create it? Customer-based brand equity
occurs when the consumer has a high level of awareness and familiarity with the brand and
holds some strong, favourable, and unique brand associations in memory. In some cases, brand
awareness alone is enough to create favourable consumer response; for example, in low-
involvement decisions when consumers are willing to base their choices on mere familiarity. In
most other cases, however, the strength, favourability, and uniqueness of brand associations
play a critical role in determining the differential response that makes up brand equity. If
customers perceive the brand as only representative of the product or service category, then
they’ll respond as if the offering were unbranded. Thus marketers must also convince
consumers that there are meaningful differences among brands. Consumers must not think all
brands in the category are the same. Establishing a positive brand image in consumer memory
—strong, favourable and unique brand associations—goes hand-in-hand with creating brand
awareness to build customer-based brand equity. Let’s look at both these sources of brand
equity(Keller, 2013).

2.6 Perceived Quality

Perceived Quality is customers’ perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or
service compared to alternatives and with respect to its intended purpose. Achieving a
satisfactory level of perceived quality has become more difficult as continual product
improvements over the years have led to heightened consumer expectations.

Product quality depends not only on functional product performance but on broader
performance considerations as well, like speed, accuracy, and care of product delivery and
installation; the promptness, courtesy, and helpfulness of customer service and training; and the
quality of repair service.

Brand attitudes may also depend on more abstract product imagery, such as the symbolism or
personality reflected in the brand. These “augmented” aspects of a product are often crucial to
its equity. Finally, consumer evaluations may not correspond to the perceived quality of the
product and may be formed by less thoughtful decision making, such as simple heuristics and
decision rules based on brand reputation or product characteristics such as colour or scent
(Killer 2013).

2.7 Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behaviour mainly sheds light on how consumers decides to spend their various
resources like time, money etc. on various products so as to meet their needs and requirement.
Consumer behaviour encompasses study of what, when, why and where the consumers will
buy their products. It also focuses on how often the consumers use the products. Furthermore,
it also sheds light on how the consumers evaluate the products after the purchase and the effect
of evaluations on their future purchases (Schiffman K, 2005).

Consumer buying behaviour is one of the most important branches of marketing discipline.
According to Gordon Fox hall, “Marketing management rests upon some conception or other
of how customers behave and of the consequences their reactions to product, price, promotion
and distribution strategies are likely to have for the attainment of corporate objectives. In
affluent competitive economies successful marketing depends above all on matching the
marketing mix which results from the integration of these strategies to the willingness of
consumers to buy and in doing so more effectively than one’s rivals”. In order to understand
consumer behaviour we need to identify who a consumer (Schiffman K, 2007).

The Consumer behaviour study involves how an individual or groups select, purchase, use or
dispose of products, services ideas, or experience to satisfy their need and desires. The
consumer environment influences how the consumers feel, consider and act. The
environmental features are, for instance, comments taken from other customers, advertising,
packing, price, and product appearance etc. (Paul, 2005).

2.8 Complex Buying Behaviour

Complex behaviour can be defined when consumers are highly involved for making a purchase
decision. Complex buying behaviour calls for high level of involvement on the part of the
consumer. In case of high involvement, consumers distinguish salient differences among the
competing brands. Consumers’ are highly involved in case of expensive and highly self
expressive products. The consumer engages in extensive information to search and to learn
about product category so as to be able a good purchase decision. For example, when a
consumer decides to buy a car, he seeks information about the available brands and compares
his collected information about each brand and finally makes up his mind (Kotler, P and
Armstrong, S 2007).

2.9 Dissonance reducing buying behaviour
In case of dissonance reducing buying behaviour the level of consumer involvement is also
high. Consumers typically undergo dissonance reducing buying behaviour in case of costly and
infrequent purchase. In this type of consumer behaviour the consumers find it difficult to
differentiate among the brands. For example, consumer buying carpet may come across of
dissonance reducing buying behaviour, as carpets are usually expensive and self-expressive. In
case of carpets, consumers may deem most of the available carpet brands in the market within a
certain price range to be of the same quality. Consumers may respond primarily to a relatively
better price. After the purchase consumer might experience post purchase dissonance (after
sales discomfort) (Kotler, P and Armstrong, S 2007).

2.10 Consumer Decision making

The consumer decision making process defines different steps when a consumer goes through
to purchase a product. If customer wants to make a purchase he or she takes a sequence of steps
in order to do complete this purchase. Problem recognition includes when consumer feel a
significant difference between the current state and ideal so consumer thinks there is some
problem to be solved. The problem may be small or big. In the second step, the consumer seeks
information about the product. The extent of information search relies on the level of consumer
involvement. In case of expensive Products, the level of involvement is high. Conversely, in
case of relatively cheap products the level of involvement is usually low. In the third step, the
consumer evaluates the different attributes of the brands. Consumer may consider the product
attributes and compare brand products. In the final step consumer makes his choice about a
product. (Schiffman K. 2007).

It’s true that a consumer may not necessarily go through all the decision making steps for every
purchase he or she makes. At times, consumer makes his or her decision automatically and the
decision may be based on heuristics or mental shortcuts. Other times, in case of high
involvement products consumer may take a long time before reaching a final purchase
decision. It depends on consumers’ importance of the products like purchase of a car or home.
More over consumers try to make an estimated brand universe on the basis of available
information about the brands, and to make an estimated the utility function on the basis of past
consumption experience (Schiffman K. 2006).

2.11 Social Class

Social class is an invisible stratification of the inhabitants of the society into different groups
based on some traits of the people. Inhabitants in a society can be divided into different social
classes according to their income level, occupation, education and so forth. Social class of a
person is determined by a wide variety of set of variables including income, family background
and occupation (Schiffman K. 2007). A person’s social class can be defined by what he or she
does with money. The consumption choice of a person also determines the person’s position in
society. Every social class varies from each other because of having its own traits that set it
apart from other class. Social classes vary in costumes, language patterns and many other
activities and preferences. This class of consumer will possibly never buy a product on an
experimental basis. Social class is very important source to know which social class person

belong. Mostly people have different preference and choices from others (Stephens and
Townsend, 2007).

2.12 Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous Consumption can be defined as the way of consumption by the people who have
the financial ability to afford expensive brands not only just to consume the products but also
to show off with the view to inspire envy among others. People of higher class usually go for a
wide array of status symbols for consuming conspicuously. Conspicuous consumption is
related to the person’s social class, generally the upper class consumer would purchase and
display exclusive items to show-off their wealth and power. They purchase expensive branded
products like cars, latest electronics even if it is not necessary for them to purchase (Schiffman
K. 2007).

2.13 Purchase Intention

The purchase intention shows customers preference to purchase the product, whose image is
very close to customer. Moreover customers are well aware of certain brand name through
advertising, from their past experience or information from their friends and relatives (Teng,
2008).The intention of a consumer to purchase a particular brand can be defined as his
willingness to buy that brand. After being exposed to a TV commercial, a consumer might be
interested about the product but being just interested in a product does not mean that the
consumer has the intention to buy the product


3. Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

This researcher is descriptive research method because it helps to identify, describe the nature
of the subject and it is more appropriate for further explanation of various problems and
answers the research questions in most appropriate way.

3.2 Source of data

To conduct this study the researcher was used primary and secondary data collect the relevant
data from the organization. The primary data was collect from questionnaire with customers.
The secondary data was collected from organization document, published book and others.

3.3 Population and sample

The target population of the study would be customer around Adigrat town. The total number
of the respondent is unknown so that the researcher would use unknown sample size
determination formula. The number of total population of the customer would be 384.

The researcher would be used this formula to determine the total number of population of the customer.

N =Z2PQ/e2

N= size

Z= standard normal deviation (1.96)

P= proportion in the target population estimated to have 50% or


Q= 1-0.5

D= degree of accuracy usually set at 5% or 0.05

N= (1.96)2(0.5) (0.5)/0.052 = 384

The total population is 384. (Cochran1993)

Due to resource scare the researcher was take 16% or 61 respondents from the total population
of the customer as a sample. The researcher would use convenience sampling method in order
to collect data from the customer. Because convenience sampling method is easy or convent for
this study, convenience sampling is suitable is collect data from the customer when the
researcher will go to gathering data.

3.4 Data collection instruments

The data would be collected from primary and secondary data primary data would be
collected by using open and close ended questionnaire to customers. The secondary data
would be collected by gathering data from different published, documents.


4. Data analysis and interpretation

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data collected from
television owner in hawassa town. The data, under consideration were gathered and obtained
through questionnaire .The questionnaire was both open ended and closed ended types of
questions. About 61 questionnaire were prepared and distributed to the respondent among these
only 54 of them are returned thus from 61 questionnaire 54 of it is properly presented, analyzed
and interpreted; the data was interpreted by descriptive. The data analyze in the form of
tabulation, percentage and graph in order to summaries and recommend.

Table 4.1: Demographic information of the respondents

Variables Measuring Group Frequency Percentage (%)

Sex Male 51 94
Female 3 6
Total 54 100
Television owner Yes 54 100
No 0 0
Total 54 100
Age Less 18 --- ---
18-30 12 22
31-40 14 26
41-50 23 42
Above 51 5 9
Total 54 100
Monthly income Less than 1000 8 15
1100-3000 11 20
3100- 5000 19 35
5100- 8000 9 17
8100-10,000 4 7
More than 10,000 3 6
Total 54 100
Education Illiterate -- --
1-8 grade 10 19
9-12 grade 11 20

Diploma 19 35
Degree 10 19
Masters 4 7
Total 54 100
Occupation Private Sector 15 28
Government sector 7 13
Own business 22 41
Others 10 19
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

Table 4.1 shows the demographic information of the respondents. The first section of the table
provides the gender information which shows that 51(94%) of the respondents were male and
3(6%) of the respondents were female. The survey shows majority of the respondents were
male. The researcher selects the respondents randomly without any bias. The researcher
selected cases for survey who own television that’s why ownership of television is 54(100%).

Frome table 4.1 section 2 provides the respondents age-group information. The first age group
(18 to 30years) accounted 12(22%), 31 to 40-years -age-group accounted 14(26%), 41 to 50
years-age-group were 23(42%), above 51 years-age-group were 5(9%).

The next important variable is income. The result shows less than 1000 that 8(15%) of the
respondents’ monthly income is between 1100-3000 birr, 11(20%) of the respondents monthly
income is between 3100- 5000 birr, 19(35%) of the respondents earn monthly between 5100-
8000 birr, 9(17%) of the respondents’ monthly income is between 8100-10,000 birr and 4(7%)
of the respondents’ earning monthly income more than 10,000 birr, 3(6%). All respondents
have a different brand television, matching their individual income level.

In table 4.1 sections 4 shows the respondent educational qualification. The result shows that
10(19%) of the respondents are 1-8grade, 11(20%) of the respondents are 9-12 grades 19(35%)
of the respondents are diploma, 10(19%) of the respondent are degree, 4(7%) of the respondent
are masters.

In table 4.1 section 5 the demographic variable is occupation indicates that 15(28%) of the
respondents are in Private Sector, 7(13%) of the respondents work in Government sector,
22(41%) of the respondents run their own business and 10(19%) of the respondents are belong
to other occupation. The result show that majority of car owner are private owner of a business
followed by private worker.

Object 1

Figure 4.1: owner ship of specific brand television.

Source: own survey 2018

The result show that related to the respondents about the specific brand of the television they
own. 33 (60%) of the respondent have Sony brand television, 3(6%) of the respondents have
LG brand television, 9(17%) of the respondents owned Samsung brand television, 2(4%) of the
respondents replied to have Konka brand television and 7(13%) of the respondents owned
other companies brand televisions. The result show that majority of the respondents answered
have own Sony brand television.

Table 4.2: Extended information search before buying

Frequency Percent
Extensive information search 24 44
Compared only few brands 16 30
Limited information search 11 20
Did not information search 3 6
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The result shows the extents of the information search before buying a television. The data
shows that 24(44%) of the respondents searched information extensively before buying a
television, 16(30%) of the respondent of the cases compared few brands before finally making
their purchase decision, 11(20%) of the respondents were engaged in limited information
search before making their final choice. However, 3(6%) of the respondents did not search any
information before buying a television. According to the result it can be conclude that most
potential buyers usually engage in extensive information search.

Object 3

Figure 4.2- Purchase Decision

Source: own survey 2018

The result shows that whether the purchase decision was their respondents own individual
decision or a collective decision. 25(46%) of the respondents replied that when they purchased
a television that was their own decision, relatively 18(33%) of the respondents answered that
the purchase decision was their joint family decision, 4(7%) of the respondents replied to have
consulted with their friend before buying and 7(13%) of the respondent by the “others” namely
co-workers etc. which signifies that the respondents sought suggestions before making buying

Table 4.3: Information search about unknown brand

Frequency Percent
Yes, I did 22 41
No I did not 14 26
Yes, I did some times 12 22
Never 6 11
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

This result show that related to the customers’ information to search about attribute of
television brands he or she was not aware of before buying. The data shows that 22(41%) of
the respondents “yes, I did” information searched about attribute of unknown brand, 14(26%)
of the respondents “No, I did not”, 12(22%) of the respondent replied “Yes, I did but not
much” and 6(11%) of the respondent answered “Never” which means they never searched
information about attribute of unknown brand television. The result show that most of the time
customers search different information related to unknown brand in order to evaluate from the
known brand.

Table 4.4: Opinion seeking from others

Frequency Percent
Yes, I did 34 63
No I did not 4 7
Yes, I did some times 14 26
Never 2 4
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The table shows that 34 (63%) of the respondents replied “yes, I did” and 4(7%) of the
respondents who replied “No, I did not” and 14(26%) of the respondent answered “Yes, I did
some times” and 2(4%) of the respondent answered “Never” which means they never seek any
opinion from others. The result shows that most of the respondent they gathering information
from others. They believe that they have better information from their experience.

Table 4.5: Important attribute considering in buying a television

Frequency Percent
Price of the product 11 20
Quality of the product 7 13
Both price and quality 24 44
The brand name of the product 6 11
Design of the product 3 6
Other attributes 3 6
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

Regarding to Table 4.5 the purchase decision of a potential buyer is influenced by a number of
factors namely brand, quality and price and others. 11(20%) of the respondents replied they
considered the television price, 7(13%) of the respondent said they considered the television
quality, majority of the respondents 24(44%) answered when they purchased a television they
considered both price and quality, 6(11%) of the respondent considered the television design,
3(6%) of the respondent considered the brand name of the product and 3(6%) of the respondent
considered the other attributes. The result show that majority of the respondent replied that
both price and quality are the most important attribute in their purchase decision. According to
the result most of their purchasing behaviour is price sensitive and need high quality in low

Object 5

Figure4.3- Number of brands television considering before buying

Source: own survey 2018

Figure4.3 result shows that related to how many televisions the respondents considered when
they purchased television. 17(31%) of the respondents replied they considered one television,
13(24%) of the respondents considered two television, the large number of respondents which
is 21(39%) answered they considered three different televisions before purchasing whereas
3(6%) of the respondents considered four televisions. The result show that many of buyers
conceder three different type of television brand. According to the result buyers consider
different types of brand in order to evaluate and satisfy their basic criteria.

Table 4.6: Consideration of lesser known brand when they purchase

Frequency Percent
Yes, I did 13 24
No, I did not 19 35
Yes, I did but not much 14 26
Never 8 15
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The data result related to the respondents whether they considered the lesser known brand
televisions alongside well known brand television. 13(24%) of the respondents replied “Yes, I
did”, 19(35%) of the respondent answered “No, I did not” which means the respondents mainly
considered only the brands that were in their evoked set, 14(26%) of the respondents answered
“Yes, I did but not much” and 8(15%) of the respondent replied “Never” which means they
only considered the brands in their consideration set.

Table 4.7: Quality consideration between well known brand and lesser known brand

Frequency Percent
Always 30 56
Sometimes 8 15
Most frequently 11 20
Not necessary 5 9
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The result related to the quality perception of consumers between well know branded
televisions and lesser known brand television. Respondent replied that 30(56%) of the
respondents answered “Always” it means customer understand well known brand television
always better quality than lesser known brand, 8(15%) of the respondents replied “sometimes”,
11(20%) of the respondent answered “Most frequently” and 5(9%) of the respondent answered
“Not necessarily”. The results shows the Customers believe that well known brands televisions
have superior quality over the lesser known brands.

Table 4.8: Branded products have better quality

Frequency Percent
Yes, I agree 30 56
No, I don’t agree 6 11
I agree, but it’s not always 12 22
It is not necessary 6 11
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

Table 4.8 shows the respondents what their views about brand product quality. The result show
that 30(56%) of the respondent answered “Yes, I agree”, 6(11%) of the respondents replied
“No, I don’t agree”, 12(22%) of the respondents views “I agree, but it’s not always true” and
6(11%) of the respondents answered “It is not necessary”. The result shows that the customers
trust well known brand product than unknown brand product in terms of quality.

Table 4.9: Brands signify the status symbol

Frequency Percent
Yes i agree 22 41
No, I don’t agree 6 11
Not necessarily 11 20
I agree, but it’s not always 15 28

Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

According to Table 4.9 the result shows that 22(41%) of the respondents answered “Yes, I
agree”, 6(11%) of the respondents replied “No, I don’t agree”, 11(20%) of the respondents
views that “Not necessarily” and 15(28%) of the respondents “I agree, but it’s not always true”.
The result show that majority of the respondent a brand signifies their social status.

Table 4.10: Brands defining social class

Frequency Percent
Yes I agree 24 44
No, I don’t agree 8 15
Not necessary 5 9
I agree, but it’s not always true 17 31
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The result shows that 24(44%) of the respondents “Yes, I agree”, 8(15%) of the respondents
“No, I don’t agree”, 5(9%) of the respondent answered “Not necessary” and 17(31%) of the
respondents replied that “Yes, I agree but it is not always true”. The result shows that majority
of the respondent replayed that brand define their social class.

Table 4.11: Preferences of branded products

Frequency Percent
Some times 15 28
Always 28 52
Frequently 11 20
Never - -
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The result is related to all brand products not any specific brand products. The result shows that
15(28%) of the respondents answered they go “sometimes”, the majority of the respondent
28(52%) of the replied they “Always” go towards brand products and 11(20%) of the

respondent views they go “Frequently”. The data result show that when customers need to buy
any product they go to well known bran. If they have ability to buy they always prefer to
purchase a brand product.

Table 4.12: Lesser known are not always inferior quality

Frequency Percent
Yes, I agree 22 41
No, I don’t agree 17 31
Frequently 11 20
Never 4 7
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The above table 4.12 result shows that 22(41%) of the respondent’s replay that “Yes I agree”
and 17(31%) of the respondents answered “No, I don’t agree” and 11(20%) of the respondent
replied “Frequently” and 4(7%) of the respondents views that “Never”. The result shows that
majority of the respondent unknown brand have not always less quality. The above table
4.12result shows that 22(41%) of the respondent’s replay that “Yes I agree” and 17(31%)
of the respondents answered “No, I don’t agree” and 11(20%) of the respondent replied
“Frequently” and 4(7%) of the respondents views that “Never”. The result shows that
majority of the respondent unknown brand have not always less quality.

Object 7

Figure 4.4: importance of brand logo

Source: own survey (2018)

Figure 4.4: importance of brand logo

The data result related to well known brand logo show their status, 20(37%) of the respondents
“Yes, I agree” brand logo shows the user status and 12(22%) of the respondents “Not, I don’t
agree” and 18(33%) of the respondent “yes, I agree but not always true” and 4(7%) of the
respondent replied “It is not necessary”.

Table 4.13: The brand image enhances a customer’s self esteem.

Frequency Percent
Yes, I agree 23 43
No, I don’t agree 10 19
Yes, I do but it’s not always 13 24
It is not necessary 8 15
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

According to Table 4.13 the result shows that 23(43%) of the respondents views “Yes, I agree”
brand image increase the self esteem, 10(19%) of the respondents answered “No, I do not
agree”, 13(24%) of the respondents replied “Yes, I agree but not always true” and 8(15%) of
the respondents views “It is not necessary”. The result shows that majority of the respondent a
brand image enhance their customer self esteem.

Table 4.14: Evaluation criteria of customers to purchase a television

Frequency Percent
Durability 15 27
Size and quality 8 15
Using of latest technology 7 13
Price 8 15
Other 16 30
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

The data result related to evaluation criteria when they purchase the television. The result
shows that 15(27%) of the respondent durability, 8(15%) of the respondent size and quality,
7(13%) of the respondent using of latest technology, 8(15%) of the respondents price and,
16(30%) of respondents were other evaluation criteria. Te result shows that majority of the
respondent durability is the primary evaluation criteria.

Table 4.15: ranking of television

Frequency Percent
Sony 24 44
LG life is good 9 17
Samsung 8 15
Konka 6 11
Others 7 13
Total 54 100
Source: own survey 2018

Table 4.15 is related to customer ranks four brands television in terms of quality. The result
shows that customer rank Sony as their first choice followed by LG. 24(44%) of the
respondents view Sony rank is first, 9(17%) of the respondents replied LG is second, 8(15%)
of the respondent answered Samsung rank is third and 6(11%) of the respondents view Konka
rank is fourth and 7(13%) of the respondent rank others.


5. Conclusions and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
 The result show that most of the respondents are men, their age group is ‘‘between’’ 41-50
and also majority of the respondent educational level is below Diploma.
 The survey result show that majority of the respondent involve in their own business
followed by private sector worker.
 The result shows that more of the respondent own Sony television.
 The survey result shows that majority of the respondents purchase television based on their
own decision followed by jointly family decision.
 When customers purchase television they search different information from others to gain
their past experience information.
 The result shows that majority of the respondent price and quality is the most important
attribute when they purchase television, it show that customers are price sensitive.
 The study describes that well known branded televisions are very famous among the people
because customers trust the brand name.
 This also indicates that people often purchase well-known brand televisions since they are
aware of the brand performance or perhaps they have a good past experience about the
brands television. This makes customer’s become loyal with the specific brand.
 Furthermore, people are much attached to the branded products, as majority of the people
purchase the branded products with the belief that brands show their status and life style in
the society.
 The study shows that how automobile brands companies become successful by getting
close to the customers and designing their televisions according to the customer needs.

 The majority of customers today choose the branded products and they trust the brand
name and its quality.
 When I conducted my survey I realized that brand names really influence the consumer
decision not only in electronic industry, but also in other product segments.
 Now these days customers have a good knowledge about the brands products, they trust the
well-known brand name because branded products are offering them good quality what
they expect from the brands.
 Customers have high awareness about the known brands as compared to an unknown brand
and majority of customers prefer to purchase a well-known brand products.
 Therefore customers do not want to take any risk to purchase unknown brands.
 Well-known brand companies maintain the standard of quality, that’s why brand name
affect the customer choice furthermore these companies are very near to the customer’s
 Most of the people purchase televisions due to the brand name, they know brand names
means good quality and they choose the well-known brand televisions with confidence.
 Customers have many choices in the electronics industry. So when customers intend to
purchase a television, brand name influences the customer’s decision.
 I also found out, from my study, that well-known brands are more popular than unknown
 The survey result show that when customers purchase television their primary Evaluation
criteria is durability of the television.
 Brand has power It defines the customer’s social class or status in the society. When people
use the branded products, it shows the user status or class.
 People from different classes have different preferences and choices than each other’s.
 Some brand products belong to different social classes because every class’ person cannot
afford the same brands products.
 When person use these brand products it defines his or her social class and status in the
 People have a high awareness about the well-known brand.
 Every brand name has its own place in the customer’s mind. People in my survey; have
given some ranks to the different brands televisions based on to its quality.

5.2 Recommendation

 In my opinion many companies do not understand the importance of the creating a well-
known brand name. Companies create brand awareness about their brand to customers in
order to recognize the brand name.
 A company should more focus on creating a good brand name in order to become a better
in the competitive market.
 The companies need to create customer loyalty they should provide quality product and
fulfil their need.

 In order to create an emotional connection to the customers, the company logo or name is
an easy way to get the customer’s recognize and understand the brand products. When
customers go for purchasing, he or she can easily identify the product through brand name
or logo.
 Customers before purchasing a product take some steps, these steps are very helpful to
customers to decide which brand product should be purchased
 Every customer should gather some information about the different brand products and
compare them to each other’s. Then they evaluate the different products’ attributes before
making a final purchase.
 The electronic television company’s manger should design the price strategy carefully
because in the developing country like Ethiopia, majority of the customers come from
economically middle class and they are highly price sensitive.
 A brand name affect a purchase decision of a television buyer so that every company not
only television company creating a good and attractive brand name is essential in order to
gain large number of customer.
 Every parties involved in producing and selling television like Company, wholesalers,
retailers and other parties; working hard in order to create a loyal customer because a loyal
customer serve as a good advertiser for potential buyer.


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To be filled by consumer

Questionnaire prepared to assess: Influence of brand name on consumer decision making process
on selected durable product.

Dear respondent:

This questionnaire is designed to assess: Influence of brand name on consumer decision making
process on selected durable product in case of Hawassa town.

The questionnaire is prepared by Daniel Berhe, for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of award of
BA degree marketing management. Therefore, the information which is expected from the respondent
has a great role only for the success of the research. Please assist me in giving correct and complete
information to present a representative finding on the study. Your participation is entirely voluntary and
the questionnaire is completely anonymous.

Finally, I confirm you that the information that you share me will be kept confidential only used for the
academic purpose. No individual’s response will be identified as such and the identity of persons
responding will not be published and released to anyone. All information will be used for academic
purposes only. Thank you on advance for your kind cooperation and dedicating your time.

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.


Name: Daniel Berhe


1. Before you attempted to answer, please read the instruction.

2. Tick √ for close-ended question provided in part one.
3. You can choose more than one alternative in some question.
4. Write your option for open ended questionnaires.

Part: 1 Demographic information

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age: Less than18 18-30 31-40 41-50 above 50

3. Monthly income: Less than1000 1000-3000 3100-5000

5100-8000 8100-10,000 More than 10,000

4. Educational level: Illiterate 1-8 grade 9-12 grades

Diploma Degree Masters degree Other ______________

5. Occupation:

Private sector Government sector Own business other ______________

Part: 2

1. Which brand television do you have?

Sony LG Samsung Konka Other ____________________

2. Did you do a lot of information search for buying a television or you just compared the television
brands you are aware of?

I did extensive information search among all available brands

I compared only among the brands in my considerations set

Yes, I did but not much

No, I did not

3. When you bought the television, was it your own decision or a collective decision?

It was my own decision It was a joint family decision

It was my friend decision Other___________________

4. Did you search attribute information about the television brands you were not previously aware of?

Yes, I did No, I did not I did, but not much Never

5. Did you seek any opinion as to which brand television to buy from others?

Yes, I did No, I did not Yes, I did some times Never

6. What is the most important attribute you considered when you bought the television?

Price Quality Price and Quality well-known name

Design Other ________________________

7. When you bought the television, how many television brands did you consider?’

1 2 3 4 5

8. Did you consider any lesser-known brand television?

Yes, I did No, I did not Yes, and I did, but not much Never

9. Do you believe that a well-known branded television is always better in quality than a lesser-known

Always Sometimes Most frequently Not necessarily

10. Do you agree with the following statement “It’s safe to buy a branded product as they always come
with better quality?”

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree

I agree, but it’s not always true It is not necessary

11. Do you think that a well-known branded television is a status symbol?

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree

Not necessarily I agree, but it’s not always true

12. Do you believe that using a branded product signifies social class?

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree

Not necessarily I agree, but it’s not always true

13. Do you always go for the well known branded products?

Sometimes Always Frequently Never

14. Do you agree with the following point: “A lesser-known brand does not necessarily mean inferior

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree Frequently Never

15. Do you believe that logo of a well-known brand is important as it tells who you are?

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree

Yes, I do, but not always It is not necessary

16. Do you think the brand image enhances your self esteem?

Yes, I agree No, I don’t agree

Yes, I do, but not always It is not necessary

17. When you purchase the television what are your evaluation criteria?

Durability Size and quality Using of latest technology Price

Other _____________________

18. Would you rank five well known brand television in terms of quality?




4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________

Thank you completing the questionnaire

ዓድ-ግራት ዩኒቨርስቲ

ኮሌጅ ቢዝነስን ኢኮኖሚክስን

ክፍሊ ትምህርቲ ማርኬቲንግ ማናጅሜንት


እዚ መጠይቅ ዝተዳለወ ቀወምቲ/ዘለቅቲ ዝኾኑ ፍርያትን ስሞምን ዓማዊል ብምዝታይ ናይቲ ምልክት ስም ፅልዋ
ንምርኣይ ኣዩ::

ዝከበርኩም መለስቲ

እዚ መጠይቅ ዝተነደፈ ንናይ’ቲ ዓማዊል ዝጥቀምሉ ቀወምቲ/ዘለቅቲ ዝኮኑ ፍርያትን ስሞምን አብ ከተማ ዓድግራት
ንምዝታይ ኣዩ::

እዚ መጠይቅ ዝተዳለወ ብ ኣስፋው ፀጋይ ንዉስን ዝኮነ ናይቲ ዝዳሎ ሽልማት ቅድመ ምረቃ ዕዳጋን ምሕደራን
ንምምላእ እዩ:: ስለዝኾነ ኣቲ ካብዚ መልሲ ዝድለ ተሳትፎ ነቲ መፅናዕቲ ዝዓዘዘ ምስኻዕ ከምዘለዎ ኣንዳታሓሳሰብኩ

በይዘኦም ትኽክልን ዝተማልእን መልእኽቲ ብምውሃብ ወካሊ ዝኮነ ገላፂ ፅንዓት ንምቅራብ ይሕግዘኒ:: ተሳትፎኦም
ፍቃዳዉን ዝተማልእን እዩ;:

ኣብ መወዳእታ በቲ እትህቡኒ መግለፂ ሓሳበይ ከጠናኽር ከለኹ እዚ ትህቡኒ መግለፂ ንናይ ትምህርቲ ዛዕባ ጥራሕ እዩ ::
ናይ ሕድ ሕድ መልሲ ንናይ ሕድሕድ ሰብ ግላዊ መልሲ ክሕትም እዩ ወይ ድማ ንሕድ ሕድ ይመሓላለፍ እዩ ማለት
ኣይኮነን:: ኩሎም መግለፅታት ንናይ ትምህርታዊ ዛዕባ ጥራሕ እዩም:: ግዚኦም ብምዉፋይ ልዉሃት ብዝታሓዎሶ
ምትሕብባርኩም ስለ ዝገበርኩምለይ ካብ ልቢ የመስግን::


ተምሃራይ ኣስፋው


1 በይዘኦም ቅድሚ ምምላሶም ነቲ መምርሒ ብኣግባቡ የንብብዎ::

2 ነቲ ዝሓረኽምዎ ዝመሳሰል መልሲ ብምግባር መልሱ::

3 ኣብ ገለገለ ሕቶታት ካብ ሓደ ንላዕሊ ኣማራፂ ምጥቃም ይኽእሉ እዮም::

4 ንክፍቲ [ዝተሰመረ ቦታ] ዝኾኑ ሕቶታት ናይ ባዕልኹም ሓሳብ ፀሓፍሎም::


1 ፆታ: ተባ አን

2 ዕድመ: ትሕቲ 18 18፟-30 31-40 41-50 ልዕሊ 50

3 ወርሕዊ እቶት:

ትሕቲ 1000 1000-3000 3100-5000

5100-8000 8100-10000 ልዕሊ 10000

4 ትምህርቲ ደረጃ:

ፊደል ዘይቆፀረ 1-8 ይ 8 ይ-12 ይ ዲፕሎም

ዲግሪ ማስትሬት ዲግሪ ካልኦትን__________________________________________

ክፍሊ᎓ክልተ ምስ ፅንዓት ዝተተሓሓዙ ሕቶታት

1 ብዉልቀኦም አየናይ ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ይጥቀሙ?

Sony/ሶንይ LG/ኤልጂ Samsung/ሳምሰንግ Konka/ኮንካ JVC/ጂቪሲ


2 ቴሌቪዥኖም እንትገዝኡ ብዙሓት ናይ አፍልጦ መፅናዕቲ ገይሮም’ዶ ወይስ ብናይቶም ቴሌቪዥናት

ምልክት ብምዉድዳር እዮም?

አብ ኩሎም ምልክታት ርቱዕ ዝኾነ መልእኽቲ መፅናዕቲ ገይረ እየ

ኣብ መንጎ እቶም ዘካየድክዎም ምዉድዳር ብናይ ባዕለይ ኣረዳድኣ እዩ

እወ ገይረ እየ ግን ዝዓዘዘ ኣይኮነን ኣይ ኣይገበርኩን ካልኦት


3 ቴሌቪዥኖም ማዓዝ ገዚኦም እንትገዝኡ ናይ ባዕሎም ዉሳነ ድዩ ነይሩ ወይስ ናይ ብዙሓት?

ናይባዕለይ ዉሳነ ነይሩ ስድራ ዝተሓወሰሶ ወሳነ ነይሩ ናይ ዓርከይ ዉሳነ ነይሩ

4 ቅድሚ ሕዚ ኣፍልጦ ኣብዘይነበሮም ናይ ቴሌቪዥን ምልክት ሓበሬታ መልእክቲ ደልዮም ይፈልጡ’ዶ?

እወ ገይረ እየ ኣይ ኣይገበርኩን እወ ግን ኣይክንድትን ብፍፁም

5 ኣየናይ ዓይነት ብዉልቀ ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ክገዝእ ንዝብል ዝኮነ ይኩን ሓሳብ ኣልዒሎም ይፈልጡ’ዶ

እወ ይፈልጥ ኣይ ኣይፈልጥን እወ ሓሓሊፉ ብፍፁም

6 ቴሌቪዥን እንትገዝኣኡ እቲ ጠቃሚ እትብልዎ መለክዒ እንታይ እዩ?

ዋጋ ብክዓት ዋጋን ብክዓትን ዝገነነ ስም/ምልክት

አሰራርሓ ካልኦትን_________________________________________________________________

7 ቴሌቭዥኖም እንትገዝኡ ክንደይ ኣይነት ምልክት ኢኩም ኣብ ግምት ኣእቲኹም?

1 2 3 4 ልዕሊ 5

8. ብዛዕባ ብዙሕ ዘይፍለጣ በዓል ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ሓሲብኩም ትፈልጡ’ዶ?

እወ ኣይፈጥልን እወ ግን ኣይክንድትን ብፍፁም

9.ስሞም ዝገነኑ በዓል ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ካብቶም ቡዙሕ ዘይፍለጡ ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ብብቅዓቶም
ኣዝዮም ዝበለፁ እዮም ኢልኩም ትሓስቡ’ዶ?

ኩሉሻብ ሓሓሊፉ ብተደጋጋሚ ኣድላዪ አይኮነን

10. በዓል ምልክት / ፍሉጣት ፍርያት ምግዛእ ኩሉሻብ ብብቅዓቶም ዝሓሹ እዮም ብዝብል ሓሳብ ትሰማማዕ/ዒ’ ዶ?

እወ እሰማማዕ ኣይ ኣይሰማማዕን እስማማዕ ግን ኩሉሻብ ልክዕ ኣይኮነን

ኣድላዩ ኣይኮነን

11 ስሞም ዝገነኑ ቴሌቪዥንናት ናይ ዓይነት ጉዳይ ጥራሕ እዩ ኢልኩም ትሓስብ’ዶ?

እወ እሓስብ ኣይ ኣይሓስብን እሓስብ ግን ኩሉሻብ ኣይኮነን ኣድላዩ


12 በዓል ምልክት ፍርያት ምጥቃም ማሕበረሰባዊ ክፍፍል የምፅእ እዩ ኢልኩም ትኣምኑ’ዶ?

እወ እሓስብ ኣይ ኣይሓስብን እወ ግን ኣይኩሉሻብን ኣድላዩ ኣይኮነን

13 ስሞም ዝገነኑ ፍርያት ኩሉሻብ ትክተሉ ዶ ?

ሓሓሊፉ ኩሉሻብ ብተደጋጋሚ ብፍፁም

14 ስሞም ዘይገነኑ ምልክት ኩሉሻብ ብፅርየቶም ዝነኣሱ ኣይኮኑን ኢልኩም ትሰማምዑ'ዶ ?

እወ እስማማዕ ኣይ ኣይስማማዕን ብተደጋጋሚ ብፍፁም

15.ፍሉጥ ናይ ዝኮነ ፍርያት ኣርማ ምጥቃም መን ምኳንኳ ስለዝነግር ኣድላዪ ኢልኩም ትኣምኑ’ዶ ?

እወ እኣምን ኣይ ኣይኣምንን እወ ግን ኩሉሻብ ኣይኮነን ኣድላዪ ኣይኮነን

16. በዓል ምልክት ስእሊ/ምስሊ ንባዕልካ ቦታ ምሃብ የካዕብት እዩ ኢልኩም ትሃስቡ ዶ?

እወ እሓስብ ኣይ ኣይሓስብን እወ ግን ኩሉሻብ ኣይኮነን ኣድላዪ ኣይኮነን

17. ቴሌቪዥን እንትገዝኡ መገምገሚ ነጥብታትኩም እንታይ ነይሩ

ዘላቅነት መጠንን ብቅዓትን ዘመናዊ ዝኮነ ቴክኖሎጂ ምጥቃም ዋጋ


18. ነቶም ፍሉጣት ዝኮኑ በዓል ምልክት ቴሌቪዥን ብደረጃ ብቅዓቶም ካብ ሓደ ክሳብ ሓሙሽተ ክትዝርዝሩ
ትክእሉ’ ዶ?

1. _______________________________________ 4_______________________________________

2._______________________________________ 5________________________________________

3. ______________________________________

ግዚኦም ሰዊኦም ዝገበሩለይ ምትሕብባር ካብ ልቢ የመስግን !!


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