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June 2024

LOOKOUT LIVINGSTON Seventh-day Adventist Church,
1 Guthrie Lane, LIVINGSTON, MT 59047

By Cindy Buell

Since many people these days are

seeking easy ways to be healthy and
healthy lifestyle is really easy if
you can calculate a few principles
Inside This Issue
to stay healthy, feature articles in this and tools into your daily existence.
upcoming series will elaborate with a And it can be kind of fun when
little more detail on the NEWSTART done right, especially when you Feature Article 1
principles than are typically seen in feel better and drop pounds after
articles. Having been a nurse for
Happy Father’s Day 2
everyone else landed on a plateau
twenty-four years, I hope to bring you (the dieter’s swear word!), though Recipe 3
a few “inside” secrets from the this is not all about weight loss.
healthcare world to broaden your own Book Review 4
It really is simple mathematics:
“scope of practice” with newness and
confidence, so . . . here we go.
add this, subtract that, increase this June Special Events 5
and decrease that. Piece o’ cake
What a different health “outlook” we (figuratively speaking please, no Kid’s Page 7
face since the 2020 pandemic. Did cake allowed). Hold it, that’s not
anyone make a 2024 New Year’s true! You can still have your cake
Resolution in January? Did anyone and eat it too . . . if it’s done right.
happen to include weight loss,
As you know, NEWSTART was
healthier eating, starting an exercise consider walking just ten to fifteen
designed to teach skills for a fit
program, or the like? And how’s it minutes a day, four to five days
mind and body: Nutrition, Exer-
going? each week, along with drinking
cise, Water, Sunshine, Temper-
In my experience, we never seem to ance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God. eight glasses of water per day and
keep resolutions beyond January, keeping a log. You can drink other
It is based on biblical health liquids, but they don’t count as
especially when it comes to willpower
instructions because, after all, who water. Those are easy enough,
and healthy living. Every year many
better to write a “User’s Guide to right?
of us sing the same tune of good
Health” than He who made us?
intentions, but at some point, inten- I suggest you limit your changes
tions just don’t cut it. Each month, I will share practical this month to these – no more, no
tools and skills that represent the less, the key point this month is to
So . . . let’s rekindle that resolution.
appropriate letter in the acronym. begin a habit of beginning new
Are you ready? Let’s do it. Ready, get
Should you really want to develop habits ;-). And historically speak-
set … STOP! Hold it. This is crazy.
a new lifestyle but struggle with ing, lifestyle changes are only
We have to have a plan. What is this
the reality of it, this series is for effective in the absence of radical
going to take?
you. change, so this month let’s keep it
You may hate mathematics, but a simple.
Your health tip for June (should
your physician approve) is to *****
Page 2

Real Fathers . . .

 “When a father gives to his son, both laugh;

when a son gives to his father, both cry.”

 “A good father is one of the most unsung,

unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most
valuable assets in our society.” Billy Graham

 “Fathering is not something perfect men do,

but something that perfects the man.” Frank

 “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love May the Lord bless our
into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and Church-family Dad’s in a
singers of song.” Pam Brown Special way this year!

 “Every father should remember one day his

son will follow his example, not his advice.”
Charles Kettering

 “We don’t lose ourselves in parenthood. We

find parts of ourselves we never knew existed.”
L.R. Knost

“The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him,” Proverbs 23:24.

Quinoa Blast Salad Today’s Quote

1-1/2 cup frozen corn Never critique a
1 – 15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
1-1/2 cups cherry tomatoes diced person for their
1-2 Avocadoes, diced mistakes. It’s how
¼ cup red onion, diced
¼ bunch cilantro, chopped they fix them that
5 green onions, diced matters more.
1 orange, yellow, or red bell pepper, diced
1 clove garlic, minced

Optional: If using quinoa, measure 1 cup rinsed,

uncooked quinoa into 2 cups water or vegetable broth,
cook stove top 20 minutes, fluff and cool. Better yet,
use your Instant Pot as directed. Add to the salad an
amount that looks good to you.

2 Tbsp olive oil
¼ cup lime juice
¼ tsp salt (to taste)

Optional: ½ tsp chipotle chili powder, 1 tsp ground


No ingredients or measurements are written in stone.

Use recipe as is or add more of what you like, mix
together and enjoy.
Book Review

by Norma Youngberg

Kondima was a young adventurous child from

the jungles of Borneo until one day she had an
accident, an accident that would change the lives
of her village people forever.
The Tuan’s love spoke clearly of Jesus as he held
her close on his lap in spite of her disfigured
facial features, features others could not even
bear to look upon.
Would the God who loved children grant her
healing? Could doctors make her beautiful
again? Should her parents let her travel so very
far away? Would Gooloon interfere?
Learn about Kondima’s accident, her parent’s
dilemma, and the how Jesus’ love made all the
difference in the world.
Parental caution (and spoiler alert): As with all
missionary stories, we learn that life and its
insecurity is real in Satan’s battle for souls. In
chapter three, the witch doctor’s potion takes
the life of a baby - converting the parents. In
chapter twelve, a pig bites a small child. Overall,
the story is precious as God’s cleansing Spirit
touches the most stubborn hearts and brings a
profound change to the lives of His own in the
jungles of Borneo.

Page 5

The month of June – so what event do June 6, “National Gardening

you think of celebrating when you Exercise Day” will be appreciated
hear the word “June”? First thing that by some in our congregation I
comes to my mind is “wedding know, but I’m not totally sure
month.” Then my mind blocks out they’d be excited to celebrate
trauma! Oh, wait, no, I didn’t mean “World Pest Day,” but maybe . . .
that the way it sounded. I just meant depending on the connotation.
that I love weddings but prefer them June 8 is ”National Best Friend
to be planned and paid for by Day” as well as “National Upsy
someone other than me, so yeah, the Daisy Day (when one begins the
wedding month is great! ;-). day by choosing to be happy and
thankful). Yes, that would fit in
But there are a few other fun and less with National Best Friend Day
expensive things to celebrate in June. providing you are a good judge of
Check these out: character…
June 1 is “National Go Barefoot Day” “National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
which is not for me, but the National Day” would have to be one of my
Hazelnut Cake and Olive Day is more favorites - June 9th.
my style. Ahem, just to clarify, that’s
not cake and olive in the same June 11 seems a little early in the
creation. They just share the day. year for “National Corn on the Cob
Day,” but I don’t live in the
For “National Rocky Road Day,” I Midwest, however celebrating
suspect that means the culinary
“National German Chocolate Cake
delight, but sometimes, in some Day” is acceptable – if done
places, I wonder if the road crews according to the proper dietary
were a bit confused on June 2nd – at regimen ;-).
least one year. ;-)
Guys, it’s time to pay attention
June 3, “National Repeat Day” seems here. “Red Rose” day is June 12 –
like it should fall on Groundhogs Day, just saying ;-). But you may also
Friday, Feb 2, 2024, but I’m not really
enjoy “National Jerky Day,” and if
sure why ;-). Or . . . it could coincide you haven’t tried it, you all must
with May’s National Dementia week, give Sam’s Harvest Jerky a try.
of which I’d rather laugh than cry – His family, our personal friends,
though that’s coming down the pike a created and manufacture Butler’s
little too fast for me! Soy Curls, and Sam’s soy jerky is
June 4, “National Hug Your Cat Day” the best ever! Here’s a link:
seems crazy. I’d hug my cat every day
if I had one, but yes, a little special .html
recognition never hurt any feline. As for me, I’m sure I’d take a
June 5 is “National Gingerbread “National Peanut Butter Cookie
Day,” but be sure and enjoy that Day” celebration even over the
“National Veggie Burger Day” before German Chocolate Cake Day
launching into the spicy ginger while I forego the Jerky and Rose
dessert. Day parties, but alas my . . . (cont)
June – Continued Page 6

. . . intended principles suggest only one splurge a month. I am

now back to celebrating Sam’s Jerky Day – it’s actually quite
healthy. I have a few spare crumbs if you’d like a sample. Just let
me know.
I find it interesting that “World Meat Free Day” falls on June
THIRTEEN – hmmmm. OK, well, here is a link on how to
celebrate that day. Did you know that the societies with the best
bone health eat virtually no additional protein beyond what’s in
their grains and veggies? I believe that’s less than 20 grams of
protein per day? Yep, our protein intake impacts osteoporosis in
a big way! Did I say that out loud?
June 14, “Flag Day,” “National Strawberry Shortcake Day,” and
“World Blood Donor Day” sound All-American to me. I am
honored to celebrate this day, for sure.
Too bad “International Picnic Day” falls on June 18 instead of
June 17 with “Eat all Your Veggies day” and “National Apple
Strudel Day.” Since it doesn’t, we’ll have to settle with enjoying
“National Cherry Tart Day” on our picnic the 18th.
I would really enjoy “National Go Fishing Day” were it not on
the same day as “International Sushi Day.” I took microbiology
in college. Those two just don’t go together in my understanding,
nor that of my instructor.

Ooooh, June 20 is “National Ice Cream Soda Day.” That’s really

a vintage kind of treat, but I love one made just right – again,
only rarely. However, June 20 prompts me to contribute more
frequently to refugees in honor of “World Refuge Day.” We are
so blessed that we might ALL consider taking notice of this day. Well, this ends my long June party
We’ve contributed before, but last year Dan found an 18K gold
triple diamond ring in Yellowstone that no one claimed. Those list. Above all, I pray you each will
proceeds covered two years of tuition, room and board for a have good health, enjoy the mild
refugee student in Africa at $600 a year or $50 a month. By beginnings of summer, and be
supporting them one additional year beyond high school, the blessed abundantly this month by our
academy educates them into an entrepreneurship that will support Gracious Father in heaven, Who is…
themselves and their refugee families. Click here to check out
how this Adventist school is helping African genocide refugees. ~ The Best of the Best Dads Ever~
What a blessing to be involved in changing lives!
I can’t wait until we can all hang out
together with Him forever.
We certainly can’t skip by June 26, “National Beautician’s Day,”
as these gifted persons are much appreciated by all of us. Thank
“National Onion, Orange Blossom, and Pineapple Day” on June
27 are all healthy celebrations – and just before “National
Tapioca Day” on June 28. Seems a healthy mix of these wouldn’t
be too bad a thing. OK, maybe not the onion. ;-)
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