My Immmortal Song Lyrics

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Listen to a song.

My immortal Evanescence

Complete the following text.
I'm ____ ________ of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you _______ ______ leave
I ________ ________ you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it _______ leave me alone
These _____________ (nudwos) won't seem to _________ (hlea) , this _________ (pina)
is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

Match the beginning and the end of the phrases.

1. When you cried,
2. When you'd scream,
3. And I held your hand
4. But you still have
a . through all of these years
b. I'd wipe away all of your tears
c. I'd fight away all of your fears
d. all of me

5. You used to captivate me

6. Now, I'm bound by
7. Your face it haunts
8. Your voice it chased away
a. all the sanity in me
b. the life you left behind
c. by your resonating light
d. my once pleasant dreams
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
And you still have all of me
1. The singer is sad about:
a. not achieving something
b. somebody’s death
c. fighting with somebody
2. The singer says that:
a. she used to cry a lot
b. the person who is missing used to cry a lot
c. the person who is missing made her cry a lot
3. The singer:
a. believes time can cure her pain
b. believes time and love can cure her pain
c. believes her pain can’t be stopped
4. Cross out the one that’s not an adjective.
linger pleasant resonating real
5. Cross out the one that’s not a preposition.
away of still behind by

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