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Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

Baron of Geidi Prime, Head of House Harkonnen

You are one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the Imperium. You have the ear of the Emperor, and
your House is ascendant. For eighty years, your family has held the Fief of Arrakis, and you have wrung every
possible solari from its sands, but you have never cared about power or influence for their own sake—until now.
Since you were very young, it has always been about pleasure. You were a seeker after sensation, a hunter for
the experiences that others shy from. Sex, drugs, pain, brain-electrolysis, and other acts that would shock,
nauseate or kill lesser men—you threw yourself into them gladly, hungry for the experience. As a result of your
taste for certain rich foods, you have gained a little fat, but gravitic suspensors keep your bones from collapsing
under the weight of your body.

Now you’ve found what you like. Power, the subtle manipulation of worlds and people,
excites you. You take pleasure in watching your prey walk unknowingly into your cunning
traps. The one important thing in your life, apart from satisfying yourself, is your House, and
you have worked so very hard to bring it to its current status as the richest and most powerful
House in the Empire.

You have crushed many rivals over the years—and some do not even know they have been
crushed. Your most hated foe is Duke Leto of House Atriedes, curse the handsome, sexy
devil. He is popular among the other nobles of the Landsraad. Your other major rival is Yares
Grumman, an unstable and violent man. Both of them are walking into your trap.

Did they really think you would give up Arrakis? You have ground the people of Arrakis into
the sand to make a profit, and the world is heading for rebellion. You will therefore give up
the fief. Grumman will overextend himself trying to win the votes of the Council and give up
too much. Meanwhile, you will arrange for Leto to win. If the Atreides get Arrakis, their
Landsraad support will evaporate in a blast of jealousy. Then, after Leto ruins himself making
the people of Arrakis happy and content (bleeding-heart believer in noblesse oblige that he is)
you will use your vast wealth to crush him and retake Arrakis. Is it not simple? Is it not

Your Entourage

Piter De Vries: Your personal mentat. He is a twisted mentat, a killer made by the Tleilaxu.
He is very dangerous, very useful. You have his leash, though—he is a spice addict, and he
needs you to provide him with a steady supply. Once the Atriedes have lost their supporters,
you will sweep them from Arrakis, and put De Vries or Rabban in charge. They will enrage
the population—until your beloved nephew, Feyd-Ruatha, takes over as their Messiah…
Rabban Harkonnen: Your idiot cousin. He has your taste for pleasure but lacks your wit and
finesse. He is a brute and a glutton… and an excellent distraction.
Views of the Houses

Atriedes: Your rivals, your poor trapped pets. Watch them struggle…
Grumman: A House of uncivilised warrior barbarians from the Rim. Grumman will insult and blunder his way
into defeat.
Ordos: Twisted and sickly inbreds. Bah!
Daikita: Interesting… a minor House, but rising fast, guided by a very skilled person.

House Harkonnen
The Harkonnen began as a minor House, and their early years were difficult. Allegations of cowardice at the
Battle of Corrino dogged the family for generations. It was only by adopting an attitude of supremely flexible
morals and a ruthless dedication to profit and power that the Harkonnen were able to thrive.

With their willingness to get the job done, the Harkonnen became the favourites of Emperors
willing to turn a blind eye when the Harkonnen pacified troublesome worlds. The family was
awarded the fief of Geidi Prime, a rich and pleasant world, in perpetuity. They maintained
their role as the Emperor’s whips when they were given the world of Arrakis in demi-fief,
and were given broad license to deal with the troublesome natives, the Fremen.

The unexpected discovery of spice catapulted the Harkonnen into the uppermost echelons of
power and wealth. House Harkonnen is now by far the wealthiest House, and wields
commensurate influence in court. They are still seen as somewhat uncouth and even
unpleasant by older families, but the Harkonnen coffers are far deeper than any others.

The Harkonnen have a massive fighting force, but it is poorly motivated and trained.
Traditionally, the Harkonnen employ mercenaries for the more difficult battles.

Resources: 8
Influence: 8
Military: 6
Money: 10

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