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] ‫قنــــــوات تلجرام [ مـــادة تعلم االلة‬

Sensors : They provide knowledge of real time information on the task environment [Lecture 2 ]
Actuators : They convert energy into movement [Lecture 2 ]
Components of a Robot : Power Supply , Actuators - Electric motors (AC/DC) , Pneumatic Air
Muscles , Muscle Wires , Piezo Motors and Ultrasonic Motors and Sensors [Lecture 2 ]
Resistance : is measured in Ohm (Ω) , resistance can be found using Ohms Law { V = 𝑅𝐼 } [Lecture 2 ]
You can use a Multimeter to measure current, voltage, resistance [Lecture 2 ]
Resistor Color Codes :

Resistors in Parallel : When we have resistors in parallel, the total resistance is always less than the
smallest resistors but in Resistors in Series When we have resistors in series, the sum of the sub-
voltages is equal to the voltage of the voltage source [Lecture 2 ]

must never connect positive and negative side to a power source without having an electrical
component in between . . If you do, it is called a short circuit [Lecture 2 ]

Agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting
upon that environment through actuators [Lecture 1 ]
The agent function maps from percept histories to actions { f : P* → A } , agent program runs on
the physical architecture to produce f → Agent = Architecture + Program [Lecture 1 ]

Intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its
chances of success , Benefit : React to the environment – sensing , Adapt to the current conditions ,
Make decision and new goals [Lecture 1 ]

Robotics is defined as the science of designing and building Robots which are suitable for real life
application in automated manufacturing and other non-manufacturing environments OR branch of
technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as
computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing OR are the artificial
agents acting in real world environment [Lecture 1 ]

Robot is a unit that implements this interaction with the physical world based on sensors, actuators,
and information processing OR an autonomous system which exists in the physical world, can sense its
environment, and can act on it to achieve some goals [Lecture 1 ]
Robots can be categorized into two main groups [ static (industrial robot or manipulator) OR mobile ]
, So Stationary robots – defined (limited) working space and Mobile robots – it can move, and
therefore, it is necessary to address the problem of navigation [Lecture 1 ]
Conventional robots needs separated and human inaccessible working space But Cooperating
robots share the working space with humans [Lecture 1 ]
Mobile Robots : regarding the environment : ground, underground, aerial, surface, and underwater
vehicles OR Based on the locomotion: wheeled, tracked, legged, modular [Lecture 1 ]
Type of Robots and usage : industrial robots , household robots ( autonomous ) , Medical robots ( are
controlled by teleoperation system ) , service robots [Lecture 1 ]

Components of AI Robot : physical body in the physical world , sensors and it can sense/perceive its
environment , effectors and actuators , controller which allows it to be autonomous [Lecture 1 ]

Software agent is not a robot ( ✓ ) [Lecture 1 ]

Embodiment of the robots : embodiment of the robot are kinematic chain and consist of links and
joints , there are type of joints like revolute , prismatic , spherical and universal joints [Lecture 1 ]
Sensing allows the robot to know its state , State can be fully observable, partially observable, or
unobservable or can be discrete (e.g., on/off, up/down, colors) or continuous (velocity) [Lecture 1 ]
State space consists of all possible states in which the system can be External state (state of the
world as the robot can sense it) and Internal state (state of the robot as the robot can perceive it) [Lecture 1 ]
Effectors and actuators provide two main types of activities : Locomotion (refers how the robot
body moves from one location to another location) Manipulation (handling objects ) [Lecture 1 ]
Controller : controls the motions of the actuator and coordinates these motions with the sensory
feedback information and receives data from the computer [Lecture 1 ]
Characteristics of Robots : like Sensing , Movement and Intelligence [Lecture 1 ]
General Applications Of Robots : like Machine loading , Search and rescue , Military , Transport ,
Entertainment , Exploration , Medical arena and etc. [Lecture 1 ]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots :
 Robots increase productivity, safety, efficiency, quality, and consistency of products.
 Robots can work in hazardous environments
 Robots need no environmental comfort.
 Robots work continuously without experiencing fatigue of problem
 Robots have repeatable precision at all times.
 Robots can be much more accurate than human
 Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously , AND Disadvantages are ..
 Robots replace human workers creating economic problems
 Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies
 Robots, although superior in certain senses, have limited capabilities in Degree of freedom, Dexterity,
Sensors, Vision system real time response system, real time response
 Robots are costly, due to Initial cost of equipment, Installation costs, Need for Peripherals, Need for
training, Need for programming
Difference in Robot System and Other AI Program :

AI Programs Robots
They usually operate in computer-stimulated worlds They operate in real physical world
The input to an AI program is in symbols and rules Inputs to robots is analog signal in the form of speech
waveform or images

They need general purpose computers to operate on They need special hardware with sensors and effectors

Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller :

Parameter Microprocessor Microcontroller

Definition Microprocessors can be understood as the Microcontrollers can be understood as the heart
heart of a computer system of an embedded system
What is it? A microprocessor is a processor where the A microcontroller is a controlling device wherein
memory and I/O component are connected the memory and I/O output component are
externally present internally

Circuit complexity The circuit is complex due to external Microcontrollers are present on chip memory.
connection The circuit is less complex
Memory and I/O The memory and I/O components are to be The memory and I/O components are available
components connected externally
Compact system Microprocessors can’t be used in compact Microcontrollers can be used with a compact
compatibility system. system
Efficiency Microprocessors are not efficient Microcontrollers are efficient
Zero status flag Microprocessors have a zero status flag Microcontroller doesn’t have a zero status flag
Number of registers Microprocessors have less number of registers Microcontrollers have more number of registers
Applications Microprocessors are generally used in personal Microcontrollers are generally used in washing
computers machines, and air conditioners

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