V7qnbt1yedq5 LAB 27.1

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© Copyright The Linux Foundation 2023: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE

27.8. LABS 1

Exercise 27.1: Configure and enable a stratum 3 NTP server. Connect your server
to the NTP pool as a client

V 2023-06-30 © Copyright The Linux Foundation 2023 All rights reserved.

© Copyright The Linux Foundation 2023: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE

Solution 27.1
1. Ensure the NTP daemon is installed using your favorite installer:

# yum install ntp

# zypper install ntp
# apt install ntp

2. Configure the NTP server to query the NTP pool and allow for anonymous traffic.
Edit /etc/ntp.conf and change the server X.X.X.X lines to match these:

server 0.pool.ntp.org
server 1.pool.ntp.org
server 2.pool.ntp.org
server 3.pool.ntp.org

3. Restart ntp server with the appropriate command:

# systemctl restart ntpd
# systemctl restart ntp

4. Query your new timeserver:

$ ntpq -p

Please Note
You may have to wait a few minutes for the timeservers to sync prior to getting any output.

V 2023-06-30 © Copyright The Linux Foundation 2023 All rights reserved.

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