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Curriculum Vitae
Ing. Adrián Eduardo Soto, MSc



Adrián Soto
Villas del Sur, Av. 36, calle 130A, Sector Sierra Maestra
Maracaibo, Estado Zulia. Venezuela
(+58) 414 612 9923 / (+58) 412 682 9923


[Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela]

[Maracaibo, April 24, 2024]

Professional Area
Production methods and artificial lift systems Petroleum Engineer / Magister Scientiarum in
Petroleum Engineering. Specialty: Hydrocarbon Production System Optimization. Postgraduate
Engineering Scholarship Holder - UPP LUZ-Chevron Agreement.


My name is ADRIAN EDUARDO SOTO ZAMBRANO and I am currently working on my [Software

Development called ACISLA / The University of Zulia - Faculty of Engineering. University Professor
in Undergraduate and Postgraduate training at the Faculty of Engineering of LUZ]. Petroleum
Engineer and Magister Scientiarum in Petroleum Engineering graduated from the University of
Zulia, specializing in hydrocarbon production, Artificial Lift Specialist highly motivated with 15 years
of experience in the Venezuelan oil industry, in the area of artificial lift and optimization of
production methods. Designer, developer and programmer of Integrated Computational
Application of Artificial Lift Systems. "ACISLA" (Prototype version), who likes to develop challenging
projects working in high performance multidisciplinary teams where my knowledge and skills can
add value to the team. Experiencia exitosa en la detección de oportunidades para maximizar la
producción de petróleo, minimizando los costes operativos basados en la vigilancia de pozos y
campos, el modelado integrado de activos y el aseguramiento del flujo. Optimización, resolución de
problemas, análisis de causa raíz de fallos, fiabilidad para GL, ESP, SRP, PCP.

Performed large technological projects within schedule and budget and in line with business
strategy. Dealt with many different types of reservoirs, such as: Deep, Shallow, High and Low
Pressure, Light and Heavy Oil in the Western Basin and Lake Maracaibo - Venezuela.

Through this letter, I would like to express my interest in a future job offer in my area of expertise,
as it corresponds perfectly to the previous missions I have carried out and the sector in which I
would like to continue to evolve.

I would also like to mention that, thanks to my experiences and personal projects, I have been
able to acquire certain skills that I would like to put at your disposal today:
Core competencies:
• Artificial lift.
• Multi-criteria analysis.
• Production optimization.
• Multidisciplinary studies - Numerical methods and well simulation.

Artificial Lift experience:

• Continuous Gas Lift.
• Submersible Electric Pump.
• Progressive Cavity Pump.
• Sucker Rod Pump.
• Production Systems Simulation/Nodal Analysis.
and basic programming concepts with Python.
• Design, diagnostics, performance analysis and production optimization.
• Management and understanding of multiphase flow correlations in risers.
• Handling and understanding of PVT numerical correlations.

I hope that my profile can be useful to be able to perform the analyzed position and have the
opportunity to discuss more about the company and its objectives.

Best regards,

Ing. Adrián Eduardo Soto, MSc.

Magister Scientiarum in Petroleum Engineering.
Petroleum Engineer.


Petroleum engineer with more than 15 years of Techniques:
experience in artificial lift methods, Excel, Word, PowerPoint,
optimization, production, well construction Microsoft Production Simulators
and project management. I have a Master's
degree in Petroleum Engineering, specializing
in Hydrocarbon Production and Artificial Lift VBA Multicriteria Methods
from the University of Zulia as a Chevron
Python Mathematical correlations
Scholar; culminating with 18.42/20 pts. I am
looking to leverage my experience in
Personal: Leadership, proactivity, teamwork, responsibility, punctuality.
production optimization and artificial lift
methods in oilfields and my expertise in the
development of computational applications. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Sep. 2008 – abr. 2016
PDVSA Western Operating Schemes - Consulting Engineer/Production
Tamare, Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela
• Support, within the framework of the proactive practice of the integral
+58 414 612 9923 analysis and diagnosis of the system: Reservoir - Well - Surface.
• Identify, design and recommend solutions portfolio of proposals or
opportunities. • Increase production in wells, through the study, optimization and
implementation of nodal analysis.
Abr. 2016 – ago. 2018
Maracaibo, Venezuela PDVSA UP Lagomedio – Engineer/Production Optimization
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Monitoring, control and optimization of gas lift wells, supervision of operations
EDUCATION in facilities such as gas compressor plants, flow stations, gas injection rate
adjustments in injection manifolds.
Ago. 2018 – ago. 2019
Year: 2007 Petroleum Engineer
KENTODAL - Engineer/Production Optimization
Maracaibo- La Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Supervision and follow-up of optimization activities to wells with Lev. Artificial
wells through technical proposals. Monthly/annual operational plans.
Year: 2022 Magister Scientiarum in Accountability. Elaboration of technical specifications. Volumetric formulation,
Maracaibo- Petroleum Engineering in order to optimize the production of production methods.
Venezuela La Universidad del Zulia Ago. 2019 – Actuality
WordAacademicas-ACISLA - Undergraduate and graduate thesis advisor in the
areas of production and artificial lift/Developer of my own optimization and
LANGUAGES nodal analysis software for oil wells.
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Oct. 2023 – Actuality
La Universidad Del Zulia - Faculty of Engineering-Professor in Undergraduate
Training in the subject of Surface Facility and Postgraduate Professor as
English independent professional in the subject of Production I.
Feb. 2024 – Actuality
Imetame Energía LTDA – Consultant in artificial lift and production optimization.
Oil company located in Aracruz Brazil. Remote mode.
Technical work performed in the Western Exploitation Schemes management PDVSA

During this period, we carried out 3 completed Rippet projects and 2 technical publications for the
SPE. Below we summarize the results and contributions for the area of production methods and
optimization of artificial lift systems, attaching the supports of such documentation.


The objective of this project was to carry out tests in 2 wells of Tia Juana Lago, with the purpose of
optimizing the supply based on the available energy of the producing sands of these 2 wells,
resulting in the determination of the energy restoration time that allowed to increase the
production of the 2 wells evaluated by optimizing the bottom and surface parameters.

This project was carried out in a well in Tia Juana Tierra associated with multiple problems at the
subsurface and surface level, resulting in a high deferred production of the well, the objective was
based on controlling the parameters of the surface unit through intelligent equipment with very
satisfactory results that generated an invitation from a university to present the results at a
technical congress.


This project was carried out in a well in peripheral areas of the Tia Juana Tierra field, the objective
was to replace the surface unit (rocker arm) by a long stroke linear unit after simulations where the
well-studied had the potential to increase its production due to its operating parameters and
contribution supported by the monitoring of its inflow curves in a selected period resulting in an
increase of more than 26% in production and reducing operational problems due to its high viscosity
of crude generating significant savings in well intervention works.

The pilot test was carried out in well LSE-2778 in the Tia Juana Tierra district of the Eastern Lake
Coast Division, where the equipment model: 10-10-20E (stroke 120 inches, maximum load 10,000
Lbs and power of 20 HP) was installed. The results showed that the LLS-WHM surface unit exceeded
expectations, solving the problem of high friction sprocket-fluid friction, reduced production
deferral and well intervention costs, obtaining an additional 26% of production.


La metodología propuesta en este trabajo fue de interés motivado a la cantidad de bombas de
subsuelo sometidas a estos problemas operacionales, el objetivo se basó en estandarizar
procedimientos conllevando así a ahorros significativos para la corporación.
The current scope of the software in its first version (PROTOTIPO), as a computational tool directed
to the area of Production Methods and artificial lift for the oil industry, allows making nodal analysis
calculations by means of empirical correlations for multiphase flow in vertical wells; including the
flow line, as well as the 9 existing correlations for the calculation of bubble pressure when the static
pressure is unknown; thus, making a nodal analysis of the entire system. Also, through the ACISLA
tool it is possible to obtain the rate at which the well must produce after defining the supply and
demand (Inflow Performance Relationship "IPR" and Vertical Lift Performance "VLP"). In addition to
incorporating Artificial Lift by electro submersible pumping (BES and SIBI "Injection System by
Inverted BES). The development incorporated for the calculation of the dynamic pressure gradient,
an empirical method to date: (Hagedorn & Brown and later Orkiszweski). The ACISLA computational
tool is easy to use and is designed in such a way that allows the incorporation of other modules
containing procedures such as the inclusion of LAG, Mechanical Pumping and BCP, which can make
it an increasingly robust tool without ceasing to be versatile, with the purpose of using it according
to the requirements of both the contribution of barrels in tank and provide induction of
management and understanding of the tool to new engineers providing an added value in the
theoretical projection - technique in the area of numerical simulations in production methods. In
conclusion, the development of the computational algorithm for the nodal analysis of the
multiphase flow in vertical pipe was performed by implementing a network of codes and
mathematical models in Microsoft Excel in its VBA 2019 programming environment and validated
using a commercial software PIPESIM 2009, as a sample of the accuracy and guarantee of the
criteria taken into account during the computational development of the ACISLA program. This
implementation is very important because it allows to predict the energy losses of vertical fluid flow
in pipes considering all the variables involved and allowing to perform numerical sensitivities to
facilitate the analysis of the dynamic pressure gradient curve and VLP with 5 sensitivities as a
function of the Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR), for the integral nodal analysis of all the modules of the tool. By
understanding flow dynamics and pressure drops within the wellbore and production system, users
can make sound decisions to improve production rates and maximize opportunities to optimize the
artificial lift system. Some key aspects of nodal analysis for oil wells using ACISLA.
Flow modeling: Nodal analysis begins with the creation of a flow model that represents the
production system. This model includes several components, such as the reservoir, wellbore,
production tubing, chokes and surface parameters. By defining geometries, fluid properties and
transport friction factors, users can simulate fluid flow behavior and predict expected production
rates and pressure profiles.

Nodal points and nodal analysis: Nodal analysis is based on the concept of nodal points, which are
locations within the production system where flow and pressure quantities are calculated and
analyzed. These nodal points can be identified at critical locations such as the reservoir interface,
wellbore drainage area, chokes and other flow restriction points. By analyzing flow rates and
pressures at these nodal points, users can evaluate the impact of different factors on overall well

Pressure drops and flow restrictions: One of the main objectives of nodal analysis is to identify
pressure drops and flow restrictions within the production system. Pressure drops may be due to
friction along the production tubing (Moody correlation), fluid acceleration or restrictions caused
by chokes or other equipment. By quantifying and analyzing these pressure drops, users can
pinpoint areas where they should focus optimization efforts, such as removing restrictions or
optimizing chokes to increase flow rates.

Sensitivity analysis and optimization: Nodal analysis allows sensitivity analysis, which involves
studying the impact of various parameters on the performance of the production system. Users can
vary parameters such as choke size, tubing diameter and production flow rates expressed in gas-oil
ratio to understand how these changes affect production flow rates, pressure profiles and other
key parameters. This helps identify optimization opportunities and determine the most effective
strategies to maximize production and profitability of the 4 artificial lift systems contained in the
Artificial Lift Systems Integrated Computing Application (ACISLA) modules.
Professional background profile

Faculty research projects and dates:

• Current ongoing development of ACISLA "Integrated Computational Application of
Artificial Lift Systems" as a computational option for optimization and nodal analysis of oil
producing wells. Computational tool directed to the area of Production Methods and
artificial lift for the oil industry, allows making nodal analysis calculations by means of
empirical correlations for multiphase flow in vertical wells; including the flow line, also
consists of the 9 existing correlations for the calculation of the saturation pressure when
the static pressure is unknown; thus, making a nodal analysis of the entire system (February
2021 - present).
• Linear lifting system (LLS-WHM), as a surface unit for mechanical pumping, well LSE-2778
Tía Juana Tierra. This project was carried out in a well in peripheral areas of the Tia Juana
Tierra field, the objective was to replace the surface unit (rocker arm) by a long stroke
linear unit after simulations where the studied well had the potential to increase its
production due to its operation and contribution parameters based on the monitoring of
its inflow curves in a selected period resulting in an increase of more than 26% in its
production and reducing operational problems due to its high viscosity of crude generating
significant savings in well intervention works (year 2013).
• Application of intelligent drives for wells with artificial lift systems by conventional
mechanical pumping. This project was carried out in a well of Tia Juana Tierra associated
with multiple problems at subsoil and surface level, resulting in a high deferred production
of the well, the objective was based on controlling the parameters of the surface unit
through an intelligent equipment with very satisfactory results that generated an invitation
from a university to present the results at a technical congress (year 2011).
• Intelligent controllers for rocker arms. The objective of this project was to carry out tests
in 2 wells of Tia Juana Lago, with the purpose of optimizing the supply based on the
available energy of the producing sands of these 2 wells, resulting in the determination of
the energy restoration time that allowed to increase the production of the 2 wells
evaluated by optimizing the bottom and surface parameters (year 2010).

Dated publications:
• Methodology for retrieving sandblasted and stuck subsurface mechanical pumps from
production pipelines. SPE-WVS-683. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 3rd
South American Oil and Gas Congress SPE WVPS 2015, held in Maracaibo, Zulia State,
Venezuela, October 27-30, 2015.
• Application of the "Linear lift system - Well Head Mounted (LLS-WHM)" surface unit in
mechanically pumped wells with high friction (scaffold-fluid) problems. SPE-WVS-241. This
paper was prepared for presentation at the II South American Oil and Gas Congress SPE
WVPS 2013, held in Porlamar, Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela, October 22-25, 2013.

Papers with their date:

• ACISLA: A computational option for the optimization of oil producing wells. Technical
presentation organized by the I.U.P Santiago Mariño SPE Student Chapter, held in
Maracaibo - Edo. Zulia on January 24, 2024.
• Methodology to recover sandblasted and stuck subsoil mechanical pumps in production
pipelines. Paper presented at the 3rd South American Oil and Gas Congress, held at the
Palacio de Events in the city of Maracaibo - Edo Zulia, October 27-30, 2015.
• Application of the surface unit "Linear lift system - Well Head Mounted (LLS-WHM)" in
mechanical pumping wells with high friction problems (sling-fluid). Paper presented at the
2nd South American Oil and Gas Congress, held at the Venetur Hotel in the city of Margarita
- Edo Nueva Esparta from October 22 to 25, 2013.
• Application of intelligent drives for wells with artificial lift systems. Paper presented at the
1st Congress of Petroleum Technologies, held in the city of Cabimas - Edo Zulia from May
25 to 27, 2011.

Attendance to national events with their date:

• Currently I have been selected for the nationwide event called VAPAlinks 2024 as a Mentor,
which consists of a virtual mentoring program designed to support Venezuelan students in
achieving their career goals in the energy industry. Aimed at students of Geology,
Geophysics, Geodesy, Geochemistry or Petroleum Engineering from all universities in the
country in their final year of undergraduate studies, with the objective of enhancing their
acquired technical knowledge, generating competitive professionals in the oil and gas
industry, from April 3 to June 7, 2024.
• New technologies in flow control and sand control. PDVSA-Schlumberger. 2008.
• Nodal analysis with PIPESIM. PDVSA. 2008.
• Mathematical modeling workshop. PDVSA. 2009.
• Electro submersible pumping. PDVSA. 2009.
• Water control workshop. PDVSA. 2009.
• Analysis and diagnosis of gas lift wells. ESP-OIL. 2010.
• Basic-regular English. PDVSA. 2009.
• LOWIS Suite basic training module Mechanical Pumping. Weatherford. 2010.
• Directional Drilling. ESP-OIL. 2010.
• Project Management. PDVSA. 2011.
• Cementing of oil wells. PDVSA. 2011.
• Regular English level I. PDVSA. 2011.
• Project Planning with Project. CEDCEM. 2001.
• 1st Petroleum Technologies Congress (SPEAKER). Application of intelligent drives for wells
with artificial lift system. 2011.
• I National Technological Meeting on Sand Control and Management. PDVSA. 2012.
• Risk and uncertainty analysis with Crystal Ball. Petro Consult. 2012.
• Rheology, hydraulics and drill bits. SERCONETT C, A. 2013.
• WELLCAT R5000. HALLIBURTON-Landmark Learning. 2013.
• Introduction to CMG programs. Computer Modelling Group LTD. 2013.
• II South American Oil and Gas Congress (SPEAKER - SPE Publication). 2013.
• Thermal oil recovery, Advanced level. INNOVA. 2013.
• Introduction to well drilling. PDVSA. 2014.
• Project management oriented to VCD methodology. FAEMP Strategies. 2014.
• Simulation of chemical injection using STARS. Computer Modelling G. LTD. 2014.
• Geostatistics. FAEMP Strategies. 2014.
• Artificial lift by intermittent gas. PDVSA. 2014.
• Drilling fluids and well rehabilitation. SERCONETT C, A. 2014.
• Exploration and reservoir geology. PDVSA-INTEVEP. 2015.
• III South American Oil and Gas Congress (SPEAKER - Publication in the SPE). 2015.
• Basic Wellflo. PDVSA. 2016.

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