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INSTRUCTION: Attempt all questions in this section


1. Jesus was born when _____ was King of Judea (a) Herod the Great (b) King Ahaz (c) King Rezin (d)
King Pekah
2. God coming down in form of man is called _____ (a) Justification (b) circumcision (c)incarnation (d)
3. According to the prophet, the kingdom of Jesus will _____ (a) come back (b) not come to an end (c)
show the power of God (d) come to an end
4. The wise men that visited Jesus during his birth were also called _____ (a) Majji (b) Maji (c)Magi (d)
5. The prophet that announced the birth of Jesus was _____ (a) Amos (b) Isaiah (c)Elijah (d) Simon
6. Emmanuel means _____ (a) Peace of God (b) My beloved son (c)God with us (d) come with us
7. Jesus was wrapped in _____ and laid in _____ (a) Swaddling clothes, Manager (b) manager, swaddling
clothes (c)swaddling clothes, manger (d) manger, swaddling clothes
8. Who was the High Priest that God told that he will not see death until Jesus is born? (a) Joseph (b)
Zachariah (c) Simon (d) Samuel
9. Jesus travelled with his Parent for annual festival in (a) Jerusalem (b) Samaria (c) Bethlehem (d)
10. John agreed to baptize Jesus because _____ (a) Jesus needs cleansing (b) He was superior to Jesus (c)
Jesus had committed a secret sin (d) the scripture has to be fulfilled
11. _____ appeared to Mary about the birth of Christ (a) Angel Michael (b) Angel Gabriel (c) Angel Urel
(d) God
12. Jesus was born at the time of (a) Caesar Augustus (b) Caesar Nero (c) King Ahaz (d) King Pekah
13. Jesus was born in the (a) Manger (b) Menager (c) Manager (d) Mengar
14. The wise men live in the _____ part when the star appeared to them (a) Eastern (b) Northern
(c) Southern (d) Western
15. The wise men gave Jesus gift of (a) Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (b) Gold, Silver and Bronze
(c) Gold, Frankincense and Silver (d) Silver, Gold and Bronze
16. Joseph was a descendant of _____ (a) Isaiah (b) Jude (c)David (d) Joshua
17. Jesus attended the _____ school (a) Temple (b) Jerusalem (c)Synagogue (d) Nazareth
18. The Angel appeared to Joseph and Mary to take the baby to (a) Egypt (b) Nigeria (c) Jerusalem
(d) Judea
19. Mary was engaged to be married to _____ (a) John (b) Joshua (c)Joseph (d) David
20. Jesus was born in _____ (a) Nazareth (b) Bethlehem (c) Judah (d) Egypt
21. The Father and Mother of John the Baptist were _____ (a) Elizabeth and Joseph (b) Zachariah and
Elizabeth (c) Mary and Zachariah (d) Mary and Joseph
22. Jesus listened and ask questions in the (a) house (b) Temple (c) desert (d) wilderness
23. Jesus was a son of a _____ (a) Shepherd (b) Tailor (c) Carpenter (d) Bricklayer
24. The name of Jesus’s brother are (a) John, James and Judas (b) Judas, Simon and James (c) Peter,
James, John (d) Mathew, Peter and John
25. Jesus accompanied his parents to annual Passover festival (A) True (b) False
26. Jesus disobeyed his parent (a) True (b) False
27. The Forerunner of Jesus is (a) Peter (b) Joseph (c) John the Baptist (d) Paul
28. Jesus graduated from the synagogue at the age of _____ (a) Thirteen (b) Twelve (c)Eleven (d) Ten
29. Joseph was a _____ (a) Shepherd (b) Carpenter (c)Gardener (d) Shoemaker
30. Jesus was baptized at River (a) Jerusalem (b) Jordan (c) Bethlehem (d)Nile
31. The prophetess that was in the temple during the birth of Jesus was _____ (a) Hannah (b) Mary
(c)Deborah (d) Anna
32. Mary was NOT a virgin (a) false (b) True (c) maybe (d) all of the above
33. The TRUE family of Jesus are _____ (a) Those that are with him (b) those who are is brothers and
mother (c)Those that do the will of God (d) those who bears his name
34. As Jesus was coming from the water, the heaven was_____ (a) opened (b) Speaking (c) Closed (d)
35. Complete this statement “ Then a voice said from heaven This is my beloved son_______” (a) In
whom I am well pleased (b) In whom I am fined (c) In whom is my son (d) In whom I am satisfied and
hunger for
36. John was preaching in the _____ (a) wilderness (b) synagogue (c) bush (d) forest
37. Jesus was tempted _____ times (a) five (b) four (c) three (d) four
38. The devil knew too well that Jesus was hungry during his temptation (a) True (b) False
39. Ben Torah means _____ (a) Son of man (b) Son of law (c)Son (d) Son of God
40. Jesus came from_____ to be baptized (a) Galilee (b) Nazareth (c) Jordan (d) Jericho
41. Jesus fasted for _____ days and night (a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 20 (d) 10
42. Jesus replied that he should get away because the scriptures said “that every body should worship
(a) Devil (b) Ghost (c) God (d) Deity
43. The angel appeared to Joseph in a _____ and told him not to put away Mary (a) dream (b) manger
(c) house (d) farm
44. _____ will baptize with Holy Spirit and fire (a) Jesus Christ (b) John the Baptist (c) Apostle Paul (d)
Prophet Isaiah
45. Who appeared to the shepherds at the night a child was born _____ (a) a prophet (b) God (c) an
angel (d) a star
46. Joseph wanted to divorce Mary secretly because _____ (a) she was too beautiful to be disgraced (b)
he will be ridiculed (c)He had no evidence (d) he loved her
47. How many wise men went to visit Jesus during his birth _____ (a) one (b) two (c) three (d) none of
the above
48. Why was Jesus not given birth to at the in? (a) the owner was wicked (b) it was too costly (c) It was
full (d) the doctors were absent
49. What led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted? (A) Sin (B) Holy Spirit (C) Serpent (D) Devil
50. Who made a decree that census should be conducted throughout the world during the birth of Jesus?
_____ (a) Pilate (b) Caesar Augustus (c) Herod the Great (d) Pharaoh

INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions

1. (a) What is annunciation?

(b) Mention the significances of the gifts presented to Jesus during His birth
2. (a) What is Temptation?
(b) Narrate the temptation of Jesus Christ
(c) Mention three significances of the temptation of Jesus
3. (a) Who is a Forerunner?
(b) Mention five characteristics of the true families of Jesus

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