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INSTRUCTION: Attempt all questions in this section


1. Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world’. This means that
(A) Jesus would die to take away the sin of mankind (B) God would provide a lamb of Sacrifice (C) the
world has become sinless (D) there would still be a lamb Sacrifice
2. According to John, living water means water that (A)springs from Jacob’s well (B) wells up to eternal
life (C) quenches thirst (D) the Samaritan woman would drank
3. What enables us to abide in Christ? __________ (A) the branches (B) the fruits (C) the vinedresser (D)
God’s word (E) the Vine
4. Anyone who is in darkness is __________ (A) not healthy (B) not rich (C) waiting for light (D) of the
devil (E) sleeping
5. Jesus is to Vine as __________ is to vinedresser (A)vine (B) Believers (C) Unbelievers (D) Branches (E)
6. An unconditional love without any attachment is called __________ Love (A) Erotic (B) Platonic (C)
Storge (D) Agape (E) Philia
7. By which of the following are we qualified to be called sons of God __________ (A) righteousness (B)
confirmation (C) baptism (D) faith (E) creation
8. The book of Romans was written by __________ (A) Rome (B) James (C) Jesus (D) Paul (E) Peter
9. God’s love for man started from __________ (A) the coming of Christ (B) the creation of the world (C)
the womb (D) Heaven (E) Birth
10. According to John, __________ comes when no one can work (A) Darkness (B) Death (C) Night (D) Light
(E) Sleep
11. Jesus as the light of the world means __________ (A) He is the perfect sacrifice for our sins (B) He cares
for us (C) He is the way (D) he will come again (E) His way of life is perfect
12. Who is the good Shepherd__________ (A) the believer (B) Pastor (C) Jesus (D) Moses (E) David
13. Christians are the __________ (A) Garden (B) vinedresser (C) vine (D) branches (E) fruits
14. The Samaritan woman at the well had __________ (A) two children (B) four husbands (C) one husband
(D) four children (E) no husband
15. __________ Love is the love that God has for mankind(A) Erotic (B) Platonic (C) Storge (D) Agape (E)
16. Lambs are used as sacred object for sacrifice because __________ (A) they are domestic animals (B)
they reproduce quickly (C) they are meek and tender (D) they are friendly with people (E) they are
specially anointed
17. According to John 15, answered prayers is a result of __________ (A) abiding in Christ (B) worship (C)
service (D) fasting (E) prayer
18. The good shepherds as described by John has all the following qualities except that (A) he enters the
sheepfold by the door (B) he climbs into the sheepfold another way (C) the gate keeper opens the gate
for him (D) he call his sheep by name (E) He leads the sheep out by the door
19. One of these is NOT a characteristics of the old life __________ (A) cheating (B) love (C) Jealousy (D)
disobedience (E) all of the above
20. The highest demonstration of God’s love to mankind is __________ (A) making him successful and
prosperous in life (B) Sending His son for the salvation of mankind (C) causing them to have a good
family (D) making them excel in all forms of exams (E) Giving them peace
21. The living water is __________ (A) something we can see but cannot feel nor touch (B) something we
cannot see but can touch or feel (C) a spiritual reality (D) something we cannot see or touch but feel (E)
a physical reality
22. The father is glorified when __________ (A) his word abide in us (B) Christ abide in us (C) we are
pruned (D) we produce fruits (E) we abide in Christ
23. Sexual love between people of opposite sex is called __________ Love (A) Erotic (B) Platonic (C) Storge
(D) Agape (E) Philia
24. A branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the __________ (A) garden (B) branch (C) vine (D) fruit (E)
25. __________ does not end (A) Love (B) Prophecy (C) faith (D) hope (E) knowledge
26. The last book of the Old Testament is __________ (A) Revelation (B) Zachariah (C) Mordecai (D)
Malachi (E) Micah
27. The conditions for justification are __________ (A) praying regularly (B) giving alms (C) paying homage
(D) faith and repentance in God (E) all of the above
28. Jesus declaring Himself as the door means __________ (A) He is the best way to salvation (B) He is the
primary way to salvation (C) He is the major way to salvation (D) He is the only way to salvation (E) He
is one way to salvation
29. Christian should base their belief only on signs and wonders __________ (A)No (B)Yes (C)maybe (D)
none of the above (E) all of the above
30. The father__________ every branch that does not bear fruit (A) Prunes (B) Cut (C) Replant (D) Nurture
(E) Raise
31. According to John 15, believers are already clean by __________ (A) worship (B) fellowship (C) the
word (D)fasting (E) prayer
32. Selfless love is also known as __________ Love (A) Erotic (B) Platonic (C) Storge (D) Agape (E) Philia
33. Natural affection among family members due to family ties is called __________ Love (A) Erotic (B)
Platonic (C) Storge (D) Agape (E) Philia
34. When Jesus told the woman that he could give her living water, he was __________ (A) being symbolic
(B) speaking metaphorically (C) speaking analytically (D) telling a parable (E) being literal
35. Who declared Jesus as the lamb of God (A) John the Baptist (B) John the son of Zebedee (C) Jesus
Himself (D) John the brother of Jesus (E) the Samaritan woman
36. Justification comes through __________ (A) love (B) the law (C) Holiness (D) grace (E) works
37. The Samaritans were a people who were __________ (A) friends with the Jews (B) despised by the
Jews (C) not considered to be Jews (D) Related to the Jews (E) living in Judea
38. The living water Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria represents: (A) Pure water (B) word of God (C)
the Holy Spirit (D) Peace of mind (E) the true wine
39. All of these are events that Jesus declared Himself as the light of the world except __________ (A)
encounter with Zacchaeus (B) encounter with Nicodemus (C) encounter with the man born blind (D)
encounter with the adulterous woman
40. The father __________ every branch that bears fruit (A) keep (B) prunes (C) cut (D) replant (E) feed
41. Thief comes only to steal, kill, and __________ (A) remove (B) uproot (C) run away (D) destroy (E)
42. __________ was the forerunner of Jesus Christ (A) God (B) David (C) Peter (D) John (E) Joseph
43. Affection between friends that share the same interest is called __________ Love (A) Erotic (B) Platonic
(C) Storge (D) Agape (E) Philia
44. Whose laws do the Hebrew used as guidelines for justification? __________ (A) Abraham (B) David (C)
Moses (D) Roman (E) Jacob
45. Any man that fails to abide in Jesus will __________ (A) produce more fruits (B) be harvested (C) wither
and be burnt (D) be pruned (E) grow
46. “Behold the lamb of God!” Jesus was compared to a lamb because He (A) was to be slain on the cross
(B) was to take away the sins of men (C) was to be humiliated and persecuted by the world (D) was a
shepherd himself (E) love his sheep and lamb
47. Where were the disciples when Jesus was talking with the Samaritan woman __________ (A) they
were with him (B) they went home (C) they went to pray (D) they went to buy food (E) they went for
48. These are ways we can reciprocate the love of Jesus except ___________ (A) Praying (B) donating to
social welfare (C) taking part in evangelism (D) sponsoring fellowship and other activities in church (E)
Helping the needy or less priviledged
49. The name of your CRS teacher is ___________ (A) Mr Oluwatosin Emilolayo Adegbayi (B) Mr
Oluwatosin Emilalayo Adegbiji (C) Mr Oluwatosin Emilolayo Adegbiji (D) Mr Oluwatosin Emilalayo
Adegbayi (E) Mr Oluwatosin Emiolayo Adegbuyi
50. Why do people love darkness? __________ (A) they lack light (B) it keeps secret (C) they are not of God
(D) their deeds are evil (E) it is healthy for sleep
51. The Law is not sin because it is __________ (A) holy (B) grace (C) loving (D) great (E) all of the above
52. The Living water is __________ (A) a symbol of Jesus’ love for us (B) a representation of eternal life (C)
a sign of abundance of rain (D) a season of refreshing (E) the sign of Noah
53. “And his disciples asked him “Rabbi” who sinned; this man or His parents and that he was born blind?”
Jesus response shows that the man was born blind because: (A) he was a sinner from birth (B) his
parents were sinners (C) God wanted to manifest His work (D) individuals will suffer for the sins of their
parents (E) every sinner is sure of forgiveness
54. According to 1 Corinthians 13, faith, __________ , and love abides(A) healing (B) tongues (C) prophecy
(D) hope (E) knowledge
55. Living bread and water is important because of __________ (A) poverty (B) healing (C) miracle (D)
eternity (E) prosperity
56. Which is the greatest? __________ (A) faith (B) hope (C) knowledge (D) love (E) prophecy
57. The purpose of redemption is to make us __________ (A) holy (B) righteous (C) blameless (D) perfect
(E) all of the above
58. The woman at the well was excited about the living water because it would __________ (A) heal her
diseases (B) produce wells in her home (C) never make her thirsty again (D) allow her to live again (E)
all of the above
59. Affection between friends that does not involve any sexual relationship is called __________ Love (A)
Erotic (B) Platonic (C) Storge (D) Agape (E) Philia
60. The purpose of pruning is __________ (A) to be holy (B) to be fine (C) to bear more fruits (D) to destroy
(E) to die
INSTRUCTION: Answer Question 1 and any other two questions from this section 40mks
1. (a) What is Love? 2marks
(b) Quote John 3:16-18 and explain how God demonstrate His love for man and what should be man’s
response to God’s love 8marks
(c) Mention five (5) ways we can demonstrate love to one another 5marks
(d) Mention five (5) attributes of love 5marks

2. From Paul’s letter to the Romans, explain the term ‘Justification’ and state the condition for its
achievement 10marks

3. What was Jesus teaching about Himself as the Living bread? In what three ways is His teaching
significant? 10marks

4. How does John portray Jesus as the True Vine? What three lessons can we derive from the relationship
between Christ and believers? 10marks

5. Give a detailed discussion on the three instances that Jesus described Himself as the light of the world.
What three lessons can we learn from it? 10marks

6. How did Jesus describe Himself as the living water? Mention three qualities of the good shepherd.

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