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Basic Level observations

Summary # 1
Date: May 8th, 2024.
Topic: The simple past and the past perfect.
At the beginning of the class, the teacher welcomed the students and gave an
introduction before going on to explain the class's topic and objectives. The topic of the
class was the past simple and past perfect, and its objective was learning how to
correctly use these tenses as well as acquire new vocabulary for elaborating
newspapers. Additionally, the students needed to master the material in order to
complete a project. For this activity, the teacher began by discussing the value of news
and how it improves our lives and keeps us up to date on global events. She then
described the project that the students would complete at school, instructing them to
use past simple and past perfect tenses to record all the events that occurred during
the sports week as well as vocabulary from the news. The teacher took ten minutes to
clarify everything before moving on to discuss the past simple. She explained its
structure, appropriate contexts, and differences between the verb to be and other
verbs. The teacher was assisted by a table that displayed the structure, the negative
form, the positive form, and the interrogative form. She also provided examples for
each topic before revealing the appropriate contexts for using this tense, as she also
did with the past perfect. Right after, the tutor gave the students a few sentences to
identify the tenses in and demonstrated sentences using these tenses in a journalistic
context. These sentences contained new vocabulary words, and the students had to
read the sentence, repeat the words, and then create a sentence using the new
vocabulary words. After that, the teacher gave the students three minutes to find and
label the past simple and past perfect sentences as well as new vocabulary words.
However, most of the students struggled because the reading was so lengthy and they
needed extra time to complete this assignment. The teacher resumed the lesson and
gave the students a task that required them to correctly write the verbs in the past
simple and past perfect. Because the task was brief, the students were able to respond
more quickly and accurately. Next, the students were asked to write sentences in the
specified tenses and with the new vocabulary and present this activity as homework for
the following class. Finally, she asked the students some questions about the subject,
and while the majority of them correctly responded, some did not because the lesson
was brief and not every student was learning at the same rate.

 Write all the lesson summaries in English, using the appropriate vocabulary and
correct grammar structures.
 Ident first line of the summary.
 Align left text and ragged right margin.
 You have to write a complete page for each observed class.
 Use 11-point Ariel.
 Use a 1,5-space line.
 Use the same font throughout the entire paper.
 Boldface all headings.
 Proofread the paper by reading it slowly and carefully aloud to yourself.

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