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2023 - Issue 3

International Regulators’
Forum comes to Perth

NOPSEMA hosts the IRF

Conference and AGM


focus areas for

T he National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management
Authority (NOPSEMA) is Australia’s independent expert regulator
for health and safety, environmental management, structural and well
integrity for offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage activities in
Commonwealth waters.
Under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, offshore
petroleum and greenhouse storage activities cannot begin before NOPSEMA has
assessed and accepted the required permissioning documents demonstrating
how the activity will be managed to ensure the associated risks to the health and
safety of the workforce are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) and risks
and impacts to the environment are ALARP and are acceptable.

The Offshore Infrastructure Regulator (OIR) was established under the Offshore

Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 to regulate of work health and safety,
infrastructure integrity and environmental management for offshore infrastructure

For more information, visit our website at

04 10 18
A message from the Court outcome highlights A farewell from
Chief Executive importance of diving safety Derrick O’Keeffe
Sue McCarrey

To receive the latest news from NOPSEMA welcomes feedback from 12 20

NOPSEMA visit our stakeholders. Please direct all 06 Timor-Leste and Australian What’s happening offshore? enquiries about this publication to Oil spill preparedness LNG fellowship comes to a workshop at Spillcon 2023 close

Head office — Level 10, 58 Mounts

07 15 inspection reports
Improving oil spill International Regulators’
Bay Road, Western Australia
Forum comes to Perth
GPO Box 2568, Perth WA 6001
Offshore activity Q2 2023
P: +61 (0) 8 6188 8700
09 16
Published in September 2023 In the line of fire What’s involved in developing
an offshore wind farm?
S ince the last edition of The Regulator,
I have had first-hand opportunities
to see the work of industry up close and
Derrick joined NOPSEMA in 2016 following
significant international experience and in
influential roles with major companies.
to listen and learn from members of the
workforce through visits to the Bream A Into the future we will call on Derrick in
and Snapper facilities off the Gippsland a consultancy capacity for specific and
coast and a trip to Barrow Island. specialised work so that we continue to have
the benefit of his extensive offshore oil and
These visits were invaluable for me to gain an gas experience.
understanding of the wide array of industry
operations and the interconnectivity between While I have only worked with Derrick for a
offshore and onshore. short while, since starting with NOPSEMA in
February I don’t think there is anyone more
But most importantly, I had the opportunity knowledgeable to have assisted me through
to meet the people running these incredibly my introduction to the industry.
complex operations and hear from them
directly. Derrick has supported NOPSEMA to take
some huge steps forward in being able to
I hope to visit more facilities in time to better identify safety risk across the industry and
understand the unique aspects of their develop compliance strategies to address
operating environments. these.

An approach of continuous improvement I know Derrick will be missed by both the

is critical for ongoing success and we have organisation and the wider industry and we
been engaging titleholders over recent wish him the very best for his much-deserved
enforcement actions to ensure appropriate retirement from NOPSEMA and for what lies
change takes place and opportunities to ahead.
apply learnings are taken to foster industry-
wide improvement. He is leaving some big shoes to fill but I am
confident that we will find someone with
Central to this is a safety-first culture, which just as much knowledge and enthusiasm
is critical to not only ensuring the wellbeing for safety and the environment to lead this
of the workforce, but in adopting effective critical work for NOPSEMA.
systems and processes to achieve sound
environmental controls and limit risks of Lastly, NOPSEMA will be hosting the IRF
harm. Conference in Perth on 3 – 4 October, which
is set to be a major event on the offshore oil
As always it is as important for industry and gas calendar.
to focus on maintenance over the life of a
facility and to ensure plans are well advanced We have regulatory officials, industry
before facilities reach end of life for their representatives and researchers coming from
Message from the decommissioning and future management. all over the world to share experiences and

Sound structural integrity is ensured through
appropriate ongoing maintenance and There is still time to register – you can read
is a core requirement to ensuring a safe more on page 15 and we hope to see you

workplace and protection of the environment. there.

Regarding NOPSEMA’s approach to Sue McCarrey

safety, we also have some big news within Chief Executive Officer
Sue McCarrey NOPSEMA – our Head of Safety and Integrity
Division Derrick O’Keeffe will be officially
retiring at the end of October.

4 5
Oil spill preparedness Improving oil spill
workshop at Spillcon 2023 preparedness
T he threat of an oil spill should never be
underestimated – unless contained and
“The framework we have today works for today
because it has been tweaked, improved and
A message from Cameron Grebe
treated, a release of hydrocarbons into the grown alongside the industry – but will it work in Head of Environment, Renewables and Decommissioning
ocean can cause significant damage to the the future?”
environment and marine life. Prevention remains the best cure for any oil spill. We work closely with the Department of Industry,
There are three phases to the project: looking at
Science and Resources (DISR) to ensure
Reflecting the serious nature of potential Australia’s future risk profile, identifying effective However, even though it has a very low the specific aspects relating to the offshore
disasters, Spillcon 2023 – the Annual Conference international practices, and seeing what can be probability of occurring, mistakes and failures petroleum industry are understood in the national
for the Asia-Pacific region – brought together incorporated into our jurisdiction. have happened in past and could happen again. plan review led by the Australian Maritime Safety
local, regional, and global environmental and Authority (AMSA).
shipping representatives across the industry, This workshop was part of the project’s second The potential catastrophic consequences to
government, and non-government organisations. phase to engage with the industry on some the environment – and people – from a loss of A key challenge in Australia is our remoteness to
international practices and get their thought on containment of hydrocarbons means there’s the rest of the world, and with a relatively small
The event provided an avenue to discuss causes the pros, cons and consequences. more than enough justification to have advanced jurisdiction, means we are heavily reliant on
and prevention of marine oil spills and incidents, operations ready to implement in the event of a international support arrangements.
preparedness, response management and Some of the international frameworks being
environmental issues. considered include Area Contingency Plans,
We’ve got great local capability, but a tiered
consolidated industry incident management team Fortunately, in Australia, we have a strong history response approach means we recognise the
NOPSEMA’s spill risk specialists spent the capability, consolidated industry oil spill response of cooperative arrangements under the National need for international assistance.
week discussing causes and prevention of equipment, accreditation standards for Oil Spill Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.
marine oil spills and incidents, preparedness, Response Organisations, and regulatory oversight One challenge is clearly going to be ensuring the
response management and environmental issues of industry exercising and testing programs. Cooperation between ports, the maritime right kind of response platforms are available to
and closed out the conference with a full-day industry, and offshore oil and gas means there us in a timely manner.
workshop with industry representatives. Andrew said there was a strong and enthusiastic are strong reinforced arrangements.
attendance with representatives from most of As covered in our full-day workshop at the recent
Spill risk regulatory coordinator Andrew Best the offshore petroleum companies operating in That cooperation extends internationally given Spillcon 2023 conference, there are further
said the event provided the perfect chance to get the Australian jurisdiction, and representatives the scale of resources needed to be in place to opportunities for cooperative solutions.
everyone together to decide on the future of our from state and territory authorities, as well as respond to large scale incident.
oil spill preparedness response framework. Commonwealth representatives including the Broader needs can be met without companies
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), and We’ve come a long way – when NOPSEMA first having to duplicate efforts – these are entirely
Led by the Department of Industry, Science and the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC). started, there was a range of standards in terms possible and can fit within our regulatory
Resources (DISR), the project is reviewing the of quality of oil pollution response plans and framework but will require cooperation between
framework that underpins oil spill preparedness “It was about openly discussing the issues some areas were underestimated in terms of the industry and oil spill response organisations.
and response for the offshore petroleum industry and gathering information, and we made sure response needed and the ability to implement in
to benchmark Australian arrangements against everyone got the chance to have their say,” a timely fashion. Cooperation means recognising the individual
international frameworks and identify potential Andrew said. benefits that can be gained from collective
areas for improvement. We had early successes with raising the bar, investment and action.
“There is a lot to follow up on – we’re being working constructively with industry in response
“It’s about how we can make it more resilient, thorough in allowing opportunity for industry to to substantial gaps such as oiled wildlife In the same way the gap was closed regarding
adaptable, and more effective to implement in give their views so we can accommodate and response capabilities. oiled wildlife response – where members
order to accommodate the future direction of the move forward as a group. invested in shared capability involving the states
industry,” Andrew said. Initiatives like that remain outstanding examples – the same thing can be done around measures
“We are all part of this industry and we want to of cooperation in response to NOPSEMA’s such as regional response plans, clean up
“Until now, we have organically grown our bring as many people on the journey as possible.” improvement focus throughout regulatory equipment, and managing vessels.
framework over the past 10 years and now we’re activities.
asking ourselves if we were to invent it from It makes no sense to do this individually – it
scratch, would we invent it the same way?” The world is a changing place – the long-term makes much more business sense to have an oil
outlook for energy transition resulting in a spill response company stand up and do it for
change in the mix of fuels that are imported and you that you can call on.
exported means the cooperative arrangements
we have in place today, and the frameworks in We’re going to work constructively with industry,
which we work and operate under, is going to but change is coming, and we would like to have
have to change. everyone at the table.

6 7
In the line of fire
O ne of the most critical elements for
maintaining safety is people.
This goes to show that while the systems are
in place, proper application and maintenance
of these systems makes all the difference.
Having robust systems in place is necessary,
but it will only get you so far if the people Working on offshore facilities carries extreme
using them are not correctly applying and risk, so everyone involved needs to be
maintaining the systems. honest and enthusiastic about safety.

Avoiding complacency is key and central Along with the hazards, working offshore is a
to this is understanding and respecting the high-pressure environment where everyone
significant hazards involved. is dependent on each other.

One of the major hazards in offshore work However, people can become blind to the
is “line of fire” – when a person or persons hazards – you’ve done the job so often that it
are found to be in harm’s way, typically in the becomes a routine.
path of a moving object or release of energy.
The danger of things becoming routine is
A significant number of fatalities in the complacency – losing respect for the hazard
offshore oil and gas industry over the past 15 because it has never been realised on all the
years have been line of fire incidents. previous occasions.

Recent industry safety bulletins have also There can be a hesitancy to conduct peer
highlighted the danger of line of fire hazards, reviews and provide feedback for not
which have high potential to cause fatalities wanting to slow things down or question
or serious injuries. colleagues.

A review of recent incident data involving Any auditing or review is likely to be a private
high potential and lost time injuries (LTIs) warning between individuals instead of a
suggests the overwhelming majority were larger learning opportunity.
line of fire incidents, including dropped
objects. In addition to this, there is an expectation on
industry to improve planning and preparation
These are not unknown hazards, and it and implement the appropriate controls.
shows a concerning trend.
Operators need to encourage and foster
With both serious injuries and near misses, behavioural based safety aspects – the
most of these incidents could have easily systems in place, but it’s the application of
been avoided with proper management. those systems that matters.

Analysis of data revealed trends consistent Never forget the inherent risks and hazards,
across many of the incidents – hazard because you will never forget the time when
identification, work planning, and work things go wrong.
instructions were either not conducted or
were inadequate.

8 9
Court outcome
highlights importance
of diving safety
T aking lessons learned from the failings
of operators is a key part of ensuring
the safety of the offshore workforce, aimed
Several of the 15 divers developed high-pressure
nervous syndrome (HPNS), which is a risk
associated with dives beyond depths of 150m
DOF negligently failed to do so, by omitting to
implement and maintain systems of work that
were safe and without risk to health.
“Given the potential seriousness of HPNS (high-
pressure nervous syndrome) and the vital role
the dives support staff and life support staff have
at preventing repeat events and creating and increases with the speed of compression. in monitoring the divers, the fact of any HPNS
transparency. As outlined by the Magistrate, DOF negligently symptoms contained in the PCRs should have
In saturation diving, the divers live in a small, failed to share, for the purpose of critical review, been shared with them so that they were aware
On 25 October 2022, the Magistrates Court of pressurised environment – a hyperbaric chamber post compression reports (PCRs, documents of who to specifically monitor and what to look
Western Australia found DOF Subsea Australia – where their body tissues are saturated with completed by saturation divers recording out for.”
Pty Ltd (DOF) guilty of three counts of negligently dissolved gasses, enabling them to carry out any health symptoms experienced during
failing to do an act that breached a health and multiple diving runs from the bell to the ocean compression) with relevant personnel (those “DOF had never done a saturation dive beyond
safety requirement under the Offshore Petroleum floor without having to decompress each time. with a responsibility for the health and safety of 180MSW (metre sea water) and DOF knew
and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS divers) within an adequate period. about the potential for HPNS and Compression
Act). The 15 divers were split into two groups, with the Arthralgia and that HPNS could be increased at
nine Group A divers being blown down to 224m The company also negligently failed to deeper depths by rapid compression.”
On 25 May 2023, DOF were ordered to pay a within an eight hour period on 21 June 2017. communicate proposed changes to the
penalty of $945,000 across the three charges. compression of saturation divers, including NOPSEMA commenced its investigation
After HPNS symptoms were identified in Group the basis for those changes, with all relevant following receipt of complaints from a number
The charges related to incidents in June 2017 A divers, the diving manager told the six Group B personnel within an adequate period. of the divers and subsequently forwarded a brief
when DOF were providing saturation diving divers that their blow down would be slower, yet of evidence to the Commonwealth Director of
services at the Ichthys Field on the Skandi they reached the same depth within five hours Lastly, DOF negligently failed to compress Public Prosecutions.
Singapore facility, about 460km offshore from and 22 minutes on 29 June 2017. saturation divers to depth using appropriate
Broome. compression rates and hold periods. NOPSEMA remains focused on compliance
When DOF were convicted on 25 October 2022, monitoring and enforcement activities to ensure
This included saturation diving operations from Magistrate Tom Hall accepted expert evidence In his sentencing remarks, Magistrate Hall operators are operating safely by having safe
a diving support vessel to facilitate the repair of that industry best practice would be between 16 highlighted the high-risk nature of saturation systems in place that appropriately identify and
subsea infrastructure located on the seabed at a and 24 hours for the blow down. diving and compression rates are critical in manage risks.
water depth of between approximately 237 and ensuring the safety of divers – something DOF
270 metres. As an employer, DOF had a duty to take all would be expected to get right.
reasonably practicable steps protect the health
It was during divers’ ‘blow down’ – when the and safety of all employees on the facility.
saturation chamber where the divers live is
pressurised to their working depth –where critical
incidents occurred, leading to the charges before
the court.

10 11
Centre: NOPSEMA’s OHS Regulatory Specialist
Orla McSharry and Timorese fellow Abel da Costa.

Timor-Leste and Australian LNG Abel’s research involved a review of oil and gas
regulatory frameworks from around the globe
(including Australia, the United Kingdom, Brunei
“I was invited to conclude the fellows’
presentations by giving a perspective as a
mentor in the LNG fellowship program,” Orla

fellowship comes to a close

and Norway) and mapped out opportunities said.
the Timor-Leste government could consider
for further strengthening their robust regulatory “It was a privilege to provide this to the
framework for oil and gas. government representatives from both
countries, the fellows, and other mentors.”

B uilding relationships with international NOPSEMA was asked to nominate a mentor “Abel is a very passionate and knowledgeable
fellow, and I was proud to be able to offer Orla said being selected for the program was
counterparts is one of the major ways to utilise the agency’s unique expertise and
mentorship specific to his research,” Orla said. an enormous privilege that stands among her
organisations can share knowledge and experience in support of a fellow research project
highlights at NOPSEMA.
learnings. These partnerships yield not only relating to the offshore petroleum regulatory
“I was able to not only give him some feedback
deeper understandings of the industry but framework in Timor-Leste. “The experience was rewarding beyond
from NOPSEMA’s perspective but also highlight
also of the people involved. recognition, and it was a privilege to be part of
OHS Regulatory Specialist Orla McSharry was aspects of similarity and difference across other
offshore regulatory frameworks in Asia and the Timorese emerging leader’s journey, who
Facilitating knowledge sharing and strengthening chosen as the ideal fit for this role and provided
Europe. are surging with culture, passion and drive to
bilateral trade links was the aim of the 2023 LNG advice and guidance to fellow Abel da Costa for improve living standards and outcomes for the
fellowship program jointly run by the Australian his research project “The impacts of a robust “NOPSEMA’s strong relationships with other greater Timorese community”.
Department of Industry, Science and Resources health and safety regulatory framework for the international regulators meant I could also
(DISR) and Timor-Leste National Petroleum and Oil and Gas industry of Timor-Leste: Think Global The Timor-Leste-Australia LNG fellowship
facilitate conversations that led to these
Minerals Authority (ANPM), recently renamed the – Act Local”. program featured within the Department of
agencies providing input to Abel’s research.”
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP). Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia’s Southeast
Orla was specifically selected as a mentor for her The program culminated in fellows, mentors and Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 report (issued
The Timorese government selected six emerging experience with the offshore regulatory regime in government representatives from both Australia 7 September 2023) as a successful case study
leaders in the Timor-Leste industry to form Australia and other regions such as Brunei. and Timor-Leste, gathering in Dili to hear the and example of support for the emerging
part of the LNG fellowship program, who each
Orla also had existing relations with universities fellows diverse presentations. leaders of Timor-Leste ‘Forging the path for the
received mentorship from Australian industry
in Timor-Leste, as the scholarship chair for next generation of oil and gas professionals.’
leaders selected by DISR. Orla said her biggest takeaway from the
the Society of Petroleum Engineering Western program was the relationships she built, not just
Australia, which includes the newly established with the fellows and Timorese industry leaders,
Timor-Leste chapter. but also with the other mentors.

12 13
Regulators’ Forum
comes to Perth
N ext week, Perth will play host to the International Regulators’ Forum Offshore Safety

Held at the Westin Hotel on 3 – 4 October, the Conference will feature a range of presentations and
panel discussions from international thought-leaders, and key industry and regulatory figures from
both inside and outside of the IRF membership.

The theme of this year’s Conference is “all about the risk”, which reflects the core philosophy
that whatever happens externally – be that a global pandemic or geopolitical unrest – the need
remains for the highest standards of risk management in which safety processes and practices are
enforced and driven by the highest of standards of regulatory oversight.

Whatever often uncontrollable or unexpected external factors are at play, it’s how the risk is
managed that will drive the universally desired safety outcomes in our industry.

While the Conference is a must attend for those working in health and safety, the themes and
issues tackled should be interest to all those working in the offshore oil and gas industry.

For more information and to register go to 2023 IRF Conference Website (

Work in O&G? Want to hear about the latest

trends, challenges and opportunities?
Last chance to register – don’t miss out.
As the current chair of the International Regulators’ Forum, Australia’s National
Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Authority (NOPSEMA) extends an
invitation to industry specialists to attend a two-day conference in Perth Western
Regulatory officials, industry representatives, researchers and those with a broad
interest in the global offshore and gas sector will be able to share experiences and
compare differences in regulatory approach and safety performance, as well as
network with regulatory officials from around the world.

14 15
What’s involved in developing WHAT DOES AN OFFSHORE WIND FARM LOOK LIKE?
An offshore windfarm consists of generation and transmission infrastructure.

an offshore wind farm? The number of wind turbines to be installed will depend on the intended generating capacity of the wind farm.
Using current technologies and dependent on site specific factors such as wind speeds, a 1 gigawatt (GW) (1,000
MW) offshore wind farm may need between 60 and 100 turbines. Turbines are connected via subsea cables to

H arnessing offshore wind energy requires During this phase of the project, contracts for the offshore electrical substations which regulate current and boost voltage for export to onshore grid connection
the installation of offshore wind turbines in manufacture and pre-assembly of components infrastructure via a high voltage export cable.
the marine environment to generate energy. of the windfarm including the foundations (fixed
or floating), the substations, the wind turbines
The design, construction, transportation and and cables are put in place. Financial closure
installation of large structures offshore is of the project is also carried out during pre-
technically challenging and requires many years construction phase.
of detailed planning before a windfarm becomes
operational. Construction
The next phase consists of the construction,
Offshore wind construction is much more installation, commissioning and connecting the
complex and time consuming than onshore wind offshore wind farm to the onshore grid.
The construction phase typically takes up to
Planning and development three years for a one-gigawatt (GW) wind farm
When considering the construction of a new with timing contingent on a range of factors
offshore wind farm, the first phase involves such as weather, conditions associated with how
environmental impact assessment and spatial activities are to be conducted under a licence
planning, site assessment, analysis of wind and vessel availability.
resources, early-stage design and preliminary
technology and component selection. The construction phase involves the installation,
testing and commissioning of the onshore
Feasibility studies are carried out to gather elements which includes the substation and Once launched, the wind turbine is assembled Maintenance and service includes scheduled and
regional and site-specific information to transmission infrastructure. onto the floating foundation. unscheduled activities and requires the regular
assess the viability of the proposed project transfer of personnel and equipment to the wind
and understand potential interactions with the Developers then move to the development site to The completed unit consisting of the foundation turbines and offshore substations.
environment and other marine users. install the offshore infrastructure which includes and the wind turbine is towed to the offshore site
the wind turbines, inter array cables, offshore where the moorings and cables are connected. Decommissioning and site remediation
During the planning and development phase substructures and export cables. Decommissioning involves the timely, safe
developers will need to obtain relevant Sites with deeper water further from shore are
and environmentally responsible removal
approvals including grid connection agreements, In shallower water depths fixed foundations will typically associated with more adverse weather
of, or otherwise satisfactorily dealing with,
environmental approvals and a licence for be used to support the wind turbines. conditions and higher weather downtime.
infrastructure from the development site and the
construction and operation of the wind farm. The fixed foundations may take the form of returning of the site to its prior condition.
Operation and maintenance
The planning and development phase typically gravity base, monopile or jacket structures which Operation and maintenance activities are Decommissioning is a normal and inevitable
takes up to six years. are secured to the seabed. necessary to support the ongoing operation stage in the lifetime of an offshore wind project
of the wind turbines, balance of plant and that should be planned from the outset and
Pre-construction In deeper waters fixed foundations are not
associated transmission assets. further refined throughout the life of operations.
Once the planning and development phase has practical and floating foundation structures will
been successfully completed, the next phase be secured with moorings. Operation activities formally start at the wind Environmental surveys are typically required
involves the detailed design of the wind farm farm construction works completion date. before and after decommissioning, along with
The foundations are built onshore before being
including developing a construction strategy launched at a sheltered site using launching The focus of activities during the operational post decommissioning management of the site.
for how the site is to be developed. The pre- ramps, semi-submersible barges, dry docks or phase is to ensure safe operations, to maintain
construction phase typically takes up to two Stakeholder engagement is critical to
floating docks. the physical integrity of the wind farm assets and
years. understanding the future expectations, needs
to optimise electricity generation. and opportunities in relation to the property and
the marine area being decommissioned.

Engineering & Construction & Decommissioning &

Timeframe for a typical Site Selection Licensing
Planning Financial Close Operation
Commissioning Site Remediation
offshore wind farm
= 7 years = 4 years (up to) 40 years

16 17
And when a failure is identified to then take a The offshore production of energy, whether from
“find one, fix many” approach to prevent similar traditional or renewable sources, continues to
incidents from occurring elsewhere in industry. play a vital role in meeting Australia’s current and
future energy needs.
Sharing and applying these lessons add further
steps towards Global Offshore Safety – the goal We have evolved our regulatory process and
After more than 40 of the International Regulators’ Forum (IRF) of capabilities to reflect the changing offshore
which Australia is a very active member. environment and our energy transition.
years in the offshore
oil and gas industry,
I think industry has responded well to this I view my time at NOPSEMA as a career highlight
strategic approach. where I have sought use my experience and the

including seven I’ve been particularly pleased to have worked

experiences of others to influence industry, both
domestic and international, to levels it may not

years as the head of with highly competent, experienced, professional,

and dedicated people who know the industry and
have thought possible.

NOPSEMA’s Safety care about its outcomes. I’ve been fortunate to have shared my journey
and worked closely with so many great
and Integrity Division, Without these great individuals, none of our
achievements could have been possible.
individuals, groups, and organisations over the
Derrick O’Keeffe is Among the many highlights during my time at Thank you to all those who have supported me
retiring from full-time NOPSEMA are the considerable improvements
in the identification and control of safety, integrity
on this journey from when I first began my career.

work at NOPSEMA at and well risks, as well as environmental risks that

we achieved.
Throughout, my wonderful wife has been my
bedrock as we worked our way across five
the end of October Further, we have strengthened our wider
continents, raised our three fine boys, and made
Perth our home.
2023. engagement approach to support our inspections
and compliance monitoring, improve our I would like to give mention to the Australian
interaction with the workforce, and executive Energy Producers (formerly APPEA), ACTU, Safer
oversight and accountability. Together, Health and Safety Representatives,
OHS Forum, DrillSafe, DrillWell, the Society of
We have set expectations that industry continues Petroleum Engineers, Energy Club of WA, IRF,
to consider each action it takes as part of IOGP and IADC, and of course the people of
the overall lifecycle, which will lead to better our government, fellow regulators and industry –

A farewell from
safety and environmental outcomes during the these many interactions have been nothing short
operating life of all assets, all the way through to of outstanding.
The work of the offshore regulator will never be

Derrick O’Keeffe
The Covid era put a spotlight on the mental completed – nor will the work of the offshore
wellbeing of the offshore workforce, ranging from industry in doing its part to meet the expectations
general wellbeing to the hazards of harassment of its people, government, and society as a
and sexual harassment. whole.
Head of Safety and Integrity I’m pleased with the collective work we’re I now look to executives of industry to maintain a
progressing with industry, unions, Health and high level of oversight and governance of all their

W e must never forget that the offshore

oil and gas industry is highly hazardous
by nature and while major incidents may
During my time with the agency, I aimed to take
a strategic approach to the management of
offshore industry risks.
Safety Representatives (HSRs), and state
regulators on psychosocial risks and the goal of
safer offshore workplaces.
activities, and that they never lose sight of their
accountability for the actions they take.

be infrequent, they can and do result in Now, as I pass the baton to the next generation
catastrophic consequences. My role at NOPSEMA has been to drive industry Looking to the future, there is an ever-increasing at NOPSEMA, I intend to continue to provide
to better identify those risks over the whole expectation of the Australian and global support, advice, and guidance – albeit in a
There have been many such events – we are all project lifecycle and ensure that effective control community for responsible offshore energy different capacity – to the offshore industry in
involved in a very serious business which requires measures were continuously in place. development. pursuing its goals.
the highest levels of attention to continuously
protect the workforce and the environment. Undoubtedly, our paths will cross again.

18 19
What’s happening How to access
offshore? NOPSEMA’s
D uring Q2 2023, there were 42 fixed facilities,
four mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs),
11 vessels, 94 pipelines, six sets of subsea
We commenced 40 assessments of key
permissioning documents, comprising 11 new
submissions and 29 revisions.
inspection reports
infrastructure and no seismic activity within

NOPSEMA’s jurisdiction. NOPSEMA issued one general direction and two
vital part of what NOPSEMA NOPSEMA’s inspection and
OHS improvement notices. The general direction
does is engaging with the investigation reports must be
The number of hours worked offshore was was issued to a titleholder directing them to review
workforce at all levels. provided, as required under
2,622,128, slightly down from the previous quarter all rope-access and rigging work requiring the
the OPGGS Act, to the relevant
but slightly above the average of all four quarters use of clamps and to implement additional risk OHS Inspections offer vital information individuals, operator, or titleholder.
in 2022. reduction controls measures. about a duty holder’s performance,
and we want to make sure the The operator of a facility is required
Of the total number of facilities under NOPSEMA’s The two-month feedback period for NOPSEMA’s
workforce knows how they can stay to provide a copy of the report to all
regulatory oversight, ten fixed facilities, six sets revised Research Strategy was closed for
informed. members of the facility’s health and
of subsea infrastructure, and 16 pipelines have comment and published on the NOPSEMA
safety committee.
ceased operations permanently and require timely website. This is an essential component of a
decommissioning. NOPSEMA inspection as it provides If no such committee exists, the
One Environment Plan was closed for public
an opportunity for all levels of the reports must be provided to all health
During Q2 2023, NOPSEMA undertook 42 comment after being published on the NOPSEMA
workforce to ask questions or provide and safety representatives (HSRs) on
inspections and recorded 13 injuries offshore, Consultation Hub and two more were opened but
information to a NOPSEMA inspector. a facility.
including one fatality. have since closed.

The fatal incident occurred on an offshore facility The ‘Draft policy for managing gender-restricted
NOPSEMA monitors and secures NOPSEMA encourages
compliance through inspecting a duty
and provided a tragic reminder of the risks of work information relating to First Nations cultural all members of the offshore
holder’s performance in managing the
involving the rigging, manipulation and movement heritage’ was opened for a three-month feedback
risks and impacts of their activities workforce to engage
of loads, including people and equipment. period that has also closed. with their health and safety
consistent with commitments made
NOPSEMA also released the Compliance Strategy
in permissioning documents and, committees and facility
more broadly, in compliance with the HSRs to access inspection
2023 to inform stakeholders on how we intend to
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse
foster a culture of voluntary compliance and how
Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act)
and investigation reports
we will treat and deter non-compliance across the to strengthen transparency
and its regulations.
offshore energy industry in Commonwealth waters.
and foster a greater
NOPSEMA conducts investigations understanding of duty
into the circumstances surrounding
incidents and complaints to identify
holder compliance.
and share lessons learnt with the
broader industry and its stakeholders
and, in certain cases, to seek evidence
of non-compliance with the law as a
basis for potential enforcement.

20 21
Offshore activity Q2 2023

2,622,128 1044





1 2



COMPLAINTS includes:
Alternative duties injuries: 4
Regarding duty
Medical treatment injuries: 3
holder performance
Lost time injuries: 3

91 42



Mobile offshore

drilling units

40 key permissioning






51 other assessments ENFORCEMENT

22 23

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and

Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)

ABN 22 385 178 289

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