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Author: Juvêncio de Deus C.

do Rosário
Thesis Advisors: Prof. Roberto Fainstein & Prof. Rui Pena dos Reis

19 de abril de 2018 Master Degree in Geosciences - MSc

Geology and Geophysics Appraisal of the Southern Region onshore Timor-

Leste and of the adjacent offshore shallow and deep-water regions.


The southern region of the Timor-Leste micro-continent is
characterized by an accretionary wedge resulting from the collision
structuring caused by the northwestern motion of the Australian Plate
into Far-East Archipelago. This thesis brielfy reviews this plate tectonics
scenario and is foucused on the G & G investigations of data from wells
drilled in southern Timor-Leste and interpret merge these data with
recent seismic data gathered in the offshore areas.
Seismic interpretation of the regional lines un-covered multiple
attractive, Mesozoic and Paleozoic, prospects in the offshore deep-water
region these, if drilled successfully, may impact very favorably on the
economy of Timor-Leste. In the offshore area, this thesis also addresses
the outlook for future activities in the Sunrise gas region and in the
Bayu-Undan oil province.
Figure2. Workflow of methodology study.
By contrast, in the onshore and shallower waters regions these need
substantional additiional studies in order to be successfully exploited. The activities undertaken involved collecting many of the previous studies related to
the geological research in Timor Leste. Therefore data utilized in this reference study
consists of geological information about Timor Leste, tectonic history, its geological
structure and stratigraphy, and moreover information leading to hydrocarbon
prospectivity and the related petroleum system in the area of Timor.
The support of the various datasets from previous regional exploration in Timor Leste
(figure 1) and tied these to the drilled wells data information, that were tied to seismic
regional data.
Well data and seismic regional profiles were loaded into workstation utilizing a Petrel
2017 Schlumberger License. Interpretation workflow included the investigation of
dominant frequencies and bandwidth, analyses of amplitudes, seismic attributes,
sections flattening, TWT picking of reflectors, and time structural mapping.

Figure1. Regional Petroleum Highlights of Timor-Leste and surrounding area (T.R.

Charlton, 2002b).

The purpose of this mapping was to reveal the prospects on the Jurassic,
Triassic and Permian. The Horizons that were interpreted and mapped
included the sea-floor; Jurassic Break-up Unconformity, top Triassic and
Top Permian are based on the study purpose (figure 3 figure 4).
From several attractive fault blocks were mapped in which reservoirs
targets are the Cretaceous carbonates, Jurassic sands, Triassic carbonates
and Permian carbonates (figure 3 figure 4), all pointing out for the
possibility of a significant future discovery. Figure3. Structure & Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic CS Line J1-J1’ (NS).
The interpretation mapping for lead/prospect evaluation was restricted to
the deepwater areas in the unaffected side of the subduction zone.
Analogues were searched from previous work established nearby in the
Timor Sea such as the Jurassic oil reservoirs in the Bayu-Undan and the
gas-condensate reservoirs in the Sunrise -Troubadour areas (figure 1).


The interpretation and evaluation of the Regional seismic data and well
data of offshore part of the southern part of Timor Island, allowed the
identification of major subsurface geological structures and the
stratigraphic pattern prevailing in the area (figure 3 & 4).
The seismic reflection data (2D) and the well data integrated with the
onshore geology, provided a model for the structural configuration of the
area, through a set of structural maps for varying time horizons (figure 3
figure 4).
The stratigraphic patterns in the area of study, includes the following
horizons: the seabed, Cenozoic, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic and Figure4. Structure & Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic CS Line J4-J4’ (WE).
Permian (figure 3 & 4).
Some active fields in this area make Cretaceous carbonates and the
Jurassic sandstones as a reservoir target (T.R. Charlton, 2002b) but the BIBLIOGRAPHY
Triassic carbonates and the Permian carbonates should be targeted for a
significant future discovery. This interpretation mapping for lead/ T.R. Charlton (2002b). APPEA Journal. The Petroleum Potential of East Timor, 352,356.
prospect evaluation was restricted to the deepwater areas (figure 3 & 4).

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