Taste Guide (Post Reading)

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6th year

Title: TASTE
Post-reading guide

1) Write about the SETTING:

2) Name the CHARACTERS and add some facts about them.








3) a. Draw a layout of the table setting in the dining room.

B .Who are the MAIN CHARACTERS? Describe them.

4) Write 10 KEY WORDS related to the story:

5) Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence:

a. Mike Schofield had one daughter/two daughters/one son.

b. Richard Pratt loved smoking/hated smoking/refused to smoke.

c. The narrator had been to dinner at Mike’s once/twice/three times before

when Richard was there.

6) Complete the sentences:

a. ……………………………….. was president of a small society called

the Epicures.

b. ……………………………….. visited Geierslay.

c. ………………………………. Was a man who had become very rich

very quickly.

d. ……………………………….. was eighteen years old.

e. ………………………………….. stood at the back of the room.

7) Why was the top of the green cupboard in Mike’s study the perfect place
to keep the wine?

8) What can you say about the role of the narrator in this story?
9) Explain what the bet was on both sides.

10) Who said it?

a. “That’s rather an insult to me. You know?”

b. “As a matter of fact, and with respect, I don’t”

c. “Why don’t we stop this nonsense?”

d.”Don’t be stupid”

e.”Yes, sir. They’re yours”

11) Why was Mike convinced that Richard wasn’t going to guess that
particular claret?

12) Explain the following line: “Keep clam now, Michael dear!”


13) What is your reaction to how Mike Schofield treats his wife and

14) How would you react in this situation if you were the daughter?

15) Do you believe in making bets? If so, what do you bet on and what is
your stake?

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