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1. Solubility of gases:
A. Increase with pressure. B. Increase with temperature.
C. Decrease with pressure. D. Remains unchanged.
According to Henry’s law ‘m’ is directly proportion to ‘P’
m = kP

2. Helium is a inert gas:

A. It has no valency. B. It is monoatomic.
C. It has completely filled orbit. D. All of above.

3. The gas obeys ideal behaviour:

A. low temperature and high pressure. B. High temperature and high pressure.
Real gas deviate from ideal gas
C. low temperature and low pressure. D. High temperature and low pressure.
increase volume intermolecular attraction decreases
4. The acidic buffer solution is:
A. NH4OH + NH4Cl Basic Buffer B. CH3COOH + CH3COONa

5. What will be the volume of 2.8 gm of CO at 27oC with pressure of 0.0821atm.

A. 30 dm3 B. 0.3 dm3
C. 0.1 dm D. 3.0 dm3
nCO   0.1mol
PV  nRT
0.1 0.0821  300
V  30dm3

6. What should be passed over chlorine to produce bleaching powder:

A. CaSO4 B. CaCO3
C. Ca(OH)2 Slaked Lime D. CaOCl2
CaOH2  Cl2  CaOCl2  H 2 O

7. 1s2,2s2,2p6,…………, 3d3 belongs to:

A. Inner transition elements B. 4th period
C. 3rd period. D. Both A & B.
4s2, 3d3 = 4th period, VA Group, d-Block

8. Which one contains covalent bond?

A. HCl B. NH3
C. H2 D. All of above.

9. Which one acts as an Electrophile:

A. Benzene B. Cl 
C. NO 2 D. Both B & C.
Electrophile = +ve charge, Nucleophile = -ve charge

10. Calculate activation energy of a reaction whose threshold energy is 39 K.J/mole and internal energy is 10
K.J/mole Activation energy  Threshold energy - Average internal energy
Activation energy  39 - 10  29
A. 29 B. 19
C. 10 D. 49

11. For an exothermic reaction by increasing the temperature, the reaction proceeds towards:
A. Forward direction. B. Backward direction.
C. Remains the same. D. None of these.
Exothermic  R  P  Heat , Endothermi c  R  Heat  P

12. Which salt dissolves in water due to Hydrolysis:

A. KCl neutral salt B. HCl Strong acid
C. NH4Cl acidic salt D. None of these.

13. In crystal of ZnSO4.XH2O the value of X is:

A. 1 B. 3
C. 5 D. 7
ZnSO4.7H2O = White vitriol
FeSO4.7 H2O = Green vitriol
CuSO4.5H2O = Blue vitriol

14. In Cl2O7 the oxidation no of Cl is :

A. +7 Cl2+14O7-14 B. +14
C. -7 D. 0

15. FeSO4  Cl 2  H 2SO4  Fe(SO4 ) 3  HCl  H 2 O, Which one is oxidized in this reaction?
A. Fe B. S
C. O D. Cl
In above equation Fe+2 of FeSO4 to Fe+3 of Fe2(SO4)3

16. Which is the simplest Amino acid?

A. Glycine B. Alanine
C. Histatine D. Phenylalanine

17. What is the IUPAC name of (CH3)2CHOCH3:

A. 2-methoxy propane B. methoxy propane
C. propoxy propane D. 1-propoxy methane
CH3  CH  OCH3
CH 3

18. Nylon is:

A. Poly ester. Terylene B. Poly amide Or Nylon 6,6
C. Poly alcohol D. None

19. Low I.P is due to:

A. Smaller Nuclear Charge B. Large atomic size.
C. Greater shielding effect. D. All of above.
IP means electron loss energy gain

20. Which element has different no. of Protons and Neutrons?

A. Deutrium B. Na+ 23
11 Na , P  11, n  12
C. O D. None

21. If H gains an electron this property of H resembles with:

A. Alkali Metals. B. Halogens
C. Carbon D. None of these
If hydrogen loss an electron this property of H resembles with Alkali metals

22. The Molecular weight of a compound is 104, where the percentage of carbon is 34.62% and Hydrogen is
4.08% and Oxygen is 62.3% the formula of compound is
A. C3H4O4 36+4+64 = 104 B. C2H4O2
C. C2H2O4 D. None of these

23. In 1932 James Chadwick discovered:

A. Electron B. Proton
C. Neutron D. Positron

24. When white light passes through the prism the light which suffers least deviation has a wavelength
A. 4000oA Violet B. 7000oA Red
C. 4200 A D. 5000oA

25. When Ethyne reacts with water the final stable product will be:
A. Acetamide B. Ethanol
C. Ethanal D. Formaldehyde

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