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Script mini vidio kelompok 2

Nama anggota dan perannya:

1. Innayah 2021008292 – CEO
2. I Gede Swastika 2021008106 – Pelamar
3. Giovani Juan Geros 2021008258 – Pelamar
4. Wina Permata Sari 2021099187 – Manager SDM

1. Welcome and Intrudaction
2. Review of current recruitmen status
3. Discuss job opening and requirements
4. Review and Evaluate Candidate Application
5. Plan For Interviews
6. Quistions and Discussions
7. Next Step and Assigments
8. Adjourment


manager sdm: Good [morning/afternoon], everyone. Thank you for joining today’s
recruitment meeting. I hope everyone is doing well. Let’s start by taking attendance."
[Chairperson takes attendance]

[Chairperson]: "Great, thank you. Let's proceed with our agenda for today."
Review of Current Recruitment Status

Manager SDM: "First, let's review the current status of our recruitment efforts.
[Name], could you please provide an update on where we stand?"

[Recruitment Officer]: "Sure, currently we have [number] of open positions. We've

received [number] of applications and conducted [number] of initial screenings. The
positions that need immediate attention are [list positions]."
. Discuss Job Openings and Requirements

[Chairperson]: "Thank you for the update. Now, let’s discuss the job openings and
their specific requirements. [Name], could you go over the job descriptions and the
essential qualifications needed?"

[Hiring Manager]: "Of course. For the [Position], we are looking for candidates with
[specific qualifications and skills]. It's crucial that they have experience in [relevant

Review and Evaluate Candidate Applications

[Chairperson]: "Next, we need to review and evaluate the applications we’ve
received. [Name], can you please present the top candidates for each position?"

[Recruitment Officer]: "Certainly. For the [Position], the top candidates are
[Candidate 1], [Candidate 2], and [Candidate 3]. [Candidate 1] has a strong
background in [relevant experience] and excellent skills in [specific skills].
[Candidate 2]... etc."
Plan for Interviews

[Chairperson]: "Thank you for the evaluations. Now, let’s plan the interviews. When
are we available to schedule these interviews? And who will be on the interview

[Team members discuss availability and panel composition]

[Team members discuss availability and panel composition]

6. Questions and Discussions

[Chairperson]: "Does anyone have any questions or points for discussion before we
move on to the next steps?"

[Open floor for questions and discussions]

Next Steps and Assignments

[Chairperson]: "Alright, if there are no further questions, let’s outline the next steps
and assign tasks. [Name], you will schedule the interviews. [Name], please prepare
the interview questions. [Name], follow up with the candidates."

[Chairperson]: "Thank you, everyone, for your contributions. This concludes our
meeting. Let’s reconvene next [meeting date/time] to review our progress. Have a
great day!"

Manager SDM

1. Can you tell us about yourself? ...

2. Why are you applying for this position? ...
3. Where did you get this job info? ...
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses? ...
5. What do you know about this position and company? ...
6. What are your plans for the next 3–5 years?
1. I have extensive knowledge on a variety of topics and can help with any questions
or requests for information you may have.
2. I am applying for this position because I want to help people with my skills in
understanding and conveying information in a clear and effective way.
3. I got information about this position from news sources and online job vacancy
4. my strengths include my ability in natural language processing, data analysis, and
clear delivery of information. My weakness may lie in my limitations in
understanding very specific contexts or very complex situations. 5.Regarding this
company and position, I have done research and know that this company is a
leader in the industry, and this position requires great skills.
5. In the next 3-5 years, I hope to continue developing my skills in natural language
processing and perhaps get involved in larger projects and become a more
valuable contributor to my team.

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