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Hi Dr and friends,

In answering those questions I'd love to give my answer from two perspectives which are
positive and negative impacts towards teaching practices, curriculum design and student

Standardized testing in schools involves the use of uniform assessments to measure the
academic performance of students. These tests are administered under controlled and
standardized conditions, and the results are often used for various educational purposes.
There are positive and negative impact derived from having standardized testing which as

Positive impact: on teacher’s practices

(a) Standardized test can hold teachers accountable for their student’s academic performance.
This accountability may motivate teachers to strive for higher standards in their
teaching practices.
(b) Standardized tests can serve as benchmarks to assess a teacher's effectiveness
compared to national or state averages. This information can guide professional
development efforts and help identify successful teaching strategies. Besides, ,
standardized tests provide a standardized measure, allowing for comparisons across
schools, districts, and even countries. It helps policymakers and educators assess the
effectiveness of different educational strategies.
(c) Test results can help identify areas where additional resources, such as tutoring,
intervention programs, or technology, may be needed. This targeted allocation of
resources can support both teachers and students in improving performance.

Negative impacts: on teacher’s practices

(a) some teachers might be compelled to "teach to the test," emphasizing rote
memorization and test-taking strategies rather than fostering critical thinking and a
deep understanding of the material. Teacher only focused on strategies to answering
questions on test
(b) The constant pressure associated with achieving high test scores can
contribute to teacher burnout. The stress of meeting performance targets may
negatively impact job satisfaction and overall well-being.
(c) The emphasis on standardized testing can stifle teachers' creativity in
developing innovative and engaging teaching methods. Teachers may feel
constrained to traditional approaches that align more closely with test preparation,
limiting their ability to foster a love for learning.

(d) Students usually will face stress and anxiety when facing the big examination.
High-stakes testing can create stress and anxiety among students, teachers, and
even parents. All related parties are affected as they are pushed by the environment
to show the great and highest results compare to others.
In addition, standardized testing also leads to poor creativity and critical thinking.
Students are not taught to explore knowledge in contrast they were taught to
answer question right. They need to know the trick of the questions might be asked
in the exam regardless of what are the learning outcomes that they suppose to
acquire from the learning process. Overemphasis on testing can stifle innovative
teaching methods.

Standardized testing has been implemented years before in our educational system. There are many
positive and negative impact derived from having standardized testing. In answering the question
above, I would like to give an explanation on the impact from teacher practices first.

There will be a shift in pedagogy. It will impact the teacher focus on which topic and what activities
should be conducted in the class. The goals of teachers will align with goals that set by school which
they need to ensure that they can have a high number of students who achieve a good grade in the
examination. So, in order to achieve those teachers will have to focus more on techniques and
methods to be excel in the exam which will reduce the time and opportunities for project-based
learning, discussion and other interactive learning methods.


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