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Nina Castañed, Natalia Celín, Tais Benítez FUNDACIÓN LIBERTAD

Año Lectivo 2023 – 2024


NIVEL: Bachillerato ASIGNATURA: History

1) What does Greek geography have to do with Greek history?

It si the fact that all the Islands helped them to protect their territory form inventions and posible
2) Write a short summary of the history of Greek written language during the Mycenaean, Dark Ages
and Archaic period.
The Greek language during Mycenaean was the resulta of the linear A and linear B which was the
Phoenician writing.
3) Explain what the Polis is.
The Polis is a city-state in the ancient Greece were philosophical discussion
4) Why did King Darius start a war against the Athenians?
It was because Athenians were helping to their enemy the Persian Empire in the rebelión at Sardis.
In resoult of this Farious wanted revange and started a war
5) What happened during Darius’ second invasion?
In this invasion Persinas were near the Greek empire, especifically at Eritrea. But even thought this
time it seem like Persian were wining the Greeks defeated them
6) How did the Greeks defeat King Xerxes?
The King Xerxes continued his father revange with the Greek empire and after Repeated wars
Greeks by the help of destiny which sent them a storm and other weather conditions helped Greeks
7) How did the conflict between Sparta and Athens begin?
It was because of an earthquake at Sparta made them week and Athens wanted to help but
Spartans thought it was a way of invasion and a conflict started
8) How did the First Peloponnesian war begin?
The first Peloponnesian war began because Athens was having a lot of influence which caused
Spartans to threaten them to war beginning the first Peloponnesian war

9) How were the Spartans able to defeat the Athenians in the Peloponnesian wars?
They were able to defeat Athenians because it’s army was huge because of the help of Persians
10) How were the Macedonians able to dominate and unify the Greek city-states? The Macedonians
were able to unify and dominate the Greek city-states under the leadership of King Philip II and his
son Alexander the Great. They used military, political and diplomatic strategies to create one of the
largest empires of our history.
11) How was Alexander able to convince the many rebellious Greeks to accept his rule? Alexander the
Great was a charismatic man and a genius in the art of war. He convinced the rebellious Greeks to
accept his rule by little actions, like the respect for local traditions or the administrative
participation of them, sharing the governance.
12) What does Diadochi mean?The diadochi were people from ancient Greek who had a position in a
limited territory just like time, for example the generals of Alexander the Great
13) In which empires does Alexander's empire divide into? Alexander the Great’s empire was divided
into 4 which were: the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, the Seleucid Empire in the east, the Kingdom of
Pergamum in Asia Minor and Macedonia.
14) What is the name of the period in which Alexander's empire sub-divides into smaller empires, all
with Greek cultural heritage?
It was in the Helllenistic period. And it began with the desde of himself until the Roman conquest
15) How was the Roman society divided? the roman society divided into tree classes that were the
Patricians, the elite people and the Plebeians,
16) Which was the most important institution in the Republic of Rome, and why?
17) Explain the structure of the Roman political organization during its republican period. Use the
following concepts and elaborate the way in which they relate to each other: A) Senate, B) Consuls,
C) Censor, D) Centuriate Assembly - Tribunal Assembly - Plebian Concil, E) Legislative power, F)
Executive Power, G) Judicial Power.
18) What was the purpose of the complex political organization of Rome?
19) Descendants of whom were the Carthaginians?
20) The dispute around which territory was the First Punic War about?
21) How were the Romans able to defeat the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War?
22) What is the reason for the Third Punic War?
23) Which new territories were controlled by Rome after the Punic Wars?
24) What is one accepted definition of an Empire?
25) What happened with Julius Caesar and Pompey, once Crassus died fighting the Parthenians?
26) What did Julius Caesar do after he and his armies conquered the territory of Gaul?
27) Where was the Roman civil war, led by Pompey in one side, and Julius Caesar on the other, fought?
28) What did Pompey do, after he was defeated by Julius Caesar in the Roman civil war?
29) What happened with Pompey once he arrived to Alexandria, in Egypt?
30) What was the ruling dynasty when Pompey arrived to Alexandria?
31) How was Cleopatra able to become Pharaoh?
32) What happened with Egypt, once Cleopatra became Pharaoh?
33) What happened with Julius Caesar, once he returned from Egypt to Rome?

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