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PSY1010 – Touchstone 4 Page 1

Smarter Decisions through Psychology

Using your problem-solving and self and social awareness skills and the information you
learned about brain plasticity, motivation, and mindset, answer the questions in this case study
assignment to help Monica offer strategies to improve Mark’s chances for doing well on the
compliance test.

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive
credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 1: What kind of mindset does Mark need to embrace to be successful? Describe the
impact of mindset on success.

Question 2: What type of mindset does Mark currently have, and how does it affect his brain?
Explain how mindset affects learning.

Question 3: What advice should Monica give to Mark, and why? Describe a specific strategy
that Monica can suggest to Mark to improve his memory and better prepare for the compliance

Question 4: If Mark were your coworker, what important aspects of the situation would you
want to keep in mind when offering advice and strategies to him? Why do you think this is
important? Explain the importance of tailoring advice and strategies directly to Mark’s situation.

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