Perspective REEs

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JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 32, No. 3, Mar. 2014, P.


Perspectives for the recovery of rare earths from end-of-life fluorescent lamps
K. Binnemans1,*, P.T. Jones2
(1. Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F- box 2404, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium ;2. Department of Metallurgy and
Materials Engineering, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 44 - box 2450, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium)

Received 10 June 2013; revised 25 September 2013

Abstract: This vision paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the three main options for the recycling of rare-earth ele-
ments from end-of-life fluorescent lamps: (1) direct re-use of the lamp phosphor mixture; (2) separation of the lamp phosphor mixture
into the different phosphor components; (3) recovery of the rare-earth content. An overview is given of commercial activities in
Europe in the domain of recycling of materials from end-of-life fluorescent lamps and the recovery of rare earths from these lamps.
The collection of end-of-life fluorescent lamps is currently driven by a legal framework that prohibited the release of mercury to the
environment. The contaminations of the lamp phosphor powders by mercury and by small glass particles of crushed fluorescent lamps
are limiting factors in the recycling process. Research should be directed to an advanced clean-up of the reclaimed lamp phosphor
fraction, and in particular to the removal of mercury and glass fragments. The recovery of rare earths from the lamp phosphors could
be facilitated by taking advantage of the differences in resistance of the different lamp phosphors by chemical attack by inorganic ac-
ids and bases.

Keywords: balance problem; fluorescence lamps; lamp phosphors; lanthanides; rare-earth elements; recycling; urban mining

The efficient use of natural resources is mandatory in a main applications of rare earths: devices containing per-
sustainable, circular economy. This is only possible by the manent magnets, nickel metal hydride batteries and lamp
re-use and recycling of materials from end-of-life con- phosphors. Recently, reviews on the recycling of rare
sumer goods. Whereas high recycling rates are being earths have been published[7–9]. These give a state-of-the-
achieved for base metals such as iron, aluminum and cop- art overview of the scientific and patent literature about
per, as well as for precious metals (gold, silver, plati- this subject.
num-group metals), the recycling rates of the rare-earth The aim of this paper is to discuss the perspectives for
elements (REEs) are still very low (<1%)[1–3]. These low the recovery of rare earths from lamp phosphors. Three
recycling rates can be attributed to different factors, such different approaches for recycling of rare earths from
as technological difficulties, low toxicities of the REEs, end-of-life fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent
and, until recently, low prices and lack of incentives. The lamps (energy-saving lamps) are considered: (1) direct
technological issues of the recycling of rare earths can be re-use of the lamp phosphor mixture; (2) separation of the
understood by the fact that the rare earths are often minor lamp phosphor mixture into the different phosphor com-
components of complex materials in consumer goods[4]. ponents; (3) recovery of the REE content. Commercial ac-
For instance, a mobile phone contains less than 1 g of rare tivities are highlighted, with emphasis on the situation in
earths, mainly under the form of neodymium-iron- boron Europe. Finally, suggestions for further developments are
magnets. The flow sheets of the presently used py- made.
rometallurgical processes for the recycling of metals, such
as Umicore’s recycling plant at Hoboken, near Antwerp in
1 Composition of lamp phosphor mixtures
Belgium, have not been specifically designed for the re-
covery of rare earths, and consequently, the rare earths are On average, a compact fluorescent lamp consists of
lost to the oxide slags[5,6]. Given the complexity of glass (88 wt.%), metals (5 wt.%), plastic (4 wt.%), lamp
REE-containing consumer goods, it is recommended that phosphor powder (3 wt.%) and mercury (0.005 wt.%).
research efforts for the development of recycling schemes The composition of the lamp phosphor fraction obtained
of rare earths do not adopt a general approach to the re- after crushing and sieving of the compact fluorescent
covery of rare earths, but they must follow a prod- lamps is: halophosphate phosphor (45 wt.%), fine glass
uct-centric approach[5]. This means that independent recy- particles and silica (20 wt.%–30 wt.%), alumina (12
cling technologies have to be developed for the different wt.%), rare-earth phosphors (10 wt.% to 20 wt.%) and a

* Corresponding author: K. Binnemans (E-mail:; Tel.: +32 16 32 7446)

DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(14)60051-X
196 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 32, No. 3, Mar. 2014

residual fraction (5 wt.%). Alumina (Al2O3) and silica the lamps is required, followed by a sieving step. This
(SiO2) are used in the barrier layer. The barrier layer is sieving process can be done in a dry or a wet way. It is
present between the phosphor layer and the glass tube. Its evident that the lamp phosphor powder reports to be the
main function is to protect the glass envelope against at- finest sieving fraction. However, the lamp phosphor pow-
tack by mercury vapor, and thus preventing mercury de- der collected via this process is heavily contaminated by
pletion of the lamp and reduction of the lumen output of glass dust and very fine glass particles. The glass fraction
the lamp. The barrier layer also improves the efficiency can be up to 50% of the collected powder fraction. It is
of the lamp by reflecting back the UV light that passes very difficult, if not impossible, to separate these small
through the phosphor layer to the glass layer. glass particles from the phosphor particles. It must be re-
The five most common rare-earth phosphors in fluo- alized that even the lamp phosphor fraction recovered
rescent lamps are the red phosphor Y2O3:Eu3+ (YOX), from linear tube fluorescent lamps is contaminated by
the green phosphors LaPO4:Ce3+,Tb3+ (LAP), components of the binder material, which consists mainly
GdMgB5O10:Ce3+,Tb3+ (CBT), (Ce,Tb)MgAl11O19 (CAT) of alumina[7]. During the operational lifetime of the lamp,
and the blue phosphor BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM)[10,11]. A the phosphors can deteriorate due to the long-term expo-
less common blue phosphor is the chloroapatite sure to high-energy UV radiation and the impact of gas
(Sr,Ca,Ba,Mg)5(PO4)3Cl:Eu2+. Many older fluorescent molecules and ions. All these events can create defects in
lamps, as well as lamps that have recently been produced the crystal structure of the host material of the phosphor.
by some non-Chinese lamp manufacturers contain the Moreover, the phosphor powder gets contaminated by
halophosphate phosphor (Sr,Ca)10(PO4)6(Cl,F)2:Sb3+,Mn2+, mercury. It has been shown that a larger part of the mer-
which is a broad-band white emitter. This halophosphate cury present in a fluorescent lamp accumulates in the lamp
phosphor is often mixed with Y2O3:Eu3+ to obtain a good phosphor over time. All these issues make that direct
color-rendering. The halophosphate phosphor does not re-use of lamp phosphors from end-of-life fluorescent
contain any REEs and is therefore of low intrinsic value lamps is not recommended, especially not from lamps
for recyclers. On the other hand, Y2O3:Eu3+ has the other than the linear tube fluorescent lamps.
highest intrinsic value, because it contains large concen- Ingenious methods have been developed for the sorting
trations of yttrium and europium, and represents the main of collected end-of-life tube fluorescent lamps in different
REE-containing phosphor in the recycled phosphor frac- classes of lamps with the same lamp phosphor mixture,
tion (up to about 20 wt.%). based on recording of the fluorescent spectrum of the
phosphor coating of the lamps. The lamps are enlightened
for a short time (this can be done even by the presence of
2 Direct re-use of lamp phosphor mixtures
an external AC electrical field) and the fluorescence spec-
The recovery of lamp phosphors from end-of-life fluo- trum is captured by a fast spectrofluorimeter. Each lamp
rescent lamps for direct re-use in new fluorescent lamps is phosphor mixture has its characteristic emission spectrum
an obvious recycling route. This route comprises separa- and this spectrum can serve as a fingerprint for the compo-
tion of the powder fraction from the glass, metal and plas- sition of the lamp phosphor mixture. The spectrum allows
tic fractions of the end-of-life fluorescent lamps. This route identifying the different phosphor components and their
seems to be straightforward and is appealing from the relative abundance in the phosphor mixture. Such a proc-
point of view of the limited need for chemicals in the dif- ess was developed by the Belgian waste-processing com-
ferent process steps (or the need to use no chemicals at all). pany Indaver, in close collaboration with Philips Lighting,
However, there are several technological issues associated in order to recycle the phosphors from Philips’ linear tube
with this processing route: (1) This approach is applicable fluorescent lamps.
only to one type of lamp, because different manufacturers
are using different types of phosphor blends, and one sin-
3 Separation of phosphor mixtures in in-
gle manufacturer may even use different phosphor blends;
dividual components
(2) Collection of one combined mixed lamp phosphor
fraction from end-of-life fluorescent lamps will result in an In order to overcome the problem that different lamp
inferior end product, which few lamp manufacturers are manufacturers are using different lamp phosphor mixtures,
willing to use; (3) Another technological issue is the re- the recycled lamp phosphor fraction could be separated
covery of the phosphor powders from the lamps. The re- into the different components. It can also be tried to sepa-
moval of the phosphor powder is relatively straightforward rate the fine glass particles from the phosphor powder. Just
for linear tube fluorescent lamps: the end caps are cut off as in the case of the direct re-use of the lamp phosphors,
and the phosphor powder can be easily blown out of the this method is appealing, because it does not involve dis-
glass tube by a pressurized air stream and, ultimately, col- solution of the phosphor powder and further chemical
lected. For other fluorescent lamps (non-linear tube fluo- processing of the dissolved rare-earth content, so that a
rescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps), crushing of limited amount of waste is generated. This method could
K. Binnemans et al., Perspectives for the recovery of rare earths from end-of-life fluorescent lamps 197

deliver in principle products of a higher purity than in the a column filled with chelating resin beads that have a very
case of direct re-use. However, it is very difficult to high affinity for mercury. In this way, mercury is seques-
achieve 100% separation efficiency for the different tered from the solution. The mercury-loaded resin can be
phosphor components. It is evident that contamination of regenerated or can be disposed as toxic chemical waste.
the red phosphor fraction by green or blue phosphor com-
ponents is highly undesirable. Moreover, as mentioned in
5 Issues with mercury
the previous section, the lamp phosphors can deteriorate
over the lifetime of the fluorescent lamp. As already indicated several times, the presence of mer-
Different methods have been developed for the separa- cury has a strong influence on the recycling of rare earths
tion of lamp phosphor mixtures. These include flotation[12], from end-of-life fluorescent lamps. On the positive side,
pneumatic separation[13], gravity separation by dense liq- very efficient collection schemes exist for end-of-life fluo-
uids[14], liquid-liquid extraction[15,16], and separations based rescent lamps, especially in Europe. End-of-life fluores-
on differences in magnetic properties of the phosphor cent lamps are being collected separately from other mu-
components[8]. nicipal waste streams, not because of their REE content of
the lamp phosphors, but because of the presence of mer-
cury, which is an environmental hazard. Over the years,
4 Recovery of REE content
the mercury content of fluorescent lamps has steadily been
Recovery of the REE content is the most drastic method decreasing, but each fluorescent lamp still contains a few
of recycling, but it delivers the most pure end products, in micrograms of Hg. On the negative side, the presence of
the form of high-purity rare-earth oxides. These rare-earth mercury hampers the recycling of lamp phosphors, be-
oxides can be used for making new lamp phosphors, or for cause the contamination of the lamp phosphor powders by
making new REE-containing compounds for other appli- mercury makes that the recycled lamp phosphor fraction is
cations. In this approach, the lamp phosphor fraction is considered as toxic waste and needs to be treated accord-
considered as a high-value rare-earth ore, with a high con- ingly.
centration of the heavy rare earths europium, terbium and Mercury can be recovered from lamp phosphors of end-
yttrium. Therefore, the methods used to recover the REE of-life fluorescent lamps by heating the phosphor powder
content of the lamps phosphors resemble the methods of in vacuum at temperatures between 400 and 600 °C to
chemical attack and further treatment of rare-earth ores. volatilize mercury[18]. The normal boiling point of mercury
For instance, the dissolution characteristics of the LAP is 356.6 °C. Mercury vapor can be trapped by special fil-
phosphate phosphor resemble those of monazite. However, ters or can be condensed to mercury metal. Temperatures
advantage can be taken of the differences in resistance of of 400 to 600 °C are not high enough to eliminate all the
the different phosphor components to attack by mineral mercury from the lamp phosphor. Temperatures in excess
acids[17]. For instance, the REE-free halophosphate phos- of 800 °C are required to remove all mercury from the
phor can be easily dissolved in cold dilute mineral acids phosphor powder, because part of the mercury is strongly
(e.g. 1 mol/L HCl at room temperature), leaving the REE- bonded in the form of Hg2+ ions to the phosphor powder
containing phosphors behind. The second most easily dis- and the glass particles[19–21].
solvable compound is the YOX phosphor, Y2O3:Eu3+, The heating process is very energy-consuming and al-
which can be dissolved by HCl or HNO3 solutions at ele- though it has been used in the past, it is not operational at
vated temperatures. This is the most valuable phosphor in the moment on a commercial scale. An industrial mercury
the phosphor mixture, so that some recycling processes distillation unit requires special precautions to ensure that
only target this red phosphor and do not consider recycling employees of the chemical plant are not being exposed to
of the green and blue phosphors. The LAP and especially unacceptably high mercury levels in the air. Moreover, the
the BAM phosphor are much more resistant to attack by process is not compatible with wet crushing and sieving
chemicals and, therefore, require harsh conditions such as procedures, which are being used by some lamp recycling
the use of hot concentrated H2SO4 or even molten inor- companies. The need of drying of the phosphor powder
ganic salts (e.g. molten Na2CO3 or NaOH). The problem before the vacuum heating process can be applied, would
with an attack by molten salts is that the small glass parti- also lead to prohibitive costs.
cles are also dissolved, which leads to contamination of The removal of mercury from solutions obtained by dis-
the pregnant leaching solution by silica. This dissolved solution of the lamp phosphor powders in mineral acid
silica can cause problems during further processing of the solutions was discussed in section 4.
REE-containing solutions, because it can lead to third
phase formation in solvent extraction batteries.
6 Balance problem
After dissolution of the lamp phosphors, the resulting
solution first needs to be treated to remove the dissolved The rare-earth elements are found in nature as mix-
mercury. This can be done by passing the solution through tures of the different elements in certain ratios, which can
198 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 32, No. 3, Mar. 2014

show slight variations on the type of ore or the geo- There is a tendency to drastically decrease or even elimi-
graphical location of the deposit. Bastnäsite and mona- nate the use of dysprosium in NdFeB magnets, because
zite are rich in the light rare earths elements (LREE), dysprosium is the most critical of all rare earths. Less de-
whereas xenotime and ion-adsorption clays are rich in mand of dysprosium means that there will be less yttrium,
the heavy rare earth elements (HREE). The general trend terbium and europium available, so that it is beneficial if at
in the natural abundance of the rare earths is that the least part of the global demand of these elements could be
elements become scarcer with increasing atomic number covered by recycling them from end-of-life fluorescent
Z (abundances decrease over the lanthanide series). lamps.
Moreover, elements with an even atomic number Z are To estimate this potential is not an easy task. Little in-
more abundant than elements with an odd atomic number formation is available on the global stocks of rare earths in
(Oddo-Harkins rule). For example, cerium (Z=58) is fluorescent lamps[24]. More efforts have been devoted to
more abundant than its neighbors lanthanum (Z=57) and the inventory of rare earths in permanent magnets[25,26].
praseodymium (Z=59). Cerium is the dominating rare
earth in ores rich in LREE while yttrium is the main rare
7 Commercial activities
earth in ores rich in HREE.
The balance between the demand by the market and the Fully closing the materials loop for rare earths in lamp
natural abundances of the rare earths in ores is a major phosphors requires a multitude of operations: (1) collec-
problem for manufacturers of these elements. This is the tion of end-of-life fluorescent lamps; (2) physical separa-
so-called balance problem (or balancing problem)[22,23]. tion of the lamp phosphor powders from the glass, metal
The ideal situation is a perfect match between the demand and plastic waste fraction; (3) purification of the phosphor
and production of rare earths, so that there are no surpluses powders to remove glass particles and mercury; (4) trans-
of any of the rare-earth elements. This would result in the formation of the lamp phosphor fraction into a rare-earth
lowest market price for any of the rare earths, because the concentrate; (5) separation of the rare-earth concentrate in
production costs are shared by all the elements. Unfortu- the individual rare-earth elements; (6) production of new
nately, this is not the case. For instance, neodymium is lamp phosphors from the purified rare-earth oxides; (7)
high in demand for the production of neodym- production of new fluorescent lamps using these lamp
ium-iron-boron magnets and this results in an overproduc- phosphors. Different companies need to be involved in this
tion of the other rare earths, and cerium in particular. The value chain. Typically, the collection of end-of-life fluo-
balance problem implicates that the rare earth industry has rescent lamps is done by other companies rather than those
to find new applications for rare earths that are available in who further treat the waste fraction to recover glass, metals,
excess, or to search for substitutions for rare earths that plastic and lamp phosphors. Separation of rare-earth con-
have limited availability and that are high in demand. centrates, production of lamp phosphors and manufactur-
Stockpiling of rare earths is a possible answer to surpluses ing of new lamps are highly specialized activities, that that
of some elements, but it is not the best option. The are being done by only a few players in the field.
rare-earth markets are also permanently changing. Fur- Although end-of-life fluorescent lamps are being col-
thermore, diversification of the rare-earth ores (i.e. use of lected in many countries for many years, the recovery of
other types of ores) can be a partial solution. As long as the rare earths from the lamp phosphor powders was not con-
rare earths were used as mixtures (e.g. as mischmetal) sidered until recently. Processing of end-of-life fluorescent
there was no real balance problem. lamps was mainly about recycling the glass fraction. Not
Recycling of rare earths from end-of-life fluorescent all recyclers are recovering the mercury. Instead, steps are
lamps can help to keep the rare-earth markets in balance. taken to immobilize the mercury, for instance as highly
Three of the rare earths present in lamp phosphors (euro- insoluble sulfides. The collected lamp phosphors powders
pium, terbium, yttrium) are considered as critical raw ma- are landfilled or are temporarily stored in containers for
terials. If part of the global demand of these elements later processing.
could be covered by recycling them from end-of-life con- A commercial process for the recovery of rare earths
sumer goods, part of the criticality problems could be from lamp phosphors in end-of-life fluorescent lamps has
solved. Moreover, it also means that less primary rare- been developed by Solvay - Rhodia and is operated in
earth ores need to be mined and processed, so that there France in Saint Fons (near Lyon) and in La Rochelle. The
will be less oversupply of rare earths that are less in de- process consists of three main steps. In Saint Fons and La
mand. At this moment, the market of the heavy rare earths Rochelle the lamp phosphor fraction is reprocessed to a
is driven by dysprosium, which is required for the produc- rare-earth concentrate, containing La, Ce, Eu, Gd, Tb and
tion of neodymium-iron-boron magnets (NdFeB magnets) Y[27]. During this process, also the phosphates are recycled,
with higher operating temperatures. Partial substitution of under the form of P2O5. In the second step, the rare-earth
dysprosium for neodymium reduced the temperature sen- concentrate is separated in La Rochelle in the individual
sitivity of the magnetic properties of the NdFeB magnets. rare earths. Finally, the purified rare-earth oxides are
K. Binnemans et al., Perspectives for the recovery of rare earths from end-of-life fluorescent lamps 199

processed in La Rochelle to new lamp phosphors, mainly and yttrium in yellow Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ phosphors and in
Y2O3:Eu3+ (YOX) and LaPO4:Ce3+,Tb3+ (LAP). high-tech ceramics.
OSRAM (owned by Siemens) developed a process to The recovery of rare earths from end-of-life fluorescent
recover REEs from used phosphors that consists of disso- lamps is a nice example of product-centric recycling.
lution of the phosphor mixture in acids, followed by pre- Rather than only targeting the rare-earth content of lamp
cipitation of the REE as oxalates, and finally transforma- phosphor powder, recycling companies need to provide a
tion of the oxalates in oxides[17]. global solution to the recycling of the different waste frac-
tions (glass, metals, plastics, phosphor powders).
8 Conclusions and outlook Acknowledgements: The authors thank the KU Leuven for the
financial support of the rare earth recycling work (GOA/13/008
End-of-life fluorescent lamps are valuable source of
and IOF-KP RARE³, within the Stra-
europium, terbium and yttrium, i.e. three of the five most
tegic Inorganic Materials Management (SIM²) research pro-
critical rare earths. In addition, this waste fraction also
contains cerium, lanthanum and gadolinium. Recovery of
rare earths from lamp phosphor powders is also recom-
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