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S25 - Learning evidence 3.

We can come to an agreement Presentation

& video

Keila Yineth Ortiz Ramirez

Clara Alejandra Coba Cantillo
Tatiana Guerrero Chon
Yaireth Carolina Pertuz Diaz


Institución Universitaria Digital de Antioquia

Ingles II
Martha Luz Sierra

Step 1:

Create groups of four (4) people. Each member of the group must select a role as a
family member: father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, son/daughter; the roles can
not be repeated. According to their role, they should also select a vacation destination
to visit with the whole family.

Step 2:
Based on the role selected, each student should create a slides presentation that
describes the place he or she suggests visiting, the activities to be done, the weather
expected during the time of year they will be there, and the type of clothing advised to
Advice: Use the learned vocabulary and grammar.



Step 3:
Considering the selected roles, identify five (5) types of conflicts that can be generated
when deciding on family vacations. Associate an approach with each identified
problematic situation and indicate how it would be applied in the corresponding situation
to avoid the generation of a conflict. Create a video presenting the five potential
conflicts, the approach used to address each situation, and how each approach can be
All group members should appear in the video. They can use any video recording
device to record themselves. The video should be at least two minutes long, with good
sound and image quality. Upload the video to any cloud storage service (such as
Youtube, Google Drive, Dailymotion, etc.) and get the link to share. Remember that the
video must be Public or Unlisted. Private videos cannot be accesse

Conflict 1 - Manage to agree on choosing the vacation place, since all the
family members had different places and did not want something different.

Conflict 2- When planning family vacations, an additional challenge arises due

to the health of Grandma, who has health issues that prevent her from being in
cold places, such as Paris. This detailed consideration implies that any
destination involving low temperatures may not be suitable for her.

Conflict 3- When planning family vacations, the issue of time can be a major
conflict among family members due to the different schedules and
commitments of each member, such as work and school. Coordinating a date
that works for everyone can be complicated and stressful. In addition,
differences in time availability and the desired length of the trip can make it
difficult to reach a consensual decision.
Conflict 4- Conflict over vacation month: Some family members may prefer to
vacation in June to avoid crowds, while others might prefer August because of
the warm weather. Others may prefer December because of the Christmas

Conflict 5- As a cousin in the family, scheduling conflicts can be a significant

source of tension when planning family vacations in June in Colombia. While
June is a popular vacation month due to school holidays, it may coincide with
work obligations or personal commitments for some family members.

Solution- The solution to scheduling conflicts when planning family vacations

might be to start the discussion and planning as far in advance as possible.
This would allow family members to coordinate their schedules and make
necessary adjustments to ensure that everyone can participate. In addition,
they might consider flexible travel options, such as adjustable departure and
return dates, to better accommodate individual needs. Open and honest
communication about time constraints and prior commitments would also be
critical to finding solutions that satisfy everyone.

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