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Learning Journal Unit 5

University of the People

SOC 1502 - Introduction to Sociology

Prof. Pablo Mark

Jacques Ellul

Jacques Ellul, an influential philosopher, economist, and writer, critically examined the

intersections of technology, economy, and human agency. In “The Formation of Men’s Atti-

tudes”, Ellul explores how propaganda and media shape public opinion by catering to the aver-

age citizen’s desire to have opinions on complex issues despite their lack of capacity to under-

stand them deeply (Ellul, 1965). This aligns closely with his broader thesis that technology and

media oppress human beings by reducing their ability to imagine and engage critically, thus

eroding cultural and symbolic richness.

Ellul argues that the overwhelming volume of news and information creates a fragmented

and incoherent worldview, which leads individuals to rely on simplistic explanations and ready

made opinions provided by propaganda (Ellul, 1965). This phenomenon is exacerbated in the

context of globalization, where media not only disseminates information rapidly across borders

but also homogenizes cultural perspectives, reinforcing the dominance of certain ideological

frameworks while marginalizing others. As globalization intensifies, media’s role in shaping a

global public opinion through propaganda becomes even more significant, often serving the in-

terests of powerful economic entities and political elites (Little, 2016).

Economically, Ellul’s critique of technological society emphasizes how the imperatives

of efficiency and control in capitalist systems lead to workforce alienation and exploitation (Ko-

rstanje, 2014). This critique resonates with current global economic structures, where technologi-

cal advancements prioritize efficiency and profitability, often at the expense of ethical considera-

tions and human welfare. Large corporations, through their control of technological innovations

and intellectual property, exert significant influence over global markets and economies, perpetu-

ating cycles of inequality and dependence.

Ellul’s observations about the decline of democracy under the influence of technology are

particularly relevant. He posits that propaganda not only informs but manipulates public opinion

to maintain the status quo, creating a pseudo reality that can distort democratic processes (Ellul,

1965). In a globalized world, where media conglomerates wield significant power, the potential

for such manipulation increases, undermining the foundational principles of democracy and criti-

cal public discourse.

In summary, Jacques Ellul’s work provides a critical framework for understanding the

pervasive influence of technology and media on modern society. His insights into how propa-

ganda shapes public opinion and reinforces economic and political power structures are crucial

for analyzing the impacts of globalization. As technology continues to evolve and integrate more

deeply into everyday life, Ellul’s warnings about the erosion of human agency and democratic

values remain profoundly relevant.

Reference List

Ellul, J. (1965). Propaganda: The formation of men's attitudes. Vintage



Korstanje, M. E. (2014). A review of Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st cen-

tury. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies,



Little, W. (2016). Introduction to Sociology -- 2nd Canadian Edition. BCcampus. Licensed un-

der CC BY 4.0.

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