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Implementation of Teaching Reading by Applying Report Text Through TPS

(Think – Pair Share) Method


Submited to The English Program

Faculty of Teachers Trainning and Educational Sciences of Galuh University



NIM : 2109200044





In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the writer expresses her sincere gratitude to the
almighty God, Allah S. W. T, who has given guidance, mercy, and good health, so
that she could finish writing this thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to the
final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has changed
the human life.

The writer realizes that many hands had given their helps and useful suggestion for
the completion of this a research proposal. Without the assistance of these people,
this thesis would never have existed.

Finally, I realize that this final project is still far from perfection. So, I looking forward
to suggestions for improvement.

Tasikmalaya,20th November 2022

Hilmawan Bagus Aryaafy


Name : Hilmawan Bagus Aryaafy

NIM : 2109200044

Faculty : Faculty of Teachers Trainning and Educational Sciences of

Galuh University

Major : English language education

Title : Implementation of Teaching Reading by Applying Report Text

Through the TPS (Think – Pair Share) Method.

Lecture : Dr. Iskhak Said, Drs., M.M., M.Pd

Keyword : Think Pair Share, Reading Comprehension,report text

The Implementation of Think-Pair-Share Technique in Teaching Reading

Comprehension. The objectives of this study were to investigate: i) the students’
improvement on reading comprehension achievement after they were taught through
TPS technique and ii) the students’ constraints during the implementation of TPS
technique. The data were obtained from the pre-test, the post-test, and the
observation sheet. The result showed that there was a statistically significant
improvement of students’ reading comprehension as the significant level (0.00<0.05).
Furthermore, the results of the observation sheet showed that low vocabulary mastery
and difficulty in interpreting the idea of the text became the major constraints
encountered by the students during the implementation of TPS. However, this
suggests that TPS technique can be applicable to improve students’ reading
comprehension. Key words: reading, reading comprehension, TPS technique.

Penerapan Teknik Think-Pair-Share dalam Pengajaran Reading Comprehension.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki: i) peningkatan siswa dalam
pencapaian pemahaman bacaan setelah mereka diajar melalui teknik TPS dan ii)
kendala siswa selama penerapan teknik TPS. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test,
dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan
pemahaman membaca siswa yang signifikan secara statistik pada taraf signifikan
(0,00<0,05). Selanjutnya, hasil dari lembar observasi menunjukkan bahwa
penguasaan kosa kata yang rendah dan kesulitan dalam menginterpretasikan ide-ide
teks menjadi kendala utama yang dihadapi siswa selama implementasi TPS. Namun,
hal ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik TPS dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman membaca siswa. Kata kunci: membaca, pemahaman bacaan, teknik


A. Background of Study
Language is important in our daily communication. People communicate with other
or express their feelings, by using language. According to Amberg&Vause (2000: 1)
states that language is foremost a means of communication, and communication
almost always takes place within some sort of social context. Among the four basic
skills, reading is one of the most important skills in learning language because the
success of their learning depends on the greater part of their ability to read. Based
on Cline, F., Johnstone, C., & King, T. (2006: 2) defines that reading is the process
of deriving meaning from text. For the majority of readers, this process involves
decoding written text.

Reading is one of four important language skills that should be mastered and
obtained by students. Reading can be a stepping stone for students to be successful
in their studies and in their life. The ability to read will guide students to gain new
knowledge, enjoy the beauty of literature, and do daily things, for examples: reading
newspapers, magazines, novels, maps, manuals instruction, and books.

There are 11 genres of text in reading. They are descriptive, report, procedure,
explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, narrative, recount, spoof,
anecdote and news item. Report is useful in both the academic and the business
world, so whether you are planning to continue your education or get a job after you
complete your upgrading, this is a skill you will definitely need. A report is always
expository writing; that is, it can be either informative or persuasive.

Based on researcher’s experience during teaching program at Darul Ihsan Islamic

Boarding School, it was discovered that students had some problems in reading
comprehension. They had difficulty in finding main idea, topic, moral value, other
information and they were getting bored while teaching and learning process. These
difficulties were faced by students due to the fact that they were not taught by
applying the appropriate method.
From the observations of the researchers during the teaching program by observing
the class, it was found that the teacher did not use the appropriate method to teach
students. The teacher used monotonous method in teaching reading where students
are asked to read texts and answer questions based on the text. The method used
by the teacher to teach reading makes the students difficult to understand the text
and answer questions based on the text. The students have many difficulties in
reading comprehension because most of teachers are not aware of the importance
of reading. The teacher only asks the students to read without making sure that their
students comprehend the text or not. Therefore, it makes the students difficult to
understand the text easily, and to find main idea, topic, moral value, other
information. They also feel bored in learning process which means that their reading
comprehension is still low.

In teaching and learning, especially in teaching reading the teachers should be able
to make their teaching reading interesting, enjoyable, and helpful for the students to
comprehend the text easily by using appropriate method. Therefore, the teachers
should be creative to use effective method.


Based on the background of the study above, the formulated research question is “Is
there significant difference inthe implementation of teaching reading by applying
report text through TPS
(Think-Pair Share) collaborative approach method to student in Darul Ihsan Islamic
Boarding School.


This studywas conducted to find out the significant difference in the implementation
of teaching reading by applying report text through TPS (Think-Pair Share)
collaborative approach method to student in Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School.

D. Significance of the Research

The significance of this study can contribute some benefits to students, teachers and
other researcher. They are;
1. Students

This study is also expected to bring good effect for students’ reading comprehension
and also to achieve students’ reading achievement.

2. Teacher

For the English teachers in Darul Ihsan Islamic boarding School,in order to offer
them a good way to teach their students and help them in increasing their reading
comprehension through cooperative learning.

3. Other researcher

The researcher whishes that this study will help her to enrich his knowledge.

E. Scope of the Research

This research was focus on teaching reading by applying report text through TPS
(Think-Pair Share) collaborative approach method to student in Darul Ihsan Islamic
Boarding School.The limitation of the research is the students’ literal comprehension
refers to the main idea and interpretive comprehension refers to conclusion. The
research will use report text as material in teaching reading comprehension.



A. Reading Comprehension
1) Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the main pillar in reading activities where a reader

builds understanding of a text. He combines logical thinking that is owned with a
collection of letters, words, and sentences in the text. According to Duke &
Pearson (2001: 423) as cited in (Facharyani, Masrupi, & Rahmawati, 2018) that
reading comprehension is the process by which the reader constructs meaning as
building material for information about knowledge stored in the reader's head. As
stated in Snow (2002) cited in Wood, Moxley, Tighe, & Wagner (2018) Reading
comprehension, which is defined as the ability to construct meaning from interacting
with a text, it is very important for students in achieving success in today’s
every level of education. So, reading comprehension in English text is not just about
how you read well, which includes the accuracy of pronunciation and loud sounds.
Walter (2004) in Sumiati et al., (2019) defined reading comprehension as the
interaction of information between readers who take information from a text and the
expectations of readers or information about text that has been read.

2) Principle of Reading

- Exploit the readers background knowledge

A reader’s background knowledge can influence reading comprehension (carrel ,

1983, Carrel and Cannor,1991). Background knowledge includes all of the
experience that a readers brings to a text life experiences,educational
experiences,knowledge of how the second languange works,and cultural
background and works.

- Build a strong vocabullary base

Recent research emphasized the importance of vocabullary is succesfull reading.

I hace decided that bacsic vocabullary should be explicitly taught and L2 readers
should be taught to use context to effectively guess the meaning of less frequent
vocabullary. Levine and Reves (1990) have found that. “it is easier for the reader
of academic texts to cope with specials terminology than with general
vocabullary”. (p.37)

- Teach for Comprehension

- Work on increasing reading rate
- Teach reading strategies
- Encourage readers to transform strategies into skills

3) Purpose of Reading
The purposes of reading are to gain information, better writing, learn about relevant
news, and scan for quick facts. One can also read for entertainment or to learn how
to entertain better.

The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already
know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into
your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example,
try reading these numbers:

7516324 This is hard to read and remember.

751-6324 This is easier because of chunking.

123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.

Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a
framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.

1) Definiton of Think Pair Share (TPS)

Think-Pair-Share is a multi-mode discussion cycle in which students listen questions

or presentations, have time to think for yourself,communicate with each other in
pairs, and then share responses with a wider group. The aim of this research is to
see whether there is a significant effect of using think-pair-share on reading skills of
second grade descriptive texts of Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. This
research is a pre-experimental study using pre-test, treatment, and post-test
strategies. The pretest-posttest design was used in this research. The instrument
used in this study is a test multiple choice reading comprehension. Participants in
this study were students second grade at SMP Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School.
The author takes one lesson based on cluster random sampling approach for
sampling. t-test procedure used to test the data provided. The average pretest score
is 28.16, and the average post-test score was 10.58, according to data analysis.
Findings analysis of the data shows that using think-pairshare reading skills has a
substantial impact.
The Think-Pair-Share strategy is characterized as a technique that allows pupils to
work independently as well as in groups. It means that during think-time, students
have the opportunity to reflect on the lesson independently. The students could then
discuss their misunderstandings about their own answers in groups and have the
opportunity to share their results with their friends in pair-time, and the other group
could respond to the representative in share-time, demonstrating how their curiosity
motivated them to be more active (Rahayu & Suningsih, 2018: 20). The Think-Pair-
Share strategy is characterized as a technique that allows pupils to work
independently as well as in groups. It means that during think-time, students have
the opportunity to reflect on the lesson independently. The students could then
discuss their misunderstandings about their own answers in groups and have the
opportunity to share their results with their friends in pair-time, and the other group
could respond to the representative in share-time, demonstrating how their curiosity
motivated them to be more active (Rahayu & Suningsih, 2018: 20).

Think-Pair-Share is a multi-mode discussion cycle in which students listen to a

question or presentation, have time to think independently, communicate with each
other in pairs, and then share responses with the broader group. Additionally, the
Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique helped students feel more comfortable sharing
their ideas with their peers. Despite the fact that the class was too boisterous during
the pairing and sharing process, and their difficulty in finding difficult terms made the
thinking process take longer, it was clear that their interest drove them to be more
active. Instead of relying exclusively on the authority of the teacher, students take
control of their learning and negotiate meanings by expressing their thoughts. Think-
Pair-Share is a multi-mode discussion cycle in which students listen to a question or
presentation, have time to think independently, communicate with each other in
pairs, and then share responses with the broader group. Additionally, the Think-Pair-
Share (TPS) technique helped students feel more comfortable sharing their ideas
with their peers. Despite the fact that the class was too boisterous during the pairing
and sharing process, and their difficulty in finding difficult terms made the thinking
process take longer, it was clear that their interest drove them to be more active.
Instead of relying exclusively on the authority of the teacher, students take control of
their learning and negotiate meanings by expressing their thoughts.
2) Steps in Think-Pair-Share in Teaching Reading

There are some of steps to use the following Think-Pair-Share technique based on
Arends in Dwigustini & Widiya (2020: 27):

a. The first step: thinking step (Think – Pair – Share)

Strategy started when the teacher is offering a question exciting to think or a

problem related to the topic of the lesson to search for a solution Then the teacher
asked the students to think alone to resolve the issue or problem at hand and give
them a specific time to think and the time is determined for individual reflection on
the basis of students' knowledge and the nature of the question and the degree of

b. The second step: pairing step

The teacher asks from students to splitting up into pairs and discusses what they
think about it who shall each student to discuss and share ideas reached by thinking
step with his colleague who sits next to him and each of them is trying to make his
point to his colleague and convince him Also exchange views and ideas to reach a
common answer.

c. The third step: Sharing step

The teacher can participate each pair of students with another pair to consist square
of students to think together and this is will save time and effort on the teacher,
Rather the teacher discuss (20) pairs of students, for example, will be discussed (10)
groups at the same time. Think, Pair, Share helps students develop conceptual
understanding of a topic, develop the ability to filter information and draw
conclusions, and develop the ability to consider other points of view.

3) Benefits of Think-Pair-Share

The optimization of student engagement is one of the benefits of this strategy. This
strategy provides at least eight times more opportunity for each student to
acknowledge and exhibit their engagement in others than the traditional system,
which permits only one student to walk forward and report the results for the entire
class. This strategy can be utilized in any subject and with students of all ages.
4) The Implementation of Teaching Reading by Report text through TPS

Some of the reasons why students experience difficulties in reading skills are that
they do not master the vocabulary that often appears in the reading. So they found
some obstacles in answering the questions. Therefore the teacher is expected to be
able to help students to improve English reading skills. Careful preparation is
required both by the teacher as a teacher and students.

Therefore, to meet the demands of these competencies, teachers must be able to

stimulate students to increase their reading comprehension, especially in Report
text. One of the efforts made by the teacher is to use a method that is able to
increase students' interest in reading, namely by using the TPS (Think-Pair Share)
collaborative approach. This method is a learning strategy that was first developed
by Professor Frank Lyman in 1981.

This strategy introduces the idea of 'wait or think time' (wait or think time) in the
interaction elements of cooperative learning which is currently a powerful factor in
increasing student responses to questions posed by the teacher.

Frank in Teaching and Learning Models (2013: 207) in cooperative learning (TPS
cooperative learning) there are 5 steps that must be directed by a teacher to his
students, namely: Placing students in groups, each group consisting of 4 people.
Assign tasks to each group. Each member thinks about and does the task
individually first. The group forms its members in pairs. Each pair discusses the
results of their individual work. The two pairs then met again in their respective
groups to share the results of their discussion.

Cooperative learning of the TPS model is beneficial for students to be able to work
with others, optimize and provide opportunities for students to show their
participation to others. The skills that are generally needed in this strategy are
sharing information, asking questions, summarizing other people's ideas and

Therefore the TPS learning method is very effective in improving students' reading
comprehension skills in English, especially in Report Text.
C. Report Text

1) The Social Function of Report text

The social function of report text covers the communicative purpose of the text that
is to give information about something as a result of systematic observation or
analysis. Macken 1990: 14 stated that the social function of report genre is factual
text which describes the way things are, with reference to a whole range of
phenomena, natural, synthetic and social in our environment. According to Gerot
and Wignell 1995: 196 report is one of the text types that have social function to
describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade and
social phenomena in our environment. With similar point of view, Hammond, Burns,
Joyce, Brosnan, and Gerot 1992: 90 explain that the social function of report is to
provide information about natural and non- natural phenomena. While Anderson, M.
and Anderson, K 2003: 86 state that an information report is a piece of text that
presents information about a subject. An information report usually contains facts
about the subject, a description and information on its parts, behavior and qualities.
Related to information report, Sadler and Hayllar 2000: 36 propose that information
report is a text that the function is to acquire and use factual information. From the
above opinion, it can be summarized that report is a text type that can be used to
describe factual information. We can describe a whole class of things; living thing or
non-living thing. It can be natural or non- natural phenomena. In other words, report
is a text type that can be used to describe natural, synthetic and social phenomena
in our environment.

2) The Generic Structure

➢ Title

A title of a report text indicates the topic of the text and it is a very general thing.

➢ General Classification

A general classification is a part that state classification of general aspect of things,

such as: animals, public places, plants, etc. It will be discussed in general.

➢ Description

This part gives describing of the things which will be discussed in detail, in terms of:
parts (and their function), qualities, habits and behavior.

3) Languange Feature

– Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
– Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;
– Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly;
– Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always
begin over the sea;
– Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
– Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information;
repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.


This research has two designs in order to answer both of the research questions.
The first design, it is used One Group Pre-test Post-test Design to see the significant
difference between before and after the application of Think-PairShare (TPS)
technique. Two classes were chosen,one as the tryout class and one as the
experimental class. The design of the research was presented as follows,

T1 X T2


T1 : Pre-Test (a test that is given before the treatment is applied)

X : Treatments (teaching listening through drill technique)

T2 : Post-Test (a test that is given after the treatment is applied) Hatch and
Farady (1982)

The interview was also conducted in this research. The interview was conducted in
the form of open questions and formal types. It was conducted toward some
representatives of the students as the interviewees, which were chosen from low
and high scores based on the mean score of the post-test, to find out the problems
the students face during studying reading comprehension through Think-PairShare
(TPS) technique.

The population of this research was the all second year students of SMP Darul Ihsan
Islamic Boarding School. Two classes were selected randomly through random
probability sampling using lottery.



Before the pre-test was conducted, the researcher administered a try-out test first. It
was chosen randomly to analyze the reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination
power to achieve a good instrument for this research. The number of the try-out test
was 40 items that the time allocation was 60 minutes. Those items were in the form
of multiple choices, which contained four options of answer for each (A, B, C, and
D). After analyzing the data, the researcher got 25 items were good while 15 items
were bad and should be dropped.

To know the result of reliability of the try-out test, the researcher used Pearson
Product Moment. The result showed that the reliability of the test was 0.97. It could
be inferred that the test had high level of reliability, in the range 0.60-0.79 by
referring to the criteria of the reliability proposed by Hatch and Farhady (1982).

After analyzing the data of try out test and got 25 average items. The purpose of
conducting the pretest was to identify students’ reading comprehension achievement
before the treatment. The total score of the pre-test was 1816. The mean of the pre-
test was 50.44; the highest score was 68; the lowest score was 32; the median was
52; and the mode was 44.

After implementing three treatments by using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique, the

post-test was administered to know the students’ score whether there was a
significant after the application of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique. The posttest
items were the same as the pre-test but in random order. The total scores of the
post-test in the experimental class was 2264. The mean of the post-test was 62.89;
the highest score was 80; the lowest score was 40; the median was 62; and the
mode was 52.

Comparing the result of the pretest and posttest, there is an increase in the mean of
students’ scores. The total score of the pre-test to the post-test had increased from
1816 up to 2264. There was an increase 448 points. The mean was from 50.44 up to
62.89. There was an increase 12.45. It can be seen from the table below.

Increase from Pre-test to Post-test for Each Aspect of Reading


No. Aspect of Total Answered Increase Percentage increase

reading Pre-test Post- Pre-test Post-
comprehension test test
1 Determining 77 85 8 71.30 78.70 7.40%
main idea % %
2 Finding specific 155 168 13 53.82 58.33 4.51%
information % %
3 Identifying 79 92 13 43.89 51.11 7.22%
references % %
4 Identifying 54 77 23 50 % 66.67 16.67%
inferences %
5 Identifying 89 120 31 41.20 55.56 14.36%
vocabularies % %
It can be seen that inference has the highest increase of all. According to O’Malley &
Chamot (1999) define inferencing as “using available information to guess the
meanings or usage of unfamiliar language items associated with a language task, to
predict outcomes, or to fulfill a missing information. The skill of making inference
takes an important role in comprehending a text. Suparman (2007) states that to
comprehend explicitly stated information, the readers need conscious knowledge of
the language and background knowledge of the topic under discussion. Inference is
needed in order to make a sense of the ideas of the text.

Besides that, it also shows that finding detail information has the lowest increase of
all. Finding specific information is a statement that develops the main idea but its
function is different from the function of the main idea. As Suparman (2007) states
that in trying to understand the main idea contained in a text, proficient readers may
put aside or skip some details that do not directly support the understanding the
main idea or which might even be confusing for the readers. In testing the
hypothesis, Repeated Measure T-Test was used and was also statistically tested by
using statistical computerization (SPSS 17), in which the significance was
determined by p<0.05 The T-Test revealed that the result was significant (p=0.00).
Thus, there was a significant difference of the students’ reading comprehension
through Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique. In other word, H0 was rejected and H1
was accepted.

The interview was conducted in the experimental class to find out the problems that
the students face during learning reading comprehension through TPS technique. 8
representatives of the students as the interviewees were chosen from high and low
scores based on the mean score of the post-test. The interview was in the form of
open and formal questions (the questions must be in the form of explanation or
description rather than “yes” or “no” answers, to avoid the students from being
reluctant to answer the questions given).

Therefore based on the interview, it can be seen that the students faced several kind
of problems in learning reading comprehension during the application of think-Pair-
Share (TPS) technique. Some problems were found after analyzing the interview
data; the students’ difficulties in getting the idea of the text, inferring the meaning of
the difficult words, focusing on the lesson by being cooperative in every steps of this

Three meetings that consisted of three activities for each meeting were done after
administering the pretest. In each treatment, she did the same steps and procedure
of TPS technique. Besides that she also distributed different texts in order to
stimulate them in comprehending the content of the text, but the text was still in the
form of recount text. It is because recount text is appropriate to the guideline of
school based curriculum for SMP class VIII at the second semester.

The treatment was started by explaining the rules of Think-Pair-Share (TPS)

technique but first of all, the researcher explained about the recount texts. After
teaching them about what recount texts is, the researcher gave them the text. The
researcher had divided the text into two parts. Each of them got half of the text.

Firstly, the researcher asked them to read the text that they have got. Although they
complained about the difficult words, they kept reading until the end. Actually she
wanted them to infer the unknown words but some of them tried to open the
dictionary. After that, she asked them to find a friend that had a different part of the
text (it is called pairing process). In this step, each of them told their part to their pair.
Finally, they got a full story from the whole text. Then the students came to the next
step; that was sharing process. In this step, they had to find another pair in order to
share their ideas that they had before with their friend. While pairing and sharing
process, the size of the class made the teacher could not keep an eye on each of
them. Therefore, they might speak outside the text then made the class was too
noisy. At the end, she asked them to get back to their sit then she asked them about
some questions that were related to the texts. The further questions were telling
about the main idea, specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary in
order to check their understanding in mastering the aspect of reading

It also found that Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique made the students feel more
confident in telling their ideas with their friends. Although the class was too noisy.

while the pairing and sharing process and their difficulty in finding the difficult words
also made the thinking process took longer time, it could be seen their curiosity
made them be more active. In sharing their ideas, students take ownership of their
learning and negotiate meanings rather than rely solely on the teacher's authority
(Cobb et al. 1991). Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique also enhances the student’s
oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with the one another. while the
pairing and sharing process and their difficulty in finding the difficult words also made
the thinking process took longer time, it could be seen their curiosity made them be
more active. In sharing their ideas, students take ownership of their learning and
negotiate meanings rather than rely solely on the teacher's authority (Cobb et al.
1991). Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique also enhances the student’s oral
communication skills as they discuss their ideas with the one another.



After conducting the research in the second grade of SMP Darul Ihsan Islamic
Boarding School and analyzing the data, the researcher would like to state
conclusion related to the results and discussion as follows: there was a significant
difference of students’ reading comprehension after being taught through Think-Pair-
Share (TPS) technique at SMP Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School and there were
some problems the students face during learning reading comprehension through
Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique.

Regarding the conclusions stated previously, the researcher would like to propose
several suggestions as follows:

1. The least increase of the students’ reading comprehension was in terms of finding
specific information. The teacher should pay more attention to these components.

2. The teacher may ask them to make a sentence from the new words in text to
strengthen their comprehension on the meanings of the words in various contexts.

3. The teacher should guide the students in order to help them in inferring the
difficult words.

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