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A. Adjective Words
B. Be Adjective
C. What does it look like?
D. Activity


B. Habit
C. Activity


A. Descriptive Text
B. Characteristics of Descriptive Text
C. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
D. My Idol
E. My Lovely Pet
F. My Lovely House
G. Activity


A. Song Lyrics
B. Kinds of Figurative Language
C. Activity
In this chapter, students are expected to be able to:

1. Identify the act of giving and asking for information related to the nature of people, animals, and things
with adjective context

2. Identify oral and written transactional interactions

3. Arrange action interaction texts and ask for information related to the nature of people, animals, and
things in the context of adjectives.

A. Adjective: Kata sifat

Adjective is a word used to describe a noun or pronoun which can be a person, place, animal,
object or abstract concept (thing).
Example :
 Dark : gelap
 Hot : panas
 Young :muda
 Bad :buruk
 Pretty :cantik
 Tiny :mungil, kecil
 Bright : terang

In the sentence "beautiful girl". “Beatiful” is an adjective and “girl” is a noun. The word
"beautiful" describes the state of the word "girl".

Adjectives consist of several categories. Here are some lists of adjectives by category.

Categories English Indonesia

Quantity (jumlah)  Whole Seluruh
Apa saja

 Enough Cukup
 Little Sedikit
 All Semua
 No Tidak
 Some Beberapa
 Sufficient Cukup
 Every Setiap
 Few Beberapa
 Most Paling
 Much Banyak
 Several Beberapa
 Each Setiap
 Many Banyak
 A little bit Sedikit
 Full Penuh

Opinion(Pendapat)  Amazing Luar biasa

 Awful Mengerikan
 Beautiful Cantik
 Diligent Rajin
 Delicious Lezat
 Easy Mudah
 Good Baik
 Important Penting
 Lovely Menyenangkan
 Nice Bagus
 Tidy Rapi
 Unusual Luar biasa
 Weird Aneh

 ugly Jelek
 wonderful Hebat
 Splendid Megah
 Bad Buruk
 Comfortable Nyaman
 Poor Miskin
 Rich Kaya
 Handsome Tampan
 Lovely Indah
Origin (Asal)  American Amerika
 Canadian Kanada
 Dutch Belanda
 Eastern Timur
 French Perancis
 Greek Yunani
 Indonesian Indonesia
 Japanese Jepang
 Scottish Skotlandia
 Thai Thai
 Turkish Turki

Material (Bahan)  Cotton Kapas

 Glass Kaca
 Gold Emas
 Marble Marmer
 Metal Logam
 Metallic Metalik
 Plastic Plastik
 Silk Sutra
 Silver Perak
 Wood Kayu
 Wooden Kayu
 Woolen Wol

Color ( Warna)  Black Hitam

 Black-haired Berambut hitam
 Blue Biru
 Brownish kecoklatan
 Green hijau
 Pale Pucat
 Purple Ungu
 Reddish kemerahan
 White putih

Age( umur)  Ancient Kuno

 Antique Antik
 Elderly Tua
 New Baru
 Old Tua
 Young Muda
 Youthful awet muda
 Baby bayi
 Modern modern
 Adolescent remaja
 Teenage remaja

Size (ukuran)  Big Besar

 Enormous Besar sekali
 Large Besar
 Little Sedikit
 Long Panjang
 Short Pendek
 Small Kecil
 Tall Tinggi
 Huge Sangat besar
 Wide Lebar

Purpose (tujuan)  Dining Makan

 Meeting Pertemuan
 Running Lari
 Sleeping Tidur
 Sewing Jahit
 Sports Olahraga
 Swimming Renang
 Touring Tur
 Traveling Perjalanan

affable Ramah

affectionate Penyayang

agreeable Menyenangkan

ambitious Ambisius

amiable Ramah

amicable Damai

amusing lucu

brave berani

bright cemerlang

broad-minded berpikiran luas

calm tenang

careful hati-hati

charming menarik

communicative Komunikatif

diligent rajin

emotional penuh emosi

energetic aktif/lincah

enthusiastic antusias
intelligent cerdas
Kind Ramah

Arrogant Sombong

Impolite Tidak sopan

Those are some examples of adjectives by category. You can use these examples to
provide information regarding the nature of people, animals, or things by looking at the correct
use of nouns with adjectives.
Next, we will learn about the “Be-Adjective” formula
B. Be Adjective
 A Formula of Passive Sentence

Subject +To Be + Adjective

Contoh (example):

Subject To be Adjective Sentence

Am Tired I am tired.(Saya Lelah)
Are Kind You are kind (kamu baik)
Is Tall He is tall.(dia tinggi)
Is Happy She is happy.(dia bahagia)
Is Large It is large (Itu Besar)
Are Sad We are sad (Kami Sedih)
Are Crazy You are crazy ( Kamu gila)
Are American They are American (mereka orang Amerika)
The dogs Are Fast The dogs are fast (anjing-anjing itu cepat/gesit)
The ball Is Round The ball is round( Bola itu bentuknya bulat)
Raffa is cheerful Raffa is cheerful (Raffa periang)
Raffa and are Close Raffa and Dea are close (Raffa and Dea dekat)

 Formula of negative sentences

S + to be+ not + adjective

Contoh (example):

 I am not tired.(Saya tidak lelah)

 You are not kind. (Kamu tidak bahagia)

 He is not tall. (Dia tidak tinggi)

 She is not happy.(Dia tidak bahagia)

 It is not large.(Itu tidak besar)

 We are not sad.(Kami tidak sedih

 You are not crazy.(Kamu tidak gila)

 They are not American.(Mereka bukan orang Amerika)

 The dogs are not fast (anjing-anjing itu tidak cepat/gesit)

 The ball is not round( Bola itu bentuknya tidak bulat)
 Raffa is not cheerful (Raffa bukan periang)
 Raffa and Dea are not close (Raffa dan Dea tidak dekat)

 Formula for Interrogative sentence

To be+S+Adjective


 Am I tired? (Apakah saya lelah?)

 Are You kind. (Apakah kamu bahagia?)

 Is he tall? (Apakah dia tinggi?)

 Is she happy? (Apakah dia bahagia?)

 Is it large? (Apakah itu besar?)

 Are we sad? (Apakah kami sedih ?)

 Are you crazy?( Apakah kamu gila?)

 Are they American? (Apakah mereka orang Amerika?)

 Are the dogs fast? (Apakah anjing-anjing itu cepat/gesit?)

 Is the ball round?(Apakah bola itu bentukny bulat?)
 Is Raffa cheerful? (Apakah Raffa periang?)
 Are Raffa and Dea close (apakah Raffa dan Dea dekat?)

C. What does it look like?

In this section we will discuss how to ask for and give information related to the qualities of
people, animals or things.
 Ask for information related to the qualities of people, animals and things
a. How does she/he/it/Raffa/the girl/the dog look like? (how does can be replaced with what
The question "How does" or "what does" is used to ask the nature of a person, animal or
thing. How does is used to ask third person singular like
: Raffa,the dog, the girl, it, she, he,etc.
 How does she look like?(bagaimana cirri-cirinya?)
 How does the dog look like?(bagaimana cirri-ciri anjing itu?)
 How your mother look like?(bagaimana cirri-ciri ibumu?)
b. “How do” or “what do”
The question "How do" or "what do" is used to ask the nature of the first person singular
"I", the first person plural "We", and the third person plural "They", or animals and
objects that number more than one.
Example :
 How do I look like?(Bagaimana penampilan saya?)
 How do they look like?( bagaimana cirri-ciri mereka?
 How do we look like?(bagaiamana penampilan kami?
 How do the dogs look like?( bagaiamana cirri-ciri anjing tersebut?).

Now, read the following conversation:

Lisa : “Do you have any pets?”

Deby : “Yes, I do. I have two cats.

Lisa : What do they look like?

Deby : They are very little. They are babies, very cute ones. They have grey fur,big eyes,
and each of them has a pink nose.

Lisa :Wow! I can imagine how cute they are.

In the conversation above, there are questions asking for information about the qualities of animals,
namely: What do they look like?

The use of "what do" in the conversation above is because the noun used is a plural noun, namely: two
In the conversation above there are also some adjectives

 Cute; imut
 Little : kecil
 Big: besar
 Grey: abu-abu
 Pink :merah muda

 Giving information related to the qualities of people, animals or things.

In providing information about someone, apart from paying attention to be adjectives, we
also need to learn about the simple present tense.
1. Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense is a tense that is used to talk about something general,
something that always happens repeatedly, or a general truth. The simple present
tense is the tense that is most often used in everyday life.
To recognize that a sentence is a simple present tense, there are several ways that
can be done, one of which is using the basic form of the verb (Verb 1).
The pattern of simple present tense:


(-) Subject+ Do/Does+Not+V1+Object

(?) Do/Does+Subject+V1+?

Suffix “s/es” in verbs is only used in the subjects He, She, and It. In adding suffix “s/es” ,
there are rules, how to find out which words use the s and es endings:
a. Verbs ending in Y and the letter before Y is a vowel so the verb is added –S
- Say becomes Says, example sentence: Sonia says everything is going to be alright
- Buy becomes Buys, the example sentence is: Dad buys new console game
- Pray becomes Prays, the example sentence is: He prays five times a day

b. Verbs ending with the letter Y and the letter before Y is a consonant, so the
verb is added -IES and removes the letter Y, becoming:
- Study becomes studies, for example: Budi studies so hard for national examination
- Carry becomes Carries, example sentence: Mom carries the baby with stroller
- Try becomes Tries, example sentence: Tiger tries to eat the deer
c. Verbs that end in the letters O, CH, SH, X, and Z are added -ES at the end
of the verb, for example:
- Go becomes Goes, the example sentence is: She goes to the market every 7 p.m

- Watch becomes Watches, the example sentence is: He watches TV after working

- Wash becomes Washes, the example sentence is: My mom washes the dish every night

- Buzz becomes Buzzes, example sentence: Lisa buzzes me with her voice

After studying a conversational text, now we will see a descriptive text which contains giving information

about the qualities of a person, object or animal by using the available keywords.


Keywords: a little brother, little,cute, handsome, brown eyes, small nose, short curly hair, round

My little brother

I have a little brother. His name is Dani. Dani is 4 years old. He is little and cute. He has brown eyes,
small nose, and round face. His hair is short and curly. He is handsome. Dani is a cheerful child. I really
love him.

 From the text above, we know that what does Dani look like.


A. Create a short dialogue related to ask and give information about someone/something!
B. Create one sentences for each formula of be-adjective based on the words given :
cute,handsome, clean, short, long.
+ My sister is beautiful
-my sister is not beautiful
?is my sister beautiful?
C. Create a short descriptive paragraph by using the keywords: a friend,tall,beautiful,long
blonde hair, blue eyes, pointed nose, kind, friendly.
D. Please describe the animal in the pictures!
In the previous lesson, we have learned about various adjectives that describe people, things,
and animals. In this chapter we will study interaction text transactional the act of giving and asking for
information related to behavior/actions/functions of people, and will learn about habits that done.

In this chapter, students are expected to be able to:

1. identify the expression that used to give and request information related to work/behavior people do
2. identify the expressions used to ask and provide information related to people's habits.
3. identify the linguistic elements of the text (declarative sentences and interrogative sentences
4. arrange texts related to work/behavior people do

Here are some examples of profession/job:
 Accountant (Akuntan): a person that works with the money accounts of a company
 Actor/actress(artis): a person that acts in a play or a movie.
 Author(Penulis): a person who writes book or novels
 Bus driver(sopir bus): a person who drives bus.
 Chef(pemasak): a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
 Dentist: a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
 Designer: a person who has the job of designing things.
 Doctor: a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.
 Teacher: a person who teach students especially at school or academy.
 Farmer: a person that works on a farm
 Fisherman: a person that catches fish
 Journalist: a person that makes new reports in writing or through TV.
 Lawyer: a person that defends people in the court and gives legal advice
 Mechanic:a person that repairs machine,especially: car, motorcycle.

1. How to ask someone’s job/profession.

There are two ways to ask someone’s job/profession.
- What do … do?
We use “What do … do?” for subject “I,you,we,they” and third plural person. For
What do you do?(Apa pekerjaanmu?)
What the girls do?(Apa pekerjaan gadis-gadis itu?)
- What does… do?
It uses for third singular person. For example:
What does she do?
What does Raffa do?

Let’s see the dialog below!

Miss Mutia : Good morning!

Students : Good morning, Miss Mutia.

Miss Mutia : Today we are going to learn about job and profession.

Beni, what does your father do?

Beni : My father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.

Miss Mutia : That’s great! How about you, Dayu, what does your

father do?

Dayu : He is a teacher. He teaches mathematics in junior high

: That is wonderful! Lisa, how about your mother? What
does she do?

Miss Mutia : that I wonderful! Lisa, how about your mother? What does she do?

Lisa : She’s a house wife. She takes a good care of us and our house.

Miss Mutia : That’s excellent! What does your mother do, Udin?

Udin : She’s a surgeon. She performs surgery on her patients.

Miss Mutia : That is excellent! How about you, Edo? What do you do?

Edo : I’m a student.

Miss Mutia : That’s good. Now, do you want to know what your friends’ parents do?

Students : Yes, we do.

From the conversation above, we can find out how ask about someone's job and state his

Ask about someone’s job

❖ What does .... do?

❖ What do ..... do?

Give information about someone’s job

❖ I am a ...... . I ......

❖ He/she is a ....... . He/she ......

❖ They are ........ . They ......

 How to ask someone’s habit:

Questions Answer
Do you always…..? Yes, I do. I always…
What do you do in the I always jogging in the afternoon
What time do you get up in the morning? I usually get up at Six o’clock in the
Does she/he usually? Yes, she/he does.
How do you go to school? I go to school on foot
For example:

Edo : Lisa, let’s go jogging tomorrow.

Lisa : What time?

Edo : At 6 a.m

Lisa : Okay. Do you always go jogging every weekend?

Edo : Not only on weekend. I usually go jogging 3 times a week.

Lisa : That’s why you always look very fit.

Edo : Thank you. Okay, I’ll be at your house at 6 a.m. tomorrow. See you.

Lisa : See you, Edo.

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