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Effects of Drying Air Parameters

on Rice Drying Models

Lalit R. Verma, R. A. Bucklin, J. B. Endan, F. T. Wratten


ABSTRACT (Newman, 1931). The solutions take the form of rapidly

vertical airflow dryer and a continuous weighing converging infinite series. The general equation is:
A system were used to determine the drying constant of
steamed and unsteamed rough rice as a function of
temperature, velocity and relative humidity of the drying
air. The drying constant is an important parameter in
thin layer drying theory which is needed to the drying The solutions for the different shapes have been used
process. Drying tests were conducted with unsteamed to describe the drying process of grains with good results
and steamed rough rice in order to evaluate the drying (Hustrulid and Flikke, 1959; Pabis and Henderson,
constants. Different effects of drying air conditions on 1961). It can be assumed that the drying process of rice
the drying constant were observed for the steamed and can be represented by the diffusion series. This series
unsteamed rough rice samples. converges rapidly and after a period of time can be
represented by a single term equation:
MR = Ae" kt [2]
Rice, one of the world's leading food crops, is usually
harvested at moisture contents above safe storage levels The drying constant, as expressed in equation [1] can
and requires additional drying. Various systems of be written as a constant times the diffusivity:
drying are employed and the efficiency of these systems is
becoming increasingly important with the ever tightening k=ND [3]
supply of fossil fuels. A recent development has found
that steam treatment of naturally moist rice increases Stipe et al. (1974) have reported that steam treatment
both the milling yields and nutritive value of the rice of naturally moist rice as obtained after harvest, prior to
grain. This treatment is different from parboiling which drying, shortened the drying time by as much as 50%
starts with soaking of dried rice. Steam treatment prior when compared to untreated rice. This study also
to drying has also been found to reduce the drying time emphasized that geletanization of rice is a function of
significantly. moisture and temperature but independent of the source
Analysis of system performance can be greatly of energy. Milling yields were increased when rough rice
expedited by the use of numerical simulation in which at harvest moisture levels was steam treated. Drying to
the solutions of single layer drying equations are 12.5% (w.b.) moisture was done in a two-pass operation
combined to obtain a general solution. The thin layer at 70°C with an intermediate tempering of 2 h at 70°C
drying equation forms the basis for computer between the passes. The milling yield was not
simulations of grain dried in a column. A general thin significantly affected by drying to the low moisture level
layer drying equation for rough rice is therefore needed instead of 16% (w.b.) in a single pass with 2 h of
to compute drying rates as functions of air parameters. tempering after drying.
Parboiling, which includes steam treatment after
OBJECTIVES soaking of pre-dried rough rice to about 35% (w.b.)
The objectives of the studies reported in this paper moisture level, has been reported to restore milling
were to evaluate the effects of the temperature, velocity quality of defective grains which fail during milling
and relative humidity of the drying air on the drying (Bhattacharya, 1969). Two-pass drying with tempering
constants of steamed and unsteamed rough rice. in the moisture range of 15 to 19% followed by hot
conditioning after final drying has also been
REVIEW OF LITERATURE recommended for drying parboiled rice for optimum
milling quality (Bhattacharya and Swamy, 1967). The
Researchers working with corn and wheat have
most effective method of drying steam treated rice has
developed simulations based on the solutions of the
been reported as a combination of mechanical and shade
diffusion equation for a material of constant diffusivity
drying (Salleh, 1975). Mechanical drying to a certain
moisture level followed by tempering for 2 h and air
drying in shade to 12.5% moisture with 24 h storage
Article was submitted for publication in May, 1984; reviewed and before milling is the recommendation from this study.
approved for publication by the Electric Power and Processing Div. of In another study with drying of naturally moist rough
ASAE in September, 1984. rice after steaming, it was found that the milling yield
The authors are: LALIT R. VERMA, Associate Professor, R. A.
BUCKLIN and J. B. ENDAN, former Graduate Students, and F. T.
was increased. Most of the increase in mill yield was
WRATTEN, Retired Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., maintained even with rapid drying to 12% moisture with
Louisiana State University, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge. 80°C air followed by tempering at 70°C for one hour

296 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1985

(Stipe et al., 1975). Drastic reductions in head yields I, STEAM INLET
were observed, however, when steamed rice was dried 3. ORIFICE METER

without tempering immediately after drying. Longer 4. ELECTRIC HEATER

steaming times produced increased milling yields 6 SAMPLE PAN

indicating that the longer steaming times produced a 7.


more gelatinized product thereby causing less breakage 9. FRONT VIEW OF LOAD CELL

during milling.
The drying constant may be affected by variation of
the temperature, velocity or relative humidity of the
drying air, by the shape of the particle being dried, and
by initial moisture content and changes in moisture &
content of the grain as it dries. Most studies of the drying
constant have dealt with variation of temperature of
drying air. The drying constant for grains has been
Fig. 1—Dicing and weighing mechanisms.
shown to increase with temperature by many researchers
(Allen, 1960; Chittenden and Hustrulid, 1966;
Mannapperuma, 1975; Simmonds et al., 1953; velocity from 0.05 to 0.5 m3/s-m2 and temperature from
Westerman et al., 1973). The exact relationship between 30 to 75°C.
the drying constant and temperature has yet to be fully The samples used in the drying tests were taken from a
established for rice. It has been proposed (Henderson lot of long-grain variety, Labelle, initially at 25.5%
and Pabis, 1961) that the drying constant for grains moisture content (d.b.) and kept in air tight containers
varies with temperature according to an Arrhenius at 2°C until used. Samples were removed from the
relationship: refrigerator 12 to 24 h before steam treatment and/or
drying. The steam treatment consisted of applying steam
k = k e" c / T •[4] at a pressure of 103 kPa for 5 min. Samples were weighed
after steaming and prior to drying.
Such relations for wheat and barley have been The experimental drying system employed a small fan
established (O'Callahan et al., 1971). to force air through a metering area, heating area and
The effects of relative humidity and velocity of drying then through the sample drying and weighing area,
air on the drying constant for rice are not clearly Fig. 1. Humidity of the drying air was adjusted by
established in the literature. Allen (1960) found evidence injecting steam directly into the inlet of the fan. Air flow
of a possible velocity effect on the drying constant for rate was measured by use of a square-edged orifice with
rice. Investigations of velocity effects on the drying vena-contracta taps and a micromanometer accurate to
constant of other grains have yielded mixed results. 0.249 Pa. Electric fin-strip heaters controlled by variable
Some researchers (Simmonds et a., 1953; Troeger and voltage transformers provided adjustment of air
Hukill, 1971) have reported velocity effects while others temperature. Wet and dry bulb thermometers or
(Chittenden and Hustrulid, 1966; Hukill and Schmidt, thermocouple junctions were used to sense air conditions
1960; McEwen and O'Callahan, 1955) have found the just prior to entering the drying areas.
drying constant to be independent of air velocity. Continuous weighing of the drying sample was
A relative humidity effect on the drying constant for obtained by measuring the displacement of a cantilever
rice has been reported (Allen, 1960). Another study beam supporting the sample in the drying area. A
confirmed that the drying constant was dependent on sample pan, formed by cementing a light nylon mesh to a
relative humidity of drying air in Allen's study circular wire frame, had an area of 0.0993 m2 to
(Henderson and Pabis, 1961). They, however, were accommodate a 150 g sample of one grain thickness. The
unable to discover a relative humidity effect on the pan, holder and suspension wires weighed 175 g and
drying constant for their own data and suggested further were suspended from the cantilever beam above the
investigation of this factor. Results for grains other than drying area. Taut elastic threads between the wall and
rice have been mixed. Some studies report no sample holder were used to reduce oscillations of the pan
relationship between relative humidity and the drying due to air turbulence (Bucklin and Wratten, 1979).
constant (Chittenden and Hustrulid 1966; McEwen and The weighing system utilized a Statham, Universal
O'Callaghan, 1955). However, others (Hukill and Transducing Cell, Model UC2 rigidly mounted above the
Schmidt, 1960; Simmonds et al., 1953; Troeger and cantilever beam supporting the sample pan to sense
Hukill, 1971; Westerman et al., 1973) have reported displacement of the beam as the drying sample changed
relative humidity effects on the drying constant for grains in weight. The output of the transducing cell was
other than rice. amplified and visually indicated by a Statham, Universal
Transducer Readout, Model SC101. The electric output
EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE from this unit was filtered by a two stage RC filter
Drying tests were run in which the conditions of the consisting of a 6.8 k ohm series resistor and a 2000 juf
drying air included velocities, relative humidities and shunt capacitor coupled with a 10 k ohm series resistor
temperatures normally used in both bulk and continuous and a 1000 \JL$ shunt capacitor. The filtered signal was fed
flow rice drying systems. Thirty seven tests were to a Tektronix Digital Voltmeter, Model CM 501
conducted with unsteamed rice and thirty five with steam interfaced to a Tektronix programmable calculator,
treated rice. Relative humidity varied from 3 to 60%, Model 31. The signal was read by the Tek 31 computer
velocity from 0.025 to 0.5 m3/s-m2 and temperature from every 30 s from the voltmeter. Moisture content was
35 to 95°C for unsteamed rice. In the case of steam calculated by the computer based on a dry weight
treated rice, the relative humidity varied from 10 to 58%, entered into computer memory prior to drying. The

1985—TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 297

difference in moisture 30 s before and 30 s after each factor. As a check on the equilibrium moisture thus
minute was computed and this value of AM/At was determined, a plot of ln(M - ME) versus time was made.
stored in memory along with the moisture content and A linear plot indicated that the value of ME obtained was
time for that observation. A plot of moisture content accurate.
versus rate of change of moisture was also made on a A second term of the diffusion series was obtained by
model 4661, Tektronix Digital Plotter to provide regression, using the differences between values of
continuous visual record of the drying progress. moisture ratio observed and those calculated by the
Observations were recorded each minute up to 90 min single term equation versus time. A transient time of
and at 5 min intervals thereafter. approximately 10 min from the start of drying was
observed in the drying runs and was not included in this
ANALYSIS OF DATA analysis. This was the period when the grains were
The rate of change of moisture, during the time when getting equilibrated with the drying air.
only the first term of the diffusion series is effective, can This procedure resulted in an expression of the form:
be expressed as a linear function of moisture content: MR - A e - k t Fe-et , .[6]
This was also used by Chen and Johnson (1969) in their
analysis. This model was also used by Sharma et al. (1982)
dM where F = (1-A). If the two term equation can be used to
= -k(M - ME •[5] describe the drying process, then the ratio g/k can be
dt" used as an indicator of the type of diffusion series which
The slope of the curve of AM/At versus moisture is the process follows.
equal to the drying constant k and the intercept of the
y-axis is equal to kM E . Dividing the intercept by k gives RESULTS
the dynamic equilibrium moisture content. Very Analysis of data for unsteamed rice presented in
accurate measurement of weight is required on a Table 1 showed the drying constant to be independent of
continuous basis to determine k and ME. the velocity and relative humidity of the drying air over
The shape factor, A, in the equation MR = Ae kt can be the range evaluated in this study. From the analysis of
found by calculating MR and e k t for the same drying data of steam treated rice, Table 2, the drying constant
interval as used in the previous analysis and using the was found to be independent of the relative humidity of
values of M E and k obtained there. Regression the drying air. The drying constant was observed to
techniques can then be used to determine the shape increase with an increase in velocity from 0.05 m 3 /s-m 2 to


R= Ae" + Fe-tf
Temper- Humi- Velocity
ature, dity, m 3 /s kxlO-3 ME, gxlO" 2
°C %RH m2 min %DB A min F g/k

35 35 0.025 3.46 13.77 0.805

35 35 0.5 3.56 13.74 0.81
35 60 0.025 3.36 15.05 0.82
35 60 0.1 3.28 15.13 0.82
35 60 0.18 3.05 15.74 0.80 1.63 0.138 5.36
35 60 0.4 3.42 15.01 0.81
35 60 0.5 3.54 15.10 0.81
40 30 0.025 4.22 9.83 0.68 1.45 0.272 3.45
40 30 0.1 4.12 10.99 0.705 1.75 0.190 4.25
40 30 0.18 4.25 11.39 0.645 1.52 0.235 3.57
40 30 0.4 4.13 11.18 0.685 1.38 0.177 3.34
40 30 0.5 4.13 11.75 0.635 1.20 0.247 2.91
40 45 0.025 4.18 14.06 0.615
50 20 0.025 6.25 9.27 0.805
50 20 0.1 6.35 9.37 0.805
50 20 0.18 6.41 9.27 0.595 2.16 0.291 3.37
50 20 0.4 6.20 9.74 0.605
50 20 0.5 6.45 10.19 0.675
50 30 0.025 6.43 10.71 0.525
50 30 0.5 6.42 10.72 0.495
60 10 0.025 9.09 7.12 0.705
60 20 0.025 9.05 9.10 0.425
60 20 0.1 8.93 8.45 0.57
60 20 0.18 9.06 8.21 0.6 3.23 0.323 3.56
60 20 0.4 9.16 9.68 0.53
60 20 0.5 8.89 8.31 0.615
65 10 0.025 10.3 7.68 0.535
65 10 0.1 9.8 7.41 0.465
65 10 0.18 9.8 7.61 0.475 3.31 0.432 3.37
65 10 0.4 10.8 7.67 0.465
65 10 0.5 9.9 8.01 0.5
65 15 0.025 10.0 9.38 0.59
65 15 0.5 9.85 9.22 0.47
80 5 0.5 12.0 7.34 0.155
80 8 0.5 11.8 7.58 0.315 4.81 0.489 4.08
95 3 0.5 13.4 4.67 0.375 9.53 0.420 7.11
95 5 0.5 13.4 5.88 0.29

298 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1985

M R = Ae~ k t + Fe -gt
Temper- Humi- Velocity
ature, dity, m 3 /s kxlO-2 ME, gxlO" 2
°C %RH m^ min %DB A min F g/k

30 35 0.05 0.832 12.173 0.813 6.431 0.239 7.73

40 35 0.05 1.292 7.707 1.007
40 50 0.05 1.082 13.070 0.866 23.36 0.198 21.59
40 50 0.50 1.529 9.078 0.709 8.238 0.273 5.39
45 35 0.50 1.869 11.063 0.716 6.293 0.217 3.37
45 50 0.50 1.706 11.477 0.717 12.119 0.255 7.10
50 25 0.05 1.506 10.824 0.770 5.934 0.312 3.94
50 25 0.05 1.506 10.824 0.770 5.934 0.312 3.94
50 25 0.25 1.781 7.826 0.697 9.864 0.285 5.54
50 25 0.50 2.227 6.521 0.696 12.581 0.273 5.65
50 25 0.50 2.227 6.521 0.696 12.581 0.273 5.65
50 35 0.05 1.441 14.056 0.922 12.737 0.119 8.84
50 35 0.05 1.441 14.056 0.922 12.737 0.119 8.84
50 35 0.05 1.3839 14.056 0.922 12.737 0.119 9.20
50 35 0.10 1.727 8.008 0.837 6.920 0.256 4.01
50 35 0.25 1.962 9.958 0.790 7.321 0.327 3.93
50 35 0.50 2.128 7.834 0.695 6.290 0.259 2.96
50 35 0.50 2.1277 6.923 0.616 8.505 0.344 4.00
50 35 0.50 1.970 6.923 0.616 8.505 0.344 4.32
50 50 0.05 1.413 12.550 1.122
50 50 0.05 1.413 12.550 1.122
50 50 0.05 1.413 12.550 1.122
50 50 0.10 1.445 14.621 0.848 13.571 0.116 9.39
50 50 0.25 1.471 9.121 0.694 8.364 0.485 5.69
50 50 0.50 1.927 7.557 0.579 9.650 0.350 5.01
50 50 0.50 1.927 7.557 0.579 9.650 0.350 5.01
50 50 0.50 1.927 7.557 0.579 9.650 0.350 5.01
50 58 0.50 1.969 13.897 0.643 7.954 0.273 4.04
55 35 0.50 2.059 9.549 0.799 11.188 0.169 5.43
55 50 0.50 2.1057 8.461 0.703 13.5822 0.242 6.45
60 18 0.50 2.5841 8.352 0.700 13.430 0.283 5.20
60 35 0.05 1.989 13.315 1.031 8.318 0.111 4.18
60 35 0.50 2.766 9.597 0.651 12.197 0.317 4.41
60 50 0.05 1.902 12.270 1.155
75 10 0.05 3.201 11.880 0.931 13.189 0.184 4.12

0.50 m3/s-m2 for steam treated rice. behavior. The most likely is that temperatures of 80°C
The Arrhenius relationship held for unsteamed rice at and 95°C are above the gelatinization temperature of
temperatures below 65°C as shown in Fig. 2. A nonlinear rice (Juliano, 1972). The change in structure produced
curve fitting program was used to obtain the best fit by gelatinization of the rice grain may have caused the
equation for tests run with drying air less than 65°C. drying characteristics to change. Another possible
This equation is: explanation is related to a shift from a multilayer to a
unilayer of water molecules at moisture levels below 7%
k = 833.018 e - 3 8 1 8 - 2 ° / T (r = 0.994) [7] (Hogan and Karon, 1955). Moisture levels below 7%
were reached at these high temperatures, and if the
The values of the drying constant for 80°C and 95°C strength of the unilayer bond is different from that of the
were lower than those predicted by the Arhenius multilayer bond then a lower rate of drying may result at
relationship. There are several possible causes for this the low moisture levels. It has also been reported that the
drying constant varies with moisture content (Becker and
Sallans, 1955; Chu and Hustrulid, 1968; Van Arsdel,
1947). Variation of the drying constant with moisture
content could also cause the values to deviate from those
predicted by Arrhenius relationship at high temperature
and low moisture levels.
The drying constant for steam treated rice varied with
temperature of the drying air, Fig. 3, according to the
Arrhenius equations:

k = 2 2 5 . 7 5 1 e - 3 0 9 3 - 0 1 / T (r = 0.946) for air velocity

of 0.05

95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45
TEMPERATURE, °C k = 6 5 . 4 1 5 e - 2 6 1 1 - 4 ° / T (r = 0.924) for air velocity
Fig. 2—Variation of drying constant with temperature for unsteamed m3/s
rice. of 0.50 •[9]

1985—TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 299

0.903-A where A is given by equation [10]. This yields
40 r
the following relation:

F = 3.56-1060/T [11]
A relationship between 'A' and the absolute
temperature of drying air for steam treated rice could not
be established. A difference in 'A' due to drying air
velocity was indicated however. It was found to decrease
exponentially with air velocity and was asymptotic at an
approximate value of 0.6. Mathematical relationships
could not be established for the variation of 'A' with air
In comparing the data for unsteamed and steam
treated rice, it was observed that the drying constant
values are higher for steam treated rice than unsteamed
rice. Significant difference could not be observed in the
equilibrium moisture levels however. The higher drying
constant values for steam treated rice are probably
because of higher diffusivity caused by a change in rice
structure due to gelantinization.
The values of equilibrium moisture content for both
unsteamed and steam treated rice were higher than
expected but within the range reported by other
researchers (Chu and Hustrulid, 1968). The higher
values for the drying constant and equilibrium moisture
60 50 content for steam treated rice account for about 50%
TEMPERATURE, °C reduction in the drying time as compared to previous
data for unsteamed rice. Although the values of
Fig. 3—Variation of drying constant with temperature for steam
treated rice.
equilibrium moisture obtained were higher than
expected, the values of drying constant and equilibrium
moisture content from the analysis fit the data well when
These relationships were true for a constant velocity in moisture ratio versus time was plotted. Plots of ln(M -
the temperature range of 30°C to 75°C. The drying ME) versus time resulted in straight lines indicating
constant was observed to increase with an increase in air correct values of the equilibrium moisture content.
velocity from 0.05 m3/s-m2 to 0.50 m3/s-m2. Most of the previous data by other researchers have
The ratio g/k was calculated for unsteamed rice for all been collected without the combination of continuous
tests at 40°C and 30 percent relative humidity and for weighing and vertical airflow. They were often collected
one test at all other temperatures to study its variation at from drying systems with horizontal airflow and using
one temperature and with change in temperature. intermittent readings of weight. The weighing system in
Although there was considerable variation in this value, this study allowed the weights to be read any time
the average of eleven values was 4.03 which is very close without disturbing the sample. The combination of
to the value of 4 for the diffusion equation for spheres as continuous weighing and vertical airflow may account for
given by equation [1]. This indicates that diffusion the higher values of equilibrium moisture. Differing
process in unsteamed rice is similar to that in spheres. varieties of rice were used in earlier studies and the
The g/k ratio was calculated for all but five tests with characteristic differences in properties between varieties
steam treated rice. The variation here was also may have resulted in higher values of equilibrium
considerable but the average of 30 values was 6.00 which moisture in this study.
is much higher than the value of 4 for spheres, indicating This research was planned to determine the
that the diffusion is different from that in spheres. The relationship between the drying constant and relative
value of g can be calculated using equations 8 and 9 and humidity, velocity and temperature of the drying air for
the g/k ratios from Tables 1 and 2. single layer drying of unsteamed and steam treated
Diffusion theory predicts that the shape factor, 'A', in rough rice. While it achieved that goal, it also raised
equation [2] should be independent of temperature. questions about the correct values of equilibrium
However, calculated values of the shape factor were moisture to be used, the relationship of the shape factor
to temperature and the behavior of the drying constant at
found to decrease for unsteamed rice with increasing
conditions other than those used in this work. Further
temperature. Other workers with rice (Wang and Singh,
research should resolve these issues so that an effective
1978) have also found the shape factor to vary with
thin layer drying equation for rough rice can be
temperature. There was a considerable scatter in the
values of "A' and the equation that best fit the
unsteamed rice data is:
A = -2.66 + 1060/T(r = 0.873). [10] Analysis of the data obtained during this research has
led to the following conclusions:
For temperatures up to 65°C, the average of nine 1. Drying constants for single layer of steamed and
values of (A+F) is 0.903, Table 1. F value therefore is unsteamed rice are independent of relative humidity of

300 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1985

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2. The effect of drying air velocity is insignificant on diffusion equations. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASAE ll(5):705-709.
9. Henderson, S. M. and S. Pabis, 1961. Grain drying theory, I.
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11. Hukill, W. V. and J. L. Schmidt, 1960. Drying rate of fully
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7. Chittenden, D. H. and A. Hustmlid, 1966. Numerical solution humidity effect on the high temperature drying of shelled corn.
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Resistance of Wood Chips to Airflow

(continued from page 295)

References storage of woody biomass fuels. ASAE Paper No. 83-3560, ASAE, St.
1. Abrams, C. F., Jr. and J. D, Fish. 1982. Air flow resistance Joseph, MI 49085.
characteristics of bulk piled sweet potatoes. TRANSACTIONS of the 5. Shedd, C. K. 1953. Resistance of grains and seeds to air flow.
ASAE25(4):1103-1106. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 34(9):616-619.
2. Curtis, M. L. 1980. The effect of outside storage on the fuel 6. Smith, R. D., R. M. Peart and J. B. Liljedahl. 1983. Drying
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3. Henderson, S. M. and R. L. Perry. 1966. Agricultural process 7. Wilhelm, L. R., F. D. Tompkins and C. A. Mullins. 1983. Air
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4. Riley, J. G., N. Smith and C. S. Drechsel. 1983. Drying and 26(3):946-949.

1985—TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 301

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