2024.05.23 Roads&bridges Mayo - Junio - 2004

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A community rallies
around Brawner

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L E AV E Y O U R M A R K W I T H J L G . C O M
MAY/JUNE 2024 / VOL. 62 / NO. 5



A community rallies around Brawner Builders

How grid deck growth impacted the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge rehab
How new life was given to a trio of iconic Pittsburgh bridges


Delaware Memorial Bridge project is completed in record time with less C02

An innovative bridge should improve pedestrian safety

34 A one-of-a-kind, network tied arch bridge connects trails in Dallas


Innovative thinking fueled this interstate project


How to improve bridge deck safety

Baltimore Strong
Part of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key 08 LAW Don’t Be Afraid
Bridge sits on top of the Dali days after Not Another Notice Story (Except about bridges,
the ship crashed into the bridge. crazy drivers, or cars
Photo credit: Andrew Leyden/Shutterstock 46 BETTER KNOW A CONTRACTOR with no drivers)
From Grain Bins to Highways






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Baltimore Strong
Gavin Jenkins

DIGITAL EDITOR A love letter to a great American city

Ryan Curtiss

ASSOCIATE EDITOR IN APRIL, I drove to Baltimore to attend workers who built them and those who
Harlee Hewitt the National Work Zone Awareness Week maintain them.
918-927-9622 opening ceremony hosted by the Maryland Baltimore’s main interstate highways
VP/MARKET LEADER – Department of Transportation. (I-95, I-83, and I-70) do not touch. I-70
Brandon Williamson
I knew it would be a somber event. and I-95 were supposed to connect, but
BWilliamson@Endeavorb2b.com In a little over a year, Baltimore’s con- the former wasn’t completed because of
struction industry has been struck by two freeway revolts in the city. When I was
Patrick Keefe major tragedies: six employees of Brawner given directions to the National Work Zone
PKeefe@Endeavorb2b.com Builders died when the Francis Scott Key Awareness Week ceremony, I was told to
Bridge collapsed in March, and six highway “go east on I-70 until it ends.”
Mike Mandozzi workers died when a car crashed into their “It ends?” I said.
work zone on Interstate-695 in 2023. “Yup. Can’t miss it.”
Two other workers died in work zone It’s also impossible to miss the pride
Deanna Morgan crashes in the months between. Baltimoreans have for their home.
901-517-0699 But I also was excited because I The Key Bridge collapse is a global
had never been to Baltimore, despite tragedy because of the financial and supply
Rich Thompson spending most of my life a four-hour drive chain implications. But, more than anything,
952-449-1592 away in Pittsburgh. it’s a local tragedy — one that will touch
Before these tragedies, when someone workers in the Port of Baltimore, business
ART DIRECTOR | Jennifer Dakas mentioned Baltimore, I thought about crab owners on either side of the bridge, and
PRODUCTION MANAGER cakes, “The Wire,” or the Ravens. people impacted by the traffic the new
Edward Bartlett
Given the rivalry between the Steelers detours cause. Think of the delivery drivers
and Ravens (which the Steelers are who are missing their marks or single
Karen Runion winning with a 35-25 regular season parents who are late to get home.
record, plus a 3-1 advantage in the NFL From now on, when someone mentions
Shirley Patino | SPatino@Endeavorb2b.com playoffs), I have been predisposed to look Baltimore, I won’t think of seafood, a
ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR down on Baltimore. television show, or a rival football team.
Adrienne Miller | AMiller@Endeavorb2b.com I was insane to have disdain for this Words like pride, unity, and strength will
great American city. It’s a blue-collar region come to mind.
877-382-9187; 847-559-7598 that has fought hard to rebound from its As Baltimore heals, its leaders will advo-
Roads & Bridges | RAB@omeda.com
P.O. Box 3257 Northbrook, IL 60065-3257
industrial heights. It’s beautiful, friendly, cate for safety measure to make sure these
and — especially compared to Pittsburgh — tragedies are prevented in other cities.
Bart Piccirillo | Bart.piccirrillo@data-axle.com easy to navigate. Because Baltimoreans have character, too.
Michael Costantino
Michael.Costantino@data-axle.com Baltimore’s roads are organized in a grid
and spoke pattern.
The Baltimore-Washington Parkway
opened in stages between 1950 and 1954.
Its creation gave residents and businesses
ENDEAVOR BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC a direct line to the nation’s capital. Gavin Jenkins
CEO | Chris Ferrell The city’s interstates are some of the Senior Managing Editor
PRESIDENT | June Griffin best in the country, which is a credit to the GJenkins@Endeavorb2b.com
COO | Patrick Rains
CRO | Paul Andrews

visit our website at www.facebook.com/RoadsBridgesmag
EVP TRANSPORTATION GROUP | Kylie Hirko for industry updates, www.linkedin.com/company/roads-bridges/
EVP ENDEAVOR BUSINESS web exclusives, videos
INTELLIGENCE | Paul Mattioli and much more.



Not Another Notice Story

This defensive argument seems to be on the rise

AS I CONSIDERED the subject matter for this Returning to the Washington story, shortly after
column, I found yet another example of courts the contractor sued the city for breach of contract,
strictly enforcing notice requirements. If you the city argued the contractor failed to strictly comply
Jon Straw regularly read this column, you have seen similar with the notice and claims procedures.
is a partner with scenarios and may wonder, “Why am I reading yet The contractor, and interested industry groups,
Kraftson Caudle, PLC,
a law firm in McLean,
another story about notice?” argued that the contractor need not have strictly
Va., specializing The answer is simply because the issue is yet complied when it substantially complied.
in heavy-highway again in a recent example. Additionally, it seems In other words, they argued that if the city
and transportation
construction. Straw
to me (an unscientific observer) that the frequency actually knew about the changes and impacts, then
can be contacted of notice as a defensive argument is increasing in the contractor need not have duplicated the same
via e-mail at jstraw@ usage by owners and higher-tier contractors. communication effort by documenting notifications
In this story from Washington, a contractor agreed in writing and at the strict timing of “within seven
to perform certain infrastructure improvements for the days of the occurrence of [the change]” and “before
city of Snoqualmie. These projects included a new commencing performance of the [changed work].”
water main, storm drainage system, roadway paving, However, the trial and appellate courts held that
and relocation of above-ground power, cable, and strict compliance was what the parties intended and;
phone lines to underground locations. therefore, was the requirement.
The contract was formed in May 2014 and Each court relied upon a Washington State
included the 2012 Washington State Department Supreme Court decision from 2003 explaining that
of Transportation Standard Specifications, which “contractors are required to comply with the manda-
included mandatory notice and claim procedures. tory protest and claim procedures even when the
C.A. Carey Corp. v. City of Snoqualmie, Court of owner has actual notice of the protest or claim.”
Appeals of Washington, Division 1, Case No. 84602- Washington is not unique in this requirement.
7-I (April 19, 2024). Virginia is another state requiring strict compliance
and, on Virginia Department of Transportation con-
tracts, a particular phrase (sometimes called “magic
Notice is more than a mere procedural requirement. Notice
language”) is required. Texas joined the same group
helps the project and the parties to progress pro-actively. in 2022. (See Roads and Bridges Law Column, April
2023.) This is not a complete list; there are more.
Notice requirements are sometimes criticized as Do not worry! You can comply during the project.
mere procedural requirements by elevating form • Dedicate resources to change and notification
over substance. Fundamentally, notice requirements management. Do not just watch events unfold;
allow the recipient/decision-maker (usually the owner manage and use them to your advantage.
or higher-tier contractor) to accept or reject potential • Track timelines. While acquiring, preparing, provid-
future costs and/or time associated with a change. ing, and negotiating change pricing, track events
Notice allows all parties to better understand the during the project so you know when to notify.
scope and impacts of changes before they occur and • Understand how to notify. Proper notice is
to mitigate, as much as possible, the impacts. The usually written. Meeting minutes or daily reports
substantive effect of notification helps all parties. may not be enough.
When the owner agrees to the change, the con- • Transmission mode may matter. Hand delivery
tractor should have no (or less) trouble getting paid may be best or certified mail may be required.
because of the agreement. When the decision-maker E-mail may not be acceptable.
disagrees, and if the change is still necessary, then • Unnecessary notice may be safer. When you learn
the contractor should reasonably control its costs the actual scope of impacts, it may be too late to
knowing later payment may not be made. notify because you should have known sooner
Notice is more than a mere procedural require- and/or you agreed (by contract) to an earlier
ment. Notice helps the project and the parties to notice deadline. It may be better to notify and not
progress pro-actively. need it later than never to have notified.


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A community AT 1:29 A.M. ON MARCH 26, a law enforce- Six of Berkhimer’s team members were
ment officer in the Port of Baltimore sent the missing. One member of Brawner Builders’
rallies around following radio transmission to dispatch: road maintenance team survived by swimming
Brawner “The whole bridge just fell down. Start
whoever. Everybody. The whole bridge just
ashore after falling into the river. An eighth
man, a state employee, survived by running
Builders collapsed.” from the bridge.
Forty-five minutes later, David Berkhimer Berkhimer got dressed and rushed from his
By Gavin Jenkins, woke up to his phone ringing. home. He drove to the southern end of the Key
Senior Managing Editor As the vice president of infrastructure Bridge, near Fort Armistead on Hawkins Point.
at Brawner Builders, a contractor company Jack Murphy, the owner of Brawner Builders,
headquartered in Hunt Valley, Md., he had an drove to the north side of the bridge, near
eight-man team filling potholes on the Francis Dundalk. Kevin Zinkand, a senior project
This April 23 photo shows Scott Key Bridge that night. manager at Brawner Builders, who was the first
the container vessel Dali still Berkhimer answered the phone and heard to receive a call, joined Murphy. The three men
trapped and aground under the
what he called indescribable news: a fully loaded wanted to be on each side of the bridge in case
wreckage of the Francis Scott
Key Bridge in Baltimore. container ship named Dali hit the Key Bridge, there was news.
CREDIT: ANDREW LEYDEN/SHUTTERSTOCK and it had collapsed into the Patapsco River. Berkhimer watched as the area along the



about protection systems around bridge pillars. The event also

has pushed the importance of work zone safety to a new level
of awareness. It is an international disaster, as the workers
were from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico, and
the Port of Baltimore is vital to the supply chain, as well as the
global economy.
And Brawner Builders, a reliable, dedicated, and hard-
working contracting company that has worked on Maryland’s
roads and bridges since 1980, sits at the center of everything as
they mourn and care for the families of their dead colleagues.
Grieving like this is usually done in private, away from work
and the public. But Brawner Builders had contracts for other
jobs that they had to tackle. It also has received attention from
national media outlets. Brawner Builders doesn’t have a com-
munications director, so Jeffrey Pritzker, executive vice presi-
dent and general counsel for Brawner Builders, has stepped up
to speak to mainstream media outlets.
“We’ve received hundreds of phone calls from media all
over the world, but primarily New York, Chicago, and Baltimore,”
Pritzker said. “It’s been a full-time job.”
Pritzker added that calls from people asking how they can
help the families have been mixed in with the media requests.
“Which is something that’s really wonderful,” he said.

The Port of Baltimore is one of the busiest in the United
States, and though four channels have been opened, until the
984-foot-long Dali is removed, the collapse will continue to
impact economies around the world.
In 2023, the port handled 52.3 million tons of international

cargo, which was worth about $80.8 billion.
After the collapse, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore went so far as
to call this a “global crisis.”
Locally, the collapse has impacted businesses throughout
Baltimore and created a traffic nightmare, as the 35,000 cars and
trucks that used the Key Bridge each day find alternative routes.
But lost revenue and minutes stuck in traffic are ripple
effects that can be calculated.
shore crowded with police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, and There is no way to measure how devastating the collapse
boats with rescue equipment. is to the roads and bridges construction industry in the
“It was a surreal experience,” Berkhimer said. “They were all Baltimore region.
very committed and determined to get out there on the water This is a community of infrastructure workers who were still
and find our guys.” reeling from the Interstate-695 work zone crash that killed six
Hours passed, and as the sun rose over Baltimore, highway workers on March 23, 2023.
Berkhimer and Murphy remained on their respective sides of On that day, two motorists were driving over 120 miles per
the bridge, hoping for good news. hour, according to police. One driver hit the other while changing
“It was a difficult morning to just wait,” Berkhimer said. lanes. This forced the second driver to spin out of control and go
The six Brawner Builders employees who died when the Key through an opening in a concrete barrier, hitting and killing six
Bridge collapsed — José Mynor López, Alejandro Hernandez highway construction workers from Concrete General, Inc.
Fuentes, Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, Maynor Yasir Suazo- The construction team who died included Carlos Orlando
Sandoval, Carlos Daniel Hernandez Estrella, and Miguel Angel Villatoro Escobar, Jose Armando Escobar, Rolando Ruiz, Mahlon
Luna Gonzalez — have since been recovered from the Patapsco Simmons II, Mahlon Simmons III and Sybil Lee Dimaggio.
River. López, the last to be found, was discovered on May 7. Michael Higgins, the general manager at Concrete General,
The Key Bridge collapse is a layered tragedy. From a struc- said the Baltimore construction industry seems to be in disbelief
tural perspective, it has started an industry-wide conversation over how these two tragedies have occurred almost a year apart.



Taken on April 5, this photo shows salvage efforts at the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
That day, President Biden arrived to pledge his support for rebuilding the bridge,
as well as his empathy for Baltimore. CREDIT: ANDREW LEYDEN/SHUTTERSTOCK

“But the industry is very strong here in the state of Maryland,”

Higgins said. “We are willing pitch in to help in whatever way.”
That’s one silver lining to come out of these tragedies.
Though shocking and devastating, they have united Baltimore’s
construction industry, and Brawner Builders, its employees, and
their families have been supported during this rough time.
“It really does speak to what a tight knit community this
construction industry is here,” Berkhimer said.

Brawner Builders rents equipment and inspects bridges. Its team
has renovated buildings, constructed offices, and built shopping
centers, heavy industrial plants, and academic institutions.
Its portfolio also includes Maryland infrastructure projects like
the Harford Road Bridge over Herring Run Park, the Interstate-83
emergency repair project, the Patapsco River Pedestrian Bridge,
and the Interstate-70 Parapet Rehabilitation Project.
Murphy began working at Brawner Builders when he was
in college. He started as a laborer, and after he graduated, he
was hired as foreman. He was promoted to superintendent and
eventually bought the company from its founder, Jay Brawner.
“This is not a family-owned company,” Berkhimer said. “But it
In this photo from April 23, the Dali was still trapped under the wreckage of the
is a family company.” Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.
On the morning the bridge collapsed, after the sun came CREDIT: ANDREW LEYDEN/SHUTTERSTOCK

up over the port, Berkhimer, Murphy, and Zinkand turned their

attention to the families of the missing men. Relief Fund,” the campaign has raised over $163,000, with a
Brawner Builders representatives, including Berkhimer and goal of $300,000.
Murphy, met up with the families and sat with them for several There isn’t a playbook that contracting companies can
days following the collapse. turn to during a crisis like this. But the company’s family-first
Pritzker said the families received prepaid credit cards for approach seems to be working.
whatever they need. Brawner Builders also enlisted the help of grief counselors to
“We are continuing the flow of compensation to those speak to its employees, from office staff to field crew members.
families while we try to figure everything out,” Pritzker said. A few days after the collapse, the company held one large
Brawner Builders must handle workers compensation and session to talk through what had happened as a group and discuss
insurance. While that gets ironed out, the company also set up a how everyone was feeling. Berkhimer said they wanted employees
GoFundMe campaign for the families. Titled “Brawner Families to be aware of the counseling programs to which they had access.



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Days later, Berkhimer talked to one of his foremen about the

group session and how it was received by the employees.
“His response to me was, ‘You know, I was always of the
mindset that I don’t need to talk to anybody,’” Berkhimer said.
“And he told me he couldn’t believe how much that helped.”


The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) hosted
this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week in April. To
open the week, MDOT held a ceremony on Interstate 70,
overlooking the site of the Interstate-695 crash that killed
six workers in 2023. As the ceremony ended, more than 200
transportation vehicles participated in a “Unity Ride” around the
I-695 Beltway in support of work zone safety.
Brawner Builders participated in the Unity Ride, and though
the two tragedies are different in many ways, they will likely be In this photo from April 23, salvage crews use a wrecking ball to break up the
linked because of the timing and the region. submerged roadway of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore before removing
Those who felt the ripple effect from the I-695 Beltway the debris. CREDIT: ANDREW LEYDEN/SHUTTERSTOCK
crash are on the other side of the grieving process, but it
hasn’t changed how shocking it was. And seeing industry Officials across Maryland have responded to the I-695 Beltway
contemporaries in the same city go through it a year later has crash with action. Maryland Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller chaired the work
brought back those memories. Higgins remembers being in the zone safety work group, which released a recommendation in
Concrete General office after the 2023 crash happened. January that a cultural shift must occur among drivers.
“It was very surreal,” he said. “You’re almost in disbelief that After the National Work Zone Awareness Week opening
something like that could happen.” ceremony, Miller said that it’s important for drivers to prioritize
Higgins said that grieving the deaths of six employees over workers on America’s roadways.
the past year has been one of the hardest challenges of his “People often don’t acknowledge the great severity of the work
career at Concrete General. that they encounter on a daily basis,” Miller said. “With high-speed
“It’s a very difficult process to get through, to steer an vehicles flying by them while they are trying to do construction
organization through such a catastrophic loss,” Higgins said. work, that is not an easy site to be working at, so we want to make
“There’s no formula for how to address it. Each company and its sure they are protected as much as possible. That’s why we’re
leaders need to address it in a way that best fits their folks and moving forward with education, engineering, and enforcement.”
their families.” Teri Soos, deputy chief operating officer at Maryland’s State
Higgins said that, as Concrete General grieved, a major Highway Administration, oversaw the incident response of the
challenge for leadership became aiding employees who I-695 Beltway crash. She agrees that drivers need to change.
couldn’t help but think, “that could have been me” or “that “We know drivers seem to be displaying some rather risky
could be me tomorrow.” behavior on the roads these days,” Soos said.

Tugs assisting tanker approaching Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge (I-695).



She also believes innovation could provide solutions. Soos Two rock islands were also built to surround the main channel
said the SHA is moving towards using automated flagger supports and go all the way to the sea floor.
assistance devices. A steel arch continuous through truss bridge, the Key Bridge
“It removes that human being from that very exposed opened in 1977 and did not have those safety measures. It’s
position as the first point of contact that the driver might come impossible to know if dolphins would have prevented the Dali
across,” Soos said. from hitting and collapsing the Key Bridge. The Dali is nearly
Work zone safety is an ongoing challenge for the industry. as long as the Eiffel Tower. It weighs 95,000 tons empty — and
Educating the public, embracing innovation, and enforcing it was fully loaded. However, when the Key Bridge is rebuilt,
traffic laws seem to be a great strategy. However, that doesn’t safety measures such as the ones incorporated into the new
apply to what happened to the Key Bridge, which seems to Sunshine Skyway Bridge will likely be considered.
have been a tragic accident. For the foreseeable future, one The Key Bridge collapse could prove to be a wakeup call.
question will be discussed throughout the industry: Could the There are roughly 309 major bridges spanning navigable water-
Key Bridge tragedy have been prevented? ways in America, and according to a recent report by the New
York Times, 193 of those bridges have no protections installed
SAFETY MEASURES around the piers. These are bridges in cities like Boston, New
In 1980, a freighter ship collided with a support column of Orleans, and Philadelphia; each carry more 10,000 vehicles over
Tampa’s Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Rush-hour traffic was on the it a day. Yet, their foundations are at risk of being struck by ships.
bridge, and when it collapsed, 35 people died. However, engineering can only make construction work-
The bridge was rebuilt with numerous safety enhancements ers so safe. As Miller pointed out, it also takes education and
to safeguard against future collisions. The bridge was elevated enforcement. Or, as Berkhimer put it: “We need everybody
from 800 feet to 1,200 feet. The channel was widened and to step up and pay closer attention and do their part to keep
incorporated two layers of protection for bridge piers. everybody safe through these work zones.”
Most importantly, when the bridge reopened in 1987, it To donate to the GoFundMe that will support the families of
features 36 dolphins — circular concrete barriers along the the men who died on the Key Bridge, please visit brawnerbuild-
bridge’s central supports to protect the structure from impact. ers.com. The link is at the top of the page.

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opened in 1955. Spanning the Ohio River, it
requirement to rehabilitate it and keep the
structure open for at least another 50 years.
deck growth connects Parkersburg, W.V. with Belpre, Ohio. To rehabilitate the bridge, UBP teamed with
impacted the The bridge has undergone minor mainte-
nance projects, but no major work. Much of the
Modjeski and Masters (M&M) as engineer of
record, Burgess and Niple (B&N) as owner’s
Parkersburg bridge remained original, including the concrete- engineer, and Kokosing Construction Company
Memorial filled steel grid deck.
To extend its life, Parkersburg load posted the
(KCC) as general contractor. The project used
a Construction Manager/General Contractor
Bridge rehab bridge at 10 tons in 2017. However, a significant (CMGC) model, in which the contractor provides
rehabilitation project was needed, but it would input throughout the design process.
By Dan McCaffrey, be cost-prohibitive. The goal was to restore the bridge condi-
Contributing Author In 2021, United Bridge Partners (UBP) bought tion to at least a “7” in Federal Highway
the bridge from Parkersburg, along with the Administration’s National Bridge Inspection
Standards condition rating system.
The lower lateral bracing system was
corroded, particularly near the connections to
the truss, where water had leaked through the
deteriorated deck and curb. Stringer ends below
the deck expansion joints had deteriorated, too.
The planned lateral bracing repair work, as
well as stringer strengthening, needed to be
Above: The Parkersburg Memorial performed early because the rehabilitation work
Bridge stretching across the Ohio required heavy equipment and paint contain-
River. Right: A photo of early steel
ment that would increase the wind loading.
CREDIT: BURGESS AND NIPLE The UBP team accelerated the development



of the early steel repair plans and Coast Guard coordination. of which prevent grid growth.
Work began in November, 2021. This work was considered If the grid had not been composite with the stringers, the
temporary, as it would later be replaced by permanent repairs problems would have been limited to the deck and joints;
during the full rehabilitation. The lateral bracing and stringer however, every bearing bar was welded to the stringer top
repairs consisted of bolting on strengthening plates, without the flange. Therefore, tension was being applied to the top flange,
removal of existing material. as the deck tried to stretch it. This caused the stringers to arch
The strengthening steel was also only cut to size without upward and to grow longer.
precise geometry, and the holes were field drilled. The work The arching of the stringers resulted in rotation of the end
only required the closure of one lane of traffic and was connections where they were riveted to the floorbeam webs,
performed using a mobile platform. The early steel work was which caused cracking in the connection angles.
completed in March 2022. The floorbeams are connected to the truss at their ends with
While the early steel repairs were being performed, M&M clip angles. The longitudinal pushing of the stringers bowed the
developed the rehabilitation details. M&M’s designers noticed floorbeams out-of-plane several inches and rotated them out
unusual patterns of deck joints being closed, bowed and non- of plumb. This was due to the upper portion of the floorbeam
plumb floorbeams, cracked or deformed floorbeam and stringer receiving the brunt of the push from the stringers.
connection angles, and leaning bearings. This also caused high stresses, deformation and tearing of
The movements were not indicative of typical temperature the floorbeam web at the connection to the truss. Cracks in the
movements and anticipated positions of the bridge. After plot- web of a floorbeam in this area are not uncommon for truss
ting the locations of these issues on a plan view and examining and tied arch bridges due to the bottom chord or tie wanting to
the field information, it was apparent that there was a single stretch under live load while the deck does not.
cause for these problems: longitudinal growth of the concrete- Although the symptoms were similar between this typical
filled steel grid deck. behavior and the effects of grid growth, the cause was quite
Grid deck growth is caused by the corrosion of the steel grid different. In typical situations, the deck resists the movement of
bars. The corrosion product of steel is expansive in that it takes the floorbeam where it is connected to the bottom chord or tie
up more space than the original steel itself. This is why steel and cracks occur as the web gets worked back and forth.
can have layers of delaminated corrosion that are thicker than the For the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge, it was the opposite:
original material, often making the corrosion look worse than it is. the deck stretched and pushed the stringers and floorbeams,
When steel is embedded in concrete, corrosion pushes it which were being held back by the bottom chord.
against the adjacent concrete and often causes spalling. This is The issues caused by the grid growth presented some chal-
true for concrete piers as well as for a traditional rebar-reinforced lenges for the rehabilitation, in design and detailing, but also in
concrete deck. the order of construction operations.
In the case of a concrete-filled steel grid, the main
bars of the steel grid reinforcing are rolled shapes,
with a bulge at the top and bottom that act as flanges.
As moisture makes its way to the vertical faces of the
steel bearing bars, corrosion can occur, which pushes
on the adjacent concrete.
But, because the bearing bar is full height and has
a top and bottom flange, the concrete is confined and
cannot spall like it would in a traditional deck. This
causes compression stresses in the concrete and
tension stresses in the grid’s secondary bars, which
run perpendicular to the main bearing bars.
The above photos show cracked stringer end connections. CREDIT: MODJESKI AND MASTERS.
On some bridges, the compressive action of the
concrete against the main bearing bar is enough to
restrict the further incursion of water, reducing further
deterioration. In other cases, corrosion builds, the
secondary grid bars stretch, and the deck gets longer.
For the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge, the deck
was a 4-inch deep, filled grid, with main bearing bars
oriented transversely to the bridge, spanning from
longitudinal stringer to longitudinal stringer.
Therefore, the grid growth occurred along the
bridge’s length. Modern grid decks are usually
These two photos of the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge show a torn floor beam web.
galvanized and often include an integral overfill, both CREDIT: MODJESKI AND MASTERS.



form of small angles tight fit to the edge of the

stringer flange and welded to the underside of
the grid deck from above.
Relative movement between the deck and
the stringers was noticed immediately during
weld removal operations, with some welds fail-
ing as load was released from removed welds
and picked up by adjacent ones.
It was concluded that the grid deck growth
was as much as 1 inch in 90 feet. Since the
length of the truss spans is 2,050 feet, this
equates to 22 inches of additional deck length.
The 3-inch, expanded “relief” joints that were
cut into the deck closed up as the welds were
removed and progressive sections were freed.
After this work was completed, the single-
lane construction zone was set up, the bridge
was re-opened to traffic, and the deck replace-
ment work began. M&M installed strain gauges
to get an estimate of the stresses that were
relieved due to the initial separation of the deck
from the stringers. Vibrating wire strain gauges
were installed on the fascia stringers and bot-
tom chord at three longitudinal locations, and
A Modjeski and Masters worker installs strain gauges on the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge. Gauges were on all stringers and both chords at one location
installed on the fascia stringers and bottom chord at three longitudinal locations. in Span 5 (230-foot truss).
Gauges were positioned at mid-height and
at the bottom flange to establish a stress gradi-
The planned phasing for the project required the mainte- ent in the member and calculate axial and moment stresses.
nance of one lane of traffic throughout construction, with the After installation, two measurements were taken throughout
deck replacement occurring one lane at a time. Knowing that the weld removal process: at about halfway through and at final
the bridge was stressed in the stringers, floorbeams and bottom completion. The highest stress reduction in a stringer was mea-
chord, there was concern that the phased approach would only sured as 12.2 kilo-pounds per square inch (ksi). The highest stress
partially relieve these stresses in each phase. That would affect reduction for a bottom chord location was 4.6 ksi. At the Span 5
the control of geometry, particularly for the deck and joints. location, the stringer stresses were uniform across the width, with
Operations were adjusted to relieve the grid growth stresses an average axial stress reduction in the stringers of 9.6 ksi and an
as the first element of work. To do this, the deck had to be average axial stress reduction in the chord of about 2.75 ksi.
separated from the stringers so that the supporting steel could This equates to about 1,200 kilo-pounds of axial force being
be permitted to relax. Realizing that the deck was longer than relieved on the structure, which came from the grid growth.
it should be, 3 inches of deck was removed at every deck relief Although filled steel grid decks are robust and have sig-
joint to provide the room for the steel to relax. nificant lifespans, grid growth can occur and be detrimental to
The concrete fill of the grid was removed in strips along the other components.
tops of the stringers using hydrodemolition. Once the welds At the Parkersburg Memorial Bridge, some of the floorbeams
of the grid to the stringers were exposed, they were removed did not rebound, remaining bowed. It was decided to make
using air-arc gouging and grinding. This weld removal work was them composite with the deck, to supplement their strength.
moved to the beginning of the project. An initial 45-day bridge They are braced at each stringer with new connection angles,
closure was utilized to mill the asphalt wearing surface, hydro- which resist any further lateral movement. The new deck is
demo the concrete, remove the welds, install the painter’s a cast-in-place deck that uses fiber-reinforced concrete and
access platforms, and set temporary concrete barriers. galvanized rebar. This CIP deck system accommodates any
For each continuous deck section between deck joints, residual geometry anomalies quite easily and will provide the
a short length of stringer retained the weld, so that the deck 50-year life required by the contract. The project was com-
maintained longitudinal load-carrying ability. pleted last summer.
Temporary bracing was added because the stringers were
now no longer braced by the grid deck (except where the short
length of deck to stringer weld was not removed). This took the Dan McCaffrey is a senior project manager at Modjeski and Masters.



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How new life THIS FACT SEEMS so unexpected to most
Americans that it could be a “Jeopardy!” question:
The trio of bridges honor local icons: the
Roberto Clemente (Sixth Street) Bridge, named
was given This jewel of Appalachia is called the “City of for the greatest right fielder in the history
to a trio Bridges” because it boasts 446 of them.
Answer: What is Pittsburgh?
of professional baseball who played for the
Pittsburgh Pirates; the Andy Warhol (Seventh
of iconic For those who have never visited southwest Street) Bridge, named for the artist, director, and
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the city needs each of these
structures. The Allegheny River and Monongahela
producer; and the Rachel Carson (Ninth Street)
Bridge, named for the noted marine biologist,
bridges River converge downtown at Point State Park, writer, and conservationist.
where the French built Fort Duquesne in 1754, and The current crossings were designed by the
By Aaron B. Colorito form the Ohio River. Allegheny County Department of Public Works
and Justin Bouscher, Pittsburgh’s three rivers are surrounded by and built between 1924 and 1928 in response to
Contributing Authors so many hills and ravines that these crossings a mandate by the War Department to increase
have come to symbolize the city. They are part vertical clearance over inland navigable rivers.
of Pittsburgh’s identity and culture, and they are These structures reflect historic bridge design
essential to the region’s transportation system. and construction feats. They were the first suspen-
The Three Sisters Bridges are perhaps the sion bridges erected by the cantilever method,
An aerial view of the Three most iconic ones in Pittsburgh. Not far from where the bridges were erected as cantilever
Sisters bridges, looking east, the Point, they span the Allegheny River and trusses using temporary members.
up the Allegheny River in connect downtown to North Shore destinations They also make up the only trio of identical,
Pittsburgh. like PNC Park, Acrisure Stadium, and the Andy side-by-side bridges in the world, are the first
INTERNATIONAL Warhol Museum. self-anchored suspension bridges constructed in



the United States and are listed on the National Register of AN INDIVIDUALIZED APPROACH
Historic Places. While the Three Sisters Bridges are identical, they have aged in
In recent years, it was determined that the bridges required different ways.
rehabilitation because of accelerating age-related deterioration. The team approached the rehabilitation of each structure
The owner, Allegheny County, selected Michael Baker separately as each had its own needs and posed its own
International for preliminary engineering, final
design, and construction-phase services for the
rehabilitation of each bridge. L.R. Kimball, now part
of TranSystems, completed the final design of the
Rachel Carson (Ninth Street) Bridge.
To effectively analyze the bridges, the team’s
engineers devised an approach blending modern
analysis tools with traditional design methods. The
bridges were analyzed for the first time using a
fully three-dimensional finite element analysis.
To verify the results, the structures were also
analyzed by hand using techniques formulated
in the 1940s. Michael Baker performed the first
Load and Resistance Factor Design analysis of the
bridge. This uncovered a mistake in the original
calculations, which was addressed during the

Sandstone and granite masonry pylon rooms, before (left) and after
(right) cleaning. CREDIT: AARON B. COLORITO.



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Crew members replace a

damaged hanger eyebar
at panel point 16.

challenges. The designers combined recognition of historical The updates to the structure involved the replacement of the
significance with modern engineering practices to complete a concrete bridge deck, full repainting, steel repairs of the fascia
structurally superior, sustainable rehabilitation project that was beams and sidewalk framing, floor beam connections, stiffening
also sensitive to the historic nature of the eye-catching bridges. girders and sidewalk brackets, substructure repairs, and installa-
The existing hold-down mechanisms were replaced using tion of scour protection.
temporary systems to maintain the existing bridge vertical The second bridge to undergo rehabilitation, the Rachel
geometry. Carson Bridge, began work in 2019 and was completed in
Structural steel repairs were provided as required to 2020. Renamed on Earth Day 2006, the bridge’s rehabilitation
increase member strengths as well as repair damage from included repairs to the steel members and replacement of the
corrosion and vessel strikes on the Allegheny River. concrete deck. Additionally, service lines for utilities and the
In 2005, the former Seventh Street Bridge became the first expansion dams and drainage systems were replaced.
bridge in the United States to be named for a visual artist. The The bridge updates also included new sidewalk framing and
Andy Warhol Bridge’s rehabilitation began in 2016 and was sidewalks.
completed in 2018. The Roberto Clemente Bridge was the final of the Three
Sisters to be rehabilitated. Renamed after the Hall of Fame
baseball player in 1998, the bridge is closed to vehicular traffic
on game days for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers, which
makes it even more significant for local residents.
The rehabilitation began in 2022, and the bridge opened to
traffic again on Sunday, Dec. 31, 2023.
Rehabilitation of the bridge required the replacement of the
existing deteriorated concrete deck, structural steel repairs,
including a complete eyebar hanger replacement, replacement
of the sidewalk framing and concrete sidewalks, and replace-
ment of the bridge hold-down mechanisms.


The existing flat, deteriorated steel curbs were replaced with new sloped steel
curbs with sealant and gaskets to prevent standing water along the stiffening
Because of the bridges’ age, history, and importance to the city,
girders. The height of the curb also serves to help protect the stiffening girders materials not normally used in modern bridge construction were
from vehicular impact. CREDIT: AARON B. COLORITO required to complete the rehabilitations.



These included unique tie-down stakeholders involved, and accepting Sisters Bridges complete, Pittsburgh
anchorages combining high-strength and incorporating comments and locals and visitors alike can enjoy a
post-tensioning bar and high-early- feedback into the solutions. convenient, safe, and beautiful river
strength cement grouts; forged steel When the Roberto Clemente Bridge crossing for decades to come.
bridge pins and nuts; permanently reopened on New Year’s Eve 2023, the
lubricated bronze bushings and washers; opening ceremony coincided with the
lubricants to fill the roller “nests” at the launch of an enhanced lighting system. Aaron B. Colorito is a technical manager for
expansion towers; and bronze dedication Specialized shows can be run during Michael Baker International. Justin Bouscher
plaques cast to replace missing plaques. holidays and can be static or dynamic. is a bridge department manager for Michael
Thousands of rivets were replaced With the rehabilitation of all Three Baker International.
with ASTM F3125 Grades F1852 and
F2280 high-strength bolts with button
heads to mimic the look of historic rivets,
improving structural capacity while
being sensitive to appearance. Bolts
were installed with a high-tech electric
wrench that allowed them to be inserted

and tightened from one side, thereby
providing uniform torque on the nuts and
uniform pretension in the bolts. Fracture-
critical tie-downs were replaced with
new tie-downs to add redundancy. LONG-TERM PAVEMENT
Pittsburgh’s history is deeply
engrained in its industrial past, and over PRESERVAT ION
time, the sandstone masonry substruc-
ture units of all three bridges had been
obscured beneath the soot from the
local steel mills.  Durable, high strength and low shrinkage
The team cleaned this masonry to
reveal its original appearance.  Open to traffic in 2-3 hours
Various methods were tested in
search of the desired results, including
 One cement for multiple uses
various chemicals, concentrations, pres-  Adjustable setting times
sure washing, and even a laser-ablation
process, but in the end, a wet-abrasive
blasting method using glass bead media
was utilized across all three structures.
This process offered the best
compromise between restoring the
original masonry surface appearance
and color while minimizing damage to
the hand-finished masonry surfaces. The
bridges were repainted with an Aztec
Gold finish coat, the iconic color of most
of the bridges in downtown Pittsburgh.
Continual collaboration was required
among more than 20 key stakeholders
to successfully complete this project. A
major challenge was to find ways that
such a large group could reach agree- Extensive customer service from
ments that benefit the majority.
The team embraced this complexity,
mix design to field support.
quickly identifying issues, coming to
a consensus internally on a solution, CTScement.com  800.929.3030
communicating these issues to the



A team rehabilitates the deck on the Delaware Memorial Bridge. CREDIT: CHRYSO & GCP

Delaware Memorial Bridge project is completed in record time with less CO2
By Lisa Barnard, Contributing Author

IN NOVEMBER OF 2023, a massive deck rehabilitation The Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) considered
project on the Delaware Memorial Bridge was completed. several options to repair or replace the existing bridge deck.
Each 2 miles in length, the Delaware Memorial Bridge is a After a life-cycle cost analysis, the owner determined that using
pair of twin suspension bridges that span the Delaware River, Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) was the right choice
connecting Delaware and New Jersey. for the project.
These massive toll bridges have been vital transportation UHPC is an exceptionally strong and durable concrete mate-
links for the region since they opened in 1951 and 1968. rial that often includes a large amount of fiber reinforcement
However, it was determined that a major deck rehabilitation and super-plasticizing agents.
was needed on the northbound bridge to prolong the service The UHPC would be installed as a new overlay system along
life of the existing deck. The two-year, three-phase rehabilitation the length of the bridge to protect and structurally strengthen
project kicked off in September 2022, after a successful pilot the existing bridge deck. This solution could be installed in much
installation was performed in 2020. less time and at a significantly reduced cost compared to more
With over 80,000 vehicles crossing it daily, there were significant repair techniques (e.g., full-depth deck replacement).
immense challenges to executing a major rehabilitation. The Compared to a more traditional concrete overlay, a thinner
most notable challenge: the disruption to traffic and the impact layer of UHPC is needed. This minimizes additional weight to
it would have on the travelers and the toll collections. the structure and provides durability lasting 50 years or more.
The construction work could only be performed during In September 2023, the third and final phase of the rehabili-
specific timeframes when traffic volumes were relatively low. tation project began. Crews removed 2-3 inches of deteriorated
Within these tight time windows, a new durable, high perform- concrete from the existing deck surface of the two northbound
ing deck needed to be installed without adding more weight to right lanes on the New Jersey side, and then replaced it with an
the structure. equivalent thickness of UHPC.


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More than 5,000 cubic yards of Ultra-

High Performance Concrete (UHPC) was
installed on this project. The UHPC was
placed using a specialty paver designed
by the contractor, and later it was
diamond ground and grooved.

In partnership with UHPC Solutions (the general contractor) “The use of UHPC on the Delaware Memorial Bridge deck
and Ductal (the UHPC material supplier), the technical team rehabilitation project was the perfect fit, offering speed and
identified the best admixtures for the intended application, such light-weight durability,” Williams said.
as high-range water reducers. The UHPC overlay installation shaved two weeks from the
This allows for less batch water to be used in the UHPC 11-week Phase 3 construction window. The enhanced perfor-
mixture, producing concrete that is stronger than traditional mance of the new UHPC equates to less overall concrete used,
bridge deck concrete. which further reduces the project’s CO2 impact.
Additionally, the admixtures facilitated a concrete consis- Gil Brindley, UHPC Solutions North America director, said this
tency that the contractor could pave in a downhill direction, project was the first of its kind in the country.
which is not typically done in concrete paving. This allowed “It is the first suspension bridge to have a UHPC overlay,
the contractor to condense their construction schedule, saving the largest UHPC project in the U.S., and broke records for
them time and money. UHPC placed in a single day,” Brindley said. “The success of
More than 5,000 cubic yards of UHPC was installed on this the project is due to the partnership of all those involved. From
project. The UHPC was placed using a specialty paver designed the owner and designer, material suppliers and subcontractors,
by the contractor, and later it was diamond ground and grooved to the workforce that performed the work, everyone played an
to ensure a smooth riding surface. important role and worked collaboratively to make this project
Steve Williams, Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals North a reality.”
America president, said that UHPC is a key component in the
sustainability goals of the construction industry because it
provides greater strength with less material needed and longer Lisa Barnard, LEED AP, WELL AP, is CHRYSO & GCP’s sustainability and
service life. customer engagement program manager.





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An innovative THE LINK BETWEEN a city’s economic
growth and the state of its transportation
the design. JMT will collaborate with COWI
and TranSystems as specialty subconsultants.
bridge should systems is undeniable.
improve Heavy civil engineers don’t just design SAFETY CHALLENGES
critical infrastructure. They also create oppor- The Ashley River Crossing will address the
pedestrian tunities, enhance connectivity, and improve ongoing safety concerns pedestrians have
safety access to employment, educational institutions,
healthcare services, and recreational facilities.
experienced over the past few years.
Funding comes from the city of Charleston,
Bridges, roadways, and cycling and pedes- Charleston County, Medical University of
By Richard Kirkman,
trian paths stimulate an area’s economy and are South Carolina (MUSC), the South Carolina
Contributing Author
indicative of its growth. They can either support Department of Transportation, and the Federal
further development or hinder it. Highway Administration.
The Ashley River Crossing in Charleston, “The existing bridges and roads do not
S.C. aims to address the city’s evolving needs have sidewalks that meet current standards for
and provide residents with a safe and reliable people to ride their bike or walk safely,” said
connection between West Ashley and down- Jim O’Connor, JMT vice president and lead
town Charleston. design engineer for the project.
Designed to be the country’s first cable- Pedestrians traveling on U.S. Route 17
stayed movable pedestrian structure, the between West Ashley and downtown must
crossing’s aesthetics and engineering ingenuity cross the Ashley River on two parallel bridges
are as paramount as its purpose. The design of with narrow sidewalks.
the 4,100-foot-long bridge contains a 204-foot More than 63,000 cars cross these
center moveable span that swings outward to shared-use bridges daily. The high traf-
allow marine traffic to pass. fic volume resulted in over 100 bike- and
The Ashley River Crossing will be Superior Construction Company Southeast pedestrian-related crashes between 2014 and
the first cable-stayed movable
pedestrian bridge in the country
will lead as design-construction manager, with 2019 — necessitating alternate transportation
CREDIT: SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson (JMT) leading infrastructure for pedestrians.



The Ashley River Crossing’s hydraulic swing span components will allow the
bridge to open horizontally rather than vertically, improving marine clearance

“Providing safe, connected, equitable and enjoyable to greatly reduce on-site and over-water assembly time. This
ways for Charlestonians to walk and bicycle will both save eliminates the use of balance wheels and center wedges and
lives and improve quality of life, especially because our the need to install and precisely align open gearing.
region consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous for An iconic steel V-shaped tower will provide a bold
non-motorized travelers,” said Katie Zimmerman, executive architectural statement. Its outward-leaning stay cable plane
director of Charleston Moves, a local nonprofit organization addresses the city’s concern about any ice on the cables
that encourages multimodal transportation. falling onto the pedestrian path below.
Superior and JMT developed a preliminary design for the
pedestrian bridge that will separate foot and car traffic and DELIVERY AND APPROACH
mirror the functionality of the existing adjacent highway bridge. The project team will construct the Ashley River Crossing
using a segmental approach. The five geographic segments
FUNCTIONALITY MEETS AESTHETICS span from West Ashley to the east end of the project limits at
Charleston’s original request for qualifications (RFQ) stated Lockwood Drive.
one of its top goals was that the new design be iconic and Segment three comprises the movable swing span and piers
aesthetically pleasing, which contributed to the owner and will be constructed concurrently with segments two and
opting for a cable-stayed movable structure. four. This allows ample time for the design, procurement, instal-
“There are other movable vehicular bridges in the lation, and testing of all mechanical, electrical, and structural
country. There are also stationary, long-span cable-stayed swing span components.
bridges, but we don’t know of any other bridge in the “The first bridge work Superior will perform will be installing
U.S. that combines all these complex elements,” said the fender system extension to protect the new swing span
O’Connor. “We looked to similar European bridges as the construction and enhance the overall marine safety for the
basis of our design. That’s where we found examples of boating public and our workers,” said Brian Tolbert, project
similar bridges by COWI and brought them into the cable director at Superior Construction. “We also plan to build the
stayed span design.” swing span bridge in the open position to minimize marine
One of the team’s primary proposed innovations is the use traffic impacts.”
of a slewing ring, which will make the bridge more compact,
efficient, and easier to construct. A slewing ring configuration MOVABLE BRIDGE OPERATIONS
allows for the pre-assembly of mechanical components and After completing the approach span foundation work, power
the structure towers. It also enables erection as a single unit and control conduits will be connected to the new main span by


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To enhance connectivity between

downtown Charleston and West
Ashley, Superior and its design
partner, Johnson, Mirmiran &
Thompson, Inc. (JMT), developed
a preliminary design for the
pedestrian bridge that will mirror
the functionality of the existing
adjacent highway bridge

the fourth quarter of 2025. The new movable bridge operation Health and Environmental Control to reduce any environmen-
will be tied into the existing movable bridge operations by the tal impacts associated with construction activities within the
third quarter of 2026. salt marsh.
The project team will isolate the swing span operation during
construction to prevent any premature operational activity from PROJECT TIMELINE
the existing operator’s house. The team received a project award in September 2023 and
The functioning span will come online once the required held a groundbreaking ceremony a month later. Charleston
testing cycle is run from the pivot pier controls. The operator’s Mayor John Tecklenburg attended the event, as well as city
vision views are acceptable between the tender’s direct sight council members and community advocates like Zimmerman of
and the camera views. the Charleston Moves nonprofit.
The existing controls will remain largely untouched, except “Thousands of community members, including officials
for the installation of the proposed interlocks, to prioritize from multiple levels of government, worked together for
movable span operation and its associated bypasses. The new many years to bring this project to fruition because they
movable span will be controlled by a touchscreen display and recognize the Ashley River Crossing will transform our
discrete pushbuttons for the gates. region,” Zimmerman said.
Tolbert said that the work also includes a trailhead with David Cole, the MUSC President also attended the ground-
benches, water stations, and bike repair stations. breaking ceremony, demonstrating his support for the project,
which will serve as a recreational facility and a valuable trans-
TIMESAVING SOLUTIONS portation link for MUSC commuters. Construction is estimated
The project team is working to achieve substantial comple- to begin by the end of 2024, with expected completion in 2027.
tion ahead of the owner-approved contract time of 1,277
To accomplish this, they proposed constructing the West The Ashley River Crossing has the potential to transform
Ashley approach as a boardwalk structure, significantly reduc- Charleston’s bustling urban landscape. By prioritizing transpor-
ing the construction duration by avoiding delays associated with tation upgrades, cities can create more accessible and resilient
relocating overhead utility lines. urban environments for everyone.
The proposed solution also minimizes the risk associated Zimmerman said this is a critical step in creating safer and
with constructing an on-grade pathway adjacent to U.S. affordable access to amenities everyone needs.
Route 17. “The Ashley River Crossing will bridge a major gap in
By utilizing longer approach spans in segments two and four, equitable mobility that the community has advocated to fix for
the team also reduced the number of foundations they would decades,” Zimmerman said.
need to build in the river.
Opting for prefabricated items — like segment caps, prefab
cap forms for cast-in-place concrete and tying steel cages Richard Kirkman, P.E., is Superior’s division manager for
off-site — will also accelerate construction. the Carolinas Region. You can reach him at RKirkman@
The project team is working with the United States Army superiorconstruction.com.
Corps of Engineers and the South Carolina Department of


(Image courtesy of Amtrak & NJ Transit)

NYSDOT has begun The Portal North

a $78M project to do Bridge, a key Phase I
a major project in the
reconstruction of Gateway Program,
the 3,790-foot-long will create a modern,
bridge carrying I-86 high-level, fixed-
over Chautauqua span structure to
Lake south of replace the century-
Buffalo, NY. HDG old Portal along the
A767 C1 reinforcing critical North East
steel is being used Corridor (NEC). The
(Image courtesy of the Chautauqua for the new current bridge
County Tourism Bureau) concrete bridge carries 450 Amtrak
decks. and NJ Transit trains
(Image courtesy of the Delaware River per day! The Alliance
Joint Toll Bridge Commission) The new 1,834’ is pleased to be
Scudder Falls (I- providing the
295) Toll Bridge galvanized rebar for
spans the this important $1.73
Delaware River Billion project. The
between bridge design calls
Pennsylvania and for a 100-year design
New Jersey. All life.
steel in the entire
bridge (superstructure and substructure)
is HDG A767 C1.


or go to 100YearStrong.com

A reverse tied arch structure was developed to give

the bridge a soft “S” curve, which reduces the skew
at the piers. CREDIT: HNTB.

A one-of-a-kind, network tied arch bridge connects trails in Dallas
By Suze Parker, Contributing Author

INSTALLED IN A SINGLE NIGHT, the challenges existed before, now stands a bridge and how it needed to function.
Northaven Trail Bridge links several bike beacon to alternative transportation. When Kleinman proposed the
and pedestrian trails above U.S. Route pedestrian bridge, he was inspired by
75, an eight-lane highway in north Dallas. A COMMUNITY’S VISION the idea of representing a bicycle wheel
The project provides a safe crossing COMES ALIVE in its design. The original network tied
for users, extends recreational opportu- Lee Kleinman, a former Dallas city arch concept for the main span was
nities and expands access to alternative council member, proposed the idea for developed in 2017 by HNTB to reflect
modes of transportation. a pedestrian bridge over the highway in stakeholder feedback. Collaboration
Before the bridge opened in the early 2000s. between TxDOT, HNTB, NCTCOG, the
November 2023, the popular Northaven The Dallas Parks and Recreation city of Dallas, Dallas County and the
Trail on the west side of U.S. Route 75, Department, the Friends of Northaven Friends of Northaven Trail made the
as well as the Cottonwood Creek and Trail group and others joined the council project a reality.
White Rock Creek trails on the east side, member in championing the project. The network cable arrangement, a
essentially terminated at the roadway. TxDOT engaged HNTB to serve term used when the cables cross one
To cross one of the busiest highways as conceptual designer, engineer of another more than once, also reduces
in Texas and access the trails on either record and construction phase services bending in the arch and deck, allowing
side, cyclists and pedestrians had to use provider on the project. During design, each to be thin while still being resilient
a poorly lit and often muddy underpass. joint venture partners also included Halff to accidental overloads.
The Texas Department of Associates, Inc. and EJES, Inc. In this case, the Northaven Trail
Transportation (TxDOT) called the bridge The project entailed a large public Bridge uses 64 cables— 32 per side.
“a regional example of the positive outreach effort to stakeholders, includ- This design is also reminiscent of the
benefits of appropriate location and ing trail users and communities and spokes on a bike’s wheel.
design aesthetics for future bicycle and organizations located near the trails, to “It’s surprising how much the final
pedestrian trails and amenities.” gather input on the community’s needs design adhered to some of the early
The bridge also links to the DART and wants. That public engagement work sketches and modeling concepts devel-
Light Rail Station at Forest Lane. Where began to inform geometry of the trail oped from conversations with the city of



Dallas and other stakeholders,” said Tom final location on self-propelled modular came up that we had to work through
Kramer, HNTB project manager. “Often, transporters (SPMTs). The bridge was during construction. We were able to find
an early concept and what is ultimately constructed on timber shoring in the solutions every step of the way.”
built are quite different. In this case, we parking lot of a nearby furniture store. Larson said that communication was
developed a unique initial concept and “An accurate design was provided crucial to the project because of the
saw it all the way through.” for the project in order for us to safely structure’s complexity.
construct it with minimal change orders or “When changes needed to be made
ONE-OF-A-KIND plan revisions,” said TxDOT Dallas County at the construction site, the team would
The site designated for the Northaven engineer Nathan Petter. “Because this quickly collaborate to find solutions,”
Trail Bridge has a unique geometry that was such a unique bridge, challenges Larson said.
required the bridge to be built at an
angle across the eight mainlanes and
four frontage road lanes of U.S. 75.

A reverse tied arch structure was
developed to give the bridge a soft,
reverse “S” curve, which reduces the
skew at the piers. As typical of tied

arches, the bridge deck ties the ends of
the arch ribs together, like the string in
an archery bow.
“However, in the Northaven Trail

Bridge, we see an S-curve geometry,”
said Kira Larson, HNTB project manager
of construction phase services. “Within

that S-curve are straight post-tensioning
strands running through the deck, acting
as the tie. It’s a highly innovative way
our design team created this signature
project for TxDOT.”
The structure is the only known
network tied arch bridge in the world
with a doubly curved tie. The bridge also
has skewed ends, making it an incredibly
complex structure not seen anywhere else.
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Those requirements drove early
design choices to employ accelerated
bridge construction techniques, which
allowed the bridge to be built off-site and
moved into place. The structure selected
was a lightweight, redundant system
that could be safely transported to its



When COVID-related supply chain issues delayed material Moving the bridge took about 20 hours but required only
deliveries, recommendations were made that reduced fabrica- about 14 hours of full closures on the mainlane, Petter said.
tion lead times. In the case of cable adjustments, turnbuckles During that time, traffic was diverted to the adjacent frontage
were selected that allowed cable tension to be adjusted in a road, leaving a lane of traffic always open to drivers. After the
few turns without the cable being disconnected every time a bridge was installed, final tie-ins were completed before the
tension change is needed. span opened to the public.


Moving the entire bridge into place with SPMTs was a first for DEMONSTRATE PROJECT SUCCESS
TxDOT’s Dallas district. On a September night, team members With a structural weight of 800,000 pounds, the Northaven Trail
stood side-by-side on U.S. 75 watching the 201-foot-long, Bridge is designed to withstand a pedestrian load of approxi-
800,000-pound Northaven Trail Bridge with its 50-foot-tall arch mately one person per square foot of bridge deck, or approxi-
be driven into place over the highway. SPMTs shouldered the mately 445,000 pounds. The bridge’s cable arrangement was
structure at its bearing locations and lifting gantries moved the designed to increase the structure’s stiffness by a factor of 10,
bridge into place. The installation procedure included: making it incredibly resilient to accidental overloads.
• Gantries are erected on either side of the piers along U.S. TxDOT created parking on the west side of the bridge for
75, with gaps left for the SPMTs. anyone who wants to drive to the site and use the spot as a
• SPMTs lift the bridge from where it was constructed to the trailhead. Because the bridge’s arch is its most identifiable
highway, adjacent to the piers. feature, it has become a landmark that serves as a gateway into
• Gantries lift the bridge off the SPMTs. north Dallas. Feedback reveals that the public is in awe of the
• SPMTs are removed from under the bridge. benefits it has already brought to the community.
• Gantry track is pinned and completed.
• Gantries roll the bridge south to hover above the piers.
• Bridge is lowered onto its final bearings. Suze Parker is a public relations consultant and writer who frequently
• Installation equipment is removed. writes about roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects.
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Innovative IN CINCINNATI, INTERSTATE 75 was a way to
get downtown for work or a Bengals game. It also
emphasized maintaining traffic as much as
possible throughout construction without limiting
thinking was a headache with increased congestion, long lane closures and restrictions.
fueled this delays, and accidents that could back up traffic at
peak times.
“We had really good collaboration with ODOT,
really good collaboration with Walsh, and we
interstate In 2010, the Ohio Department of Transportation were able to develop a really good maintenance-
project (ODOT) began widening and resurfacing more
than 8 miles of the interstate, including extensive
of-traffic (MOT) plan,” said Mike Raubenolt, the
lead road design project manager at American
safety improvements at major interchanges along Structurepoint. “The entire team was focused on
By Matt Werner,
the way. designing and building a safe environment for the
Contributing Author
One of the most critical phases of the project construction workers and people driving.”
involved the interchange with Interstate 74. Raubenolt said they were able to phase
Lead designer American Structurepoint joined construction and complete a lot of work at night to
An aerial view of
Interstate-75 in Cincinnati.
forces with Walsh Construction Company’s help minimize the impact on travelers.
Walsh Construction and design-build team to complete the project. The project was near CSX Queensgate Depot,
American Structurepoint With two major interstates, major rehabilita- the largest railyard in Cincinnati, and this chal-
joined forces to complete the tion of existing bridges, and railroad tracks lenged the MOT design plan because the crew
project in the busy corridor. nearby, collaboration was essential. And since had to make certain that the train traffic wasn’t
STRUCTUREPOINT the area was already prone to delays, the team negatively impacted.



“It was a major system-to-system interchange, and we and tie the new ramp into the existing bridge, despite a new
were able to maintain the flow of traffic at all times,” Raubenolt ramp profile.
said. “We were working in a pretty tight environment, and the “We had large fillets to build that bridge because the
entire team was always looking for a better solution, a safer existing steel was staying at the same location, but the deck
solution, and a more efficient solution. We had a very active rail was changing,” Halterman said. “It was pretty innovative and
line next to the site, and we were able to maintain their traffic had a high technical design, but we were able to save ODOT
throughout as well.” quite a bit of money.”
When new bridge structures were placed, temporary lane As construction began on the I-75 bridge over I-74, the team
restrictions went into effect. When larger flyover beams were encountered another challenge that required close collabora-
placed, the work was completed at night so it wouldn’t limit tion and innovative thinking.
traffic flow. “With rock much shallower than we thought and existing
Joel Halterman, program manager at Walsh Construction, foundation conflicts that were not anticipated, we had to adjust
pointed to the extensive effort by the design-build team to pile locations and depths, as well as revise installation meth-
create a safe working environment while maintaining traffic. odology during construction,” said Chris Bettinger, the bridge
“There were some areas where, quite frankly, we didn’t lead at American Structurepoint. “We worked closely with Walsh
have space to maintain lanes and get into the work zones,” [Construction] to come up with the most effective and efficient
Halterman said. “By doing that work at night, you are able design including eliminating pile encasements where possible
to do some short-term restrictions to allow the construction to accommodate these obstacles.”
crew access to the work zone. We did everything we could to An enhanced stormwater management system also was
minimize those impacts.” added during construction, creating another challenge to an
To maximize ODOT’s funding, the team also reused existing already complex project.
materials, including steel from a bridge dating to 1973. The team “When you look at the map of this area, it’s essentially the
salvaged the existing structural steel, saving ODOT millions. project, a railroad, and then the Mill Creek,” Raubenolt said.
The team worked together to remove the existing deck “Given that challenge, we had to jack and bore pipe to go

The design-build team of Walsh Construction and American Structurepoint

maintained traffic flow as their team worked on the project.

underneath the railroad and create a new outfall into the river.”
Thanks to the close collaboration between the design-build
team and the client, the project has been successful.
“This was a very challenging project that had a little bit of
everything,” Halterman said. “We ran into challenges along the
way, but we had an exceptional design team to help us quickly
find innovative solutions.”
Since opening to traffic last year, commuters experience less
congestion and better traffic flow.
“Being able to do everything that we did under traffic condi-
tions highlights the collaboration of the entire team,” Raubenolt
said. “The adaptability of the design team and contractor to
develop better and safer solutions, even during construction,
was something that led to this project being delivered on time
and under budget.”

Matt Werner is the public relations and communications writer for

American Structurepoint, an architecture and engineering firm.


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How to improve bridge deck safety By Jessica Porter, Contributing Author

BRIDGE DECKS ARE most slippery and prone to accidents accident rate for diamond-ground surfaces was only 60% of the
during spring rains and winter weather. To increase safety, state rate for unground surfaces and experienced reduced accident
departments of transportation increasingly require diamond rates up to six years after grinding.
grinding and grooving to be performed on bridge decks. “Not only does grinding improve the smoothness of surface
Diamond grooving channels water from the pavement texture, it also reduces the bumps and structural failures that
surface to increase traction, reduce hydroplaning, and minimize may result in potholes and can cause vehicles to lose control,”
splash and spray–increasing braking traction in wet, dangerous said IGGA’s Director of Technical Services Nick Davis. “Grooving
weather. Diamond grinding removes a thin layer of concrete to adds further macro texture that mitigates the dangers of black
provide drainage, as well as reduce noise and improve smooth- ice and hydroplaning.”
ness, according to the International Grooving and Grinding Because they inevitably experience slight movement,
Association (IGGA). bridge decks are particularly susceptible to uneven surfaces
Both techniques have proven impacts on safety. In fact, that can lead drivers to lose control. Expansion joints that
the California Department of Transportation found longitudinal connect the pavement typically are installed to accommodate
grooving resulted in a nearly 70% decrease in accident rates. that movement.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation found the overall “Bridges move even though they’re not supposed to, so
they add expansion joints to accommodate that movement. The
sizes vary; we’ve worked on bridge decks where the joints are
23-feet wide,” said Scott Eilken, owner of Quality Saw & Seal.
“Whether the joints are at the end or middle of a bridge, you try
to gain smoothness over them.”
Many states now require diamond grooving on bridge decks
to help make the pavement smoother. Though it’s been slower
to catch on, states are beginning to recognize the value of
grinding on bridge decks as well. When performed together,
diamond grinding and grooving can significantly improve the
driver experience on bridge decks.


The grooving and grinding processes are completed using the
same equipment, but with alterations like the diamond-tipped
saw blades being placed at different increments.

Grinding leverages diamond-tipped saw blades that rotate on a 50-inch-wide

shaft. CREDIT: IGGA.


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Grinding and grooving machines

involve complicated systems of
parts that can take years to learn
how to operate and maintain
correctly. CREDIT: IGGA

When performing grooving, the machines use diamond- passes on decks and bearings can’t have issues because the
tipped saw blades that are mounted and spaced on a horizontal head needs to stay level on the surface. These are all criti-
shaft to saw into the pavement surface. The saw blades are cal components,” Eilken said. “So these machines require a
consistently cooled by water pumped from a tanker. Grooving tremendous amount of maintenance.”
machines typically cut transverse or longitudinal grooves that Eilken, who has been in the industry for more than 40 years,
are 1/8-inch to 3/16-inch deep and approximately 1/8-inch wide, has a staff of equipment operators at Quality Saw & Seal whose
with spacing 3/4-inch center-to-center, according to IGGA. roles are to run and maintain the machines.
When performing grinding, the machines use a series of Operators work with the mechanic staff to ensure mainte-
closely spaced diamond-tipped saw blades mounted on a nance occurs as needed, monitoring work like oil changes,
rotating shaft that’s typically 50-inches wide to remove approxi- changing vacuum diagrams and maintaining match wheels. By
mately 1/4-inch of pavement. The saw blades use abrasion to requiring the operators to be responsible for maintenance, the
gently remove the surface layer without micro-cracking the machines are monitored for routine upkeep and unexpected
aggregates. On bridge decks, in particular, grinding typically is repairs every day.
performed longitudinally over the length of the bridge–including To find operators who are up to the task, Quality Saw &
expansion joints–and full deck width, extending to within 2 feet Seal relies on its union ties. Once an operator is hired, they are
of the parapets, according to IGGA. trained on how to run the machines, as well as how to handle
Contractors like Quality Saw & Seal, Inc., based in the uniqueness of every jobsite, which can take years.
Bridgeview, Ill., specialize in grinding and grooving on bridge “Training involves learning how to deal with all scenarios
decks with several different pavements, including concrete, on a jobsite. All jobs are different; the width and length of the
latex overlay and modified wearing surfaces. Quality Saw & Seal decks, the expansion joints and the project location–each
works with manufacturers to determine the right products for one is different,” Eilken said. “So jobsite scenario training is
each project’s unique specifications. quite extensive.”
To complete each job successfully, the contractor must be Performing diamond grinding and grooving are effective
intimately familiar with grinding and grooving machines, which ways for states to repair bridge decks to increase safety and
involve complicated systems of parts to perform and can take smoothness, improving the overall driver experience and
years to learn how to operate and maintain correctly. Proper decreasing accidents during slippery weather conditions.
operation and maintenance are paramount to performing jobs
as specified.
“Grinders and groovers have differences like the match Jessica Porter is a freelance writer and editor who specializes in construc-
wheels, vacuum systems, blower systems, and bearings around tion. Contact her at porterjl2@gmail.com and visit her website at www.
the diamond head on the machine. Match wheels make critical JessicaLynnePorter.com.




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This family-owned company has evolved into an industry leader
By Harlee Hewitt, Associate Editor

IN THE FIRST EDITION of an ongoing Tim Duit, who was elected chair of the airports, and rail companies. The com-
series, we examine a contracting American Road and Transportation pany also mines sand and gravel, and
company that has made a significant Builders Association (ARTBA) in crushes recycled concrete and asphalt to
contribution to the roads and bridges September. be used on construction projects.
construction industry. Based in Edmond, Okla., Duit As successful as the company has
When looking for a contracting Construction is a family-owned business become since its inception in 1969,
company to launch this series, Duit that has grown to work on road, bridge, it started with a grassroots effort by
Construction Company, Inc., caught and underground construction for the founder James “Jim” Duit, Tim Duit’s
our attention because of its president, federal government, cities, counties, father. Back then, the company built




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As the company evolved, it began Highlights include two of the Oklahoma
building sidewalks, curbs, and gutter Department of Transportation’s (ODOT)
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“And then followed the normal “Our 4-mile construction project
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Jim Duit. pleted with an early completion bonus,”
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The company has grown steadily to said Tim Duit. “Also, the Gilcrease
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Tim Duit has been a catalyst for Currently, our bridge company is work-
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this growth. He has worked with the ing on rebuilding the largest bridge on
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and acquisitions of a few bridge and Jim Duit added that he was excited 1725B Piney Creek Road, Chester, MD 21619

asphalt companies,” Tim Duit said. to see his son as chairman of ARTBA.
“Aside from that, I think we’ve grown “That has been a great honor for our Always Safe.
through the size of the projects.” company, and I look forward to seeing Always Available.
Like many family businesses in the where it may lead him,” he said.
construction industry, Duit Construction
focuses on quality and employee
development. If you would like to suggest a contracting
“We also place focus on retaining company to be featured in Better Know
young people,” said Jim Duit. “At last A Contractor, email Harlee Hewitt at
count we had people that have been hhewitt@endeavorb2b.com. Always Accessible.



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Don’t Be Afraid
Except about bridges, crazy drivers, or cars with no drivers

EVER BEEN STARTLED by a souped-up engine During the fourth lap of the actual race, the lead
or loud muffler and wondered what kind of person car spun out and event officials threw up a yellow
would make their car that loud? caution flag to warn other vehicles about a hazard
David Matthews Thanks to Canadian psychology professor Julie on the track. This caused two vehicles to come to
has been chronicling Aitken Schermer, now we know: a sadistic psychopath. a stop behind the spun-out car because they had
the unexpectedly
humorous side of
“As these exhaust modifications are both a been programmed not to pass another vehicle
transportation news disturbance to people and animals and are illegal in during a caution lap.
since 2000. The some jurisdictions… understanding who wants their In the end, all four vehicles managed to finish the
stories are all true.
vehicle to be loud is an interesting research ques- race in about an hour, which is only half the time that
tion,” Schermer wrote in Psychology Today in May. a typical Formula One Grand Prix takes. Of course,
In order to uncover a correlation between per- those races consist of about 50 laps around the
sonality traits and a penchant for attention-grabbing track, and the AI racers only did eight.
vehicles, Schermer surveyed 529 business students
about their attitudes toward loud cars, their identifi- BRIDGE OF FEARS
cation with their own vehicles, and their willingness The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland is an
to modify their mufflers. engineering marvel. Made of 126,000 tons of steel
Participants were also asked to complete a and 286,000 cubic yards of concrete, the 4.3-mile
questionnaire designed to assess dark personality bridge was the world’s longest continuous steel
traits like self-centeredness, callousness, and deriv- structure over water when it opened in 1952.
ing pleasure from others’ suffering. It is also routinely rated as one of the most terrify-
The results of the study revealed that drivers ing bridges in the world.
who exhibited signs of sadism and psychopathy What’s so scary about driving across the Bay
were also the drivers most likely to make their car Bridge? For starters, the ascent to the bridge’s
uncomfortably loud. highest point 200 feet above water includes a curve
“It seems to be this callous disregard for other that creates the illusion that you’re about to drive off
people’s feelings and their reactions. That’s the the side of the bridge.
psychopathy coming out, and it’s also they probably If you have a fear of heights, you’ll hate the low
get a kick out of enjoying watching people get barriers along the side of the bridge that offer a
startled,” Schermer told the CBC. clear view of the water below.
Schermer admits that not every driver who loves Inclement weather can add a unique twist,
a loud car is a future criminal, but there are some particularly when storms or fog reduce visibility to
definite similarities. the point where no land is visible.
“The personality profile I found with loud mufflers And if the whole experience becomes too much
is also the same personality profile of people who and you need to pull off to the side of the road to
illegally commit arson,” she said. collect yourself, well, you can’t because there are no
OFF TO THE RACES All of these fears are enough for some drivers
A recent AAA study found that 66% of drivers are to opt for a drive-over service, paying up to $40 to
“afraid” of self-driving cars, while an additional 24% have someone else drive them and their vehicle
say they are uncertain about the technology. over the bridge.
The results of the first race of the world’s first “I’ve had people request to ride in the trunk
four-car autonomous circuit race won’t help ease before,” Brittney Manzoni, a drive-over service
those fears. provider for Kent Island Express, told the BBC.
During qualifying time trials at the Abu Dhabi “Obviously we can’t allow you to ride in the trunk,
Autonomous Racing League (A2RL) in April, the we’ll just have you lie down in the back seat and
Formula 1 AI racers randomly spun out, pulled off cover up, or just put your head down in the front,
the track for no apparent reason, or just turned cover you face if you need to, and we talk you
right into a wall. through it.”


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