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From : __________________________

Address : _______________________

September 2017,


Dear ????????? MP,

Subject : Violence against Rohingya Muslims in Burma

I have seen and heard of credible reports of violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar on the
UK television and radio. I have also heard of reports by the United Nations, Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch that hundreds of thousands Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine State have
been indiscriminately targeted in a recent increase of human rights abuses.

No doubt you are aware of;

 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) claims that people are fleeing
their homes, whole villages are being burnt, indiscriminate killings, tortures, rape and sexual
assault of Rohingya Muslims and the destruction of mosques and homes.
 Amnesty International’s “litany of human rights violations” against Rohingya Muslims by the
Myanmar Army. These sadly include reports of military firing on villagers from helicopter
gunships, burning countless homes, arbitrary arrests, and raping women and girls.
 A recent Human Rights Watch (HRW) report showing high-definition satellite imagery of the burnt
and destroyed Rohingya villages.
 The number of people displaced internally and taking refuge elsewhere.

I request you to ask our government to

1) Utterly condemn any reprisal attacks for the border incident.
2) Call for an immediate ending of violence against an already persecuted religious minority.
3) Prevent further violations of the Rohingya’s human rights.
4) Intensify pressure on the Myanmar government to allow full humanitarian access to the Rohingya.
5) Set up an international commission to investigate the claims of atrocities and genocide for
possible crimes against humanity.
6) Set up with the international community a process to monitor and look into the citizenship system
in Myanmar.

I am gravely concerned that our inaction may lead to the making of another so-called ISIS in Asia
and we seem to be silent. We seem to have learnt few lessons from conflicts elsewhere of
appeasement which led to the Second World War, Rwanda, and elsewhere. The Myanmar
government continue to claim this is fake news and appeasing them is no longer acceptable. An
immediate International Commission investigating the truth would provide much-needed evidence
and options for resolving the situation and preventing further loss of life.

I am confident that you will act in the best interest of humanity without prejudice.

Distressfully yours

Your signature


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