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 Foster operators that have proficient skill in equipment equipment mechanism (Membina operator yang memiliki

keterampilan yang mumpuni dalam mekanisme peralatan)

 Realize the minimum loss situation in such as an equipment failure and product defect (Mewujudkan situasi kerugian
minimum seperti kegagalan peralatan dan cacat produk)
 Realize the ultimate production efficiency situation (Mewujudkan situasi efisiensi produksi terbaik)
 Shorten new equipment & product for development, design, and manufacturing periode (Mempersingkat waktu
pengembangan, desain, dan produksi peralatan & produk baru
 Realize minimum run – up time and stable launcing of new product and equipment operation (Mewujudkan waktu
pengoperasian minimum dan peluncuran yang stabil untuk pengoperasian produk dan peralatan baru)
 Realize the minimum defect through observing the required equipment maintenance (Mewujudkan cacat minimum
dengan memperhatikan pemeliharaan peralatan yang diperlukan
 Raise the technical skill level of operators and maintenance men (Meningkatkan keterampilan teknis)
 Render service and support functions to the production department (Memberikan layanan dan fungsi dukungan
kepada departemen produksi)
 Execution of 7 steps
1. Initial clean – up
2. Countermeasures for the causes of dirty equipment and improving acces
3. Tentative maintenance standard
4. General inspections
5. Autonomous insp
6. Standardization
7. All out autonomous maintenance
 Thorough pursuit of “What the equipment and the production must be” (Mengejar secara menyeluruh “Apa yang
harus dimiliki oleh peralatan dan produksi”)
 Confirm the standard for quality characteristics and recognize the defect symptom and actual defect record
(Konfirmasikan standar karakteristik kualitas dan kenali gejala defect serta record aktual defectnya)

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