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WESTWALL Remagen Bridgehead on the Rhine, March 1945 EXCLUSIVE RULES Copyright © 1976, Simulations Publications, In, New York joo rvrRopucrion 110 RIDGES 120 REINFORCEMENTS 121 Moverent of Renforcements 130 NIGHT GAME-TURNS 140US. CONTINUOUS FRONT 160 ViCrORY CONDITIONS. 161 Town Objsctves 162 Terral Objecsnes, 163 Valueof Unitsin Vitory Pons 164 Line of Communication 16S Lielof Vicory 17.0THE SCENARIOS. 1.2 Scenario I: German Optio Scenario 180 GAME NOTES, [10.0] INTRODUCTION Remagen is simulation on the battalion regmentl level ofthe operations ftom 7 March to Ti March 1945 that saw the U.S. Army cross the Rhine River in force atthe town of Remagen. An ‘optional Scenario i provided to show what might have happened ifthe Germans had reacted quicker to the US. seizure of the Ludendor Bridge [11.0] BRIDGES GENERAL RULE: ‘There are two types of Bridges in the game: the Ldendorf railroad Bridge (which i printed on the mapsheet) and two Float Beidges. The Ludeadort™ Bridge i semi-permanent in that need not be bulls but can be destroyed. Once destroyed, ‘annot be rebuilt, The Float Bridges are placed on the map atthe US. Player's discretion and may be desiroyed. Unlike the Ludendorif Bridge, Hat Bridges ean be replaced once destroyed. Only the U.S. Player has the capacity to place Float Bridges ‘only the German Player has the capacity to deseoy CASES: Bridges 111] BUILDING FLOAT BRIDGES [1.11] There are two Float Bridges in the game, "They may be placed in any Rhine River hex which not adjacent to Enemy units or Zones of Control Beige i placed on Game-Turn Tireen the cer cae [11.13] Once emplaced unis may ener the Bridge hes om adjacent hones whi the Bridge Symbot points Units may oot make attacks from Bridge heres never Zines of Ctl ds ute into Bdge ene Un Bras hens may Be, Task omy i112) Destruction AND DAMAGE OF BRIDGES [11.20] German infantry. mechanized and armored Uris destroy” Brsiges Thoth Float ant the Ladendort Bride) by moving onto the Bis, All heres adjacent tothe ridpesweserent ex mast be free of US. units The German uni on the Bridge may not have teen engaged in. combat during the GamesTurn seeks 0 destoy the Bridge Tato these condition have been lie the German Player oy. at the end of hs Player Turn declare the Brie destroyed and move his union the Bridge othe eastside hex ofthe Bridge IFthe Bridge esroyed i Float Bride. remove from play the Be destroyed the Laden Brvge, simply nove is destruction 111.22 Destroyed Fou ides maybe replaced in sng Bhing River hanes three Game Turis afer {Hr cextvcin fwtag te procedure ovine mee [12.0] REINFORCEMENTS GENERAL RULE Both Players receive Reinforcements. These appear during the Owning Player's Movernent Phaseon the Game-Turn indicated on the Reinforcement Schedule. The Reinforcement Schedule states the GameTurn of appearance, the designation of units. the Strengti and Movement Value, and the Lesteredhoxes which they enter into, PROCEDURE: During his Movement Phase, the Owaing Player places a Reinforcing ui in one of the scheduled lettered heres, The Owing Player may place ther at any time duving iis Movement Phase CASES: [12.1] MOVEMENT OF REINFORCEMENTS [12.11] Reinforcements are presumed to be posed adjacent to the map. When placed on the map. & Reinforcing unit expends Movement Pointsto enter the entry hex, according to the Terrain Key. In almost all cose, the Reinforcements ean enter onto {hex which has a road leading off the maps these nits expend Movement Points at the road movement rate 49 enter the map. 112.12] Once on the map, Reinforcements may be ‘moved normally. The Owning Payer may bey the surivalorhis Reinforcements at anytime during his Movement Phase 112.13] Any number of units may enter into the same hex in thesame Movement Phase. These nits Dy the Movement Point cost for the entry hex. and pay no additonal Points for imaginary hexes off 12.2) RESTRICTIONS {12.21| Reinforcements may not enter a hex which 1, at that point cceupied by an Enemy unit orn an Enemy Zone of Contr! [12.21] Reinforcements may natenterahex whichis ut that point occupied by an Enemy uit r inn Enemy Zone of Comtrel [12.2211 and only if all ofthe fetteres entry hexes Aesignated are occupied by Enemy units or Enemy ‘Zones of Control anit scheduled a arrive there ‘ay arrive im the next entry area in alphabetical onder. Example: German Reinforcements which ould not enterin area "C," would be able to enter Inarea"D." oi aren "D” was aso Blocked, aveo man (12.23) A Player may never withhold Reinforce ments from Game-Turn to Game-Turn, [13.0] NIGHT GAME-TURNS GENERAL RULE During Night Game-Turne, upts_may enter or leave Enemy Zones of , ‘ot bath enter and Teave na single Night Game. Tum and) may noe move. from one Enemy controlled hex 10 another. Na combat ef ny type Is permited during Night Game. Tors, [14.0] U.S. CONTINUOUS FRON’ CASES: 11.1) EFFECTS OF THE CONTINUOUS FRONT 14.11] The. Player must establish 8 eontinous Front at the end of the fies US. Player TE TE ‘heh heUS. Player has three ormiors uni Che eastside ofthe Rhine River, and- maintain iat the ‘Saree U.S, Player Turn thetealer tothe end [04.12] A Continuous Front is established by having a contiguous line of hexes either oceupied by U.S. units oF inthe Zone of Conteot of # US. Unit. Both ends of the Continuous Front mst be fnchored on the Rhine River, which is accom plished by having the hex adjacent tothe River st fach end of the U.S. Prom either occupied by @ US. unit oF ina US. Zone of Comal, For purposes of this rue, the presence of German Unit im one of the hexes forming the Continue Front and/or a German Zone of Control extending Jno one of those heves docs mot negate. the [14.13] No U.S. unit may be to the east of the CContinunds Front atthe end ofa U.S. Payer-Turn wnless itis directly adjacent to a unit forming part of the Continuous Front. Any unit beyond the Continuous Front and not adjacent #0 unit {orming part ofthe Continuous Fronts consiered sliminated at the end of the U.S. Player Turn (04.14) Determination of whether the Continuous Froat exists is made atthe end ofthe U.S. Payee Turn. Temporary disruption of the Continuogs Front during the German. Player-Turn not constitutea violation ofthisule. Ifa yap i Continuous Front does exit at the end of the U.S, Player Tuen, the German Payer is awarded five Vietory Points foreach hex in the gap which is citer occupied by U.S. units oF their Zones of Copteol. Terrain fleets "are immaterial in ‘computing the mimmber of hexes in speciic gap. [15.0] U.S. LIMIT OF ADVANCE GENERAL RULE: In eelity, the U.S. was anxious to establish « Bem toothold on the eastside of the Rhine, once the chance presented iso, but did not want to make two bigan etfort nor could they afford the troops to 4 so-at the time). Therelore ther advance was Selierately restricted. No US. unit may advance beyond the U.S, Limit of Advance Line. However, US. Zones of Control do extend aeros that Line and German units adjacent to the Line may be stacked, although the U.S. units may not advance ater combat This Line has no eflct om the use of ‘Artillery ia-any fex on the map whichis within ange ofU.S. Avie. Any US. uit that advances beyond the US. Limit of Advance Line is ‘onsidered eliminated immediately upon doing so Note: This simlates the sristuses under which the US. forces historically operated. To simulate optimum conditions for U.S. fores, Players may agree to ignore the restrictions in Section 15.0. In this cases the US. Limit of Advance Line it ignored, [16.0] VICTORY CONDITIONS GENERAL RULE: Viewory is judged at the end of a Scenario on the basis of Victory Points scored. by the Players. Victory Points, are awarded to Players for the clmination of Enemy unis and seizure of territorial objectives PROCEDURE: There is so Victory Point Revoed Track. Players must keep rack of Victory Points scored on apiece of serap paper. CASES [a6] TOWN OBECTIVES [16.11] Case 16.12 tists Vietory Points received for cack town by each Phiyer if that Player's nits ‘cup that town, These Points are awarded to the Player at teend ofthe game on the condition chat his units occupy the town, Oseupation is defined as having Friendly unit in every hex of the tows (not just the identifying hex number listed below), or having’ Friendly unit's Zone ot Control in each hex fthetown, with no Enemy units or Enemy Zones of {Control in any of the town's hex. [16.12] VICTORY POINT VALUES FOR TERRITORIAL OBJECTIVES dent, Objective HerNe. US. German Konigyrinter 09031010, Howet os 1010 Line ig) Ae 0) Honningen| os 1010 Rheinbreitbach O71 S20 [16.2] TERRITORIAL OBJECTIVES [16.21) In addition to Points received as per Case Joel, the US. Player receives Points for each infancey unit in excess of en on or tthe east ofthe ‘Nutabetia (the road which runs from hex 1501 through 1908 and 2517 192920) at the end of the fame, within the restrictions of Case 14.13. 16.22] The U.S. Player receives no Victory Points for the Autobahn if he has ten or fewer infantry tunis on or to the east of the Autobahn atthe end ‘ofthe game. But foreach infantry unit in excess of. ten whichis on or to the east of the Autobahn, the U.S: Payer eeceves lve Victory Points (ste 16.41). [16.23] 16 the U.S. Player has no infantry units on oF tothe east ofthe Autobahn at the end of the game, the German Player receives twenty Vietory Points. the Rhein (ae Case 1643). [163] VALUE OF UNITS IN VICTORY POINTS [1631] Each U:S. unit has a numeri! Vitory Point value equivalent to its Attack Strength (or Barrage Strength, Each German unit has a fumetical Victory Point value equivalent to twice 4s Attack Steength (or Barrage Strength [16.32] Victory Points are awarded to Payer when Inceliminates Enemy units For example, ithe U.S. Player eliminated @ German 21-17/1-7 unit, he would receive four Vietory Points #f the German Player eliminated a US. 36-7 unit, he would receive thre Victory Points, (16.4) LINE OF COMMUNICATION [16.41] U.S. units in onder to receive Vitory Points forbeingon orto th east ofthe Autobahn, must be able o trace x Line of Communication ick to the west edge of the map. 116.42) A Line of Communication is defined as » series of contiguous hexes not blocked by Enemy Units or their Zones of Control A Line of Communication may not enter ot cross prohibited [16.43] German units, in order to receive Vietory Points for being west ofthe Rhein, mustalso be able to tage a Line of Communication back tothe east ‘edge of the map, 1165) LEVELS OP VICTORY Vietory is determined by comparing the total Vietory Points won by each Player, subtracting the ‘number of German Victory Points from the number of U.S. Vietory Points and eross-referoncing the Gifterence on the chart below to determine the Vietory Level Namber of Excess US.Polats Vietory Level SOor more USDeciive 401049 Us Substantive 301030 USMarginal 201029 Draw Word German Marginal 0109 German Substantive Lessthand German Decisive [17.0] THE SCENARIOS GENERAL RULE: “There are to Scenarios in Remagen. Te firsts the Historical Seenario: the second represents the situation asit might have been fhe Geeman forces hha reacted more quickly (othe US. capture ofthe Ladendoet! Bridge. The instructions for each ‘Scenario include each Player's Initial Deployment, Reinforcements. Special Rules in effect for each particular Scenario. andthe length in Game. Turns OF the Scenario. PROCEDURE: Place a unit ofthe specified type on each of the Iheses iste for shat type. Lettered exes ae shown ‘in parentheses following the group of units which vive there. Unit designations are provided for felerence only; Players may ignore them. Reinforcements may be placed in any hexes which containtheleter code identical otha listed next 10 their designation Gee Section 13:0: CASES: [174] SCENARIO 1, HISTORICAL SCENARIO. (1741) U.S. INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Unie Type: 3.6.7. Hex: 27 (0517, (17.2] GERMAN INITIAL DEPLOYMENT alt Typer 1-1-7. Hees (0716), 77 [7.43] U.S. REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE ‘AIIUSS. Reinforcements appear in Area A heres. On Gu Unit Type: 3-6-7. Designations: 1/47, 2/47, 3/47, W311, 2/311, 37311, 1/310, 60, 52,2/310, 3/30. On Game-Tuen Fou Talk Type 4-15/1-7. Designation: 9 On Game-Turn Thirteen: Ta Types 3-6-7, Designations 1/39, 2/39, 3/38 On Game-Turn Sixteen ype: 30-7. Designations: 1/383, 2/383, 1/394, 2/384, 3/354, 17395, 27395, 3/398, 1/396, 2/396, 3/396, 1/102, 2/102, 3/102, 3/383, Unit Type: 3-415/1-7, Designation: 78,99, (On Game Turn Twenty Two! Wall Type 5-67. Designations: 1/15, 216, 3/16, 2/18, 3/18 [Unlt Type: 3-415/1.7. Designation: tT] GERMAN REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE (on. GameTurn Seven Unit Types 247. Designations: 11,110 (Area E) Unit Type: 21-12. Designations 15 Ares Unit Types 2:1-17/1-7, Designation: 11 Crea Ed Unit Type: 3.2-20/1-7. Designation (Atea D) Oe Game-Turn Bight Unit Type: 1112. Designation: 106 (Area Unit Types 12.7. Designations: 901, 902 Aree D). Unit Types 1-1-12. Designation: 130 (Area D 17/1-7 Designation: Lehe (Area D) 1112, Designation: 32 (Ares Di Unit Type: 1-27. Designations: 10, 11 (Area D). Unie Type: 2-1-17/1-7. Designations 8 (Area On Game Try, Sine “Walt Type! E77. Designation: 130 (Area F) Unit Types 1-2-7, Designation: 694, 695, 696 (rea F Unit Type: 2-1-17/1-7. Designation: 340 (Area Pl ‘alt Type: 3220/17, Designate: (Aree Game-Turn Twenty Fiur ai Types 297 Denno 39,7776 (Area E or Fl, 751, 752 (area F), 961, 982, 989, 990 (rea Gh; 164 183 190, 8, 29 Area C$, 9, 13, 14, I5 (Area C of Di lt Types 21-17/1-7, Designation: 26 Ares E or 1-326 (Area F272, 377 Area Gh; 62, 3 (Atea 3.5 (Area C of [N75] SPECIAL RULES. 1. The US. Player is the Fitst Player, His Player: “Turn is first in every Game-Turn, 2.The Scenario Length is thirty Game-Turns 3. Game-Turns ,$,8, 1, 14,17,20, 23,26 and 29 ite Night Game-Turts. [172] SCENARIO 11, (GERMAN OPTIMUM SCENARIO. (07.21) U.S. INITIAL DEPLOYMENT (Same as in Case 17.11.) [07.22] GERMAN INITIAL DEPLOYMENT (Same as in Case 17.12) [0.23] US. REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE (Same as in Case 17.13) (01724) GERMAN REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE One Game-Turn Two: Unie Type: 247. Designations: 111, 110 (Area E). Unit Typet 2-1-12. Designation: 15 (Area E Unit Types 21-17/1.7. Designation: 11 (Area E). On Game-Tuen Three: [Unit Type: 2-2-7. Designations: 917, 918 Area C). ‘Unit Type: 2-1-17/1-7. Desguation: 340 (Area ©). Unit Type: 32.20/17. Designation: (Area ©). (On Game-Turn Pour Unit Types 1-1-12. Designation: 106 (Area E). Unie Type: 1-2-7. Designations: 01, 902 (Area D). Unit Types 1-1-12. Designation: 130 (Arca D). ‘Unie Typer 2-1-17/1-7.Designaton: Lehr (Area D) ‘On Game-Turn Five: ‘Unit Types 1-27. Designations: 10, 11 (Ares DD, [Unit Type: 11-12. Designation: 32 (Area D). Unit Types 2:1-17/1-7. Designaton: 9 (Aeea D). (On Game-Tuen Ter: Unie Types 4-7-7. Designation: 130 (Area F). (On Game-Tuen Fourteen Unit Type: 2-2-7. Designations: 39,77. 78 (Area P or Fh, 731, 7S2(Atea Fr 981, 982, 989,980 Area G): is, 183,190 (Area ©); §,8,9, 13, 14, 1S(Area C or Di [Unit Type: 2-1-17/1-7. Designatons: 26 (Area 306 (Atea F): 272,277 (Area Gh: 62 (Ares Ch 3,5 lates C 0° Dy 107.25] SPECIAL RULES (Same as in Case 17.15) [18.0] GAME NOTES Translating the batl ofthe Remagen bridgehead Jntoa game posed several problems. The Germans ‘ere caught completely off guard. Traffic jams on the east bank ofthe Rhine. prevented feinforcements ftom being committed unl the ‘American bridgehead was scure and those units ‘which were committed were so understrength as {o be mero shadows of themselves Once the Americans broke out ofthe immediate bridgehead 3, they had a fee run. The only thing holding them back was the caution of the "corps commander (for which he was Tate relieved) and the deste to avoid converting this into the rain "thrust ove the Rhine because the Nanking armict vere not ready to make their own crossings. Given a fined order of appearance, the Americans can defeat the Germans in detail in the game Unless certain restrictions are imposed. The fist seas the contingous front Tine trace. Aside from boing militarily valid, it prevents the Americans From throwing their entire force on. the few German units.on the map. The second was the Timi ofadvanee role. Even witha continuous front line trace, the Americans can drive the Germans right off the map before German numbers. are Jarge enough to hold on. They can actually push the Germans so that they are driven right off the ‘map and the Americans occupy each map edge them. while Keeping a continuous front fine trace, “The limit of advance is the histories! line achieved bby March 17 AAs the main American objective was the autobahn, this was an obvious victory condition. To prevent fan unrealistic, narzow drive to the autobahn, ‘etary conditions were also assigned forthe towns along the river. They were primarily. assigned ‘based on the German ability to regain them since the Americans cam usualy move into al of them st wil and’ must be driven out, if possible, Originally there were some rather orate rules on building and destroying the ridges But in reality, by March 17 the Remagen bridge had been closed for 4 days for repairs and some eight float bridges were across. The Germans wore never able fo Seriously interdict the American low of supplies so father than tues the game into a bridge building and repair exercise, these rues were deleted, Several German divisions have only to regiments instead of three. This was a compromise forced in part by the counter mix and also by the German Weakness. In many cases (0 assign an_atack ‘Reength of "1" in comparison tothe Americans is chartable. The’ elimination of a regiment, combined with the strength of the remaining regiments more nearly approximates the strength of the whole division. Imessence, the battle was one which the Americans could not lose and the problem was to come up With some conditions under which they could Be made to lose im the game DESIGN CREDITS Game Design: Stephen Patick Physical Systems and Graphics; Redmond A. Simonsen Game Development (Christopher Allen, Stephen Patrik Production: Manfred F. Milkuba, Larry Catalano, Kevin Zucker, Linda Mosca. (7.61) INTEGRATED COMBAT RESULTS TABLE Combat Differential (Attacking Strength minus Defending Strength) 10 F423 445 +68 49:11 +12 2-1 0H 423 445 468 +911 412 43 2-100 142,38 445 +68 49-11 412 65 43 2 1 0H 423 445 468 $0401 412 Ade? AL Bro SDI D2"D2 D2 -DaeauDal D4» «De. ae Al a bt bas ad ae DE Alms) At Al. Al. Br; DI D2 D2" “D2? 2s 3 ATA ATA eRe nape agen ADs * AL © AlsieigAl'si sly cBoe fos Br DI D2 D22; D2 ‘he AA A ALE AMBER Attacks at less than the lowest differential are resolved at the lowest differential. Attacks at greater than +12 are resolved as +12 attacks. EXPLANATION OF RESULTS: Ae = Attacker Eliminated; Al, 2 = Attacker retreats the indicated number of hexes; Br — Attacker and defender retreat one hex, defender first; D1,2,3,4 = Defender retreats the indicated number of hexes; De = Defender eliminated. WESTWALL STANDARD RULES for the games ARNHEM, HURTGEN FOREST, BASTOGNE, REMAGEN Copyright © 1976, Simulations Publications nc, New York Lorwrropucrion 20 GAME EQUIPMENT 21 The Game Map 23 The Paying Pcs OSETTING UP THE GAME. |AOSEQUENCE OF PLAY 5.3 Etat of Other Friendly Unis (63 Matte Zanes 70ComBAT 12 Malte Unt apd Mati lex Combat 13 Combat Senath Unity 19 Adrance Aer Combat ‘MO ARTILLERY Rt arage Ache R Adiacen Attack 14 Final Protestive Fire 1S Delorse 9. GROUND SUPPORT 1 Resirctions and Prbibitions [1.0] INTRODUCTION The WestWall game systom is an operational simulation of che battes on Ube Teonters of the Reich in 194445. Each game inthe sistem represents a clash between the German Arm and the American and. British Armies, which had porsued it acrons France to the barrie of the WestWall. fortications. The Playing Pieces represent the actual units which participated in the baties and the maps represent the actual terrain over which those unl fought. Two rules folders provided. The first contains Standard Roles, hare common t0 all the games in the system. The second. folder contains Exclusive Rules for cach game is the system and the Initial Deployment and Reinforcement Rules, The game has heen designed to insure maximum playability ane maximnuny reality (i that order In ferder to achieve. these goals, the physical Components, as well asthe game rues, have been designed to make the game easier to understand and play. The components include a smaller, more fompact playing map, never more than a hundred Playing pices and standardized cules The standardization makes it easier for the gamer to gofrom one game to another within the series It aso enables the gantes" designers to concentrate on the reli aspect ofthe games (the andard ation generally takes care of any. playability problems). [2.0] GAME EQUIPMENT [2.4] THE GAME MAP Each of the 22° x 17" mapsheets portrays the battle areaA hexagonal gifs superimposed over he terrain features om the mapshect in order (0 regularize movement and positioning of the laying pieces, Teo make the map fie Mat. Back-fold it against the creases, Smal pioces of masking tape may be wsed at the corners of the map to hold it tau [2.2] GAME CHARTS AND TABLES Various visual aids ate provided for the Players in order to simplify and illustrate certain. game functions. These are the Combat Result Table the Terrain EMfects Chart and the Reinforcement Chats. (23) THE PLAYING PIECES. The cardboard pieces represent the actual military nits tha took part in the historical battles. The rumbers and. symbols on the. pieces represent Strength. movement capability ahd type of unit fepresented by the piece These playing pieces wil herealter be fefered to a8 “unit, [2.31] How to Read the Units NomAnilley Unity sie + sit ode B-B Fa Pe Artillery Units FPPSieneh 23d 15 +f ee atone eee] re A-Tal s Unit Types OO} [ER seston A keconatssance TH Airborne Infonry Unit Sizes = = company: I= battalion; II = regiment X = brigade Unit Designations [nits may be identified by a single umber or by 8 ‘mullcpart designation, In uu part designations, the number to the right is the unit's superior Formation. This may be either a division, regiment or brigade. Battalion sized units sre numbered consecutively within the regiment. Ax a general Tule, there are three battalions per regiment, and three brigades or epiments per division, Numbers to the right of the unit ‘ype symbol denote Sivisional identity. [2.32] Definition of Terme ‘Attack Strength is the relative strength of ‘on-ailery Unit with regard t0 attacking other nits, expeested in terms of Attack ‘Strength Prins Defense Strength is the relative strength of unit with regard to defending against the attacks of Enemy units and is expressed in tors of Defense Strength Points, Barage Strength is the relative strength of an artillery unit when atacking Enemy units, and is fexpresed in ferms of Barrage Strength Poin, Final Protective Fire (FPF) Strength isthe relative ablty of aa aesiiery anit to add to the Defense Strength of Friendly units, and is expressed in terme of FPF Strength Poin. Mosement Allowance is the manimum number of clear terrain heves Through which a unit may be ‘moved ina single Movement Phase; each such hex Fequies one Movement Point of the Movement Allowance. More than one Movement Point may bbe expended for some heres. Range Allowance is the maximum number of exes from the hex of an ater vit using its FPF or Barrage Strength. (exclusive), 10. the Gefending unit's hex lincusive), [2.4] GAME SCALE Fach hexagon on the mapshect represents from 500 10 2000 meters of real train from side to se Each Game: Turn i the equivalent to weve 1024 hours of real tie [25] PARTS INVENTORY Fello Game: QuadriGame: Game Map i 4 Die-Cut Counter Sheet 1 4 Standard Rules Folder 1 identical Exclusive Rules Folder 1 Sitterent Die(or Randomizer) 1 1 Game Box 0 ' Folio (Folder) 1 ° any parts ate missing or damaged, please write Customer Service Simulations Publications, Ine. 44 Bast 23ed Street New Vork, N.Y. 10010 ‘Questions regarding the rules ofthe game (stated Ina "yes" or"'n0™ or multiple choice manner) will be answered, i accompanied by a stamped, self sildressed envelope [3.0] SETTING UP THE GAME ‘The cardboard playing pioces should be punched ‘out of the Unit Counter Sheet. The differently colored units represent forex of the opposing sides The mapsheet should be unfolded nd hen ‘back-folded againat the creases to make it le st. Players should determine which side each wll play The Players then consult their respective Initial Deployment Charts. These chars tel the strengths fof ach unit which fin play (on the map during the First Game-Tuen, Unit values are Tisted follows: Adack Steenglh~ Defense Strength Movement Allowance. For arilery units: Barrage Strength Final Protective Fire Strength» Range Allowance/Defense Strength Movement Allow Jane. Units may be assigned specific setup hexes ‘or Players may be instructed fo choose the setup hexes far thei units, in which case, one Player ot thesther wil be instructed to "deploy first.” Afer al he units inthe Initial Deployment have been Seep. al remaining units shouldbe placed aside and brought into play according to the Reinforce: tent Schedule The Scenario Special Rules indicate which Player isthe First Player. The Vietory Conditions tell how the game is won. Play proceeds according to the Sequence of Play forthe number of Game-T specified in the Scenario. The Turn Matker Is placed on the Turn Record Track inthe frst space (unless otherwise specified) [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY “This game is played in successive Game-Turns, ‘composed of alternate Plajer-Turns. During each Gante-Tuen, the Players maneuver their units and resolve combat in sequence, according to. the following outline and within the limits provides by the rules which follow. At the conclusion of the lust Game-Tura. the Victory Conditions sre consulted and a winner is determined. [4.1] SEQUENCE OUTLINE ‘THE GAME-TURN “The Game-Turn is divided into a Fest Player‘Turn and a Second. Player-Turn, ‘The Player whose Player-Tuea i currently in progress i termed the "Phasing Player.” The activity which may take place during each Phase Is outlined below. 1. FIRST PLAYER-TURN A. Movement Phase: The Phasing Player. may ‘move all some or none of his units ashe desires, svthin the limits and restrictions of the rules of Movement, Zones of Contto, Terrain Effects and Exclusive Roles of the game) The Phasing Player lay bring Reinforcements onto the map as allowed by his Reinforcement Schedule and the Reinforcement Rules. The noa-Phasing Player may not move his unis B. Combat Phase: The Phasing Player uses his units to atack the nom-Phasing Player's nits. The Phasing Player may execute his attacks in any order fe desires” Each attack follows this sub ‘Sequence, where appropriate: a. The Phasing Player stales the number and Strenath of his attacking ground units, by. The Phasing Payer allocates Barrage Strength Points ie wishes) fom both Arsllery units and Ground Support Points. The non-Phasing Player allocates Final Protective Fite ‘Strength if he. wishes) from nonudjacent Arilery units and Ground Support Points 4. The Combat Differential (total attacking Srength minus foal defending strength) is faleulated, the terrain ‘type occupied by the fetending’ unit is found andthe combat differential column from that line is consulted. The die rolled under that heading (sce Combat Results Table) and ‘immediately applied During the Combat Phase, neither Player may rove his units, except when called fora result of 2. SECOND PLAYER-TURN ‘The Second Player now becomes the Phasing Player and exceutes Movement and Combat in the Sequence described above 3. GAME-TURN RECORD INTERPHASE ‘The Turn Marker is advanced one space along the Tura Record Track, signaling te start of & new Game-Turn the indicated result is {5.0] MOVEMENT GENERAL RULE: During his Movement Phase, the Phasing Player ray move as many or a6 few of his units a8 he esires. The units may be moved in any direction ‘or combination of directions. PROCEDURE: Units are moved one ata time, tracing path of contiguous heses through the hex gt. Av each unit enters @ hex, the unit pays one of more Movement Ponts from its Movement Allowance, CASES: (S.) MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS. [5.11] Movement may never take place out of sequence. A Player's units may be moved. only during his omn Movement Phase. During the CCorsbat Phase, a unit which ie ether attacking or elending may be called upon to advance or teiteat after combat is resolved. Dating the Enemy Player's Movement Phase and ducing both Players Combat Phases, except when advancing or retreating as a result of combat, Friendly nite must not be moved [5.12] A Feiendly unit may never enter & hex containing an Enemy unt [8.13] A unit may never expend more Movement Points than its total Movestent Allowance in any fone Morement Phase unit may expend all, some fr none of its Movement Points in any one Game-Turn, but unused Movement Points may fot be accumulated. until another Movement Phase or transferted 10 another unit [5.14] A unit may never exit an Enem-contolied hex during any’ Movement Phase. An. Enemy

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