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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Namira Setia Putri

Kelas : 1DF01
NPM : 51223278

 C. Practice

1. Created
2. Appear
3. Want
4. Made
5. Hoose
6. Become

 E. Practice


Lotso is is the main antagonist of the 2010 Disney, Pixar animated film Toy Story 3.
He is a large, magenta pink strawberry-scented teddy bear who once ruled Sunnyside
Daycare with the iron fist of a prison warden, despite his advertised sweet nature. At first,
Lotso seemed like a caring, welcoming, friendly individual, and possessed all of the good
qualities of the typical soft teddy bear character. This was further emphasized by his
strawberry aroma and his hugging of Buzz Lightyear (hence his name Lots-o'-Huggin'
Bear) when the toys first arrived at Sunnyside Daycare. He made a false promise to the
toys that different kids at the daycare center would continue to play with them and they
would never feel unloved or rejected which was a lie as he never intended to keep that
promise. He has a charming, grandfatherly kind of demeanor and one wouldn't likely
suspect him to be who he turns out to be. He keeps this friendly act up until it is likely
that a toy is protesting to leave, like when Buzz refuses to transfer to the Butterfly room
without taking his friends, prompting Lotso to force this potential ally onto his side
particularly when he switches Buzz to demo mode which brainwashed Buzz into doing
his orders as he would lose his memory due to this.
Lotso is truly a ruthless, sadistic, cunning, and nihilistic dictator and prison warden,
ruling Sunnyside with an iron fist and imprisoning new toys in the Caterpillar Room
where they suffer the reckless young toddlers there, while he sits comfortably in the
Butterfly Room. This nature was brought about by his perceived betrayal from Daisy.
According to Chuckles, Lotso was previously a good toy and a friend before they were
accidentally abandoned and Lotso found himself subsequently replaced. Now Lotso lives
by having others feel his pain by telling those falling out of line that toys are nothing
special and destined to be discarded with no redemption. At this point, one of the toys
reveals that he bullies and tells lies as he likes to do so. Even if other toys had nothing to
do with him getting replaced.

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