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Conduct a geomorphological investigation of any selected land formor landscape feature around
the University of Zambia.
The School of Agriculture Gardens at the University of Zambia (UNZA) presents a multifaceted
landscape feature that integrates natural and anthropogenic elements, offering a rich context for
geomorphological investigation. This study aims to explore the geomorphological
characteristics, processes, and implications of this landscape feature, emphasizing its formation,
evolution, and interaction with human activities. The gardens serve as a living laboratory for
understanding soil-plant interactions, erosion control, water management, and ecological
succession, making them an ideal subject for detailed analysis.

The School of Agriculture Gardens located in the Latitude and longitude coordinates of 15° 23'
26.0916'' S and 28° 19' 41.2644'' E were established as part of the University of Zambia’s
broader mission to promote agricultural education and research. Historically, the area was
characterized by natural vegetation and undulating terrain, typical of the Lusaka plateau. The
development of the gardens involved significant land modification, including leveling, terracing,
and the introduction of irrigation systems. These interventions transformed the original
landscape, creating a controlled environment conducive to agricultural experimentation and
demonstration (Lal, 2006).

The initial formation of the gardens involved clearing existing vegetation and reconfiguring the
terrain to optimize water retention and drainage. This process likely involved the use of heavy
machinery to reshape the land, followed by the installation of irrigation infrastructure. The
choice of plant species, soil amendments, and planting techniques were guided by agronomic
principles, aiming to create a productive and sustainable agricultural ecosystem. Over time, the
gardens have evolved, incorporating various crops, ornamental plants, and experimental plots
that reflect ongoing research and educational activities (Brady & Weil, 2010).

Terracing and Slope Management: One of the prominent geomorphological features of the
School of Agriculture Gardens is the use of terracing to manage slopes. Terracing involves
creating stepped levels on a slope to reduce soil erosion and enhance water infiltration. This
technique is particularly effective in preventing runoff during heavy rains, which can otherwise
lead to significant soil loss and nutrient depletion. The terraces in the gardens are designed to
maximize arable land while minimizing erosion, demonstrating practical applications of
geomorphological principles in agriculture (Tarbuck & Lutgens, 2011).

The soil in the School of Agriculture Gardens is a product of both natural formation processes
and human intervention. The original soil profile would have been influenced by weathering of
the underlying bedrock, typically granitic in the Lusaka area, leading to the formation of sandy
loams. Agricultural activities have modified this profile through the addition of organic matter,
fertilizers, and soil conditioners. The resulting soil composition and structure are optimized for
plant growth, with improved water retention, aeration, and nutrient availability. Soil pits and
profiles studied within the gardens reveal layers of organic-rich topsoil, underlain by
progressively less altered subsoil and bedrock (Thorne & Zevenbergen, 1990).

Effective water management is critical in the School of Agriculture Gardens, given the
variability of rainfall in the region. The management strategies employed ensure that the gardens
thrive even under fluctuating weather conditions, balancing between periods of heavy rain and
drought. This intricate water management system includes a network of irrigation channels,
ponds, and drainage systems, all designed to regulate water flow and availability. These systems
are essential for maintaining the health of the gardens, supporting plant growth, and preventing
soil degradation (Ward & Trimble, 2004).

The irrigation channels in the School of Agriculture Gardens are engineered to distribute water
efficiently to all parts of the gardens. These channels are strategically placed to maximize
coverage and ensure that water reaches the root zones of plants without significant loss.
Constructed from durable materials like concrete and lined with impermeable layers, the
channels minimize water seepage and ensure that the maximum amount of water is available for
plant use. The design of the channels also takes into account the topography of the land, with
slight gradients facilitating gravity-fed water distribution, thereby reducing the need for
mechanical pumping and conserving energy (Brady & Weil, 2010).

The layout of the irrigation channels reflects the geomorphological principles of water
management, ensuring that water is distributed evenly across different sections of the gardens.
This strategic placement helps in maintaining soil moisture levels, which is crucial for plant
health and productivity. The channels not only serve as conduits for water but also as a means of
enhancing the microclimate within the gardens by providing localized humidity, which can be
beneficial for certain crops (Hudson, 1995).

Ponds in the School of Agriculture Gardens play a multifaceted role in water management. These
ponds are designed to capture and store rainwater during the wet season, providing a crucial
resource during dry spells. The ponds are typically constructed in low-lying areas where natural
runoff collects, and their sizes vary based on the catchment area and intended water storage
capacity. The geomorphological design of these ponds ensures that they blend seamlessly with
the natural landscape while serving functional purposes (Ward & Trimble, 2004).

The primary function of these ponds is to act as reservoirs, storing water that can be used for
irrigation during periods of low rainfall. This stored water is essential for maintaining soil
moisture levels and supporting plant growth throughout the year. The ponds also help in
recharging the groundwater table, as some of the stored water gradually percolates through the
soil, contributing to the sustainability of the local aquifer (Brady & Weil, 2010).

In addition to water storage, ponds serve as sediment traps, capturing soil particles and organic
matter carried by runoff before they can reach the irrigation channels. This function is critical for
preventing sedimentation in the channels, which can reduce their capacity and efficiency. The
ponds' design includes features such as silt fences and vegetative buffers that enhance their
ability to trap sediments. Over time, the accumulated sediments in the ponds can be removed and
used as soil amendments, enriching the gardens' soil with nutrients (Tarbuck & Lutgens, 2011).

The ecological benefits of ponds are also significant. They provide habitats for various aquatic
organisms, contributing to biodiversity within the gardens. The presence of fish, amphibians, and
aquatic plants in these ponds creates a balanced ecosystem that can help control pests and
support pollination. The ponds also act as thermal buffers, moderating temperature fluctuations
and creating a microclimate conducive to plant growth. Regular maintenance of the ponds
involves managing water levels, removing invasive species, and ensuring that the structures
remain intact. Monitoring water quality is also crucial, as the ponds can be affected by pollutants

from runoff. Implementing sustainable practices, such as using organic fertilizers and
minimizing chemical use, helps maintain the ponds' health and functionality (Ward & Trimble,

Drainage systems are integral to managing excess water in the School of Agriculture Gardens,
particularly during heavy rainfall events. These systems are designed to quickly and efficiently
remove excess water from the soil surface, preventing waterlogging and associated issues such as
root rot and reduced plant growth. The drainage network typically includes a combination of
surface drains, subsurface drains, and retention basins, all working together to manage water
flow (Thorne & Zevenbergen, 1990).

The diversity of vegetation in the School of Agriculture Gardens reflects both cultivated and
natural ecological succession. Managed crops and ornamental plants coexist with spontaneous
vegetation, creating a mosaic of different successional stages. This diversity enhances the
resilience of the ecosystem, providing habitat for various organisms and contributing to soil
stability. The presence of cover crops, for example, helps protect the soil from erosion and
improves its fertility through nitrogen fixation and organic matter addition. Ecological
succession in the gardens is influenced by both planting cycles and natural colonization, leading
to a dynamic and evolving landscape (Thorne & Zevenbergen, 1990).

Erosion Control Measures: Erosion control is a critical aspect of geomorphological management

in the gardens. In addition to terracing, other measures such as contour plowing, mulching, and
the use of grass strips are employed to minimize soil loss. These techniques work by reducing
the velocity of surface runoff and increasing the infiltration of water into the soil. The
effectiveness of these measures is evident in the relatively stable soil structure and minimal signs
of erosion within the gardens. Regular monitoring and maintenance ensure that erosion control
practices remain effective and adapt to changing environmental conditions (Hudson, 1995).

Despite the various control measures, soil erosion and deposition are ongoing processes in the
School of Agriculture Gardens. Natural rainfall events, coupled with irrigation practices, can
lead to the movement of soil particles. Areas of the gardens with steeper slopes or less vegetation
cover are particularly susceptible to erosion. Conversely, deposition occurs in flatter areas or
where water slows down, leading to the accumulation of fertile topsoil. Understanding these

processes helps in the continuous improvement of erosion control strategies and the maintenance
of soil health (Brady & Weil, 2010).

The geomorphological processes within the gardens significantly influence soil fertility and
nutrient cycling. Decomposition of organic matter, mineral weathering, and the addition of
fertilizers all contribute to the nutrient dynamics. Soil microorganisms play a crucial role in these
processes, breaking down organic material and releasing nutrients in plant-available forms.
Regular soil testing and amendments are necessary to maintain optimal fertility levels and
support the diverse range of crops and plants in the gardens (Thorne & Zevenbergen, 1990).

The hydrological cycle at UNZA involves the continuous movement of water through
precipitation, infiltration, evaporation, and transpiration. Irrigation systems supplement natural
rainfall, ensuring that plants receive adequate water throughout the growing season. The design
of the gardens promotes efficient water use, with features such as mulching and drip irrigation
reducing evaporation losses. The interplay between water availability and plant growth is a key
focus of ongoing research and management practices in the gardens (Thorne & Zevenbergen,

Vegetation Dynamics and Ecological Interactions: The dynamic nature of vegetation in the
gardens reflects both human management and natural ecological interactions. Crop rotations,
intercropping, and the introduction of new plant species contribute to the diversity and
productivity of the gardens. Natural processes such as seed dispersal, germination, and
competition also shape the vegetation patterns. These interactions influence the overall health
and sustainability of the ecosystem, making it a vibrant and resilient landscape (Hudson, 1995).

In conclusion, the School of Agriculture Gardens at the University of Zambia exemplifies the
complex interplay between geomorphological processes and human management in an
agricultural setting. The gardens' terracing, soil composition, water management systems,
vegetation diversity, and erosion control measures all contribute to a dynamic and sustainable
landscape. Ongoing processes such as soil erosion, nutrient cycling, and ecological succession
highlight the need for continuous monitoring and adaptive management. The lessons learned
from the gardens can inform broader efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and landscape
management, both within the university and beyond. By integrating geomorphological principles
with practical agricultural practices, the School of Agriculture Gardens serves as a valuable

educational and research resource, fostering a deeper understanding of the interactions between
the natural environment and human activities.


Brady, N. C., & Weil, R. R. (2010). Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils. New York:
Pearson Education, Inc.

Hudson, N. W. (1995). Soil Conservation. Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

Lal, R. (2006). Soil Erosion and its Impact on the Environment. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science
Harvard: CRC Press.

Tarbuck, E. J., & Lutgens, F. K. (2011). Earth Science. London: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thorne, C. R., & Zevenbergen, L. W. (1990). “Evaluation of Erosion Control Measures: A Field
Study.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 45(4), 516-521.

Ward, A. D., & Trimble, S. W. (2004). Environmental Hydrology. Cambridge: CRC Press.

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