MBS - Billling Statements Base Application - BillPDF

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Home / My Account / Bills & Payments /

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Bill Date: 3/07/2024

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Pay your bill

1 of 6

Non-Payment/Return Mail:
PO BOX 24401
CANTON, OH 44701-4401
DISCONNECTION NOTICE Account #955-981-381-5-4

Notes from PSO:
Your total account balance includes a past due
JOYCE SEGOVIA amount of $160.26. To avoid disconnection, payment
2470 S 107TH EAST AVE of the past due amount must be received on or
TULSA, OK 74129-4812
before March 19, 2024. Your total account balance is

Need help paying your bill?

Call us at 1-888-832-6279 to learn about payment
Past Due Charges: arrangements and other assistance programs.
30 days past due $160.26
60 days past due $0
90 days or more past due $0 Your account is scheduled for disconnection
after March 19, 2024.
Mailing date is March 7, 2024

Methods of Payment
Need to get in touch?
psoklahoma.com Customer Service: 1-888-832-6279
PO Box 371496 Servicio el Cliente: 1-888-216-9787
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7496 Report Outage: 1-833-PSO-OUTG(776-6884)
1-800-611-0964 (fee may apply) Reportar Interruptcion: 1-888-218-3924
Or Online at: PSOklahoma.com/Out
Relay Oklahoma(TTY): 1-800-722-0353

Receipt of a new bill will NOT change the requirements

of this notice.

Please tear on dotted line. Turn over for important information!

Thank you for your prompt payment. Please include your account number on your check and return this stub with your payment.
JOYCE SEGOVIA, 2470 S 107TH EAST AVE, TULSA, OK 74129-4812

Non-Payment/Return Mail:
PO BOX 24401 Account #955-981-381-5-4
Pay on or before March 19, 2024
to avoid disconnect $160.26
Make check payable and send to:
Payment Amount $
PO BOX 371496
PITTSBURGH, PA 15250-7496


Please disregard this message if you have already paid this bill. If not, Por favor ignore este mensaje si ya ha pagado esta factura. De lo
be sure your payment is received by the disconnect date shown on the contrario, su servicio elÈctrico se desconectar· si el pago no se
front of this notice to avoid a disconnection of service. recibe en la fecha de desconexiÛn que se muestra en la parte frontal
de este aviso.
What happens if you are disconnected? When service is disconnected
for nonpayment, a deposit may be required before service is restored. øQuÈ sucede si usted est· desconectado? Cuando se desconecta el
Once payment is verified, service will be restored within 24 hours. servicio por falta de pago, se puede requerir un depÛsito antes de
Written notice is not left at the premise when service is remotely restaurar el servicio. Una vez que se verifique el pago, el servicio
connected or disconnected. Electric service can be remotely connected ser· restaurado en 24 horas. El aviso por escrito no se deja en
or disconnected for most standard meters types. Customers who have cuando el servicio se conecta remotamente o se desconecta. El
chosen a non-standard meter are required to pay a $22.00 reconnect servicio elÈctrico se puede conectar o desconectar remotamente
charge when service is disconnected for nonpayment. para la mayorÌa de los tipos de medidores est·ndar. Los clientes que
hayan elegido un medidor no est·ndar deben pagar un cargo de
Do you need assistance paying your bill? You may qualify for a
$22.00 por reconexiÛn cuando el servicio se desconecta por falta de
deferred payment agreement, an elderly handicapped notification, or a
twenty (20) day financial aid assistance delay. Please contact us at
(888)216-3523 if you have questions about any of these programs or if øNecesita ayuda para pagar su factura? Usted puede calificar para
you would like a listing of entities who provide energy payment un acuerdo de pago diferido, una notificaciÛn para discapacitados
assistance programs to aid customers in paying utility bills. de edad avanzada, o un retraso de asistencia de ayuda financiera de
20 dÌas. ComunÌquese con nosotros al (888)216-3523 si tiene
If disconnecting your electric service may result in a life-threatening
preguntas sobre cualquiera de estos programas o si desea una lista
situation for you or someone residing in your home, please contact PSO
de entidades que proporcionan programas de asistencia de pago de
immediately at the number below to notify us of this situation and to
energÌa para ayudar a los clientes a pagar facturas de servicios
request a Medical Certificate Form.
p ̇ blicos.
Did you receive a suspicious request? Please remember that PSO does
Si la desconexiÛn de su servicio elÈctrico puede resultar en una
not collect payments at a customer's residence or business, and will
situaciÛn potencialmente mortal para usted o para alguien que
never call you to collect payment over the phone. If you receive a
reside en su casa, comunÌquese con PSO inmediatamente al n ̇ mero
suspicious request, please contact us at (888)216-3523.
abajo para notificarnos de esta situaciÛn y para solicitar un
May we help with something else? Please contact us with any concerns formulario de certificado mÈdico.
or issues at (888)216-3523 or PSOklahoma.com/Email.
øRecibiÛ una solicitud sospechosa? Recuerde que PSO no cobra
For clarification of statutes and rules governing services, or escalations of pagos en la residencia o el negocio de un cliente y nunca lo llamar·
disputes, you may contact the Oklahoma Corporation Commissionís Consumer para cobrar el pago por telÈfono. Si recibe una solicitud sospechosa,
Services Division (CSD) located at 2101 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK comunÌquese con nosotros al (888) 216-3523.
73501, by phone (1-800-522-8154) or by mail (P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City,
OK 73152-2000). Customers must contact the utility regarding the disconnection øPodemos ayudar con algo m·s? Puede ponerse en contacto con
prior to contacting CSD, and should contact CSD if they cannot reach a nosotros para cualquier inquietud o problema en (888)216-3523 o
resolution with the utility. en PSOklahoma.com/Email.
ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION - If you pay by check you authorize Si no est· satisfecho con nuestra revisiÛn de su cuenta, puede
us to convert your paper check into an electronic debit. If you do not comunicarse con la DivisiÛn de Servicios al Consumidor de la
want your check converted or have questions, please call the phone ComisiÛn de la CorporaciÛn de Oklahoma ubicada en 2101 North
number on the front of this bill. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73501, por telÈfono
(1-800-522-8154) o por correo (PO Box 52000, Oklahoma City, OK
73152 - 2000).

ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION - If you pay by check you authorize us to convert your paper check into an electronic debit. If you do not
want your check converted or have questions, please call the phone number on the front of this bill.

CONVERSI”N DE CHEQUE ELECTR”NICO - Si paga con cheque, nos autoriza a convertir su cheque en papel en un dÈbito electrÛnico. Si no
desea que su cheque sea convertido o tenga preguntas, por favor llame al n ̇ mero de telÈfono que aparece al frente de esta factura.

Amount due on or before

April 1, 2024 $286.72
Non-Payment/Return Mail:
Bill mailing date is Mar 7, 2024
PO BOX 24401
CANTON, OH 44701-4401 Account #955-981-381-5-4


Notes from PSO:

Your current amount due is $286.72. If you were on the Average
JOYCE SEGOVIA Monthly Payment (AMP) plan, your bill would have been $231.00.
2470 S 107TH EAST AVE Log in to www.psoklahoma.com or call us to learn more about these
TULSA, OK 74129-4812 programs.

Usage History (kWh):



Current bill summary:




Billing from 02/08/24 - 03/07/24 (29 days)










Taxes & Fees $8.00

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2023 2024
Methods of Payment
Cost of psoklahoma.com
kWh Fuel for
Power PO Box 371496
1,036 $36.88 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7496

$124.06 1-800-611-0964 (fee may apply)

Current Charges
Need to get in touch?
Electric Customer Service: 1-888-832-6279
$79.18 Servicio el Cliente: 1-888-216-9787
Report Outage: 1-833-PSO-OUTG(776-6884)
Reportar Interruptcion: 1-888-218-3924
Or Online at: PSOklahoma.com/Out
Relay Oklahoma(TTY): 1-800-722-0353

Please tear on dotted line. Turn over for important information!

Thank you for your prompt payment. Please include your account number on your check and return this stub with your payment.
JOYCE SEGOVIA, 2470 S 107TH EAST AVE, TULSA, OK 74129-4812

Non-Payment/Return Mail:
PO BOX 24401 Account #955-981-381-5-4
Amount due on or before
April 1, 2024 $286.72
Make check payable and send to:
Payment Amount $
Pay $290.98 after 04/01/2024
PO BOX 371496
PITTSBURGH, PA 15250-7496
Light A Life helps customers in need
pay their energy bills. My payment
reflects my tax deductible gift of


PSO offers solutions to help you save time and money, and protect the PSO ofrece soluciones para ahorrar tiempo y dinero y proteger el
environment. Please look over the options below to see if any of our medio ambiente. Por favor, revise las opciones de abajo para ver si
programs fit your needs (eligibility requirements may apply). alguno de nuestros programas cumple con sus necesidades
(Pueden aplicar requisitos de elegibilidad).
Payment Assistance and Options
Asistencia de pago
All payment assistance programs including extended payment
arrangements, extensions, the low-income home energy assistance Todos los programas de asistencia de pago, incluidos los arreglos
program and Light a Life Bill Pay Assistance can be found at de pago extendidos, las extensiones, el programa de asistencia de
psoklahoma.com/assistance. energÌa para hogares de bajos ingresos y la Asistencia de Pago de
Facturas light a Life se pueden encontrar en psoklahoma
AMP - (Average Monthly Payment Plan) ñ Balance seasonal highs and
lows by signing up to receive an averaged bill. More information at AMP (Plan de Pago Promedio Mensual) ñ Suscribirse para pagar
PSOklahoma.com/AMP. todo el aÒo casi la misma cantidad mensual ñ dependiendo del
promedio de su consumo mensual. Mas informaciÛn en
Power Pay - Pay as you go and avoid paying deposits and late fees by PSOklahoma.com/PowerPay.
signing up to prepay your electric bill. More information at
PSOklahoma.com/PowerPay. Power Pay - Pagar a medida que avanza y evitar el pago de
depÛsitos y recargos por pagos tardes en su factura de electricidad.
Payment Centers & Kiosks - Find a convenient payment location by Mas informaciÛn en PSOklahoma.com/PowerPay.
going to PSOklahoma.com/PayLocations.
Centros de Pago & Quioscos - Encuentre una ubicaciÛn de pago
Save Energy and Money conveniente en PSOklahoma.com/PayLocations.

Energy Management Tools ñ Get personalized energy insights into your Ahorrar energÌa y dinero
home or businessís energy usage and compare by day, month, or year to
help manage your usage and maximize savings. Log in to your account Herramientas de administraciÛn de energÌa: obtenga informaciÛn
at PSOklahoma.com/Account. personalizada sobre el uso de energÌa de su hogar o negocio y
compare por dÌa, mes o aÒo para ayudar a administrar su uso y
Energy Efficiency Rebates and Incentives ñ PSO offers rebates and maximizar los ahorros. Inicie sesiÛn en su cuenta en
incentives to help you make energy-saving home and business PSOklahoma.com/Account.
improvement upgrades. More information at PSOklahoma.com/Savings
Eficiencia energÈtica Reembolsos e incentivos - PSO ofrece
Save Time and Stay Connected reemboslos e incentivos para ayudarle hacer mejoras de ahorro de
energÌa en el hogar y su negocio. Mas informaciÛn en
Mobile App ñ View your energy usage, see outages in your area, and PSOklahoma.com/Savings.
manage your account are just a few of the ways the mobile app puts
your information in an easy to view format. Download it today at Ahorre tiempo y mantÈngase conectado
psoklahoma.com/app or through your phoneís app store.
AplicaciÛn mÛvil: vea su consumo de energÌa, vea las interrupciones
Mobile Alerts ñ Get a text or email from us when we have information on en su ·rea y administre su cuenta son solo algunas de las formas en
your outage or bill status. Sign up at PSOklahoma.com/MobileAlerts. que la aplicaciÛn mÛvil pone su informaciÛn en un formato f·cil de
ver. Desc·rguelo hoy en psoklahoma.com/app o a travÈs de la
Outage Map ñ You can view current outages and get info on current tienda de aplicaciones de su telÈfono.
storm restoration efforts at PSOklahoma.com/OutageMap.
Alertas mÛvil - Obtenga un mensaje de texto o correo electrÛnico
Help the Environment de nosotros cuando tengamos informaciÛn sobre su estado de
interrupciÛn de energÌa o facturas. Alertas de
Paperless Billing ñ Sign up to receive your bills electronically by going to PSOklahoma.com/MobileAlerts.
Mapa de interrupciÛn ñ Puede ver las interrupciones actuales y
WindChoice ñ Harvest Oklahoma's clean, abundant wind with obtener informaciÛn sobre los actuales esfuerzos de la restauraciÛn
WindChoice. Sign up at PSOklahoma.com/WindChoice. de la tormenta en PSOklahoma.com/Map.

Ayuda al medioambiente

Complaints and questions regarding utility services? If you cannot reach FacturaciÛn sin papel ñ RegÌstrese para recibir sus facturas
a resolution with the utility, customers may contact the Oklahoma electrÛnicamente por ir a PSOklahoma.com/GoPaperless.
Corporation Commission Consumer Services Division (CSD) located at
2101 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73501, by phone WindChoice ñ Coseche viento limpio, y abundante de Oklahoma
(1-800-522-8154) or by mail (P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City, OK con WindChoice. Inscribirse en PSOklahoma.com/WindChoice.
øQuejas y preguntas sobre servicios p ̇ blicos? Si no puede llegar a una
resoluciÛn con la empresa de servicios p ̇ blicos, los clientes pueden
comunicarse con la DivisiÛn de Servicios al Consumidor (CSD) de la
ComisiÛn de Oklahoma Corporation, ubicada en 2101 North Lincoln Blvd.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73501, por telÈfono (1-800-522-8154) o por correo (P.O.
Box 52000, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2000).

ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION - If you pay by check you authorize us to convert your paper check into an electronic debit. If you do not
want your check converted or have questions, please call the phone number on the front of this bill.

CONVERSI”N DE CHEQUE ELECTR”NICO - Si paga con cheque, nos autoriza a convertir su cheque en papel en un dÈbito electrÛnico. Si no
desea que su cheque sea convertido o tenga preguntas, por favor llame al n ̇ mero de telÈfono que aparece al frente de esta factura.

Make this bill the last one sent in the mail! Go paperless and get
email alerts when your bill is ready. Sign up at AEPPaperless.com!
*City of Tulsa Ordinance 24695 requires PSO to calculate this fee
on the total bill amount, which includes the franchise fee and the
Service Address: infrastructure fee.

Reporting a Street Light Outage is Quick and Easy. In order to

JOYCE SEGOVIA maintain street lights, we need to know when there are problems.
2470 S 107TH EAST AVE You can report street light outages using one of the following
TULSA, OK 74129-4812 methods: call the customer service number on your bill, or visit our
website at www.psoklahoma.com and click on "Report Outages &
Account #955-981-381-5-4 Problems" and continue.

Visit us at www.PSOklahoma.com
Line Item Charges: Detailed copy of rate schedule will be furnished upon request.

Previous Charges Due date does not apply to previous balance due.
To avoid unnecessary delays in crediting your electric payment,
Total Amount Due At Last Billing $ 160.26 please do not paper clip or staple your check to the bill payment
Late Payment Charge 2.40
*If you pay your electric bill in person, remember to pay only at
Previous Balance Due $ 162.66 AUTHORIZED pay stations. These locations send notice of your
payment immediately to Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Current PSO Charges which could prevent service disconnection. Pay stations may
charge a fee for this service. Keep your receipt as proof of
Tariff 015 - Residential Service 03/07/24 payment. For a list of authorized pay stations or other payment
options, visit our website at www.psoklahoma.com or call the
Rate Billing $ 77.15 number above.**
Interim Rate Refund -2.70
View all payment assistance options at psoklahoma.com/assistance.
Cost of Fuel @ 0.0355980 Per kWh 36.88
Enjoy the benefits of constant connection. Download our mobile
Winter Storm Cost Recovery Rider 4.73 app today, at Google Play and iTunes stores.

Tulsa Infrastructure Fee* 1.12

Tulsa Franchise Fee* 2.27

City Tax @ 3.650 % 4.19

County Tax @ 0.367 % .42

Current Balance Due $ 124.06

Total Balance Due $ 286.72

Pay $290.98 after 04/01/2024

Usage Details:
Values reflect changes between current month and previous month.

Usage: Avg. Daily Cost: Avg. Temperature:

429 kWh $1.25 16 ∞F











Mar'23 Feb'24 Mar'24 Mar'23 Feb'24 Mar'24 Mar'23 Feb'24 Mar'24

Total usage for the past 12 months: 19,985 kWh

Average (Avg.) monthly usage: 1,665 kWh

Meter Read Details:

Meter #761989254
Previous Type Current Type Metered Usage

168394 Actual 169430 Actual 1036 1,036 kWh

Service Period 02/07 - 03/07 Multiplier 1

Next scheduled read date should be between Apr 5 and Apr 10 .

Notes from PSO:


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