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WESTWALL Arnhem Operation Market-Garden September 1944 EXCLUSIVE RULES Conytioht © 1976, Simulations Publications, nc, New York oo wxTRODUCTION no crry nExEs 1 Efetson Cost 12.0 CANAL AND RAIL BRIDGE DEMOLITION 121 Denaltion 130 ALLIED ENGINEER UNIT 13 Repairof revs Demolish Canal Bridges 182 ASiing mn Rner Crone sn Asst 133 Replacement of Engineer Unt 140 GROUND SUPPORT POINTS AND ARTILLERY 15.0 REINFORCEMENTS 18.1 Morement of Ground Renfrsoments 153 Airborne Reinforcements 160 WEATHER. 16.3 Orne Etec 170VICTORY CONDITIONS 172 Teertoial Objetines 73 Lin of Communication 1A Scena Fhe Historical Scenario 182 Scenario I: Free Deplorent Sonaria [10.0] INTRODUCTION ‘Arnhem isa simulation onthe operational level of ‘combat between German and Allied forces during Operation Market Garden in September of 1944 ‘Three Allied airborne divisions were éropped up to sixty miles behind German ines in an attempt 19 tablish bridgehead over the Neder Rijs at ‘Arnhem, [11.0] CITY HEXES GENERAL RULE: CCenain hexes on the map ate designated City hes. These hexes are tested exactly like Town exes with the following exceptions [11.1] EFFECTS ON COMBAT Units oocupying, entering of retreating into City exes may reduce all retaining retreat results by ‘wohetes Thusa remaining retteatof DI, D20" Be ray. at the Owning Player's option, besome "no effect” results: AL or AZ may also be treated ae “no effect” results All elimination” results ate treated notmally.& D3 mast result In retreat of atleast one hex, and a D8 must result in a teteat ‘of at least two hexes. In al ther ways, wits in City hoxes ate treated as though they were in normal Town exes. [Airborne artillery receive no reduction, 112] NEGATION OF SPECIAL COMBAT EFFECTS Al units eeceve the above benefits, except when surrounded (with ll six hexes adjacent tthe uit fccupied by Enemy units or Enemy Zones of Controb. When surrounded, oly Allied sirgorne land glider units receive the special benefit fn all fasts, attacks against units in city heses are resolved using the “Town” Differential Line on the Integrated Combat Results Table [12.0] CANAL AND RAIL BRIDGE DEMOLITION GENERAL RULE: All Canal and Rail Bridges om the map are ‘wired for demolition, At the instant the fist Allied unit moves into a hex of which one (or more) hexsides is a Canal or Railroad Bridge. the German Player, at is option, may attempt to demolish the Bridge. A dle Is rolled to see ifthe bridge ie demolised. [12.41] DEMOLITION 12.11] When Bridges Are Demolished AA die is rolled for demolition immediately. no matter what the Phase, whenever the fist Aid Unit moves iato any hex of whieh the bridge Forms aside [12.12] How Bridges Are Demolished Adie roll of “1” or "2" by the German Player he chooses to attempt demolition, is considered to demolish the bridge, Note that demolition 1S entirely atthe option ofthe German Player; he i never forced to attempt demolition [12.13] If Demolition Succeeds If demolition of a bridge succeeds, note is Immediately made ofthe fact thet the bridge no longer exists. The hersde is treated iff were 8 normal Canal or River hesside, subject to all Considerations. This change in the status of the hneside i effective immediately. (12.14) 1f Demolition Does Not Succeed IK demolition of a Bridge does ot succeed, the Bridge is considered to be intact forthe remainder ofthe gare. No attempt may be made to destroy the bridge at any other point in the game, [12.15] What Bridges Are Subject to Demolition Only Canal and Raroad Bridges are subject to emotion. Highway Bridges over Rivers are never Subject to demolition at any point (see Terrain Key). All Bridges’ effects on Movement are ‘ential [12.16] How Beldges Are Repatred (nly Canal Bridges may be repaired. They may only be repaired by the Allied Engineer uni (ee Section 130). Railtosd Bridges, may not be repaired. [12.17] Players must record on a separate piece of paper which Bridges ste considered destroyed and which intact [13.0] ALLIED ENGINEER UNIT GENERAL RULE The Allied Engineer unit is an abstracted unit hich represents the various Engineer organiza tions avallabe to the Allied ground forees in the fume. The Engineer unit is able to perform certain fecal functions: 1) Tt may repair” previously demolished Canal Bridges. 2) It may assist Allied Bieborne infantry unite (only) in crossing River hexsides, It may perform either ofthese functions any oumber of tines, CASES. [13.1] REPAIR OF PREVIOUSLY DEMOLISHED CANAL BRIDGES ‘To repair a previously demolished Canal Bride, the Engineer unit must remain staionary in a hex adjacent to the demolished Canal Bridge hexsie free of Enemy Zones of Control for an entre German Player-Tur. If the abore conditions ate ‘met the Beige is considered to have been repaired and” functions as anormal Bridge. for. the femainder of the game ‘The Engincer unit may repair as many Bridges as itis adjacent to in one Getman Player-Turn (132) ASSISTING IN RIVER CROSSING AND ASSAULT 113.21] When, daring any Allied Movement Phase, the Engineer unit i adjacent to 4 River hexside the Allied Player may use i 9 allow airborne and plider units to cro the River in that or subsequent Movement Phases. This is done provided. the Engincer expends no additional Morement Points ducing that Allied Plaer-Tum, and is fee of Enemy Zones of Conteal [13.22] In order for an aitborne or glder unit to tee the Engineer unit in crossing the River, it mest pss through the Engineer units hex and then into fhe hex on the other side of the River (or vce versa) paving the appropriate cost forthe tercain ln the hex. The cronsing anit does mot pay any selditional MP's for the River hexside 113.23] Airborne and glider units may passthrough all hessdes adjacent to the Engineer unit. They say cross the River with ai of the Enginese unit into an Enemy-contralled hex. [Airborne setllery units may not make such crossings | [13.28) One airborne or glider unit may end the “Movement Phase stacked with the Engineer unit. The unit must attack one adjacent Enemy unit through a River hessde to which itis adjacent. This ia special exception to the eules prohibiting Stacking and attack through River hensides. The attack fs resolved on the "Stream" line of the Combat Results Table. IF is unable to advance aller combat through the River hexside, it is Immediately eliminated [13.25] Aied units may never retreat after combat rough any River hexske, of out of the Bex omtaining the Engineer unt (they are eliminated instead). German units may never advance after combat across a River hexside, [133] REPLACEMENT OF ENGINEER UNIT the Engineer unit is eliminated, it re-enters the game map on the fallowing ied Movement Phase at hex 0105 or 0105, This represents = replacement unit and. the destroyed "unit does count towards Vietry Points, (14.0) ARTILLERY AND GROUND SUPPORT POINTS GENERAL RULE: Restrictions are placed on the se of Ground Support Points and the use of Artillery units and the ability to fanetion in the game. These restrictions reflect the poor coordination of ‘Anilory and Allied Tactical Air Support [14.1] RESTRICTIONS [14.111 Ground Support Point Restrictions Only the Allied Player eceives Ground Support Points: these points may only be applied as FPF or ‘Barrage Strong Potnts within three exes of any Allied non-alrborne wit. (14.12) Artitlry Restrictions her Player may use more than two Artillery units Hay sTple combat in any Phase for either “There i no such retition for [15.0] REINFORCEMENTS GENERAL RULE: Both Players. recelve Reinforcements. These appear during the Owning Player's Movement Phase on the Game-Turn indicated on. the Reinforcement Schedule. ‘The Reinforcement Schedule sates the Game-Tura af appearance, the umber of units, the Strength and. Movement ‘Value and specific hex oF map edge on which they PROCEDURE: During his Movement Phase, the Owning Player places Reinforcing unt in the scheduled hex or fn any mapedge hex between the specified hexee fincusive) The Owning Player may place them at any Gime during his Movement Phase CASES: [18.1] MOVEMENT OF ‘GROUND REINFORCEMENTS [15.11] Reinforcements are presumed (0 be poised lagjacent to the map. When placed on the map & Reinforcing unit expends Movement Points. to enter the entry ex according t0 the Terrain ‘all cases, the Reiaforcoments are 2 which has a road leading off the Imaps thexe unis experal Movement Points athe roa movement rate to enter the map, [1512] Im several cases, more than one unit is scheduled to appear inthe same hex an the same Game-Turn. These units are deployed off map, ‘one behind the other, with the lead unit poised adjacent to the map entry he itself. 1 the entry hex is a road hex, « hypothetical road may be presumed fo stretch off the map, away from the entry hex [15:13] As each wnit enters the map, it will pay the ‘oat for entering the enty hex, plus any additonal ‘0st for any hypothetical clear terrain Rexes that i ‘ould have to traverse to reach the entry hex. IF Units are entering om oad hes, they are con sidered tobe moving through hypothetical road heres until they reach the map. Example The lead unit inthe column would pay Movement Point to enter the map: the second unit would pay 1 Movement Point to enter the map; the thir, 1% Movement Points, et. [15.14] Once on the map, Reinforcements may be ‘moved normally. The Owning Player may begin the arrival of his Reinforcements at any time during his Movement Phase. [05.2] RESTRICTIONS [18.21) Reinforcements may not enter & hex which sat that point, cecupled by an Enemy unit. A [enforcing unit may enter an Enemy-contalid hex (but it must cease movement therein) 115.22) 1f, and only if, a scheduled entry hex is ‘ecupied by an Enemy unit, or a Friendly unit in an Enemy Zane of Control, the Reinforcing unit ‘ay enter the nearest unblocked map edge hex to the scheduled he, i the direction of the nearest Friendly unt [15.23] A Player may delibe forcements ftom Game-Turn bringing them into play ff a Tur. Ay withbold Rein- ‘Game-Turn, Won some later 115.28) Regardless of whether & Reinforcement unit is brought into play on is scheduled Turn it ‘must appear in its scheduled hex or alternate (see Case 15.2). (15.25) Until they enter the map, Reinforcements have me effect on play; they may inn fashion attack Fnenty units or hinder their movement until they enter the map. [153] AIRBORNE REINFORCEMENTS ‘Only the Allied Payer receives airborne reinforce iments, These reinforcements are reated differently from normal reinforcements, according to the following rules. (German reinforcements desig. nated as sitborne are treated as normal infantry unis.) [15.31] How Aiehore Relaforcements Areve On the Reinforcement Schedule, airborne Reinforcements are listed as arriving within one hex of specific hex During his Movement Phase, the Allied Player may place the sltborne Rein. forcements anywhere within one hex of the specified hes. Only one unit may be placed per hex Airborne Reinforcements may arrive in an Enemy Zone of Control, they may not arrive in an Enemy-occupied hex If forced (0 arrive in sn Enemy-occupied her, they are immediatly sliminated, [15.32] Movement Restritions on the Turn of “Arrival. During the Turn on which airborne Rein- foroements arrive on the map, they have a Move- ment Allowance of three. They are considered to have expended four Movement Points upon rival. After thir initial Game-Turn on the map, Airborne unis may use their fll, printed Movement Allowance. (1533] Airborne units may not land in_hexes ‘cupid by Friendly or Enemy units. If aisborne Units are farce to land in any occupied hexes, they sre eliminated instead. 11538) Delay of Alrborne Reinforcements Airborne Reinforcements may only be delayed if ‘Weather Rules are being used. If the Allied Player chooses to delay his airborne Reinforcements, they ‘may arrive on any subsequent fait weather Turn a. Les Ea] @ [1535] Airborne Supply Drop Zane (DZ) Counters hese counter ate aot unis, Dut represent the "center" ofthe airborne division's operating areas. (Gt was ‘necessary for command. and control purposes, a8 well as supply #0 keep the division Echesive) These counters do not have a Zone of Conttol or a Combat Strength. Both Players units may freely move through them, oF end. the Movement Phase stacked with thera, They may never be destroyed, although they may be overrun by German units, See the rules relating t9 Lines of Communication (7.3 J Divina! Designations J [15.36] Placement of DZ Counters In Scenario 18.1, DZ: counters must be placed in the specified hexes. In Scenario 18.2, they may be Placed in any hex atthe Aled Player's discretion Before play begins, the Allied Player secretly notes {he numbers of the hexes in which he wishes to ‘eploy his DZ. counters. The German Player then laces hisinitil foros. After the German tints are In place, the Allied Player places the DZ counters as he has noted them. Play of the game then begins 11537] ‘The Allied Player may deploy bis DZ counters anywhere on the map, within the following eesteictons: 1)'The hex of placement must be at least three theses away ftom the nearest City hex or Bridged hrerside 2)DZ counters must be placed at last 14 exes ‘away from each other [15.38] 1 is possible for DZ counters to be placed in hex occupied by German units. This has no fect on the combat value of the Allied units Scheduled to drop around that Drop Zone counter {15.39] Optionally, the Allied Player may delay placement of any or all DZ counters uati later Game-Turs. The placement of there DZ counters is noted at the beginning of the game, but placement may be delayed until after the first Game-Turn. The Tuen on which iti tbe placed rst also be noted at che beginning of the game. ‘The airborne units of the division bearing the ‘number of the delayed DZ counters) may not be ‘ropped until the DZ counter is placed on the map. The DZ counter may not be placed during ‘any Poor Weather Game-Turn (se Case 16.1) 1S) EXITING THE MAP Only the Geman Player may exit his units from the map. An exiting unit must expend Movement Points to enter an imaginary hex presumed to be adjacent t0 the map edge. The terrain in this Imaginary hex is presumed to be similar to the tereain in the bes ftom which the unit exited. [18.41] Where German Units Are Exited German units may only ext the map in certain areas. They may exit the westside of the map between exes 601 and 2301, inclusive. They may cnt the eastside of the map between hexes 0126 fand 2726, inclusive. German units may not Voluntarily exit from any other map edges, [152] Effects on Exited German Un German unis which ext the map are avilable as reinforcements. ‘They. may. be. taken as ‘einforcements on any subsequent Game-Turn Units which exited the westside of the map are valuble as reinforcements only onthe westside of the map between hexes Q6OT and 2301, inclusive Units which exited from the eastside of the map are avallable as reinforcements only on the ea Side of the map between hexes 0126 and 0726, inclusive (15.43) When Units May Exit German units may only ext the map during the Movement Phase of the German Player-Turn. A unit may not ext the map asa result of combat. If it does so, then i is eliminated [16.0] WEATHER {Optional inthe Historeal Scenario, Mandatory in the Alternate Plan Scenario] (COMMENTARY: ‘The weather throughout Operation Mark Garden was of considerable importance. The lst thre days ofthe operation, for example, made it impossible for Alied aircraft to operate effetively. Some [Monigomers, for example} contend that hha the weather been beter. the Allie woud have vwon the battle decisively. September” weather $Stound the North Sea is variable, at best, but the Alles id'not have particularly good “luck (GENERAL RULE: ‘There are thre grades of weather: Good, Fait and Poor Weather op the Fist GameTurn. is Good in all Scenarios, Beginning “BRE Second and all subsequent Game-Turns, the Allied Payer rolls a die to determine the ‘eather for the entire Game-Turn PROCEDURE: preceding the Ali Movement fe olled. A die rll of "I" means that “The weather remaias the same as it was on the previous Game-Turn- A die roll of "2" means that the weather is Good. A die roll of 3" on "4" micas that the weather is Fit. A die roll of "5" or ""o" means that the weather is Poot CASES: (06.1] ERPECTS OF WEATHER (ON AIRBORNE REINFORCEMENTS. 6.1] When using the weather rules. Allied Airborne Reinforcements must arrive within sven hhexes of the Drop Zone Counter which matches thie divisional designation. They may not arive in any City hex or any ex adjacent t0 a City hex. [When not using this rule, Airborne. Reinforce. ‘ments arrive in the hexes specified in Case 18.13} [16.12 Allied Aitborne Reinforcements ative only during Good ant Pair Weather Game-Turns, a tales “Dic the first and all subsequent Good Weather, 5 Airborne unite of the Allied (Op the frst and all subsequent Foie, Weather Gave: Torn hore units of the Aled (On the fest and all subsequent Poor Weather Game'Turns — No Aishorne Reinforcements ay be taken (1621 EFFECTS OF WEATHER ON ALLIED GROUND SUPPORT POINTS “The availability of Aled Ground Support Ponts contingent upon Goad or Fair weather in the GGame-Turm and they ae aailable as follows: On Good Weather Game-Tuens — The Alo’ LEE etees seven Ground Support Points Op, Fit Weather Game-Turas — The Allin Plajer teilves three Ground Support Ponts On Poor Weather Gamo-Turns — The Allied Player reccves mo Ground Support Points 163) OTHER EFFECTS Weather has no effet om movement any ober aspects of play, except those in 16.1 and 16.2 [17.0] VICTORY CONDITIONS ‘COMMENTARY: Wisimportan fr te Allied Player to realize that he has available two distinct types of combat units One type is airborne (airborne, airborne atillery land liger, and the othe i ground troops ofthe 20% Corps (essentially, all those units which enter the game’ on the southern mapedge). The Allied Player may only win decisively if he pushes his _ground troops (at least the bulk of them) noeth of the Waal River. and uses his atborne units, with the aid of some ground units. fo keep open a Line ‘of Communication to those units north of the GENERAL RULE ‘Victor is judged a the end of « game onthe basis of Vitory Points scored by the Payers during the course of play and st the end ofthe game. Victory Points are awarded tothe Allied Player primarily for the achievement of geographical objectives and ily for the elimination of German nits ints ate awarded to the German Player for eliminating Allied units and for Aled. units which ate unable 0 trae an appropriate Line of Communications. PROCEDURE: ‘There is no Vietory Point Record Chart. Players must Keep track of Victory Poimts on apiece of seratch paper. CASES: [n7.1] VICTORY POINT SCHEDULE [07.11] Points Awarded the Allled Player 1. The Allied Player receives one Victory Point tor every German unit eliminated 2. The Allie Player rceives fire Victory Pints for ‘erery non-tborne, nom-glider unit north of the Waal River 2726-3005) atthe end of ench Game: ‘Tam, ifthe enit in question can trace @ Line of ‘Communication (See Case 17.3. 3. The lid Player receives ten Victory Points for trery non-airharne, men-lider unit north of the Neder Rijn (between henes 3700 and 3823) at the fend ofthe game, ifthe unit in question ean trace a Line of Communication off the map at the end of the game. [17.12] Points Awarded the German Player 1. The German Player receives five Victory Points for every Allied unit destoyed 2.The German Player receives three Victory Points at the end of each Game-Turm for every Allied unit which is unable vo trace ap appropriate Line of Communications. [172] TERRITORIAL OBECTIVES Only the Allied Player receives Victory Points for theattainment of geogeaphical objectives, a leted Jn the Vietory Point Schedule. These Points are awarded fo the Allied Player at the end of each ‘Game Tura fr units ofthe appropriate type which Ihave achieved the geographical objectives and can trace & Line of Communications. [173] LINE OF COMMUNICATION All Allied units in the game (except the Polish tunis) are subject ¢o rules governing Lines of CCommunicstion. Lines of Communication ate traced diferently for Airboene snd.non- Airborne tits [lider units are considered "airborne [1731] Non-airborne units must trace 2 Line of ‘Communication off the southern map edge at hex (0108 or 0106. The Line of Communication is & series of contiguous hexes. Once the line is traced into a trail hex, all remaining exes must be connected by road or tail evades, Once traced no a oad hex, all remaining hexes must Be connected by Road hexsides. [17.32] Airborne units all she units, except Polish lints, which entcr the game as Alsborne Rein: Torcements) must trace a Line of Commoication tw the Airborne Supply Drop Zone counter which matches their divisional designation. The Line of ‘Communication may be traced through any type of exes, but may be no more than seven hexes in Tenth [17.33] Lines of Communication may never be traced into. or through Enemy utits or Eneiny Zones of Contol. Friendly units, however, do negate Enemy Zones of Control for purposes of tracing a Line of Communication, 11734) Lines of Communication may never be raced through wnbridged Rivor or Steam hexsides [17.38 Lines of Communication are traced at the ‘end ofeach German Player Tura, and the German Player is awarded three Victory Points for every Allied nit whichis unable to trae an appropriate line for each Turn which it iz unable 0 do 50, 117.36] Polish units (which are contol by the Allied Player). and all German unis, are never Subject {0 the rules governing Lines of Communication [n7.4) LEVELS OF VICTORY Victory is determined by comparing the tot Victory Points woo by each Player stating the comparison as a ratio (German Player to. Allied Player) and evaluating the ratio against the schedule below Ratio Victory Level 30 0¢ more to German Strategic between 2.01 and 299t0} German Tactical 20101 Draw between Lund 1.99101 Allied Tactical HOorlesstot Alles Strategic [18.0] THE SCENARIOS GENERAL RULE: Bach Scenario species cach Player's Initial Order ‘of Baale and Reinforcements. Units are identified by their Strength and Movement values, aswell as by their histoical_designation, Units must be eployed in the map atea or specific hexes listed. PROCEDURE: Pace a unit of the spoctied type on each of the exes Fisted for dhat type. Hex numbers are shown im parentheses folloning each units designation. Unie designations are important for play of the game; Allied airborne, glider and sirborne artillery Unis must be set-up according to their historial designations ‘CASES: (181) SCENARIO I: Historical Scenario [08.11] ALLIED INITIAL DEPLOYMENT. Airborne Supply Drop Zone Counters: 1014007, 2323), 10919) (18.12) GERMAN INITIAL DEPLOYMENT Unit Type: 3-3-7. Hex: Kem (372) Unit Type: 4-4-7. Hex: 2/98 (3724) ‘Unit Types 2-212, Hexen: 95 (3322), Grsn (0702 Unit Type: 22-7. Mexess 1/406, (2528), 2/408 (2025), BrDF G62, {1813} ALLIED AIRBORNE @EINFORCEMENTS Airborne Reinforcement ae paced thin ong Jr the hen for each grog Gee Cie TOT. Sn Gametarn Ones fet 227. Hexe:C{/S02, 2/502, 3/502 {db Hebe, 3m 9S oa, 1/50, 3st S'S) i108) )irson 200, 3/508 2233 1/508, 2/505, 808 202), 1/504, 2/508 3/508 GIT? V1. 3/1, ¥1.GH9 29 TKN 1B OA. Unie Types 254/17. Move 182 0223). Gre, Unit Type 3-7 Hewes 10/4, 1/4, 19674 381 Unit Types 21-4/1-7, Hexes: 2/11 G17. ‘On Geme-Turo The: Unit Type: 237. Hexes: 1/327. 2/327 (1007). Unit Types 21-4/1.7. Hexess 1/701, 2/101 (1007) 28? (2223), 2/ Po (3220), Va2s, 2/235 (2229, Unit Types 2.2.7. Hens Pot 118). 9 (08.14) ALLIED GRouND, REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE Ground Reinforcements enter the map on hex (0106 of 0103 see Case 18.1) De Game-Luen To 31/32, 2/231. Unit Type: 42-7/3:10, Designation 56, Unit Type: 33-10. Designation: Engineer. On Game-Tuen Three ait Typer 2147510. Designations: 15/19, 44 Unit Type: 43-10. Designations: 1C/S, 26/5. Unit Types 5.5.7. Designations: 32, 129. Unik Type: 42-7/2-6, Designation: 153, On Game-Tyen Fo ‘Unit Types 55-7. Designations: 120, 214, On Game-Turn Five ‘Unit Types £2-7/2-6. Designations: 94, 112, 179, On Game-Turn Fight: Unit Types 43-10. Designation: 3/29 (18.15) GERMAN REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE German Reinforcements enter the mapedge on ot between the hexes iste for each group (eee 15.1. On Game-Turn One: alt Types 33:7. Hexess 1/7, 2/7 (3907-3916) Unit Type: 55-10. Hex: 1/95 (3925. Unit Type: 44-7. Hex: 1/95 (925). Unit Typet 3:2-7/3-7, Hex: 1/105 0326. Unit Types 22:12. Hexe 105 (3326) Unit Types 3:37. Moser: 1/59, 2/59 (07 On Game-Tuen Two Walt Type: 33-7. Hex: 3/T (9907-3016), Unit Type: $3.10. Hex: 2107 (0726. Unit Types 44.10. Hex: 2107 (0726) On Game-Turn Three ‘Unit Types 2-7, Hexes:1/6PT,2/6PT, 180(0126- 095) 0801), (On Game-Turn Four: “Unit Types 44-10. Hex 1/108 (3326), Unit Types 3.2-7/3-7, Hex: 2/108 (3326), On Game-Tus ‘Ua Types 2-3-7. Hexes: 1/Hber, 2/Hber (0701 2201) S10, Hex: Hber (0701-2300), 2.2:7/2-7. Mex: Hber (0701-2300). Unit Types 34-7. Hers 3/105 (3326. (On Game-Turn Seven ‘Unit Types 3.37, Heres: 1/6, 2/6 (0901-2301), Unit Type: 1-2-7, Hex: 1/2 (0901-230). On Game-Tutn Eight “Vat Teper 7. Hess Jngw (09012300 [18.16] ALLIED GROUND SUPPORT POINTS Game-Turm One: none: Game-Turn Two: thee Game-Turn Three: seven, Game-Turn Four: thee, Game-Tuen Five: three. Game-Turm Six: none Game Turn Seven: three. Game-Turn Eight, Nine ind Ten: none [18.17] SPECIAL RULES L.The Alled Player is the First Player. His Player-Turn is fst in each Game- Turn 2. Ifboth Players agree to use the Weather Option, refer to the Airborne Reinforcement and Ground Support Paine Procedure, as noted inthe Weather Rites. 3. The Scenario Length is ton Game-Turns. [18.2] SCENARIO I: Free Deployment Scenario [18.21] ALLIED INITIAL PLACEMENT Only the Allied Airborne Supply Drop Zone Counters begin the game on the map. and are placed at the disereton of the Allied Player (sce Cases 15.36» 15.39). Unit Type: 22-12. Hexs 95 any hex north of the Waal), Gran in any Town hex south of the Maas River Unit Type: Gera 2-7. Hesets 1/406, 2/406 (any hex in German units are placed by the German Player as noted, within the following restrictions: 1. All German units (except the BeDI unit) must be placed at least two hexes away from the nearest (ity hex on the map, 2. No German unit may be placed within fe hexes ‘of the southern map edge [18.23] ALLIED AIRBORNE REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE Allied airborne Reinforcements arrive within seven hexes of the DZ Marker whieh matches their

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