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Who are the children at risk?

Children-at-risk are persons under 18 who experience an intense and/or chronic risk factor, or a combination
of risk factors in personal, environmental and/or relational domains that prevent them from pursuing and
fulfilling their God-given potential.

According to RA 9344, children at risk refers to children who are vulnerable to and at the risk of committing
criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances, such as, but not limited to, the
following: (1) being abused by any person through sexual, physical, psychological, mental, economic or

This Act shall be known as the "Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006." It shall cover the different stages
involving children at risk and children in conflict with the law from prevention to rehabilitation and reintegration.

Republic Act No. 10630

LawPhil › statutes › repacts › ra_10630_2013

9344 is hereby amended to read as follows: "An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and
Welfare System, Creating the Juvenile justice and Welfare ..

Which group of children are most at risk?

Some children are more vulnerable to abuse than others:
 disabled children.
 children whose parents or carer have alcohol or substance abuse issues.
 children in care.
 children with a history of domestic abuse.
 children with mental health problems, or a parent with mental health problems.
What is the RA 7610 child protection policy?
 Any person who commits acts of child abuse, cruelty, exploitation, or other conditions
prejudicial to the child's development will face penalties. Keeping or having a minor in public or
private places without proper supervision, except for relatives or those acting in a social,
moral, or legal duty, is also prohibited.
What is the Republic Act for child safety?
 Prohibits children below the age of twelve from sitting in the front seat. Child restraint systems
are required for children who are not at least 150 centimeters (59 inches) in height. Child
restraint systems must be appropriate for the child's age, height, and weight, and approved in
accordance with the law.

Republic Act 8369: Family Courts Act of 1997

- The State shall protect the rights and promote the welfare of children in keeping with the mandate of the
Constitution and the precepts of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child.

What can the church do to safeguard children?

Through fostering a culture of safety, implementing policies and procedures, providing training and
education, and establishing effective reporting channels, churches can play a vital role in
safeguarding the most vulnerable members of their congregation.
Ted: Hello, friends! I am delighted that once again my wonderful wife, Nancy, is joining us as we
address a very important topic--children who are at risk, and what are some of the things we, as
Christians, we can do to help them.

Nancy: Thank you, Ted. As we all know, we live in a sinful, fallen world, and along with sin comes
suffering. And of all the pain in this world, the most difficult and heart wrenching is when we see
innocent children suffering. Thousands of children around the world are at risk. Many face abuse,
neglect, hunger, trafficking to other countries, and much more. Children at risk need to be protected
and helped so they can experience God's love and grow in His grace. They need our prayers.

Ted: Children are very precious to God, and when Jesus was here on Earth He showed a special
interest and care for them. We see this clearly as recorded in

Mark 10:13-16: "Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples
rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them,
'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of
God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no
means enter it.' And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them."

Nancy: Furthermore, Jesus took very seriously the spiritual education and training of children and
gave one of the strongest rebukes in the Bible against those who would lead His children astray.

In Mark 9:42 He says, "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it
would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea."

Ted: So, what can we do to help children, especially those who may be in very difficult circumstances
due to their family situations, abuse, neglect, and more? First of all, and very importantly, we can
pray for them. Each year, the Adventist Children's Ministries department at the General Conference
sponsors a World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk. This year, that special day is Sabbath, May 22. It
is a day where Seventh-day Adventists of all ages--men and women, boys and girls, young people and
the aged--set aside time to pray especially for the girls and boys who are suffering from various
circumstances in which they find themselves through no fault of their own. You can learn more about
this World Day of Prayer by visiting theChildren’s Ministries website focusing on Special Days.

Nancy: While praying is vitally important, there are other actions we can take to help the most
vulnerable among us. First, is to be aware. Are there children in your church, in your community, who
might be in vulnerable situations? Be in tune and look for ways to show an extra measure of love and
compassion toward them. Committed, godly Seventh-day Adventist Christians can have a profound
impact on the life of a child or young person as they lead them to love Jesus and trust Him so
completely that they feel free to talk with Him about anything that concerns them or brings them joy
—to instill in them, that no matter what is causing them pain, they can share it with Jesus and He will

Ted: Take time to learn the names of the children and young people in your church. Show them you
are truly interested in them by listening and encouraging them. Take time to pray with and for them,
and teach them to build their faith upon the rock that is Jesus Christ and His mighty Word--the Bible!

Nancy: And it is especially important that children who may not have a happy home on earth
understand that they are deeply loved by their Heavenly Father and are a part of His family. In the
wonderful book, Child Guidance, we read:

"God wants every child of tender age to be His child, to be adopted into His family. Young though
they may be, the youth may be members of the household of faith and have a most precious
experience. They may have hearts that are tender and ready to receive impressions that will be
lasting. They may have their hearts drawn out in confidence and love for Jesus, and live for the
Saviour. Christ will make them little missionaries" (p. 486).
Ted: I invite you to join us in praying for children everywhere during this special World Day of
Prayer for Children at Risk. Let's pray together just now.

Father in heaven, you are the Father. You watch over your children. And there are many children who
are abused, neglected, in difficulty. Lord, please be with them in a very special way. Help them to
know that you care and that you will help them find a better way. And Lord, help us to be alert and
aware of those who are around us, especially young people, children who need a word of
encouragement. Help us to be channels of light and encouragement from you, from the throne room
of heaven, so children will know that you are their father. Now Lord, thank you for hearing us and
bless as people pray all around this globe for the special day of prayer for children at risk. And we
thank you that one day soon we will all be together in a perfect place, where there will be no more
abuse or neglect and we will be with you, our Heavenly Father. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.

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