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Investigating the role of teachers’ feedback in developing English learners’ writing



English is now the most extensively used written and spoken language in the modern
world. As a result, language proficiency is crucial for improving communication and
advancing one's career. One of the main abilities that students must master in order to
convey their thoughts and opinions in English is writing. However, for non-native
English speakers, writing might be difficult to learn. Moreover, writing is an essential
component of language development. Most of the time, students find writing difficult
because they must utilize a new language, which required that they have an excellent
knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and the formation of sentences. Teachers are
essential in helping and encouraging students as they pursue their writing goals. This
essay investigates the role of teachers' feedback in developing English learners'
writing performances.



Effective communication in English language is essential for many aspects of modern

life, from academic success to career growth. Writing in English is a crucial skill that
students must master to achieve academic success. Teachers play a vital role in
guiding and supporting students in their writing endeavors. This research essay aims
to investigate the role of teachers' feedback in developing English learners' writing
performances. The study will explore the impact of different feedback types and
frequency on students' writing skills.

Literature Review:

Research suggests that feedback is one of the most important factors that can improve
students' writing skills. Feedback is a form of communication between the teacher and
the student that helps the student to identify their strengths and weaknesses in writing.
It also helps them to develop their writing skills by giving them constructive criticism
and guidance.

Several studies have explored the role of feedback in developing English learners'
writing skills. For example, Lee and Schallert (2014) investigated the effect of
different types of feedback on writing performance. They found that students who
received corrective feedback showed significant improvement in their writing skills
compared to those who received only positive feedback.

Similarly, Hattie and Timperley (2007) found that feedback that is specific, timely,
and relevant to the task can significantly improve students' writing skills.
Additionally, they found that feedback that focuses on the process rather than the
product of writing can be more effective.

Moreover, research has shown that the frequency of feedback can also impact
students' writing performance. Storch and Tapper (2000) found that students who
received feedback on multiple drafts of their writing showed significant improvement
in their writing skills compared to those who received feedback only on the final draft.


In conclusion, this research essay has highlighted the crucial role of teachers' feedback
in developing English learners' writing performance. The review of literature has
demonstrated that feedback that is specific, timely, and focused on the writing process
can significantly improve students' writing skills. Furthermore, the frequency of
feedback can also play a critical role in developing writing skills. Therefore, teachers
must provide their students with effective feedback to enhance their writing abilities
and enable them to communicate effectively in English.

Bài 2


English is now the most extensively used written and spoken language in the modern
world. As a result, language proficiency is crucial for improving communication and
advancing one's career. One of the main abilities that students must master in order to
convey their thoughts and opinions in English is writing. However, for non-native
English speakers, writing might be difficult to learn. Particularly for English language
learners (ELLs), writing is an essential component of language development. In most
cases, ELLs find writing challenging because they are required to use a new language,
which requires them to have a good grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence
structure. Teachers are essential in helping and encouraging students as they pursue
their writing goals. This essay investigates the role of teachers' feedback in developing
English learners' writing performances.

Literature Review

Research studies have shown that teachers' feedback has a significant impact on ELLs'
writing performances. In a study conducted by Lee and Schallert (2016), it was found
that providing ELLs with feedback on their writing improved their overall writing
performance. The study also revealed that ELLs who received specific and detailed
feedback made significant improvements in their writing skills compared to those who
received general feedback.

Similarly, according to Myles et al. (2014), feedback that focuses on content,

organization, and language accuracy has a positive impact on ELLs' writing. Teachers'
feedback should be aimed at providing specific information on how students can
improve their writing. The goal of teachers' comments should be to provide students
detailed instructions on how to enhance their writing. Moreover, feedback should be
given in a way that encourages students to make changes in their writing.

According to Hyland and Hyland (2019), feedback should be given on the positive
aspects of the student's writing as well as on areas that need improvement. This type
of feedback is known as a balanced feedback approach, and it has been found to be
more effective than feedback that only focuses on errors. The balanced feedback
approach helps students to build confidence in their writing skills while also learning
how to improve.

Furthermore, research studies have shown that students benefit more from feedback
that is provided in a timely manner (Hattie and Timperley, 2007). Delayed feedback
can cause confusion and frustration, leading to a lack of interest in writing. Therefore,
teachers should provide feedback promptly to ensure that students can make
improvements in their writing.


The literature review has shown that teachers' feedback plays a vital role in
developing English learners' writing performances. Feedback that is specific, detailed,
and timely has been found to be more effective in improving ELLs' writing skills.
Additionally, teachers should adopt a balanced feedback approach that focuses on the
positive aspects of the student's writing while also highlighting areas that need
improvement. In conclusion, teachers should provide feedback that is aimed at
encouraging students to make changes in their writing and build their confidence in
their writing skills.


Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of educational
research, 77(1), 81-112.

Hyland, K., & Hyland, F. (2019). Feedback in second language writing: Contexts
and issues. Cambridge University Press.

Lee, I., & Schallert, D. L. (2016). Investigating the effectiveness of feedback types on
writing performance among English as a foreign language students in Taiwan.
Assessing Writing, 30, 67-82.

Myles, J., Cheng, L., & Ely, C. M. (2014). Assessing the effectiveness of teachers'
written feedback on L2 writing. Journal of second language writing, 25, 1-13.



In today's world, English has become the most widely spoken and written language.
Thus, it is imperative for individuals to master the language for better communication
and professional growth. Writing is one of the fundamental skills that learners need to
develop in order to express their ideas and opinions in English. However, developing
writing skills can be challenging for non-native English speakers. Teachers play a
significant role in helping English learners improve their writing skills by providing
them with effective feedback. Therefore, this research paper aims to investigate the
role of teachers’ feedback in developing English learners’ writing performances.

Literature Review:

Writing is a complex cognitive process that requires learners to have a good

understanding of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.
Furthermore, learners need to develop their skills in planning, organizing, drafting,
revising, and editing their written work. To achieve this, English learners need to
receive constructive feedback from their teachers. The feedback should be aimed at
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the learners' writing skills and offering
suggestions for improvement. Effective feedback can encourage learners to take
ownership of their learning, improve their self-efficacy, and motivate them to persist
in developing their writing skills (Hattie & Timperley, 2007).

Feedback can be given in various forms, such as oral or written feedback. Written
feedback can be provided in various formats, including comments on the written
work, correction codes, or rubrics. Teachers can also provide feedback on specific
areas of the learners' writing skills, such as content, organization, coherence, and
clarity. In addition, feedback can be given at different stages of the writing process,
including pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing.

Research has shown that effective feedback can significantly improve learners' writing
performance. For example, Li (2010) investigated the impact of written feedback on
the writing performance of English as a Second Language (ESL) students. The results
showed that the students who received written feedback significantly improved their
writing skills compared to those who did not receive feedback. Furthermore, the study
found that the quality of the feedback played a crucial role in improving the learners'
writing skills.
In addition, research has shown that the timing of the feedback can also affect its
effectiveness. For example, Cho and MacArthur (2010) investigated the impact of
timing on the effectiveness of feedback. The study found that immediate feedback had
a more significant impact on the learners' writing performance than delayed feedback.
The authors suggested that immediate feedback allows learners to make immediate
corrections, which can reinforce learning and improve performance.

However, the effectiveness of feedback can also depend on the learners' attitudes
towards feedback. Research has shown that learners who have a positive attitude
towards feedback are more likely to benefit from it than those with negative attitudes
(Lee & Leki, 2015). Therefore, teachers need to create a supportive learning
environment that encourages learners to accept feedback positively.


In conclusion, feedback plays a significant role in developing English learners' writing

performance. Effective feedback can help learners identify their strengths and
weaknesses and provide suggestions for improvement. Feedback can be given in
various forms, such as oral or written, and at different stages of the writing process.
However, the quality of the feedback, timing, and learners' attitudes towards feedback
can affect its effectiveness. Therefore, teachers need to provide constructive feedback
that is aimed at improving learners' writing skills, create a supportive learning
environment, and encourage learners to accept feedback positively.


Cho, K. S., & MacArthur, C. A. (2010). Student revision with peer and expert
reviewing. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 328–338.

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational
Research, 77(1),


Introduction: In today's modern world, English has become a universal language used
in communication between people of different countries and cultures. As a result, the
ability to write in English has become a critical skill for many individuals worldwide.
Writing in English, however, is a challenging task, especially for English learners.
Writing performance can be improved by providing feedback to students, particularly
in their writing skills. This essay aims to investigate the role of teachers' feedback in
developing English learners' writing performances.

Literature Review: Feedback is an essential aspect of learning and can significantly

contribute to students' writing performances. Feedback is defined as information
provided to students about their performance that can be used to adjust or improve
their future performance (Black & Wiliam, 1998). In the context of writing, feedback
can help students to understand their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for
improvement in their writing skills. Providing feedback has become a fundamental
part of the teacher's role in teaching writing skills (Hyland & Hyland, 2006).

Teachers' feedback can be categorized into two types: formative and summative.
Formative feedback is provided during the learning process and helps students to
understand the task requirements, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and make
adjustments accordingly. Summative feedback is provided at the end of the learning
process and provides an overall evaluation of the students' performance.

Research has shown that feedback can improve students' writing performance. For
instance, studies have found that feedback that focuses on the content and
organization of writing can significantly improve students' writing performance (Cho
& Schunn, 2007; Hyland & Hyland, 2006). Feedback that focuses on the grammar and
mechanics of writing has also been found to be effective in improving students'
writing performance (Chandler, 2003; Hyland & Hyland, 2006).

However, providing feedback can be challenging, particularly when dealing with

English learners. English learners may have difficulty understanding the feedback
provided to them, particularly when it is in English (Bitchener & Knoch, 2010).
Additionally, teachers may find it challenging to provide feedback that is meaningful
and targeted to the students' needs.
To overcome these challenges, teachers can provide feedback that is tailored to the
individual students' needs. Teachers can provide feedback in the students' native
language, which can help them to better understand the feedback (Bitchener & Knoch,
2010). Additionally, teachers can provide feedback that is specific, actionable, and
relevant to the students' writing tasks (Hyland & Hyland, 2006).

Conclusion: In conclusion, teachers' feedback plays a critical role in developing

English learners' writing performances. Feedback can help students to understand their
strengths and weaknesses in writing and identify areas for improvement. The type of
feedback provided and how it is provided can significantly impact students' writing
performance. Therefore, teachers should provide feedback that is tailored to individual
students' needs and is specific, actionable, and relevant to the writing task. By
providing effective feedback, teachers can help English learners to develop their
writing skills and become more proficient in English writing.

References: Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning.
Assessment in Education, 5(1), 7-74. Bitchener, J., & Knoch, U. (2010). Raising the
linguistic accuracy level of advanced L2 writers with written corrective feedback.
Journal of Second Language Writing, 19(4), 207-217. Chandler, J. (2003). The
efficacy of various kinds of error feedback for improvement in the accuracy and
fluency of L2 student writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 12(3), 267-296.
Cho, K. S., & Schunn, C

Bài dài


Writing is one of the essential skills that students need to master in the process of
learning English as a second language (ESL). Writing enables learners to
communicate their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. However, it is not an
easy task for learners to produce written texts that meet the linguistic and rhetorical
standards of the target language. Many factors contribute to the difficulties that
learners face when writing, including limited vocabulary, grammar, and discourse
knowledge, as well as insufficient writing experience.

Feedback from teachers is one of the critical factors that can help English learners
improve their writing performances. Feedback is a communication process in which
the teacher responds to the learner's written work by providing comments, corrections,
and suggestions for improvement. Feedback can help learners to identify their
strengths and weaknesses, learn from their mistakes, and develop their writing skills.

This research paper aims to investigate the role of teachers' feedback in developing
English learners' writing performances. The paper will review the literature on
feedback and writing, discuss the types of feedback that teachers can provide, and
examine the effects of feedback on learners' writing performances. The paper will
conclude by offering recommendations for teachers on how to provide effective
feedback to English learners.

Literature Review:

Feedback in Writing:

Feedback is an essential component of effective teaching and learning, especially in

the context of writing. Feedback is defined as "information about the gap between the
learner's current performance and the desired performance" (Hattie & Timperley,
2007, p. 81). Feedback can be given in different forms, including written, oral, or
visual. In writing, feedback is provided in the form of comments, corrections, and
suggestions for improvement.

Types of Feedback:

There are different types of feedback that teachers can provide to English learners in
the context of writing. According to Hyland and Hyland (2006), feedback can be
classified into three types: corrective, directive, and facilitative.
Corrective feedback focuses on correcting errors in the learner's writing, such as
grammar, vocabulary, and spelling mistakes. Corrective feedback is essential for
learners because it helps them to avoid making the same errors in the future.

Directive feedback provides specific suggestions for improvement, such as how to

organize ideas, use appropriate language, and develop coherent arguments. Directive
feedback can be helpful for learners who need guidance on how to improve their
writing skills.

Facilitative feedback focuses on promoting the learner's self-regulation and motivation

by providing praise, encouragement, and positive reinforcement. Facilitative feedback
can help learners to build confidence in their writing abilities and feel more motivated
to continue improving.

Effects of Feedback on Writing Performances:

Research has shown that feedback can have a positive impact on learners' writing
performances. According to Van der Stel and Veenman (2014), feedback can improve
learners' writing skills by increasing their awareness of their strengths and
weaknesses, providing them with specific suggestions for improvement, and
motivating them to continue learning.

In a study by Ferris and Hedgcock (2005), the effects of different types of feedback on
learners' writing performances were examined. The results showed that corrective
feedback was more effective than facilitative feedback in improving learners' accuracy
in writing. However, directive feedback was found to be more effective than
corrective feedback in improving learners' fluency and coherence in writing.

Recommendations for Teachers:

Based on the literature review, the following recommendations can be made for
teachers on how to provide effective feedback to English learners in the context of

Provide a combination of corrective, directive, and facilitative feedback to address

different aspects of learners' writing performances.
Be specific in providing feedback by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of
learners' writing and providing specific suggestions for improvement.

Provide feedback in a timely manner to enable learners to make immediate

improvements in their writing.


The importance of English as a global language cannot be overemphasized in today's

world. English has become the lingua franca of international communication, trade,
and academia. In many countries, English is taught as a second or foreign language,
and it is an essential component of the educational curriculum. One of the most
important skills that English learners need to develop is writing. Writing is not only
essential for academic success but also for communication in various settings, such as
business, social media, and personal correspondence.

However, writing in English can be a challenging task for many learners, especially
those who are not exposed to the language outside of the classroom. Writing requires
not only knowledge of the language but also the ability to organize ideas and express
them effectively. In this context, feedback from teachers can play a crucial role in
helping learners develop their writing skills. Feedback can provide learners with
information about their strengths and weaknesses and guide them towards

This research paper aims to investigate the role of teachers' feedback in developing
English learners' writing performances. The study will explore the following research

What types of feedback do English language teachers provide to their learners?

How do English language learners perceive the feedback they receive from their
What is the impact of feedback on English language learners' writing performances?

The paper will begin by reviewing the relevant literature on feedback in language
learning, focusing on the types of feedback and their effectiveness. The methodology
section will describe the research design, including the participants, data collection
methods, and data analysis procedures. The results section will present the findings of
the study, followed by a discussion of the implications of the study for English
language teaching and learning. The paper will conclude with some suggestions for
future research.


English writing is an essential skill for students who wish to excel in academic,
personal, and professional life. Writing is considered to be an effective tool for
communication, which requires a great deal of proficiency in the English language.
Developing writing skills in English requires consistent practice, feedback, and
guidance from teachers. English learners may face various challenges while learning
to write in English, including limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, poor sentence
structure, and inappropriate use of language.

Teachers’ feedback is an essential component in the process of developing English

learners’ writing performance. Feedback is the information provided by teachers to
students regarding their writing tasks. Teachers’ feedback can help students to
understand their strengths and weaknesses in writing, and it can provide guidance for
improvement. Effective feedback can improve students’ writing skills, enhance their
confidence, and increase their motivation to write.

The aim of this research paper is to investigate the role of teachers’ feedback in
developing English learners’ writing performance. The study will examine the impact
of feedback on students’ writing skills, the effectiveness of feedback types and
strategies, and the challenges faced by teachers and students in the feedback process.
The research paper will begin with a literature review, which will provide an overview
of the previous studies conducted on the role of feedback in developing writing
performance. The literature review will explore the different types and strategies of
feedback used by teachers, the impact of feedback on students’ writing skills, and the
challenges faced by teachers and students in the feedback process.

The methodology section will describe the research design, data collection methods,
and data analysis techniques used in the study. The study will use a mixed-method
approach, involving both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The
sample size will consist of English language learners at the high school level.

The results of the study will be presented in the results section, which will include an
analysis of the data collected through surveys, interviews, and writing samples. The
findings will be discussed in the discussion section, which will explore the
implications of the study for English language teaching and learning.

Overall, this research paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of
teachers’ feedback in developing English learners’ writing performance. The findings
of this study will contribute to the existing literature on feedback in writing instruction
and will provide guidance for teachers in providing effective feedback to English
language learners.

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