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an effort to increase faith in

God Almighty through

regular reading of Al - Qur'an

MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU

Pamrisha Aulia Azzahra
Pucang Sidoarjo
9.6 / 27
Tahun 2022
By praying and giving thanks for the presence of Allah SWT who always bestows His grace and gifts on
all of us so that the project entitled, "An Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular
Reading of Al - Qur'an" can be completed properly. Not to forget, shalawat and greetings continue to be
bestowed on our great Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has provided an example for all of us so that until
now we are classified as believers and only devoted to Allah SWT.

On this occasion, I would like to thank all those who have provided enthusiasm and motivation in making
this project assignment. To our parents who have contributed a lot to us, the principal of MTs Bilingual
Muslimat NU Pucang Sidoarjo, Mr. Syamsuhari, S.T., S.Pd., M.M., M.Pd.I., and Mr. Pandu Prasojo, S.Pd., as
9.6 homeroom teacher, and also to all of my friends who helped me in various ways. I hope that the
information and materials contained in this project will be of usefull for you guys all and the readers.

"There is no ivory that is not cracked", that's how this project is still far from perfect, because
perfectness is only for Allah SWT. Therefore, I really need constructive criticism and suggestions for
correction and improvement for me in the future.
An Effort To increase faith in God Almighty through regular reading of Al - Qur'an


In this era, most of indonesian people are lazy to read Al – Qur’an. They prefer to play with their gadgets. But,
they can’t spent a long time to read Al – Qur’an. Why this problem can be happening?


How the way to increase faith from reading Al – Qur’an regurlarly?


17 - 19 October 2022 20 - 26 October 2022 27 October - 01 November 2022

1. The definition of faith
The definition of faith is a belief in the existence of Allah SWT so that we always obey all His commands
and stay away from His prohibitions. Faith also means that belief in the existance of prophets, the holy
books, angels, and so on.

2. The definition of Al - Qur'an

The meaning of the Qur'an according to the term is kalamullah (the word of Allah SWT) which was
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the intercession of the angel Gabriel, which is written in the
manuscripts that have come to us. by way of mutawatir and reading it into worship.

3. The definition of routine

Routine/rou·tine/ regular and unchanging procedure; 2 things are usually procedures, activities, work, and
so on: cooperative meetings are -- and traditional; 3 Comp 1 a set of instructions designed for some specific
purpose and having a common use; 4 Comp of the main procedures carried out by a program;
Teks pidato persuasif adalah teks pidato yang berisi ajakan kepada pembaca atau penonton untuk melakukan sesuatu. Teks
pidato persuasif berisi pesan yang disampaikan kepada pembaca atau penonton oleh seorang pembicara yang hadir untuk
mempengaruhi atau mengajak pembaca atau penonton. Teks pidato persuasif bertujuan untuk mengajak atau membujuk
pembaca atau pendengar agar terpengaruh terhadap isi pidato yang disampaikan. Dalam teks pidato persuasif dapat
disampaikan gagasan, isu, konsep, atau produk agar masyarakat terbujuk. Karakteristik dari teks pidato persuasif adalah
bersifat mengajak atau membujuk. Struktur teks pidato persuasif ada 3 yaitu pendahuluan, bagian isi, dan penutup. Kaidah
kebahasaan teks pidato persuasif ada 5 yaitu nominalisasi, kalimat aktif dan pasif, konjungsi, istilah teknis, kata benda
abstrak, dan kata emotif.

Bahasa Indonesia

Upaya meningkatkan keimanan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa melalui pembacaan Al – Qur’an secara rutin memiliki
kaitan dengan salah satu materi Bahasa Indonesia yaitu teks pidato persuasif. Teks pidato persuasif sendiri adalah suatu teks
pidato yang berisi argumen – argumen yang bersifat mengajak atau mempengaruhi pembaca atau penonton. Sehingga
dengan teks pidato persuasif ini, kita dapat mengajak orang – orang untuk senantiasa melakukan kebaikan dengan cara
meningkatkan keimanan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa melalui pembacaan Al – Qur’an secara rutin. Melalui pidato
persuasif kita dapat menjelaskan dan menggerakkan masyarakat betapa pentingnya membaca Al – Qur’an itu. Al – Qur’an
dapat mendatangkan banyak sekali manfaat bagi siapapun yang rutin membacanya. Maka dari itu, dibuktikan bahwa upaya
meningkatkan keimanan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa melalui pembacaan Al – Qur’an secara rutin memiliki keterkaitan
dengan teks pidato persuasif.
.'According to the time, Fi'il is divided into two, namely Fi'il Madhi and Fi'il Mudhari
Fi'il Madhi is a sentence or word that shows meaning by itself accompanied by the Madhi era (the past. If there is Fi'il (jobs)
example, ‫ َض َر َب َز ْي ٌد َع ْم ًر ا‬there must be Fa'il (actors), meaning that if there is work, there must be actors who do it. Example
has ‫ َع ْم ًر ا‬has its position as Fa'il (perpetrator), while lafadz ‫ َز ْي ٌد‬has its position as Fi'il Madhi (past work), lafadz ‫ َض َر َب‬lafadz
position as Maf'ul (target or object). But you need to remember, if the perpetrator is a woman (Muannats), then it is
Ta' Ta'nits Sakinah Is Ta' dead (sukun) which one of its uses is as a marker .) ‫ (ْت‬obligatory for us to add Ta' Ta'nits Sakinah
Fi'il Mudhori' is a sentence or word that shows meaning by itself, accompanied by one of two ages, namely Hal (is being
done) or Istiqbal (to be done). So, this Fi'il functions for two types of time, to be done or being done. The two eras also do not
Zaid will/is helping Amr). From the example above, lafadz position is( ‫ َز ْي ٌد َع ْم ًر ا‬:have differences in terms of writing. Example
as Fi'il (Work) which can be interpreted: Is helping or will help. While lafadz position is as Fa'il (doer of work). And for
.)his position is as Maf'ul (Object or target of work ,‫ ا‬lafadz

Efforts to increase faith in God Almighty through reading the Al - Qu'an regularly have a relationship with one of the Arabic
language materials, namely fi'il madhi (verbs that are being done and will be done) and fi'il mudhari' (past or what has been
done). The purpose of efforts to increase faith through regular reading of the Qur'an is our efforts to increase our faith in
Allah SWT through reading the Qur'an. As we know that the Qur'an is a holy book revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet
Muhammad through the intermediary of the Angel Gabriel. The Qur'an was revealed to be a guide for human life.
Therefore, we must always read it in order to apply it properly and correctly. However, everyone's ability to read the Qur'an
is different, some are fluent and some are not. Indeed, to launch our reading, we need an effort from ourselves to be able to
progress to change for the better. One way that can be done is to read the Qur'an regularly so that the progress we make is
also increasing and getting better in the future. To make that happen, there needs to be a change in habits at the beginning,
not even a change at the end which will actually cause regret at the end.
Hard material crafts are crafts that use basic materials that are hard, solid, strong, solid, durable, not easily decomposed, and
not easily deformed. These products can be made from natural and artificial materials. The diversity of these types of
materials can be seen from the various products that are spread in various urban areas and remote villages. Examples come
from wood, bamboo, rattan, cans, glass, and so on. Local and imported markets have dominated the use of these hard
materials as handicrafts. The presence of this craft has its own charm and advantages, especially for consumers who are
pursuing classic beauty. Indonesia produces a lot of wood carving crafts from the region and captivates the world with its
incredibly beautiful masterpieces with all the intricate details. Indonesia is indeed rich in culture of handicraft objects as a
result of regional culture. Therefore, it is only natural for us to take advantage of and preserve the attractiveness of each
region's craft objects that have different styles and shapes. We can preserve culture and participate in advancing the nation's
economy through various existing crafts. Hard material crafts are products made from artificial hard materials such as glass,
plastic, metal, ceramics, cans, bottles, bottle caps, and so on.


The title An Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty with regular reading of Al - Qur'an has a relationship with one of the
art materials, namely handicrafts from hard materials. Which is one example of a craft made of hard materials is dampar.
With the dampar, people can read Al - Qur'an comfortably and easily, so that they can improve their reading of Al - Qur'an
and even they can read Al - Qur'an regularly and consistently because of the dampar that makes it easier and comfortable for
them to read Al - Qur'an. when they read Al -Qur'an.

The definition of descriptive text is a type of text in English

Al - Qur'an is a holy book revealed by Allah SWT to the
that describes in detail the inherent nature and
Prophet Muhammad through the intermediary of the Angel
characteristics of people, plants, and also inanimate objects.
Gabriel. Al - Qur'an itself is a way of life for Muslims. To be
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe something in
able to apply the contents of the Qur'an in our lives, of course
we must understand the contents of the Qur'an. Before
understanding the contents of the Qur'an, we must read the
The characteristics of descriptive text:
Qur'an first until it is fluent. Indeed, to be able to read the
1. Using the simple present tense
Qur'an fluently is not easy and it certainly takes time, but
2. Using adjectives
over time it will definitely be possible even more so if we are
3. Using connecting words or sentences
regular and consistent in reading it. So, I want to make a
descriptive text that compares the daily routine of a child who
The generic structure of descriptive text :
diligently reads the Qur'an so that the skill of reading the
1. Identification : contains an introduction to the object to
Qur'an is increasing and the daily routine of a child who is
be described.
lazy to read the Qur'an which makes the skill of reading the
2. Description : contains a description of the object of
Qur'an remain the same.
discussion, both features, properties,etc.

Pancasila is a guide in the life of the Indonesian nation and state. Therefore, Pancasila is said to be the basis of the Indonesian
state. In Pancasila, there is hope and a reflection of the Indonesian nation. This hope will be realized if the Indonesian nation
and state are willing to work together. Meanwhile, reflection is the condition of attitudes, behavior, traits, culture, and others
that exist in Indonesia. The hope of the Indonesian nation and state is stated in one of the precepts contained in Pancasila,
namely the second principle. With this second principle, the hope of the nation and Indonesia is very clearly illustrated,
namely wanting to create equality among Indonesian people. There are five Pancasila, in each of its precepts there will be
values ​that can be used in social life. While the second precept is the precept in which there are human values. This 2nd
precept will not function properly if many Indonesians do not apply it in social life. Therefore, as citizens who wish to live in
peace, security, and peace among their fellow citizens, they must apply the values ​of this 2nd precept. In fact, it's even better
if we have a child, already giving the value of the 2nd precept from an early age. The values ​of Pancasila that have been
instilled from an early age will be easy to understand and later when they are adults they are accustomed to applying the
values ​of Pancasila, especially the second principle.

The title Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an is related to one of the civic
materials, namely the second Pancasila. The second precept of Pancasila reads "Just and Civilized Humanity" which is
contained in the Qur'an. By being someone who has a sense of humanity and civility, we have also applied the values ​
contained in the Qur'an, besides that we have also applied the values ​of Pancasila, especially the second precept.

Football refers to a game played by two different teams, with a composition of eleven players on the field. Where each team tries to win
and score a goal against the opponent's goal. In the sense of football, then this game involves the movement of physical, mental, gross and
fine motor elements, and is built with solid team strength. The movement of all these elements is done to keep the ball moving dynamically
and crossing the goal line. The ball used in the game is oval in shape, where every movement is carried out by each player using his feet
and only the goalkeeper (goalkeeper) can touch the ball using his hands. Moments and events from football matches do give an
unforgettable impression and always attract attention to be seen movement by movement. There is nothing wrong with football being one
of the most popular sports in the world. Technique in football is one of the most obvious and visible elements in the game of football. The
ability in soccer technique will have a big influence on the team's victory.

that the title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Recitation of the Al - Qur'an on a regular
basis has a relationship with one of the physical health materials, namely football. In playing soccer, it is
necessary to have a technique in order to play well and correctly, as well as by reading the Qur'an. In reading
the Qur'an, it is necessary to have a technique in reading the Qur'an so that our reading is good and correct.
However, to master all these techniques will definitely take time, whether it's long or short, depending on us.
If we continue to practice the technique regularly and consistently, the faster we will master the technique.

What is meant by rahmatan lil alamin or as a mercy for the universe as mentioned in the letter
Al Anbiya is that everything that is done, taught, or everything that is ordered, prohibited or
encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad must have benefit for creatures in the universe,
especially for humans both in world and in the hereafter. The meaning of rahmatan lil alamin is
that everything that comes from the Messenger of Allah, whether in the form of morals, adab, or
in the form of law, whether it is an order, prohibition, or recommendation, an appeal not to do
something, everything that comes from the prophet must bring the benefit of the world and the
hereafter. Everything that comes from Allah SWT and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is
included in the case of muamalah law, the law of jinayah to matters in the family must bring
good benefits. While what is called maslahat itself is a thing or case that has good benefits not
only in this world but also in the hereafter. Therefore we must believe that what the Prophet
Muhammad taught brings goodness.

The title Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty is related to one of the SKI materials, namely the
Prophet Muhammad SAW as Rahmatan Lil Alamin. Al - Qur'an is a holy book revealed by Allah SWT
to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Where the Qur'an plays a role as a source of life guidance for us
Muslims. Therefore, we should always read it.

People say the world is narrowing now. Want to go anywhere in a matter of minutes. With whom we can
coincide with each other. News abroad there, in the country was a hit. Even viruses that are far from CHINA
curtain can reach remote villages in Indonesia. These are all effects of globalization. Connected with anyone
without using it for a long time because the internet is our mainstay. Want to see what's where just click. If you
want Japanese food, you don't have to fly to Japan. Many things are easy to go viral because they are easy to
spread. Many people suddenly became famous because their actions were watched by many people. All because
of globalization. Globalization is the spread of the influence of science and culture in every corner of the world to
other corners of the world so that the boundaries of a country are no longer clear. Globalization is a process of
international integration that occurs due to the exchange of world views, products, thoughts, and other aspects of
culture. Globalization is seen as a social process, or historical process, or a natural process that will bring all
nations and countries in the world closer together, creating a new order of life or unity of co-existence by
removing geographical, economic and cultural boundaries of society. In addition, communication between
people from different countries can be easily done because of the help of communication tools and internet
networks. However, behind that there are also negative impacts of globalization, such as today's society being
more lazy due to dependence on technology, even though technology should be used sparingly and as needed.

The title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an is related to one
of the social materials, namely social change and globalization. As we know that globalization has a bad impact
that will be very detrimental to anyone who accepts it. In order to avoid the negative impact of globalization, we
can fill our spare time by reading the Qur'an, this activity is more useful than playing with gadgets. By reading
the Qur'an we can also increase our faith.

The definition of temperature or temperature is a measure of the hotness or coldness of an object, the temperature is
included in a physical quantity which states the degree of heat of a certain object or substance. Objects have molecules,
atoms that move in displacement or vibration. The higher the energy of the atom, the higher the temperature of the
object. The instrument used to measure temperature is a thermometer. The type of scale used in measuring
temperature is the Celsius, Reamur, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales. Each scale has a different freezing point and boiling

The title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty through Recitation of the Al - Qur'an on a regular basis has a
relationship with one of the science materials, namely temperature and temperature. The temperature can change
depending on the conditions in the room. Likewise with interest in reading the Qur'an which also varies. Some are high
and some are low. To overcome this, it is necessary to have faith so that it is not easily influenced by negative things.
One way to increase faith is to read the Qur'an.

It is necessary to pay attention to the differences in the context of the times between the time when the Mabadi Khaira
Ummah movement was first initiated and the present. Seeing the magnitude and fundamentals of the social changes
that occurred in this historical period, of course, the difference in context has no small consequences. The same is true
of the development of NU's internal needs. Therefore, it is necessary to make some adjustments and developments from
the first mabadi khaira ummah movement so that it grows more in the present context. If originally there were three
items in the mabadi khaira ummah, then two points need to be added to anticipate contemporary problems, namely 'is
and istiqamah, which can also be called al-Mabadi al-Khamsah with the following details are As - Sidqu, Al - Amanah
wal wahfa bil ahdi, At - Taawun, Istiqamah.

Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an are related to one of Aswaja's
materials, namely Mabadi' Khaira Ummah. Mabadi' Khaira Ummah has five Mabadi' items that are used today, one
of which is Al - Istiqomah. Al-Istiqomah itself is a firm and consistent attitude. In learning to read the Qur'an, whether
it is fluent or not, you still have to read it regularly and consistently so that those who are already fluent can read more
fluently, as well as those who are not fluent will gradually - gradually.

Al - Qur'an is a holy book that is the guideline for the life of Muslims. The Qur'an itself is a holy book that was revealed by Allah
SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the intermediary of the Angel Gabriel. As Muslims, we must apply the values ​
contained in the Qur'an. However, before applying it we must know in advance the contents of the Qur'an so as not to be wrong
in applying it. The first step we can do is facilitate our reading. Indeed, reading the Qur'an until it is fluent is not that easy
because to read the Qur'an it should not be careless, we must pay attention to tajwid, the length and shortness of the letters, and
the place where it stops. However, over time it will definitely run smoothly if we read it regularly and consistently every day. By
reading the Qur'an we will get a lot of good impacts or effects, but we may feel these effects or effects if we continue to read them,
not just once or twice. This is the same as arithmetic sequences, namely disputes in each increase in numbers.

The title Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an is related to one of the mathematics
materials, namely arithmetic sequences. Which is where If we want to benefit or get results from reading the Qur'an we must
read the Qur'an regularly and consistently, as well as arithmetic sequences.

Istiqomah itself has the meaning of straight, upright or in the standard language is consistent. Istiqomah
according to Ali Bin Abi Talib is an act of carrying out an obligation. Ibn Abbas interprets istiqomah with three
meanings, first is istiqomah verbally with a defensive attitude by reading the creed. Then the second is istiqomah
with the heart, namely by doing everything with honest intentions. And the last is istiqomah with the soul where a
person always performs worship and obedience to Allah continuously. An-Nawani interprets istiqomah as staying
in obedience. So istiqomah itself has the understanding that someone is always in obedience and on the straight
path in worshiping Allah SWT. Mujahid interprets istiqomah as a commitment to the sentence of creed and also
monotheism until he meets Allah SWT.

The title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an is related to one of
the Aqidah Akhlak materials, namely Istiqomah. Istiqomah itself is a consistently consistent attitude, which is
where this attitude is needed for the process of learning to read the Qur'an so that it can quickly facilitate its

Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Recitation of the Al-Qur'an Routinely have a relationship
with fard prayers. In the Qur'an it has been explained that the prayer that we must do every day is the fard prayer
which is performed 5 times, namely dawn, dhzuhur, asr, maghrib, and isya'. All of that is already stated in the
Qur'an, so if we have performed the fardhu prayer, it means that we have implemented the contents of the
Qur'an. Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Recitation of the Al-Qur'an Routinely have a
relationship with fard prayers. In the Qur'an it has been explained that the prayer that we must do every day is
the fard prayer which is performed 5 times, namely dawn, dhzuhur, asr, maghrib, and isya'. All of that is already
listed in the Qur'an, so if we have performed the fardhu prayer, it means that we have implemented the contents
of the Qur'an.

the title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty through Recitation of the Al - Qur'an on a
regular basis is related to one of the Fiqh materials, namely Fard Prayer. Which is where the fard
prayer is already listed in the Qur'an, so if we do it, it means we have applied the contents of the

Efforts to increase faith in God Almighty through regular reading of the Qur'an is related to one of the Qurdist materials,
namely Az-Zumar verse 53. Which is where we can read the Qur'an so that later we will be interceded and our sins forgiven.
Allah SWT. We must not be pessimistic, no matter how much our sins are even as many as foam in the ocean, our sins will
definitely be forgiven if we repent and continue to increase our faith in Allah SWT. Verily Allah SWT is Most Forgiving.
Surah az-Zumar verse 53 is:

‫ۡل اِد َي َّلِذيَن ْا ٰٓىَل اَل ْا َّرۡحَم ِة لَّلِۚه لَّلَه ٱلُّذ ُنوَب ۚا ۡلَغ ُف وُر لَّرِح يُم‬
"Say: "O My servants who transgress against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Verily Allah forgives all
sins. Verily, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful."

Based on this verse, it can be concluded that the verse contains a prohibition against despairing from Allah's mercy, because
Allah is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful, meaning that Allah will forgive the sins of anyone who repents and does not
despair of Allah's mercy.

The title of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Regular Reading of the Qur'an is related to one of the qurdist
materials, namely the letter Az - Zumar verse 53. Which is where we can ask forgiveness from Allah SWT through recitation
of the Qur'an.

Like humans, computers also have ways of communicating. The language used by computers is not human language, but
code or machine language. The structure of machine language is very simple because it only consists of two numbers, namely
the digits 0 and 1. This is commonly called the binary form. You can indeed give instructions to the computer using machine
language. However, this method is very impractical and takes a long time. As a solution, a programming language was born
that provides a means to make communication with computers easier. In simple language, coding is an activity carried out by
programmers to be able to communicate with computers. Without coding from the programmer, the computer can't do
anything, it's just an ordinary pile of iron. Learning to code cannot be instant. In addition to having to read a lot of sources to
add insight, you also need to keep practicing to become more proficient. So, the key is to be consistent.

Efforts to increase faith in God Almighty have a relationship with one of the technologies, namely mobile phones.
Technology itself is a science that supports the comfort and convenience of human life in sustainability. One of the technology
products is mobile phones. With mobile phones, we can do everything quickly and easily. In the cellphone itself there are lots
of applications that we can download and use to simplify and speed up the activities we do. One of these applications is the
application of the Al - Qur'an or commonly called the digital Al - Qur'an. With the digital Al - Qur'an we can read the Al -
Qur'an without any hassle and we can access it anytime and anywhere we want. Al - Qur'an digital is very helpful and makes
it easier for us.
Based on the project of Efforts to Increase Faith in God Almighty Through Recitation of the Qur'an
regularly, the following conclusions are obtained:
1. Increasing Faith in God Almighty Through Recitation of the Qur'an on a regular basis is very
important for us as Muslims. Through reading the holy verses of the Qur'an as an effort to increase
faith, Muslims will understand the importance of a faith which is one way to get closer to the
2. Spiritual development through reading the Qur'an as self-reflection brings a much better effect.
Akhlakul kharimah depends on the spiritual itself, if there is no effort to increase these spiritual
points, then the formation of Akhlakul kharimah will continue to survive without any increase. With
this research, the ideals of the nation and religion in forming a society with character and character
will be achieved.
Any Question?
Thank You So Much!

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