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Adobe Photoshop

Adobe PhotoShop

Adobe Photoshop Software

Starting Adobe Photoshop

 Start >> All Program >> Adobe >> Photoshop CS4 >> Adobe Photoshop CS4

The following window will appear.

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Adobe Photoshop


 File Menu >>> New (or) Ctrl + N

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Adobe Photoshop

Tool box Overview

Tool Box Tool

 Tool Box Tool Click (or)

 Tool Keyboard Shortcut

Tool Box Hidden Tool

 Tool Box Tool Right Click List

Tool Click

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Adobe Photoshop

Saving the File

 Click >> File Menu
 Click >> Save
 In Save as Dialogbox
 Choose >> Save in Box (Eg. Local Disk C,D, Desktop)
 Type >> File Name (Eg. People, View, Flower)
 Choose >> Format (Eg. Jpeg, Psd)
 Click >> Save Button and then Choose JPEG Option and Click OK Button.

Open the File

 Click >> File Menu
 Click >> Open
 In Open Dialog Box
 Choose >> Look in Box (Eg. Local Disk C,D, Desktop)
 Double Click >> On you would like to choose Folder.
 Choose >> File Name (Eg. Flower.jpeg)
 Click >> Open Button.

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Adobe Photoshop

Selecting Layers
 Layer Palette Select Layer Pointer Click
 Select Ctrl
 Layer Select Shift

Delete Layers
 Layer Palette Delete Layer Select Delete Key

Duplicate Layers
 Layer Layer Selector Ctrl + J (Or)
 Move Tool Alt

Create New Layers

 Layer Ctrl + Shift + N Box Enter

Using Marquee Tools

 Click >> New Layer button in the Layer Palette
 Select >> Elliptical Marquee tool

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Adobe Photoshop


 Selection Ctrl + D

Choose Colors in the toolbox

Foreground and background color boxes in toolbox.
 Foreground Color Alt + Backspace
 Background Color Ctrl + Backspace

Prepared By: IBCT (International Business & Computer Technology) Page 6

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop Exercise

Exercise - 1 (Using Marquee Tool)

 Elliptical Marquee Tool

 Alt Selection

 Mouse Space Bar Alt

 Alt Selection

 Shift Selection
Shift Selection

 Shift

 Layer
 Ctrl + D Select

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Adobe Photoshop

Exercise - 2 Making Patten(Using Marquee Tool)

 New, Width - 1”, Height - 1”, Resolution - 100, RGB OK.

 View Menu >> New Guide (i) Vertical - 0.5, OK
 View Menu >> New Guide (ii) Horizontal - 0.5, OK

 Rectangular Marquee Tool Select Shift

 Selection Ctrl + Shift + I(Select Inverse)
 Ctrl + D Select
 Edit Menu >> Define Patten
 Box Ok

Exercise - 3 Filling Patten (Using Marquee Tool)

 New, Width -4”, Height - 6”, Resolution - 150 , RGB, White

 Edit Menu - Fill
 Box Use Patten
 Patten Ok
 Gride Line View Menu New Guide
 Gride Line View Menu Clear
 Gride , Ruler View Menu Ruler
 Shortcut Ctrl + R

Exercise – 4

 File >> Open>>

 Polygonal Lasso Tool Select
 New Layer Select Opicity

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Adobe Photoshop

Exercise 4 -

 File >> Open>>

 Layer Select Polygonal Lasso Tool Select
 Image >> Adjustment>> Variations
 Box Click
Preview (Current Pick)

Excercise - 5 Using Burn Tool ( )

 New, Width - 6”, Height - 4”, Resolution - 150, RGB, White

 Elliptical Marquee Tool Gradient Tool Liner

 Burn Tool

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Adobe Photoshop

 Ctrl + j Copy Ctrl + T Layer Opacity

Exercise - 6 Using Rectangular Marquee Tool ( )

 New, Width -4”, Height - 6”, Resolution - 300, RGB, White

 Rectangular Marquee Tools Layer
 Rectangular Marquee Tools Layer

 Retangular Marquee Tool

 Custom Shape Tool Option bar Path Rounded Rectangle Tool Ctrl +
Enter select Layer Alt + Drag Copy
 Custom Shape Tool Ctrl + Enter select Layer

 Custom Shape Tool Select

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Adobe Photoshop

Exercise - 7 Custom Shape Tools )

 New, Width -4”, Height - 6”, Resolution - 150, RGB, White

 Custom Shape Tools Layer
Ctrl + J Copy Ctrl + T ,Center Point
Alt + Shift + Drag Enter

 Ctrl + Alt + Shift +T

Exercise - 8 Rectangular Marquees Tools ( Film )

 New, Width -4”, Height - 6”, Resolution - 150, RGB, White

 Choose Rectangular Marquees Tools >> Draw New Layer Color
Ctrl + D
 Choose Rectangular Marquee Tools >> New Layer
 Alt + Drag Copy

 Layer Ctrl + E Layer ALt + Drag Copy

 File >> Open >> Layer

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Adobe Photoshop

Exercise – 9 Style

 New, 6" x 4", 150, RGB, white

 Type Tool TODAY
 Font – Arial Font Font Color
 Stroke Stroke Color

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Adobe Photoshop

Exercise – 10

 Copy
 Type Tool FLOWER
 Layer
 Layer select Right Click > Create Clipping Mask
 Layer select fx(Layer Style) Stroke color

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Adobe Photoshop

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