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Innovation and design thinking mcq with explanations for module one

mvp prototyping
1.mvp stands for
a.maximum viable product
b.maximum variation product
c.minimum variation product
d.minimum viable product
answer d
explanation main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early
and fail cheap
this means use minimum resources are to be used during the prototyping yet the
product should satisfy the user's needs
thus the prototyping in named alternatively is minimum viable product

2 an example of a product that shows someone how it works or what it looks

like is called
a an idea b a prototype
c an experiment
d a design
answer b
explanation a prototype is an early sample model or release of a product built to test a
concept or process prototyping serves to provide specifications for a real working system
rather than a theoretical one prototype is a model or example which shows to someone
how to works or how it look like
3. in prototyping one should keep in mind
a fail fast
b fail cheap
c fail often
d all of these
answer d
explanation main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early and fail cheap
and fail often as the process of design thinking is an iterative nature

4 a prototype in the prototype stage should include all of these characteristics except
a scaled down
b quickly assembled
c low cost
d final version
answer d
explanation main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early and fail cheap
this means minimum resources are to be used during the prototyping
characteristics scaled down quick assembly and low cost to satisfy the above condition

5 how detailed and polished is the prototype is called

a fidelity
b interactivity
c life cycle

d none of these
answer a
explanation how detailed and polished is the prototype is called fidelity

6. prototypes that are quick cheap and highly collaborative and don't require
advanced design skills are called
a low fidelity prototypes
b high
fidelity prototypes
c mod fidelity
d none of these
answer a
explanation low fidelity prototypes are ideal if one want to rapidly test broad concepts
they're quick cheap and highly collaborative they don't require advanced design skills so
different people from different teams can easily be involved

7. prototypes that are more detailed realistic look and operate much like the
final product are called
a low fidelity prototypes
b high fidelity prototypes
c mid fidelity prototypes
d none of these
answer b
explanation high fidelity prototypes are more detailed realistic prototypes that look and
operate much like the final product you'll move on to hi-fi prototypes once you have a
good idea of what you're going to build they'll help you to fine-tune the design and get it
ready for market

8 the process of creating evidence-based interaction designs between human users and
products or websites is called

a user experience design

b engineering design
c process design
d none of these
answer a
explanation user experience design ux design uxd ued or xd is the process of creating
evidence-based interaction designs between human users and products or websites

9. user experience design can be

abbreviated as
a xd
b uxd
c ued
d all of these
answer d
explanation user experience design ux design uxd ued or xd is the process of
creating evidence-based interaction designs between human users and products
or websites


10. tool for creating a digital prototype

a sketch
b adobe xd
c envision
d figma
e.all of these
answer e
there are several tools commercially available for creating digital prototypes they are
Ux pin InVision AdobeXd Justinmind Figma Sketch Marvel proto. pi etc

11 type of prototypes that are more expensive and time consuming to produce are
a low fidelity prototypes
b high fidelity prototypes
c mid fidelity prototypes
d none of these
answer b
explanation prototypes that consume more resources time and money and looks more
polished way are called high fidelity prototypes

12 the four steps of canonical prototyping iteration

1. a.developing a prototype to exemplify a possibility
2. b.imagining possibilities
3. c.receiving feedback on the prototype
4. re-evaluating limitations
choose the correct order of these steps
a. 1 -2 -3 -4
b. 2 -1 -3 -4
c. 2- 1 -4 -3
d. 4 -3 -2 -1
answer b
explanation the four steps of canonical prototyping iteration in the correct order imagining
possibilities developing a prototype to exemplify a possibility receiving feedback on the
prototype re-evaluating limitations

13. this limitation frequently encourage the organizations and individuals to prioritize
realization over iteration
a financial resources
b non-availability of team members
c time
d none
answer c
explanation the main constraint or limitation for business organizations is the time they
would like to bring their product into the market earlier to theirs as competitors

14 many people believe that business is

a iteration overvalue
b under value
answer b
explanation design is frequently confined by time which can deter designers from treating

many people believe that businesses undervalue iteration

while economists have developed economic models and conducted cost-benefit
analyses to support rapid iteration resource constraints remain a major impediment to its
use in industry
from this one should keep in mind while iterating in prototyping fail early fail fast and fail

15. which of following statement is true

a.people with high self-esteem respond less negatively to failure
b. people with high self-esteem respond more negatively to failure
c people with low self-esteem respond less negatively to failure
d. none of these
answer a
explanation people with high self-esteem respond less negatively to failure and they
learn from the failures in iteration during prototyping the main concern is to learn and
improve the designs

16. The goal of the prototype phases understand what component of your idea didn't work understand what component of your idea work
c.both of them
d.none of them
answer c
explanation in
prototype phase we will develop the prototypes based on the different ideas that are
generated during the ideation phase
some of the ideas will fail and some may give success
we will understand what component of idea did not work and what component of idea

17.minimum viable product is also called

a final product
b design of a product
d none of these
answer c
explanation main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early and fail cheap
this means minimum resources are to be used during the prototyping yet the
product should satisfy the user's needs
thus the prototyping is named alternatively as minimum viable product

18. a scaled down version of your product a simulation or sample version

which enables you to test your ideas and designs before investing time and money
into actually developing the product is called
a an idea
b a prototype
c an experiment
d a design
answer b
main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early and fail cheap

and use minimum resources time and money

hence a prototype is a scaled down
version of a product to test our idea

19. what is a prototype as it relates to design thinking a

a model used to help define the problem that needs solved
b a planning stage for designers to empathize with users
c a model that end users can test and give feedback on
d a method of brainstorming to come up with various ideas
answer c
explanation a prototype is a model that all the stakeholders of the product or service
including the end users can test and give their feedback main focus is on the feedback of
the client or customer

20. which one is not true about product prototype

a it shows what it looks like
b it shows what does
c it can be presented to companies
d professionals never assist with the design
answer d
explanation prototype is a model to show how the product look like and how it functions
and hence can be presented to the companies for their feedback

21.paper prototyping is an example of low fidelity

b high fidelity prototype
c mid fidelity prototype
d none of these
answer a
explanation paper prototyping is quick cheap and highly collaborative and don't require
advanced design skills hence it is an example of low fidelity prototype

22. in the iteration condition during the egg drop exercise participants were
instructed to test and develop their design time
b two times
c several times
d not allowed to test
answer c
iteration is the repetition of a process in order to generate a sequence of outcomes
hence an iteration condition participants can develop and test their design several times

23. in the egg drop exercise success of the participants was objectively
measured by
a.size of the egg
b weight of the egg
c drop height
d none of these
answer c

explanation in egg drop exercise participants design a vessel from everyday materials to
protect a raw egg from a fall then measure the performance of the design by dropping a
single egg from a one foot marker then two then three and so on until the egg cracks
task performance is now measured as the highest height in feet at which the egg
survives a fall

24 in the egg drop exercise the iteration condition participants produced vessels that ----
to the non-iteration condition
a outperformed
b underperformed
answer a
explanation in iteration during prototyping the main concern is to learn and improve the
designs hence in the iteration condition participants produced vessels that outperformed
to the non-iteration condition participants

25 in the egg drop exercise the individual with prior exposure to the egg drop task ----
than those who have not done this exercise before
a outperformed
b underperformed
answer a
explanation prior exposure to the egg drops activity offered participants an
advantage in developing first design concepts and also more progress with
feedback than beginners initial ideas according to one perspective prior
experience provides people with an index of examples or cases while feedback
simply helps them sort through the excellent and bad ideas another perspective asserts
that prior experience is about learning how to perceive and interpret feedback on
proposed solutions not only knowing instances this concludes that domain specific
exposure and experience aids in improving the designs

26 in the egg drop exercise iteration did not lead to divergence and most of
the participants chose an initial design direction and then iterated to improve
on it this may be because of the main constraint that is
a.non-availability of suitable material for producing a vessel
d.none of these
answer b
explanation total time duration for this egg drop exercise is one hour 40 minutes
for the design in 20 minutes for interview hence participants may not have felt
they had enough time to explore several ideas and once they started it was
difficult to justify switching to a new one

27.being an experimental phase continuous iterations can take place

here which phase it refers to
c. prototype
d.none of them
answer c
explanation in prototype phase we will develop the prototypes based on the different
ideas that are generated during the ideation phase we will improve the design with

continuous iterations of the good ideas that are working for the improvement

28 is prototyping a step in the design thinking process

answer a
explanation the five steps in design thinking process are emphasize ,define, ideate
prototype, test
prototyping is a step in the design thinking process

29. collecting -------is an important portion of testing a prototype in the test stage
of design thinking
a. pictures
b. money
c. feedback
d. emails
answer c
explanation the purpose of prototyping is to test your best idea to get feedback from all
the stakeholders (user client design team representatives from funding organization etc)

30. prototype is a simple experimental model of a proposed solution used too

a.test ideas
b.validate ideas
c. both
d.none of the above
answer c
explanation the purpose of prototyping is to test and also validate the good ideas

31. the purpose of MVP is

a.not be able to test a product hypothesis with maximum resources
b.accelerate learning
c.reduce wasted engineering hours
d.get the product to early customers as soon as possible
answer a
main concept in design thinking while prototyping is fail early and fail cheap
this means use minimum resources are to be used during the prototyping yet the
product should satisfy the user's needs
thus the prototyping in named
alternatively is minimum viable product and not to use maximum resources

32. what is your first model design of a product called

b.rough draft
d.practice design
answer c
in prototype phase we will develop a model or prototype based on the different ideas that
are generated during the ideation phase


33.the wang ayal study of 2005 concludes that innovation activities in germany are more
a.divided b scheduled c sequential d all of the above
answer d
wang 2005 made comparison between germany and china on innovation management
this study concluded that innovation activities in germany more clearly sequential divided
and scheduled whereas the innovation activities in china are overlapping

34.the 1998 studies of karana and rosenthal suggest that the Japanese firms are more in
which of these design approach
a formal b casual c holistic d unconcerned
answer c

explanation studies of karana and rosenthal in 1998 brought out the cultural differences
in new product development that holistic approach in japan firms and formality approach
in u.s firms this study supporting the belief that design practices may vary by culture

35. it is difficult to incorporate the customer perspective in chinese economy

due to
a.buddhism b
c Jainism
d sufism
answer b
explanation article by xiaoweiao in 2006 on economic development in china conclude
that in china it is difficult in incorporating the customer perspectives this is because of
confucianism one and may adhere more to supervision and rules this directly affecting
the design thinking in china confucianism also known as ruism is a system of thought
and behavior originating in ancient china variously described as tradition a philosophy a
religion a humanistic or rationalistic religion a way of governing or simply a way of life
confucianism developed from what was later called the hundred schools of thought from
the teachings of the chinese philosopher confucius

36. asian clients expect to get in order to improve the client consultant relationship
a.extra service
c.progress reports
d.none of these
answer a
explanation according to the designers asian clients were described as wanting
the design consultancy to work on the project and deliver a final design based
on their own council in addition contracts with asian clients tended to be more fluid and
there was an expectation of getting extras as a show of strength in the relationship

37. in the clients are collaborative with the designers
b europe
c korea
d north america
answer d

according to the designers in north america the relationship with the client was described
as collaborative

38. study shows that the asian clients are more _______
a process-oriented
b concerned
c result oriented
d unconcerned
answer c
explanation research concludes that with regard to process is a legitimate deliverable
asian clients were said to not care about how the designers approach the design
activities one informant is that they don't care about the process just show me the cool

39. by being creative asian clients still prefer products that are _____
a. same of existing products
b. out of the box
c. fit with the stream of existing products
d. none of the above
answer c

interview with the asian designers revealed that their goal was to design something that
fit within the stream of existing products

40. european fashion designers are more when compared to asian designers
b multi-talented
c specialized
d all of the above
answer a
explanation in france and England fashion designers were trained to be pattern cutters
and were expected to be able to take on this role or at least demonstrate a high level of
competency when working with a specialist pattern cutter thinking and practices are

a.highly influenced by social and institutional
b.environment national and corporate culture
c.disciplinary culture
d.all of the above
answer d
explanation figure


reflects on how design thinking and practices are

embedded within the cultural context each layer affects and is affected by
the adjacent layers

42.teams are much valued as they closely work together even contributing outside
their occupational boundaries

a multi-talented
b multi-disciplinary
c multitasking
d none of these

answer b

explanation multi-disciplinary teams contribute outside their occupational

boundaries such as mechanical engineers may get involved in user studies and
anthropologists might make contributions that would generally be made by
industrial designers thanks for watching comment for any suggestions like share and

43. the main objective design thinking research is

a testing the theory
b refining the theory
d none of these
c both a and b

answer c
explanation both the theory and practice go hand in hand in designthinki g as they are
closely interconnected as they're a close interrelation between theory and practice there
is a need for design thinking research and its main objective is test and refine the theory
of design thinking
44. J. Von Thienen found some analogy between design thinking and
a psychology
c sociology
d none of these
answer b
explanation both design thinking and musicology aims for something productive and
creative musicologists examine the bits of music and their composition in the same way
design thinkers examine design the different solutions in their outcome


45. a solution is said to be innovative if the solution is

a unusual
b useful
c both a and b
d none
of these
answer c
explanation they're a two dimension of innovation they are first usefulness and second

46.the correlation between unusualness and usefulness in this design thinking

research is
a positive
b negative
c zero
d none of these
answer b
wild ideas are encouraged in the d school training but there certainly is a danger of what
may be called an oddness trap
a go for the wild approach might be more productive in circumstances when basically all
likely solutions have already been explored and something else is wanted
in this experiment of design thinking research this was obviously not the case hence this
research found a negative correlation between unusualness and usefulness

47 design thinking research shows less communication problems in

a D school training teams
b non D school training teams
answer a

explanation D school training improve communication skills and also communication

problems can be handled easily by d school trained teams
what elements of the D school experience most powerfully enhanced communication
skills are issues that would have to be researched

48. a go for the wild approach might be more productive in circumstances

a.when basically all likely solutions have already been explored and something else
is wanted
b in all circumstances

answer a


wild ideas are encouraged in the D school training but there certainly is a danger of what
may be called an oddness trap
A go for the wild approach might be more productive in circumstances when basically all
likely solutions have already been explored and something else is wanted


49 hypothetically D school trained and multi-disciplinary teams produce

number of innovative solutions when compared to untrained monodisciplinary
a less
b more
c equal
answer b
In a design thinking process teams are encouraged to explore the
problem space copiously before actually deciding on one particular solution
In mono disciplinary teams experts are equally trained and all trained in the
same domain then the knowledge that their team adaptive is much limited when
compared to that the knowledge of a team where the members are different in their
domains of expertise as in multi-disciplinary teams
Above discussion supports that D-school trained and multi-disciplinary teams produce
more innovative solutions
This may not be true in all situations

50 falling in love with funny ideas must not deflect designers from
a cost of the product
b appearance of the product
c the user's true needs
d none of these
answer c
design thinking is a human centric solution based problem solving and iterative
framework hence innovative ideas should not deflect from the user's true needs

51 in general multi-disciplinary teams have communication problems when

compared to mono-disciplinary teams
a less
b more
c equal
answer b
multi-disciplinary teams with differing academic backgrounds have been trained
to use different strategies when approaching a problem they have also been trained to
use different concepts
the words they use may differ the categories by which they sort things in the world may
differ and the implications associated with one or the
other categorization may differ as well
this discussion supports the notion that multi-disciplinary teams experience more
communication problems than mono-disciplinary teams

52 the close interrelation between theory and practice in design thinking

a innovation
b creativity thinking research

d none of these
answer c
explanation both the theory and practice go hand in hand in design thinking
As they are closely interconnected
The theory provides is a blueprint in guiding the organizations in general design teams in
particular during the design phase
As their is a close interrelation between theory and practice there is a need for design
thinking research
Design thinking research should help to test and refine theory elements of
design thinking


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