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Mary McGinnis

North Square Investments

Sarah Van Dorpe
MKT 393

North Square Investments is a diversified, multi-asset investment manager with eleven

distinct funds to help clients achieve their investment goals. As a privately held firm, its shares

are not listed on any stock exchange. This affords North Square the ability to remain robust and

client centric. North Square uniquely assembles talented financial individuals who work together

to develop innovative and profitable funds. The firm was founded on the premise that the

financial industry requires creativity, collaboration, and an enduring commitment to clients in

order to succeed. Over the years, North Square Investments has established itself as a steadily

growing entity with a record of excellence, most recently being recognized on the Inc. 5000

ranking of fastest growing privately held firms.


North Square Investments operates in the highly competitive asset management industry,

characterized by numerous firms offering a range of investment products and services. In

Chicago, notable competitors include William Blair & Company, Northern Trust Corporation,

and Ariel Investments. These firms, alongside North Square Investments, contribute to a market

that comprises thousands of companies managing significant assets. The global asset

management industry has reached approximately $100 trillion in assets under management

(AUM) in recent years, with the U.S. accounting for several trillion dollars. Chicago, as a major

financial hub, hosts several key players that significantly impact market dynamics.

The competitive landscape in Chicago is particularly intense, with North Square facing

competition from both large entities like Northern Trust Corporation, which leverages extensive

resources and a long-standing reputation, and mid-sized firms such as William Blair & Company

and Ariel Investments, known for their specialized investment strategies and strong client
relationships. Northern Trust commands significant market share with its vast range of financial

services, while Ariel Investments, one of the largest African American-owned investment firms,

competes by focusing on value-based investing and community impact. To succeed in this

environment, North Square must continually adapt to market trends, maintain a client-centric

approach, and leverage its unique strengths to differentiate itself from competitors. Exhibits

showcasing North Square’s performance metrics, client testimonials, and strategic initiatives,

along with comparative analyses of key competitors, would be instrumental in highlighting the

firm’s competitive positioning and value proposition in the industry.

Technological advancements are reshaping the asset management industry, significantly

influencing firms like North Square Investments. Key technologies include big data analytics,

artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and automation. These tools enable firms to process vast

amounts of information, uncover investment opportunities, manage risks more effectively, and

offer personalized investment advice. AI and machine learning facilitate predictive analytics and

algorithmic trading, enhancing portfolio management by optimizing asset allocation and

identifying potential market disruptions. Blockchain technology enhances transparency and

security in transactions, streamlining processes like clearing and settlement, reducing costs, and

increasing efficiency.

North Square Investments leverages these technologies to refine its investment strategies

and improve risk management. Automation tools streamline operations and enhance productivity,

allowing the firm to focus on delivering superior client service. AI models like ChatGPT play a

crucial role in client interaction, enabling efficient and accurate responses to inquiries and

assisting in portfolio analysis and reporting. Economic factors such as interest rates, inflation,

economic growth, and geopolitical stability profoundly impact the asset management industry.
For instance, changes in interest rates influence bond yields and equity valuations, prompting

shifts in asset allocation strategies. High inflation erodes the purchasing power of returns,

pushing asset managers to seek inflation-hedging investments, while low inflation and stable

economic growth boost market confidence.

In the current economic landscape, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced

unprecedented challenges, accelerated the adoption of digital technologies and highlighting the

importance of sustainable and resilient investment strategies. Firms are increasingly integrating

environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment processes. For North

Square, these economic factors necessitate a proactive and dynamic approach. By leveraging

advanced technologies and maintaining a diversified portfolio, the firm can navigate economic

fluctuations and continue to deliver value to its clients. Exhibits detailing economic trends,

market analysis, and strategic responses can provide deeper insights into the firm's approach to

managing economic impacts.

Legal and Political Factors

The asset management industry is subject to a complex web of legal and political factors

that can significantly impact its operations. Key legislative and regulatory developments often

shape the landscape in which firms like North Square Investments operate. One significant piece

of legislation is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which aims to

reduce risks in the financial system. This act imposes stringent regulations on asset managers,

including enhanced reporting requirements and fiduciary responsibilities. Compliance with such

regulations necessitates robust internal controls and can lead to increased operational costs.

Additionally, political factors such as changes in tax policy can affect investment strategies and

portfolio management. For instance, proposed changes to capital gains tax rates or the
introduction of new taxes on financial transactions can influence the attractiveness of certain

investment vehicles and strategies.

Recent discussions around ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations are

particularly relevant. Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly focusing on

sustainability, pushing asset managers to integrate ESG criteria into their investment processes.

This trend is driven by growing awareness of climate change and social responsibility among

investors and policymakers. Furthermore, geopolitical events such as trade wars, Brexit, and

shifts in international relations can introduce volatility and uncertainty into the markets. Asset

managers must be adept at navigating these political risks to safeguard their clients' investments.

Customer Trends

Customer preferences in the asset management industry are evolving rapidly, driven by

technological advancements, changing demographics, and increased awareness of social and

environmental issues. One prominent trend is the growing demand for personalized investment

solutions. Customers are increasingly seeking tailored investment strategies that align with their

individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and personal values. This trend is fueled by

advancements in data analytics and AI, which enable firms to offer highly customized investment

advice and portfolio management services.

Another significant trend is the shift towards sustainable investing. Investors are placing

greater emphasis on ESG factors, seeking to align their investments with their values and

contribute to positive social and environmental outcomes. This shift is evident in the rising

popularity of ESG-focused funds and impact investing. Moreover, there is a growing preference

for digital and automated services. Clients, especially younger investors, are gravitating towards

robo-advisors and digital platforms that offer convenient, low-cost investment solutions. This
trend is accelerating the digital transformation of the asset management industry, prompting

firms to invest in technology and enhance their online offerings. At the same time, customers are

becoming more cost-conscious. There is increasing scrutiny on management fees and a

preference for low-cost investment products such as ETFs. Asset managers must balance the

pressure to reduce fees with the need to deliver high-quality, value-added services. In summary,

customers are tending to demand more personalized, sustainable, and cost-effective investment

solutions while also embracing digital innovations. Firms like North Square Investments must

stay attuned to these trends and adapt their offerings to meet the evolving needs of their clients.

Marketing Mix

North Square Investments targets high-net-worth individuals, institutional investors, and

businesses seeking sophisticated asset management services. The primary customers are

institutional investors, including pension funds, endowments, and insurance companies. These

clients require tailored investment strategies to meet specific financial goals and regulatory

requirements. High-net-worth individuals also constitute a significant portion of North Square’s

clientele, seeking personalized portfolio management to grow and preserve their wealth.

Compared to competitors like William Blair & Company, Northern Trust Corporation, and Ariel

Investments, North Square focuses on offering bespoke services to its clients. William Blair &

Company targets high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors but emphasizes

investment banking services alongside asset management. Northern Trust Corporation, with a

broader global footprint, serves a wide array of clients, including large institutions and private

clients. Ariel Investments, known for its commitment to socially responsible investing, targets

clients interested in ESG-focused investment strategies.

North Square Investments offers a range of asset management services, including

portfolio management, financial planning, and advisory services. The firm's core offering is its

tailored portfolio management service, customized to meet the unique financial goals and risk

tolerance of each client. Additionally, North Square provides comprehensive financial planning

to help clients achieve long-term financial security and growth. In comparison, William Blair &

Company offers similar asset management services but also integrates investment banking

solutions, catering to clients looking for a broader range of financial services. Northern Trust

Corporation provides extensive wealth management and fiduciary services, leveraging its vast

resources and global presence. Ariel Investments focuses on value-based investing with a strong

emphasis on ESG criteria, attracting clients who prioritize social responsibility alongside

financial returns.

North Square Investments generates revenue primarily through management fees based

on a percentage of assets under management (AUM). The firm also earns fees from financial

planning and advisory services, structured to align with industry standards and ensure

competitive pricing for clients. Competitors like William Blair & Company and Northern Trust

Corporation also rely on management fees as a significant revenue source. However, William

Blair’s additional revenue streams from investment banking services provide a more diversified

income structure. Northern Trust benefits from its extensive range of financial services, including

fiduciary and custody services, which contribute to its revenue. Ariel Investments similarly

charges management fees, with an added emphasis on ESG investment products that may

command premium pricing.

North Square Investments serves clients primarily through direct, personalized

interactions. Clients can access services via in-person meetings at the firm’s offices or through
virtual consultations. The firm leverages online platforms to provide portfolio updates and

financial planning tools, ensuring clients can manage their investments conveniently.

Competitors also use a mix of in-person and digital distribution channels. William Blair &

Company operates from multiple offices globally, offering both face-to-face and online services.

Northern Trust Corporation, with its extensive branch network and digital platforms, provides

seamless access to its services worldwide. Ariel Investments, while maintaining personal client

relationships, also emphasizes digital engagement through robust online tools and resources.

North Square Investments employs a multi-faceted marketing communication strategy,

including online advertising, social media engagement, and thought leadership content. The firm

uses platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and financial news websites to reach its target market.

Content marketing, through blogs and whitepapers, establishes North Square as a thought leader

in asset management. Competitors also leverage diverse marketing strategies. William Blair &

Company utilizes digital marketing, industry events, and media appearances to promote its

services. Northern Trust Corporation invests heavily in brand-building through extensive

advertising campaigns, sponsorships, and public relations efforts. Ariel Investments focuses on

its unique value proposition of socially responsible investing, using targeted social media

campaigns, influencer partnerships, and educational content to attract clients. To measure the

effectiveness of its marketing efforts, North Square tracks key performance indicators such as

website traffic, social media engagement, client inquiries, and conversion rates. Regular analysis

of these metrics ensures the firm can adapt its strategies to optimize reach and impact.

Competitors similarly track their marketing performance, using sophisticated analytics tools to

refine their approaches and maximize client acquisition and retention.

SWOT Analysis
North Square Investments boasts several strengths that position it well within the

competitive landscape of financial services. The firm is renowned for its tailored asset

management services, which build strong, trust-based relationships with high-net-worth

individuals and institutional investors. Additionally, North Square benefits from experienced

leadership and a stable financial position, enabling it to invest in advanced technologies and

skilled professionals. However, it faces challenges such as limited brand recognition compared to

larger competitors like Northern Trust Corporation and William Blair & Company, and a

geographic concentration primarily in the Chicago area. This regional focus could limit market

reach, and heavy reliance on high-net-worth clients makes the firm vulnerable to economic

downturns affecting this segment.

The industry presents several opportunities and threats for North Square. Technological

advancements, particularly in AI and machine learning, offer avenues to enhance investment

strategies and operational efficiency. There's also growing interest in ESG investing, which

North Square can tap into by developing targeted products. Market expansion and strategic

partnerships with fintech companies could further strengthen its competitive edge. However,

economic volatility, intense competition, regulatory changes, and cybersecurity risks pose

significant threats. Economic fluctuations can reduce assets under management and fee income,

while evolving regulations necessitate ongoing investment in compliance. Cybersecurity remains

a critical concern as the industry increasingly relies on digital platforms.

Marketing Goals

North Square Investments currently manages assets worth approximately $500 million,

primarily serving high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors within the Chicago area.
The firm has a modest social media presence with around 2,000 followers across its platforms

and generates an average of 50 new client leads per month through its existing marketing efforts.

Additionally, North Square's ESG investment products account for 10% of its total portfolio

offerings. These benchmarks provide a clear starting point for setting specific, measurable,

achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) marketing goals.

To enhance its market position and service offerings, North Square has established

several ambitious goals focused on leveraging its existing client base on LinkedIn to increase

engagement and reach. First, the firm aims to increase its LinkedIn following from 2,000 to

10,000 within 12 months by implementing a robust social media strategy that includes

personalized content, thought leadership posts, and targeted ads aimed at existing clients and

their networks. Additionally, North Square plans to enhance client engagement by increasing the

number of interactions (likes, comments, shares) on its LinkedIn posts by 50% within the next

six months. This will be achieved through regular, value-driven content updates and interactive

posts such as polls and Q&A sessions. By focusing on LinkedIn, the firm can directly reach its

target audience, build stronger relationships with existing clients, and expand its influence within

their professional networks, ultimately driving more client leads and reinforcing its market


Solution: Marketing Plan for North Square Investments

This marketing plan is designed to solidify North Square Investments' position as a

leading multi-asset investment management firm. By leveraging our strengths and addressing

market opportunities, we aim to achieve sustainable growth, enhance client satisfaction, and

outperform our competitors. Our strategy focuses on personalized service, advanced technology,

ESG integration, and robust communication channels. Our target audience consists of high-net-
worth individuals (HNWIs), institutional investors, and businesses. HNWIs require customized

portfolio management, estate planning, and tax optimization. We will approach them with

personalized financial planning sessions, exclusive events, and tailored communication.

Institutional investors need risk management, consistent returns, and regulatory compliance,

which we will address through comprehensive investment solutions, regular performance

reviews, and specialized advisory services. For businesses seeking employee retirement plans

and corporate treasury management, we will provide tailored corporate solutions, dedicated

account managers, and educational seminars.

We have set several strategic objectives: increase AUM by 20% in the next 12 months,

enhance client retention by 15%, expand market presence through digital platforms and strategic

partnerships, and promote ESG investment products to capture the growing demand for

sustainable investing. Our marketing strategy includes several key components. For product

strategy, we will develop bespoke investment strategies for HNWIs and institutional clients,

enhance our ESG product offerings, and implement AI-driven tools for better portfolio

management and client engagement. In terms of pricing strategy, we will maintain competitive

management fees, justify premium pricing for ESG and personalized investment solutions

through demonstrated value and superior performance, and offer performance-based fee options

to align our interests with those of our clients.

Our place (distribution) strategy involves strengthening our online presence through an

intuitive website, client portals, and mobile applications, maintaining in-person and virtual client

meetings, and collaborating with financial advisors, wealth management firms, and industry

influencers to extend our reach. For promotion strategy, we will engage in content marketing by

publishing whitepapers, blogs, and case studies to establish thought leadership, utilize LinkedIn,
YouTube, and financial news platforms for client engagement, run personalized email

campaigns, and host exclusive events and educational webinars.

To implement this plan, we have devised a quarterly schedule. In Q1, we will launch new

ESG product offerings, revamp the website with enhanced client portals and educational content,

and initiate a content marketing campaign focusing on market insights and thought leadership. In

Q2, we will organize exclusive events for HNWIs and institutional clients, begin AI-driven

portfolio management implementation, and partner with financial advisors and wealth

management firms. Q3 will see the rollout of personalized email campaigns, webinars on

sustainable investing, and increased social media engagement. In Q4, we will review and adjust

pricing strategies, enhance digital tools and mobile app features, and measure client satisfaction

and retention rates, adjusting strategies as needed.

This comprehensive marketing plan outlines the strategic initiatives North Square

Investments will undertake to achieve growth, enhance client relationships, and position

ourselves as leaders in the asset management industry. By focusing on personalized services,

embracing technology, and promoting sustainable investing, we are poised to meet our objectives

and deliver exceptional value to our clients.


1. Accenture. "Technology Vision for Asset Management." Accenture,

2. BlackRock. "Sustainable Investing: Resilience Amid Uncertainty." BlackRock,

3. Bloomberg. "How Economic Factors Shape Investment Strategies." Bloomberg,

4. Boston Consulting Group. "Digital Transformation in Asset Management." BCG,

5. Deloitte. "Regulatory Outlook for Asset Management." Deloitte,

6. Financial Times. "The Rise of ESG Investing." Financial Times,

7. Harvard Business Review. "Artificial Intelligence in Asset Management." Harvard Business


8. McKinsey & Company. "The Future of Asset Management." McKinsey & Company,

9. Morningstar. "Morningstar's Guide to Investment Strategies." Morningstar,

10. PwC. "ESG Investing: Can you afford to ignore it?" PwC,

11. S&P Global. "Global Asset Management: The Competitive Landscape." S&P Global,

12. World Economic Forum. "The Future of Financial Services." World Economic Forum,

1. LinkedIn Post
2. Podcast/ Linkedin Post promoting it
3. Slide on PowerPoint reporting the engagement time on the companies website.
4. Powerpoint reporting the organic and direct growth this year vs last year.

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