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Prepared by: Ms. Nithya Week: 15.04.24 – 19.04.24

Reviewed by: Mr. Saji Joseph (HoD) Grade:6



I will be able to –
• write a well-structured paragraph effectively and creatively.
• identify the different steps and important terms to remember in writing.
• organise ideas with coherence.

A paragraph is a group of sentences about a single topic.

A Paragraph has three basic parts:
1. The Topic Sentence.
2. The Supporting Sentences.
3. The Concluding Sentence.



Global warming is a hike in the average global temperature on earth. Burning of

excess fossil fuel and the release of toxic fumes into the atmosphere are the major
reasons behind it. Global warming has disastrous effects on living organisms. It has
been noted that glaciers are disappearing and the sea levels are rising, in turn,
increasing floods and destroying agriculture. This is a cause of worry as it can
damage ecosystems and might result in the disruption of the environment. Global
warming can be checked if we take concrete steps towards restoring the lost
vegetation in our forests. We can also use clean energy sources like wind energy,
solar energy, and tidal energy to check the rise in global warming.

Learning Outcomes:



Types of Paragraphs (for reference only)

Having knowledge about the type of paragraphs is one of the most essential aspects
while writing a paragraph. There are four types of paragraphs: descriptive, narrative,
expository, and persuasive.

• Descriptive type of paragraph: This paragraph type describes the topic and
displays the reader what’s the subject included in it. The terms selected in the
description type usually appeal to the five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound,
and taste. A descriptive paragraph may describe a person, a place, a thing, an
event or an experience.

• Narrative type of paragraph: This type of paragraph narrates a story that

includes a sequence of logically coherent sentences like a clear start, middle
of the topic, an end to the paragraph.

• Expository type of paragraph: It defines something or gives instruction. It

may also explain a process and influence the reader step by step via a form of
the method. This expository paragraph usually needs research.

• Persuasive type of paragraph: This kind of paragraph seeks to make the

audience to admit a writer’s point of view or know his/her position. A
persuasive paragraph is often used by the teachers because it is beneficial
when building an argument. Also, it makes a writer research and collect some
facts about the topic.

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