Questions Act 1

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 1 Describe something in your own life that is at once “foul” and “fair.

High school can be a mix of foul and fair. It’s foul when drama and exclusion happen,
making everything feel messy and unfair. But it’s fair when you find your group of
friends who support you through it all, making the journey a bit smoother.

 2. What Is the most unbelievable, shocking, or unexpected aspect of Act 1?

Explain your reaction.

The most shocking part of Act 1 is when the witches tell Macbeth he’ll be king. It’s
unexpected and makes you wonder what will happen next.

 3. Do you believe in Fate or free Will? How do you think his own beliefs will
affect Macbeth as the play continues?

Macbeth's beliefs in fate and free will will shape his decisions in the play. At first, he
might trust the witches' prophecies, leaning towards fate. But as things get more
complicated, he'll likely question his own choices and whether he has control over his

 4. Does any of the Characters remind you of someone you know. Explain the
similarities in a respectful, thoughtful way.

I know a lot of people that have similarities with other people, I can see similarities in
traits. Lady Macbeth’s ambition and persuasiveness might remind me of someone I know
who’s determined and influential. Similarly, Macbeth’s inner conflict between ambition
and ethics could relate to people facing tough decisions. These comparisons help me
understand the characters better, without judging anyone I know personally.

 5. What do you think is the most impactful or important passage in the reading.

The most important passage is when the witches tell Macbeth he’ll become king. This
sets off the whole story, sparking Macbeth’s ambition and making him question fate
versus free will. It’s a key moment that drives the entire play’s plot and themes.
 6. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision? Relate your story
to the situation of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

When deciding whether to cheat on a test. You’re torn between ambition and integrity,
much like Macbeth’s dilemma about killing King Duncan. Both situations show the
struggle between personal gain and moral values, highlighting the importance of making
ethical choices. That will be a time when I and many other kids would have related with
the story.

 7. What advice would you give Macbeth? Why? Explain in detail.

I would advise Macbeth to consider the consequences of his actions and prioritize
integrity over ambition. Blindly pursuing power can lead to disastrous outcomes, as seen
in the play. Seeking counsel from trusted advisors and reflecting on his core values can
help him make more ethical decisions and avoid a tragic fate.

 8. What predictions do you have for the next act?

I predict that Macbeth will struggle with guilt and paranoia while Lady Macbeth faces
remorse. Their actions will lead to further turmoil and tragedy as they grapple with the
consequences of their ambition.

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