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Software Engineering MCQ

1. System Study involves

A. study of an existing system
B. documenting the existing system.
C. identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

2. The primary tool used in structured design is a:

A. structure chart
B. data-flow diagram
C. program flowchart
D. module

Answer: Option A

3. In a _____ one module of the new information system is activates at a time.

A. System Development Life Cycle
B. CASE tool
C. Phased Conversion
D. Success factors

Answer: Option C

4. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called _____.

A. An algorithm
B. A list
C. A plan
D. A sequential structure
Answer: Option A

5 The approach used in top-down analysis and design is

to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller
components into a single entity
B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed
to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-
level modules and components.
D. All of the above

Answer: Option C

6. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems

developments projects?
A. size of the company
B. inadequate user involvement
C. failure of systems integration
D. continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

Answer: Option A

7. A problem's _____ will answer the question, "What information will the
computer need to know in order to either print or display the output
A. Input
B. Output
C. Processing
D. Purpose

Answer: Option A

8. The two classifications of inputs are

. A. energies and maintenance
B. maintenance and waste
C. maintenance and signal
D. products and waste

Answer: Option C

9. Documentation is prepared
A. at every stage
B. at system design
C. at system analysis
D. at system development

Answer: Option A

10. System Implementation Phase entails

A. System check outs
B. Pilot run
C. Parallel runs
D. All of the above

Answer: Option A

11. Which of the following is not true of the conversion phase of the
development life cycle?
A. the user and systems personnel must work closely together.
B. steps must be taken to phase out the old system
C. documentation should be emphasized
D. the non machine components of the system should be considered

Answer: Option C

12. To run the old system and the new system at the same time for a specified
period, the system implementation approach used is
A. pilot
B. phased
C. parallel
D. direct

Answer: Option C

13. The mistake, committed by interchanging two digits in a numeric held,

during data entry, is called
A. transposition error
B. transcription error
C. Beta testing error
D. Alpha testing error

Answer: Option A

23. Decision tree uses

A. pictorial depictation of alternate conditions
B. nodes and branches
C. consequences of various depicted alternates
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

14. Problem analysis is done during

A. system design phase
B. systems analysis phase
C. before system test
D. All of the above
Answer: Option B

15. Top-down programming is

A. a group of related fields
B. a map of the programmer's view of the data
an approach in which the top module is first tested then program
modules are added from the highest level to the lowest level
a series or group of components that perform one or more operations
of a more complex system

Answer: Option C

16. A decision table facilitates conditions to be related to

A. actions
B. programs
C. tables
D. operation

Answer: Option A

17. On the feasibility committee, department representatives serve as:

A. direct users of the new system
B. liaison to their departments
C. ready sources of information
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

18. A _____ is an outline of a process that keeps develop successful information

A. System Development Life Cycle
B. CASE tool
C. Phased Conversion
D. Success Factors

Answer: Option A

19. A branch office, location or other data processing centres, where a newly
developed system is used under normal operating conditions for several
months, to test it, is called
A. beta test data
B. alpha test data
C. string test data
D. system test data

Answer: Option A

20. An appraisal, of a system's performance after it has been installed, is called

A. planning
B. review
C. maintenance
D. batch Processing

Answer: Option B

21. The starting point for development of an MIS is;

A. identification of business processes that are the essence of the business
B. a distributed database management
C. the system has a large number of PCs and a LAN.
D. purchase of a mini computers

Answer: Option A
22. The records in a file or magnetic tape
A. can only be accessed serially
B. have to be arranged in a key sequence
C. are meant for backup
D. cannot be transferred to a disk file

Answer: Option A

23. Acceptance testing is

A. running the system with line data by the actual user
making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain
transactions according to Specifications
C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate systems
D. testing changes made in an existing or a new program

Answer: Option A

24. The _____ symbol is used in a flowchart to represent a step that gets
information from the user.
A. Input/Output
B. Process
C. Selection/repetition
D. Start/Stop

Answer: Option A

25. The _____ symbol is used in a flowchart to represent a calculation task.

A. Input
B. Output
C. Process
D. Start

Answer: Option C

26. A system design aid should primarily

A. help analyse both data and activities
B. help in documentation
C. generate code
D. using a graphical user interface

Answer: Option A

27. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except:

A. project name
B. problem descriptions
C. feasible alternative
D. data-flow diagrams

Answer: Option B

28. A Decision table

A. represents the information flow
documents rules, that select one or more actions, based on one or more
conditions, from a set of possible conditions.
C. gets an accurate picture of the system
D. shows the decision paths
Answer: Option B

29. Top Management is more interested in

A. day-to-day operations
B. strategic decisions
C. tactical decision
D. both b and c
Answer: Option D

30. The approach used in top-down analysis and and design is

A. to prepare flowcharts after programming has been completed
to identify a top level function and then create a hierarchy of lower
level modules and components
to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller
components into a single entity.
D. All of the above

Answer: Option B

31. The two classification of inputs are:

A. energies and maintenance
B. products and waste
C. maintenance and waste
D. maintenance and signal

Answer: Option D

32. _____ use standardized symbols to represent an algorithm.

A. Flowcharts
B. Flow diagrams
C. IPO charts
D. Pseudocharts
E. Pseudocode
Answer: Option A

33. The background and experience of analyst include;

A. a background in systems theory and organization behavior
B. familiarity with the makeup and inner workings of major application
areas such as financial accounting, personnel administration,
marketing and sales, operations management, model building, and
production control.
competence in system tools and methodologies and a practical
knowledge of one or more programming and data base languages.
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

34. Unit testing is

A. running the system with line data by the actual user
making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain
transactions according to Specifications
C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system
D. testing changes made in an existing or a new program

Answer: Option D

35. The records in a file on magnetic tape

A. can only be accessed serially
B. are meant for backup
C. cannot be transformed to a disk file
D. have to be arranged in a key sequence

Answer: Option A

36. Mistakes made in the requirements analysis stage show up in

A. System design
B. System development
C. System testing
D. System implementation

Answer: Option D

37. Data structuring is refined through a process called

A. structuring process
B. hierarchical structure
C. Normalization
D. Relation structure

Answer: Option C

38. A system analyst designs a new system by

A. identifying sub systems and the interfaces between sub systems
B. adopting a developed system to the present environment
C. developing the system as a large, single unit
D. propose alternatives to the current system

Answer: Option A

39. Mistakes made in the requirements analysis stage show up in

A. System design
B. System development
C. System testing
D. System implementation

Answer: Option D

40. The systems have been classified in different ways

A. physical or abstract
B. open or closed
C. man-made information system
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D

41. To which phase of SDLC, is file conversion related?

A. System Implementation
B. System analysis
C. System development
D. System design

Answer: Option A

42. Which of the following is done in order a data in phase 1 of the system
development life cycle?
A. reviewing policies and procedures
B. conducting interviews
C. using questionnaires to conduct surveys.
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

43. System Specifications are used to

A. describe system flows
B. get an accurate picture of the system
C. avoids ambiguity
D. Ail of the above

Answer: Option D

44. The analyst learns of the manager's information needs through use of
A. mail survey
B. in depth interview
C. controlled experiment
D. observation

Answer: Option B

45. Which of the following symbols is (are) not the Data Flow Diagram (DFD):
A. a square
B. an open rectangle
C. a circle
D. a triangle

Answer: Option D

46. The first step of the implementation phase is

A. implementation planning
B. select the computer
C. announce the implementation project
D. prepare physical facilities

Answer: Option A

47. The combination of the top-down and the bottom-up approach may be
referred to as an
A. integrative approach
B. interpretive approach
C. interactive approach
D. both b and c

Answer: Option A

48. Any data that are entered into the computer, for the first time, will go
through the process of
A. System testing
B. Sequential testing
C. String testing
D. Validation

Answer: Option D

49. Mistakes made in the system analysis stage show up in :

A. Implementation
B. system design
C. system developments
D. All of the above

Answer: Option A

50. The imitation of a systems investigation may result from:

A. a manager's formal request
B. a scheduled system's review
C. an analyst's investigation
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D

51. Programmers refer to the goal of solving a problem as the _____.

A. Input
B. Output
C. Processing
D. Purpose

Answer: Option B

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