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Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Epidemiology of Dermatophytes in Belgium: A 5 Years’

Rosalie Sacheli . Lize Cuypers . Laurence Seidel . Rajae Darfouf .
Caroline Adjetey . Katrien Lagrou . Marie-Pierre Hayette

Received: 19 August 2020 / Accepted: 15 March 2021 / Published online: 26 April 20212021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021, corrected publication 2021

Abstract Dermatophytes are among the most com- 52.5% on average between 2012 and 2016. Other
mon fungal agents causing superficial skin infections African dermatophytes species such as Trichophyton
worldwide. Epidemiology of these infections is evolv- soudanense and Trichophyton violaceum were also
ing and variable in every country. This report presents agents of TC with a respective prevalence of 11.6%
the Belgian epidemiological data regarding the distri- and 11.5% on average. This study highlights a
bution of dermatophytes species isolated by the two different dermatophyte distribution in Belgium in
national reference centers for mycosis during a period comparison with other European countries.
of 5 years (2012–2016). Trichophyton rubrum was the
most frequently isolated species, considering all Keywords Dermatophytes  Epidemiology  Tinea
sampling sites (60.3% on average between 2012 and capitis  Onychomycoses
2016). More precisely, this dermatophyte was the
major agent of Tinea unguium and Tinea corporis
during this period, followed by species of the
Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex. Moreover, Introduction
Microsporum audouinii was the main etiological
agent of Tinea capitis (TC) with a frequency of Dermatophytosis is characterized by the infection of
keratinized tissues such as the skin, hair and nails. This
disease is estimated to affect more than 20–25% of the
Handling Editor: J.-P. Bouchara. world’s population and its incidence is constantly
rising [1, 2]. Forty different species of dermatophytes
R. Sacheli (&)  R. Darfouf  C. Adjetey  M.-P. Hayette
have been described and approximately half of them
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Belgian National
Reference Center, University Hospital of Liege, Liège, cause the majority of human infections. They are from
Belgium zoophilic, anthropophilic or environmental origin and
e-mail: belong to nine clades following the newly proposed
taxonomy; Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Nan-
L. Seidel
Department of Biostatistics, University Hospital of Liege, nizzia, Microsporum, Lophophyton, Arthroderma,
Liege, Belgium Paraphyton, Guarromyces and Ctenomyces [3, 4].
The epidemiology of dermatophyte infections is
L. Cuypers  K. Lagrou
changing due to immigration, travel, socioeconomic
Laboratory of Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology,
Belgian National Reference Center, University Hospital development or erroneous treatments [5]. In the past
of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium decades, important changes in the epidemiological

400 Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409

pattern of dermatophyte infections have occurred in cellophane tape on the surface of culture, followed
Europe, including Belgium. In 2002, an increase in the by adding lactophenol blue (Roth, Belgium).
number of cases of Tinea capitis (TC) due to As this study was based on laboratory records, it
anthropophilic species has been reported in Brussels, was difficult to distinguish among relapses relative to
probably due to an increased immigration from Africa specimens received from the same patient. Therefore,
in 2001 concentrated in big cities as reported by Phalet the number of specimens was not corrected for
et al. [6, 7] and Kolivras et al. [6, 7]. To date, there are duplicates.
no reports of the distribution of dermatophytes in
Belgium except the annual reports of the national Molecular Identification
reference centers for mycosis [8]. The present labo-
ratory-based retrospective study focuses on the species When the identification with conventional methods was
distribution of dermatophyte infections in Belgium doubtful, ITS sequencing was performed from cultures in
within a 5-year period (2012–2016). This study was Sabouraud broth (Merck, Germany) [10]. Briefly at CHU
set up to present an updated review on local epidemi- Liège, DNA was extracted from the mycelial mass using
ology and clarify possible trends. the Maxwell SEV 16 cell kit (Promega, USA) with the
following pretreatment: After incubation, the mycelium
was collected by centrifugation at 3000 g for 10 min;
Methods DNA was extracted from the fungal pellet by vortexing
for 30 min with 0.5 mm microbeads (Omni international,
Culture and Morphological Identification USA), followed by a chemical lysis with 20 ll proteinase
K in 200 ll ATL buffer and 180 ll AL buffer (all three
This study was based on a retrospective data analysis manufactured by Qiagen, Germany). Following this
obtained from records of the mycology laboratory of pretreatment, DNA was extracted with the MaxwellÒ
the University Hospital of Liège (CHU Liege) and the (Promega, USA) equipment following the manufac-
University Hospitals Leuven (UZ Leuven) from 2012 turer’s instructions. At UZ Leuven, DNA was extracted
January 1st to 2016 December 31. The dataset includes using the Molzym DNA extraction kit (Molzym,
samples sent from external centers to one of the two Germany), as recommended by the manufacturer.
National Reference Centers (NRC) for Mycosis as In both NRCs, the ITS2 region was amplified using the
well as samples from the patient populations attending ITS86 forward primer 50 -GTGAATCATCGAATCTTT-
UZ Leuven and CHU Liège. Positive cultures, skin GAAC-30 and the ITS4 reverse primer 50 -
scales, nail and hair fragments sent to the NRC were TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-30 [10]. The ITS1
collected from patients with suspected dermatomyco- region was also amplified at UZ Leuven, using the
sis and referred to either the NRC of CHU Liège or UZ GeneAmp 9700 Proflex platform (Applied Biosystems),
Leuven. Samples that were positive for dermatophytes with the ITS1 forward primer 50 -TCCGTAGGT-
during the study period were selected. For hair, skin GAACCTGCGG-30 and the ITS4 reverse primer. Purifi-
and nail samples, histological examination was per- cation of PCR products was then performed using the
formed with Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. Exosap IT technique (Amersham, GE Healthcare Europe
Calcofluor staining was applied at UZ Leuven. This GmbH, Belgium) at CHU Liège, while the Qiagen PCR
was followed by culture on Sabouraud glucose agar purification kit (Qiagen, Germany) was used at UZ
containing chloramphenicol with and without cyclo- Leuven. Cycle sequencing was done on a classical
heximide (bioMérieux, France) with incubation at thermocycler (Thermohybaid, ThermoScientific, Bel-
28 °C ± 2 °C for 3 weeks. Fungal growth was gium). Bidirectional sequence data were generated after
checked every week. Macroscopic and microscopic purification using the BigDye terminator sequencing kit
identification were based on colony features using (Applied Biosystems, Life technologies, Belgium).
reference books [9]. Subcultures on Takashio medium Amplified products were finally purified using the clean
(Sabouraud diluted medium, Tritium, The Nether- Seq Agencourt kit (Beckman Coulter Life Science,
lands) were performed in the absence of sporulation. France) or using spin columns followed by dissolving in
Microscopic examination was performed using the formamide at UZ Leuven. Sequencing was done on the
‘‘flag’’ method, which consists of applying a automate ABI 3500/3500XL (Applied Biosystems, Life

Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409 401

technologies, Belgium) at CHU Liège, while on in 2013, 3264 in 2014, 2563 in 2015 and 2526 in 2016.
ABI3730xl at UZ Leuven. Sequences were edited using Among these positive samples, yeasts were identified
the ABI Sequence Scanner V.1.0 software (Applied from 16% of the samples, and non-dermatophyte
Biosystems, Life technologies, Belgium) at CHU Liège, molds from 42% of the samples. A total of 741
while using the CLC Main Workbench 7.7.3 software samples were identified as dermatophytes in 2012,
package (Qiagen) at UZ Leuven. Sequences generated by 1516 in 2013, 1279 in 2014, 1249 in 2015 and 1384 in
the software were then compared to the CBS database, 2016.
which comprises several databases including Genbank Overall, considering all sampling sites, T. rubrum
( was the predominant species (see Fig. 1 and Table 1
For this survey, the three species T. mentagro- for distribution), with a significant increase in its
phytes, T. benhamiae and T. interdigitale were gath- frequency from 45.8% in 2012 to 69.4% in 2016
ered under the name of T. mentagrophytes complex (p \ 0.0001). Conversely, the frequency of the T.
because both laboratories (UZ Leuven and CHU mentagrophytes complex decreased significantly from
Liege) were not distinguishing the three species. 31.9% to 15% over the same period (p \ 0.0001). The
However, it should be mentioned that T. interdigitale frequency of the other species remained quite
is theoretically the only one implicated in onychomy- stable during the study period, with slight and no
coses, but for harmonization, the appellation T. significant variations depending on the year and
mentagrophytes complex was kept in this manuscript. origins considered (p [ 0.05).

Statistical Analysis Dermatophytes Causing Tinea capitis

Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS Figure 2 shows the frequency of dermatophytes
software (version 9.4) and a logistic regression test has causing Tinea capitis. Microsporum audouinii was
been applied. Results were considered statistically the major pathogen during the study period. Indeed,
significant when p value was \ 0.05. prevalence of this anthropophilic species decreased
from 56.4% in 2012 to 31.9% in 2014 but reached
again 66.5% in 2016. Statistical analysis showed for
Results this species a tendency to increase during the study
period (p = 0.06). Trichophyton tonsurans remained
During the 2012–2016 period, 14,271 samples with a quite stable, representing from 6.1 to 10.4% of the
positive fungal culture were treated by the two NRCs. isolates during the 5-year period. The zoophilic
A total of 2733 samples were identified in 2012, 3185 species M. canis was the causative agent of 14.9% of

Fig. 1 Global distribution of dermatophytes in Belgium between 2012 and 2016 (from all specimen types)

402 Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409

Table 1 Dermatophyte species identified during the period 2012–2016 (number of isolates, and percentage)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

A. phaseoliforme 0 1 (0.07%) 0
A. quadrifidum 0 1 (0.06%) 0 0 1 (0.07%)
E. floccosum 0 5 (0.3%) 1 3 (0.24%) 2 (0.14%)
M. canis 44 (5.95%) 68 (4.48%) 117 (9.17%) 61 (4.88%) 29 (2.09%)
M. ferrugineum 0 0 2 (0.15%) 0 0
M. audouinii 71 (9.58%) 177 (11.68%) 43 (3.36%) 85 (6.9%) 117 (8.46%)
N. gypsea 0 3 (0.19%) 4 (0.31%) 0 0
N. persicolor 0 1 (0.06%) 6 (0.46%) 0 0
N. praecox 2 (0.27%) 0 3 (0.23%) 0 0
P. cookei 0 0 0 1 (0.08%) 0
T. mentagrophytes complex 236 (31.9%) 296 (19.5%) 170 (13.3%) 197 (15.8%) 207 (14.97%)
T. rubrum 339 (45.87%) 808 (53.47%) 842 (66.22%) 841 (67.6%) 963 (69.9%)
T. schoenleinii 0 5 (0.3%) 0 0 0
T. soudanense 5 (0.67%) 47 (3.1%) 22 (1.72%) 34 (2.75%) 25 (1.8%)
T. verrucosum 0 1 (0.06%) 1 (0.07%) 2 (0.16%) 2 (0.14%)
T.tonsurans 18 (2.4%) 39 (2.57%) 40 (3.13%) 15 (1,2%) 27 (1.96%)
T. violaceum 26 (3.5%) 65 (4.28%) 27 (2.1%) 10 (0.8%) 9 (0.065%)
Trichophyton sp. 0 0 0 0 2 (0.14%)

Fig. 2 Dermatophyte distribution in hair samples collected in CHU Liège/UZ Leuven during the study period

TC cases in 2015, while its prevalence decreased to frequency of T. soudanense markedly increased,
5.2% in 2016. African species such as T. violaceum reaching 12.1% of all TC cases in 2016 against 1.1%
and T. soudanense were also present in Belgium, with in 2012 (p \ 0.016). Species of the T. mentagrophytes
T. violaceum being more prevalent in 2012 and 2013 complex were also represented in the Belgian study
compared to 2016 (decrease from 18.1% in 2012 to cohort (3.2%–1.7% between 2012 and 2016). As TC
2.3% in 2016, p \ 0.0001). On the contrary, the affects essentially children, the species distribution in

Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409 403

Fig. 3 Dermatophyte distribution (number of cases) in hair samples during the study period in children younger than 10 years

patients younger than 10 years is shown in Fig. 3. Dermatophytes Implicated in Skin Infections
Microsporum audouinii was the main causative agent
of TC in children, representing more than half of the Dermatophytosis of the glabrous skin was essentially
cases (57.8%), followed by T. violaceum (12.8%), T. caused by T. rubrum. The frequency of T. rubrum in
soudanense (11.4%), M. canis (7.7%) and T. tonsurans skin infections increased from 34.9% in 2012 to 61.4%
(7.6%). Trichophyton rubrum and species of the T. in 2016 (p \ 0.0001). Species of the Trichophyton
mentagrophytes complex were rarely represented in mentagrophytes complex were also well represented
this age group, representing 0.4% and 1.9% of the in the studied population, however, their frequency
cases, respectively. decreased from 38% in 2012 to 20.5% in 2016
(p \ 0.0001). Microsporum audouinii was less often
represented in skin samples; it was mainly causing TC

Fig. 4 Dermatophyte distribution in skin samples during the study period

404 Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409

in Belgium, and only sporadically dermatophytosis of ferrugineum, A. quadrifidum, E. floccosum, P. cookei,

the glabrous skin (decreasing from 5.2 to 0.8% over N. praecox, T. schoenleinii and A. phaseoliforme
the study period). Other species such as M. canis and which were recovered from some nails, hair or skin
T. tonsurans were also detected in skin samples from samples.
several body parts, but to a lesser extent. The
distribution of dermatophytes responsible for skin Dermatophytes Distribution by Age
infections is shown in Fig. 4.
Prevalence of dermatophytes infections increased with
Dermatophytes Causing Onychomycosis age in the studied population, the maximum being
observed within the population older than 50 years
Trichophyton rubrum was clearly the major agent of with 2105 infections caused by dermatophytes
onychomycosis. Since 2012 its isolation rate increased between 2012 and 2016 (see Fig. 6). Regarding the
from 59.8% to 83.8% (p \ 0.0001). Conversely, the most prevalent dermatophyte species, 1000 cases
frequency of species of the T. mentagrophytes com- concerned patients younger than 10 years, most of
plex in onychomycosis was decreasing, ranging from them being cases of Tinea capitis (65.2% of the cases)
35.2% in 2012 to 15.9% in 2016 (p \ 0.0001). Other which were caused essentially by M. audouinii.
species were involved in onychomycosis, but to a Indeed, among this age group, M. audouinii was
lesser extent, such as M. canis, T. tonsurans, T. responsible for 42% of the infections (n = 420),
schoenleinii, T. soudanense, T. violaceum, E. flocco- followed by M. canis (n = 108, 10.8%), T. rubrum
sum, N. gypsea, N. persicolor, M. ferrugineum and N. (n = 108, 10.8%), T. violaceum (n = 102, 10.2%), T.
praecox. In Fig. 5, only T. rubrum and the T. soudanense (n = 95, 9.5%), T. tonsurans (n = 87,
mentagrophytes species complex are represented. 8.7%) and the T. mentagrophytes species complex
The other species less implicated (less than 1% each) (n = 80, 8%). Ninety-two cases of onychomycosis due
are not shown on this graph. to T. rubrum were also observed in this population
during the study period. For older people, T. rubrum
Rare Dermatophytes Species Isolated During and T. mentagrophytes complex were the major
the Study Period etiological agents of dermatomycoses. In patients
older than 50 years, T. rubrum was predominant,
During the period 2012–2016, less common dermato- accounting for 68.5% of the total number of infections
phytes (less than 1% considering all sampling sites) (See Table 2).
were isolated by the NRCs such as N. persicolor, M.

Fig. 5 Dermatophyte distribution in nail samples during the study period

Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409 405

Fig. 6 Distribution of dermatophyte infections according to the age during the study period

Dermatophytes Following Gender followed by species of the T. mentagrophytes com-

plex. Considering onychomycosis, its incidence was
Gender was not recorded for all cases included in the even increasing, in contrast to species of the T.
study as this information often is not given on the NRC mentagrophytes complex. This is not surprising as T.
form associated with the sample. For cases for which rubrum is the main etiological agent of onychomyco-
the variable gender was registered (n = 6114), the sis in many countries all around the world including
male to female ratio was 1.3 for dermatophyte Europe [11–16], North and South America [17–20],
infections, stressing that males were more often Africa [21], India [22] and Korea [23, 24].
infected than females (respectively, 3438 vs. 2676 For example, in a similar retrospective study
cases, p \ 0.0001). covering the period 2005–2009 in Sweden, Trichophy-
ton rubrum was the predominant pathogen isolated
from nails with a prevalence of 83.2%, followed by T.
Discussion mentagrophytes (7.4%) [11]. Likewise, T. rubrum was
the main species (37%) isolated from nails in a tertiary
This study covering the 5-year period 2012–2016 care hospital in Italy during the period 2004–2006
shows that T. rubrum was still the main agent [15]. In Eastern Europe, T. rubrum was the most
responsible for dermatophytosis in Belgium. This frequent species identified in fingernail dermatophyte
dermatophyte was essentially detected in nail and skin onychomycosis (90.9%), toenail onychomycosis
samples where it was the dominant species identified, (77.7%) and Tinea pedis (65.6%) during an earlier

Table 2 Distribution of dermatophyte species according to the age

Age M. M. canis T. mentagrophytes T. rubrum T. T. T.
audouinii complex tonsurans soudanense violaceum

\ 10 years 420 (88.4%) 108 80 (6.8%) 108 (3%) 87 (65.9%) 95 (78%) 102 (80.3%)
11–30 years 29 (6.1%) 44 (22.9%) 159 (13.4%) 768 (21.4%) 21 (15.9%) 11 (9%) 16 (12.6%)
31–50 years 18 (3.8%) 20 (10.4%) 327 (27.7%) 1281 14 (10.6%) 8 (6.5%) 3 (2.4%)
[ 50 years 8 (1.7%) 23 (12%) 615 (52.1%) 1435 (40%) 10 (7.6%) 8 (6.5%) 6 (4.7%)
All 475 192 1181 3592 132 122 127

406 Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409

period 1995–2002 [25]. In Mexico, T. rubrum was Regarding Tinea capitis, as it has been shown for
again the predominant dermatophyte species during several other countries, we noticed an increasing
the period 1996–2005 [20]. As observed in our study, etiological role of anthropophilic species [30]. The
the annual incidence of patients with T. rubrum main species responsible for Tinea capitis in Belgium
infections had been increasing in Korea during the is the African anthropophilic fungus M. audouinii.
period 1979–2013, and of 131.122 patients with This dermatophyte is a common agent of scalp and
dermatophytosis, 115.846 patients (88.35%) had a T. skin infections, being the most prevalent dermato-
rubrum infection [23]. This team also noticed a phyte isolated from patients with Tinea capitis in
decrease in the frequency of T. mentagrophytes during certain African countries [31–33] Its abundance in
the period 1992–2012 [24]. Belgium is probably due to immigrations waves from
Trichophyton rubrum was also the most frequent Central Africa such as Cameroon and Democratic
species isolated from skin infections in Belgium Republic of Congo. Indeed, a lot of migrants incoming
(essentially from Tinea pedis), followed by mem- in Belgium are from this part of Africa [34]. This
bers of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex dermatophyte has been responsible for large scholar
as it is the case in many industrialized countries outbreaks but it has been eradicated in Europe after the
worldwide [2]. A few M. canis isolates were massive use of griseofulvin. In western Europe, M.
recovered from skin infections in Belgium. In some audouinii is still present in Switzerland where it has
countries such as Slovenia, M. canis was more been responsible for school outbreaks [35]. In a study
prevalent than T. rubrum in skin infections [25]. In of M. audouinii dermatophytosis in Germany, authors
Germany, it was the second more common reported that this species was introduced to the city by
zoophilic agent responsible for skin infection, T. children coming from vacations in Africa and then
benhamiae ranking the first [26]. In our study, the spread to other children in communities and among
dermatophytes distribution in skin samples was members of their families [36]. A recent work done in
quite similar to that described in New Zealand the urban area of Paris during five years on Tinea
during the period 1999–2002 where T. rubrum was capitis showed that M. audouinii is well represented in
the more prevalent, followed by T. mentagrophytes France as 28.2% of TC cases were caused by this
and M. canis [27]. Few T. verrucosum isolates have dermatophyte. However, T. soudanense and T. ton-
been isolated in Belgium, probably due to the surans were more prevalent, causing 38.3% and
decrease in rural areas in our country. Epidermo- 33.5% of TC cases, respectively, during the study
phyton floccosum was also rarely diagnosed in our period. In this study, authors pointed an important
country, in comparison with other countries such as increase in the frequency of T. tonsurans. Such an
Iran, where this species is the first etiological agent increase was not seen in our study. On the contrary, a
responsible for skin dermatophytosis [28]. decrease in the frequency of T. soudanense and M.
In 2014, we noticed an increased number of audouinii was observed in France, while their fre-
infections of the skin and the scalp due to T. quency globally increased in our study [37, 38]. This
benhamiae. This species has been reported for the observation should be explained by different immi-
first time in Japan in 2001 [29]. We clearly do not gration profiles between the two countries. However,
know if this species arrived only in 2014 in Belgium or what is surprising is that in Paris, T. tonsurans
if its previous absence was due to misidentification continuously increased, mostly in patients from West
with M. canis or T. interdigitale. Until 2016, T. Africa who are generally infected by the anthro-
benhamiae was included in the T. mentagrophytes pophilic M. audouinii and T. soudanense. The pre-
complex, which explains why it was not distinguished dominance of T. tonsurans was also seen in Caribbean
from this complex in our study. Since now and patients, more precisely from Haiti where T. tonsurans
following the phylogenetical classification of the is the major species giving rise to TC. This latter
Hoog et al. [3, 4], this species is differentiated from observation should explain the lower incidence of T.
T. interdigitale. tonsurans in Belgium, where immigration from Car-
ribean countries is not so frequent than in France.
A recent review of the literature showed that M.
audouinii is still present in every continent, as cases

Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409 407

have been reported in Australia, Jamaica, Nepal, misidentification or lack of identification of M.

Mexico, Malaysia, Dominican Republic and many audouinii.
countries of North and South Europe [39]. In 2016, a Regarding Tinea capitis in children the last study
major part of TC cases was caused by M. audouinii reported in Belgium was published by Kolivras et al.
and six genotypic variants of this species were [6] in 2002, where they followed 122 children from the
circulating in Belgium [34]. Surprisingly, this species St Pierre Hospital Brussels. The implicated anthro-
is poorly represented in other European countries. This pophilic dermatophytes were by decreasing fre-
fact has been reviewed by Zhan et al. [16], who quency: M. audouinii (39.34%), T. soudanense
reported M. canis, T. violaceum and T. tonsurans as (28.69%), T. violaceum (18.03%) and T. tonsurans
the main etiological agents of TC in Europe but also (3.28%). These data are not so different from the
worldwide. In Denmark, M. canis is responsible for present study realized more than 10 years after.
most cases of TC, and M. audouinii was rarely isolated Microsporum audouinii (57.8% of the cases) was the
from 1993 to 2003 [40]. In the same study, an increase main etiological agent detected, followed by T.
was also noticed in the frequency of the anthropophilic violaceum (12.8%), T. soudanense (11.4%), M. canis
T. violaceum in Tinea capitis, but not for M. audouinii. (7.7%) and T. tonsurans (7.6%). However in the
There is probably immigration in this country, but no present survey, M. audouinii and T. tonsurans were
importation of M. audouinii at the time of the study more prevalent compared to the study of Kolivras et al.
which is older than ours. Similar observation was [6], while T. soudanense and T. violaceum decreased.
reported in Eastern Europe such as Slovenia and In children lower than ten, 92 cases of onychomy-
Poland, with M. canis being the most frequent coses due to T. rubrum were diagnosed between 2012
dermatophyte isolated from Tinea capitis and no or and 2016. This is not surprising as onychomycoses can
few M. audouinii isolates. Conversely, an increase in also affect young children. The reported prevalences
the number of T. tonsurans isolates only was seen in of onychomycosis in children range from 0.2 to 2.6%
Poland, which may be caused by the increasing [44–49]. Several cases have already been described,
migration of population in the recent years, after for example, in Denmark where a case of onychomy-
Poland had entered European Union [25, 30, 41, 42]. coses due to T. rubrum was diagnosed in a 2-year-old
These discrepant results may be related to differences baby [50]. Between 2008 and 2009 in Berlin,
in the African countries from which the migration Germany, 24 children were diagnosed with ony-
comes. Another explanation for the high frequency of chomycoses due to T. rubrum [49]. Likewise, records
M. audouinii in Belgium could be the use of from a decade of dermatological consultations have
terbinafine as treatment of choice for this agent. been analyzed in Poland. Ninety-nine cases of ony-
Indeed in other countries such as France, griseofulvin chomycosis were diagnosed in the 0–18 years old
is used for treatment of Tinea capitis. One may population, representing 19.8% of all confirmed cases
speculate a lower susceptibility of M. audouinii to of superficial mycosis (500 cases). Fingernail ony-
terbinafine, requiring longer treatment duration, and a chomycosis was recognized in 52 (10.4%) cases;
greater risk for transmission related to longer time children under 3 years of age were predominantly
until resolution of the infection. A meta-analysis of involved. Toenail onychomycosis concerned 47
randomized clinical trials comparing the efficacies of (9.4%) patients, and its incidence increased steadily
oral terbinafine and oral griseofulvin for the treatment with increasing age. Trichophyton rubrum was the
of childhood Tinea capitis has shown that while there most common etiological agent [47]. Onychomycoses
was no clear difference in the activity between in children 0–18 were also diagnosed in Korea,
terbinafine and griseofulvin for Trichophyton species, representing 2.3% of all onychomycoses [51], and T.
terbinafine was less efficient on Microsporum species rubrum was the most common etiological agent also
than griseofulvin [43]. Another reason for the few (51.3%).
reports of M. audouinii in other countries could be the The prevalence of dermatomycosis was also found
lack of molecular tools such as ITS PCR which may to be higher in men than women, as reported by other
lead to misidentification. The lack of sensitivity of authors all around the world [52–54], possibly because
phenotypic tools including culture and direct exami- men do not take care of their nails as women.
nation is a real problem and can largely contribute to

408 Mycopathologia (2021) 186:399–409

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