Exercise Giving & Asking Direction

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Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.

1. Ihsan : …..
Pedestrian : The nearest gas station is about one kilometer from here. It’s next to a car
wash .
Ihsan : Okay, thank you.
a. Excuse me, do you know where the bus station is?
b. Hello Sir, are you going to a gas station?
c. Excuse me, how far is the gas station from here?
d. Keep driving until the crossroad, the gas station is on your left.

2. Ryan : Can you tell me how to get the nearest restaurant?

Hani : …. may be you can ask the policeman over there.
a. Yes, there is one across the street.
b. Next to the library
c. Behind the hotel
d. I’m sorry. I don’t live here.

3. Fino : Can you tell me where Doni’s house is?

Nanda : Just go along Mulawarman street.
From the dialogue above, we know that …
a. Nanda knows where Doni’s house is
b. They will go to Doni’s house
c. Fino knows where Doni’s house
d. Nanda doesn’t know where Doni’s house

4. Benny : Let’s buy a bottle of water. I’m thirsty.

Peter : Okay, we need to go to a mini market. I want to buy snacks too.
Benny : Let’s ask a girl over there.
Peter : Excuse me, is there a mini market around here?
Lisa : ….
Benny & Peter : Thank you so much!
Lisa : My pleasure.
a. Okay, good luck
b. Yes. The quickest way to mini market is go straight to Stark Street. Follow the road,
It’s next to the Cinema.
c. Umm, I’m sorry I don’t know where the mini market is.
d. Don’t ask me, I’m busy
5. Alex : Hi, I’ve been riding around for ten minutes. I’m looking for an ATM.
Can you show me where the ATM is?
Pedestrian : ….. , I’m just waiting for the bus. Maybe the man over there knows.
Alex : Ohh, okay. No problem. Have a good day.
Pedestrian : You too.
a. Yes, please go straight to Melati Street, follow the road. The ATM is on your right.
b. Sure, It’s over there in front of the bank.
c. Leave me alone
d. I’m sorry, I’m not living here

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