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1. Is there a family history of learning disabilities?

2. Do you have difficulty sounding out words phonetically,

particularly new words like proper names, technical or industry
terms? For example, "Telephony" as "tə/le/fə/nē" ?*

3. Do you find yourself incorrectly copying or transferring notes from

a white board, screen or paper, by missing information, misspelling,
or reversing information?*

4. Compared to your peers at school or work, do you feel your

reading ability or speed seems worse than that of people you view
as your intellectual peers? *

5. Compared to your peers at school or work, do you feel that your

performance in testing situations does not accurately reflect your
intelligence or knowledge? *

6. Compared to your peers at school or work, are you less

comfortable reading from a book, script, or notes out loud? *

7. Do you prefer to receive information through means other than

reading, such as by using video, audio, brief notes or summaries, or
conversation? *

8. Do you struggle with solving mathematical word problems in

school or at work compared to your ability to execute calculations or
understand mathematical operations? *

9. Do you struggle with taking multiple choice tests due to

misunderstanding or misreading details in the question, rather than
lack of knowledge about the answer? *

10. Do you require more time than others to write thoughts down
with appropriate grammar, punctuation or phrasing? *

11. As a child or an adult, did or do you make reading mistakes in

letters, numbers, or grammar, such as confusing "a " and "o " (pat,
pot); "7" and"1"; or not seeing punctuation such as periods and
commas? *

12. Have you been told that, as a child, you had trouble learning left
and right or processing spatial directions ("Find the toy underneath
the bed")? *
13. Do you struggle or need significantly more time than others to
understand multi-step processes or directions (written or oral), as in
following written instructions? *

14. When speaking, do you confuse homonyms (words that sound

like one another but have different meanings), have difficulty
accurately expressing words or phrases, or mispronounce common
names and items more frequently than others? *

15. Are your fine or gross motor skills (handwriting, catching or

throwing a ball, team sports) considerably weaker than your peers?
1. 是否有學習障礙家族史? *

2. 您在發音上是否有困難,尤其是專有名稱、技術或行業術語等新單字? 例如,

3. 您是否發現自己因遺失資訊、拼字錯誤或顛倒資訊而錯誤地從白板、螢幕或

4. 與你在學校或工作中的同齡人相比,你是否覺得你的閱讀能力或速度似乎比
你認為的智力同齡人差? *

5. 與學校或工作中的同儕相比,您是否認為您在測驗情境中的表現不能準確反
映您的智力或知識? *

6. 與學校或工作中的同儕相比,您是否不太習慣大聲朗讀書籍、劇本或筆記?

7. 您是否喜歡透過閱讀以外的方式接收訊息,例如透過視訊、音訊、簡短的筆
記或摘要,或對話? *

8. 與執行計算或理解數學運算的能力相比,您在學校或工作中解決數學應用問
題是否遇到困難? *

9. 您是否因為誤解或誤讀問題中的細節而在多項選擇題測驗中遇到困難,而不
是因為缺乏對答案的了解? *

10. 您是否需要比其他人更多的時間以適當的文法、標點符號或措詞寫下想法?
11. 作為兒童或成人,您曾經或現在犯過字母、數字或語法的閱讀錯誤,例如混
淆“a”和“o”(pat、pot); 「7」和「1」; 或是沒有看到句號和逗號等標點
符號? *

12. 你是否被告知,作為一個孩子,你在學習左右或處理空間方向時遇到困難
(「找到床下的玩具」)? *

13. 您是否比其他人更費力或需要更多時間來理解多步驟流程或指示(書面或口
頭),例如遵循書面指示? *

14. 說話時,您是否會混淆同音異義詞(發音相似但含義不同的單字),難以準
確表達單字或短語,或比其他人更頻繁地讀錯常用名稱和項目? *

15. 您的精細或粗大動作技能(書寫、接球或投球、團隊運動)是否比同齡人弱
很多? *

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