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1. Antecedente.

Finlandia 2020

2. Planteamiento del problema

a. Conceptos utilizados en el planteamiento.

i. Definición
3. Metodología

La metodología de Finlandia se basa en los indicadores. Se encuentran trabajando

continuamente en una base de datos estadísticos que les permite construir los indicadores con
los que podrán comparar su información con los indicadores de las Naciones Unidas y de esta
manera medir la vinculación y grado de vinculación.

a. Etapas

Disaggregation of SDG indicators.

(Recuerden que pueden ser explicitas o no, si el antecedente no divide su metodología en etapas,
pero ustedes consideran que sí las tiene, por favor pónganlas).

i. Conceptos por cada etapa

1. Definición
2. Operacionalización (cómo lo miden)
3. Uso dentro de cada etapa

The disaggregation of SDG indicators is important for tracking progress in implementing and
monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals and targets. There are currently over 40 SDG
indicators that require in-detail disaggregation by different grounds. Disaggregated statistical data
are mostly available because statistics production widely utilizes administrative data sources and
registers, which provide extensive data on population and allow a variety of disaggregation

Finnish statistical data do not necessary allow the in-depth disaggregation required and
emphasized in certain SDG indicators. For example, disaggregation on the grounds of vulnerable
group status is seldom possible in statistics.

Disaggregation on the grounds of race, ethnic minority grouping, indigenous status and disabilities
is currently void from official statistics for ethical reasons. It has been considered inappropriate to
pinpoint minority groups in statistics compiled for the needs of an equal and democratic society.

The SDG indicator set’s disaggregation needs seem to increase over time. Finland has extensive
register-based statistics that provide an exquisite starting point for compiling disaggregated
statistics. The development of data orient towards indicators missing data and indicators that need
methodological development. In some cases, it will be possible to calculate and disaggregate
indicator data from existing register databases and by using new data sources, with additional
resources. Further enlargement of SDG data ecosystem towards non-traditional data producers is
also required. Deepening of data systems integration, as well as conceptual, classificational and
methodological issues need to be reconsidered.

In 2018, Statistics Finland started a project to establish a national reporting platform for global
SDG indicators. The platform was published in February 2019, and is currently publicly available
at the webpage of Statistics Finland. In February 2020, the database contained national data for
158 global indicators of the total of 244 indicators, i.e. the coverage was 65 per cent of global
SDG indicators. (Publications of the Prime Minister’s Office, 2020)

Statistics Finland and the Prime Minister’s Office launched a joint development project in 2018 to
determine for which global indicators information is produced in Finland and by whom, to collect
data and its metadata for the UN indicators, and to build a national reporting platform for the
information. (National Audit Office of Finland, 2019)


National Audit Office of Finland. (2019). Performance audit report. Obtenido de Promoting
sustainable development:

Publications of the Prime Minister’s Office. (2020). Voluntary National Review 2020 FINLAND.

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