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The aim of this report is to describe and evaluate my work experience with BIO SA as a accounting

assistant in Liverpool England, where helped to understand more about everything that involves

managing a company

The Company

BIO is a family business who has hired more than 100 employees since its foundation. The

company is one of the few one that offers university schoolarships to the best employees of the

year, and as company policy it is “always provide support to another areas. As a family company

they are always helping each other. Despite being a family business, it is as big as any other


My experience

I was assigned to the accounting and administrative area, I started in the accounting area, verifying

expenses, Bank reconciliations documentation that supports operations

Also I have collaborated with HR area where participated in new employee interviews, helped

preparing the salaries, even participated in the inventory with the general accountant who shared all

his knowledge and experience.

My experience at the beginning it was overwhelming because the position was challenging and also

necessary to improved my skills, Nevertheless I believe it would have benefited more if my work

experience had been for a longer period.


To sum up, BIO SA are an ideal and perfect company with can learn new skills, I definitely

recommend this work experience to other students, so that they can develop as professionals.
This experience had significantly contributed on my professional career.

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