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James Goll’s Prophetic Insights for 2020

By James W. Goll
Wednesday, January 8, 2019

“What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear,
proclaim upon the housetops.”
Matthew 10:27 NASB

As I have prayed and sought the face of God, I have been given a series of revelations
concerning the new era we are entering in the new civil calendar year of 2020. In this strategic
period of time, we are not just crossing from one year to the next but from one era or decade to
the next.

We are crossing over from one side of the Jordan River where promises are revealed to the other
side where promises are manifested. This season is described in Joshua 4 (in the context of
Israel’s journey) and is also relevant to us today. On one side of the river there were great
prophetic revelations received and released. Then there came a moment of crossing over. The
priestly leaders led the way. They were instructed to pick up stones and deposit them on the other
side of the Jordan. This pile of stones became “memorial stones” speaking to future generations
of their inherited prophetic promises.

Moses had released amazing prophetic revelations that were years ahead of their time. These
revelations did not find immediate fulfillment. They were generational prophetic words—passed
down from one generation to the next as they awaited their fulfillment.

A Time of Generational Prophetic Inheritance

We are now entering another period of time in which the baton is being passed from one
generation to the next. Allow me to rehearse a bit of history to bring contextual understanding.

The “naba” and “seer” streams of the prophetic anointing came forth with a burst of excitement
in 1948. These two divergent streams appeared in the form of the Healing Deliverance
Movement and the Latter Rain Outpouring. Each represented a different operation or expression
of the Holy Spirit, but each had a major impact on the global body of Christ.

Then in 1988, one generation later, these two expressions re-emerged when the modern
prophetic movement was born. Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International became one of the
primary fathers of the spontaneous, effervescent “naba prophetic” flow, eventually establishing a
base in the pan handle of Florida. Paul Cain and Bob Jones, on the other hand, were recognized
by many as some of the significant forerunners of the “seer prophets” based out of Kansas City.
John Paul Jackson, myself and others, became identified as a part of the historic “Kansas City
Prophets” in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Two streams. Two different operations. Two
different generations. The baton was passed on from one generation to the next. Great promises.
Great problems. Great inheritance.
Thirty-two years have come and gone since these two historic prophetic streams found their
rebirth into prominence on a global scene. Today we have the benefit of cross-pollination, the
joining of the generations, the inclusion of numerous highly gifted prophetic women, and an
entirely new generation of emerging international prophets.

We have entered a new era. We have crossed over from promises revealed to promises fulfilled.
The body of Christ has never seen this level of prophetic profusion—ever! We are inheriting the
promises of these trail blazing forerunners and crossing the Jordan once again to walk out the
words which a previous generation declared. It is a time of manifest destiny. It is a time of
generational prophetic inheritance.

With that in mind, here are nine prophetic insights that the Lord has given me concerning 2020
and beyond!

Nine Prophetic Insights

1) It is a Time of Fresh Restoration of Righteousness.

Many will begin to realize that righteousness is a gift but that it must also find an
outworking in our lifestyle and character. This movement will be based in part out of
Psalm 24, “Who can ascend to the hill of the Lord? But he who has clean hands and a
pure heart.” This will be a time when “the Spirit comes with conviction.”

2) It is a Time of Divine Interruptions.

God is going to interrupt our schedules, our meetings and our appointments with His
presence. The Holy Spirit is going to interrupt our good program-based agendas with
interruptions of His Divine presence. Watch out, here comes God as the Divine
Interrupter and Divine Intruder!

3) It is a Time when Divine Order will be Established.

Out of a season where there is the open Conflict of Thrones resulting in Chaos and
Confusion, the enemy will overplay his hand. God will use this backdrop to have the final
word. This has ramifications on many fronts—from family to government.

4) It is a Time of Sacred Assemblies and Consecration.

Out of need, there will be a movement of unity in which there will be city-wide, state or
provincial, and national gatherings to seek the face of the Lord. Over the next three years
and beyond, there will be more public rallies of repentance and prayer combined with the
call to “GO therefore” than any previous time in church history.

5) It is a Time of Cleansing of Old Disappointments.

We cannot carry old baggage into the new era. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is initiating a
movement of cleansing from old disappointments so we can enter the new with a fresh
slate—without remorse, guilt and shame—so we can be the Hope Ambassadors He
6) It is a Time when the Thief and the Robber are Exposed and Caught.
I have been given dreams where a security breach has occurred and is being exposed.
Two dark demonic entities then came and appeared before me and their names were
“thief and robber.” These enemies will be exposed and captured. Then the voice of the
Lord came to me saying, “It is time for my revolutionary midnight riders to appear on
the scene. They will shine the light in darkness and expose the deeds of darkness.”

7) It is a Time when there is Revelatory Teaching on Power and Authority.

As part of our equipment needed for the new era, the Holy Spirit will be teaching us the
difference between Power and Authority and the necessity for both. The themes of the
Authority of the Believer in Christ Jesus will be revisited.

8) It is a Time of the Joining of the Generations.

God is appearing on the scene as Grandfather Time as part of the authentic “Joining of
the Generations.” God desires to be manifested as the God of three generations in a
generation. He longs that the wisdom of the older generation be combined with the
resources of the middle generation, and then mixed with the younger generation’s
necessary ingredient of zeal. When these all come together, it is a recipe for a sustained
move of God. This I know—God is jealous for an authentic “Joining of the Generations.”

9) It is a Time for the Beginning of the Great Harvest.

This new Era in Christendom is the beginning of the Great Harvest. Please note, I did not
say the Final Harvest. But we are crossing the threshold into the Greatest Harvest we
have ever known thus far. It is time for the “Greatest Show on Earth” of signs and
wonders and open displays of God’s lavish love when Jesus Christ receives the rewards
for His suffering.

Allow this exhortation to stir your faith and bring you to a place of higher vision. Your heart and
voice matters. Receive and walk out your portion of this generational prophetic inheritance.
Volunteer freely in this time when His manifested power and glory are on display. I want to see
Jesus Christ receive the rewards of His suffering. Don’t you?

Yes, it is a new era in church history. It is time to fulfill generational prophetic promises. It’s
time for the “Greatest Show on Earth to Begin!”

A Prayer of Consecration

Gracious Father, we come to You in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are grateful
that we get to see with our own eyes the fulfillment of the prophetic words spoken to us by the
forerunners who have gone before us. We agree that we are living in the Days of Acceleration
and that the Days of a Great Harvest are upon us. Release more of Your brilliant presence and
let it happen now, even suddenly! We consecrate ourselves to You for Your purposes and
prophetic destiny in the days of the Joining of the Generations. Send More of Your Spirit Now,
for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen and Amen!

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