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Lagos State University

FrontEnd Development
Introduction to Web Technology

What is HTML?

HTML Element, Attributes and Style Guides.

HTML Basics.

HTML Links, Images, Tables, Lists, Iframes, Favicons, block_inline(Div & span)

HTML Styling, HTML CSS, HTML JavaScript.

Advanced HTML: Video, Audio, Drop-down, Semantics element, computer

code, Canva and SVG

HTML Responsive, Structure and Layout.

TEST/QUIZ and Review

CSS Part A

What is CSS? CSS3

CSS Basics.

Css Pseudo class and element.

CSS math calculations.

Part B

Advance CSS

CSS animatable and transition.

TEST/QUIZ and Review

Javascript Part A

Overview: What is JavaScript?, client side, advantages and limitations.

JavaScript Basics.

JavaScript Objects, functions and classes

Part B



Form validation and Animation

Debugging and Browsers


Intro to react

How much javascript you need to know to use React?

Why should you use React?

Installation and React Components

Introduction to JSX

Using JSX to compose UI

The difference between JSX and HTML

Embedding Javascript in JSX

Managing state in React

Component props in React

Handling user events in React

React CSS and Sass styling.

React Forms

React Hooks

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