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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Assessment

Use the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Assessment to understand the issues that are impacting your organization's
inclusion. This tool will help you identify areas to focus on for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization.

Tab 2. DEI Assessment: Using the drop-down lists, input the degree to which you agree that your current state reflects ea
indicate the level of importance each statement has for your organization.

Tab 3. Results: This tab provides you with a 2x2 grid to help you prioritize the areas that require the most focus to improve
It also provides details on each of the areas assessed, based on your current state inputs.

For acceptable use of this tool, refer to McLean & Company's Terms of Use. These documents are intended to supply gene
specific professional or personal advice, and are not intended to be used as a substitute for any kind of professional advice
either in whole or in part as a basis and guide for document creation. To customize this document with corporate marks an
McLean & Company information in the Header and Footer fields of this document.
acting your organization's diversity, equity, and
lusion in your organization.

our current state reflects each statement. Also

e the most focus to improve DEI in your organization.

are intended to supply general information only, not

kind of professional advice. Use this document
nt with corporate marks and titles, simply replace the
DEI Assessment

Using the drop-down lists, input the degree to which you agree that your current state reflects each statement.
Also indicate the level of importance each statement has for reaching broader organizational strategies.

Category Subcategory



Metrics and Analytics

HR Strategy and

External Partnerships
External Partnerships

Leadership Commitment

Employee Engagement


Work Environment

Work Environment

Branding and EVP

Candidate Sourcing
Candidate Sourcing

Attract and Recruit

Candidate Selection




Total Rewards

Learning and
Learning and


Talent Management

Exit Offboarding
Exit Offboarding

Alumni Alumni
ee to which you agree that your current state reflects each statement.
h statement has for reaching broader organizational strategies.

Assessment Factors Current State

DEI is embedded in our organizational talent strategy. Somewhat Agree

We have a clear DEI purpose that is communicated throughout the organization. Agree

Roles and accountabilities for DEI are clear. Somewhat Disagree

We have a DEI committee. Strongly Disagree

The DEI strategy has measurable goals and metrics. Disagree

We have processes in place for addressing workplace conflict and concerns in an open and
Somewhat Disagree
inclusive manner.

Disciplinary decisions follow an objective process that mitigates biases. Disagree

Our organization is involved with community partnerships that are reflective of the external
community and employee base diversity.

Our organization is involved with events linked to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Strongly Disagree

Our external partners (vendors, affiliate organizations, etc.) have a commitment to DEI. Strongly Disagree
We use diverse suppliers and vendors, where applicable. Agree

Diversity, equity, and inclusion goals are included in the organization's strategic plan. Agree

Senior leadership consistently models inclusive leadership behaviors. Strongly Disagree

People managers consistently model inclusive leadership behaviors. Somewhat Agree

Managers seek to leverage the skills and insights from all employees. Strongly Agree

We can break down engagement survey data by diversity group. Disagree

Employees feel they can bring their whole selves to work. Agree

Employees feel empowered to contribute their ideas. Agree

Employees feel a sense of belonging at work. Strongly Agree

Employees feel valued for their differences. Agree

Social work events are inclusive for all employees. Agree

Employees are encouraged to model inclusive behaviors. Strongly Agree

Technology is assessed regularly for accessibility for diverse groups of employees. Somewhat Agree

We have Employee Resource Groups to provide diverse groups of employees a safe space to
Somewhat Agree
activate their network.

A formal process exists for employees to request necessary changes to their work station. Disagree
Our buildings are accessible for all employees. Agree

We follow through on all accommodation requests. Somewhat Agree

Organizational values reflect and support diversity and inclusiveness. Strongly Agree

We have flexible work hours and telework policies in place. Somewhat Disagree

Discrimination-related grievances are addressed in a timely manner. Agree

Internal branding and communications reflect the organization's commitment to DEI. Agree

Internal branding and marketing materials are reflective of the organization's diverse workforce. Strongly Disagree

External branding and marketing materials reflect the organization's commitment to DEI. Disagree

External branding and marketing materials are reflective of diverse groups of people. Agree

The employee value proposition (EVP) includes DEI. Agree

Job openings are posted to a variety of recruitment sources. Agree

The referral program includes seeking out diverse groups of employees. Disagree

We participate in career fairs targeted at diverse candidates. Agree

We participate in networking events targeted at diverse audiences. Somewhat Agree

Job postings only include the required qualifications and skills. Disagree
Job postings are written inclusively by assessing for gender-coded language. Agree

We explicitly source from diverse educational institutions. Agree

We explicitly source from diverse candidate pools. Agree

Diverse groups of stakeholders have input to hiring decisions. Somewhat Disagree

Those involved with hiring are trained on an inclusive hiring process. Agree

Hiring assessments are regularly assessed for biases. Somewhat Agree

We use blind hiring techniques. Agree

We hire candidates that display inclusive competencies. Strongly Disagree

We apply a consistent approach to the interview process (in terms of questions asked) and use
objective criteria for evaluating candidates.
We hire candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences, who can bring in new ideas and

We hire candidates that display a diversity of thought. Agree

We hire to reflect the diversity of the communities we operate in. Agree

We hire to reflect the diversity of our target market. Agree

DEI goals are reflected in performance reviews. Agree

Performance appraisals are based on objective criteria. Strongly Disagree

Senior leaders and managers are evaluated against a competency directly related to inclusion. Disagree

All employees are evaluated against a competency directly related to inclusion. Agree

Workgroups are purposely composed of diverse individuals. Somewhat Agree

Our compensation programs are reviewed annually to ensure they are equitable. Agree

Compensation programs are communicated broadly and employees understand the rationale
behind pay decisions. Employees are aware of where they're positioned in terms of pay and how Agree
that fits into the broader compensation structure.

A flexible benefits plan caters to the needs of diverse groups of employees. Disagree

Job opportunities and special projects are publicized, enabling all employees to indicate their
Somewhat Disagree
interest in the role.

People managers are trained to be empathetic to employees who are different from themselves. Somewhat Disagree

Formal development plans are in place for all employees. Somewhat Agree

Career paths are clearly defined and communicated to all employees. Somewhat Agree

All employees have access to a budget for development opportunities. Somewhat Agree

Onboarding introduces new hires to the DEI vision, governance structure, and opportunities to get
Somewhat Agree
involved with DEI and the broader organizational culture.
Onboarding provides new hires with an opportunity to be acclimatized to the organization and meet
Somewhat Disagree
diverse groups of employees.

All employees are trained on anti-racism and systemic inequalities. Somewhat Agree

Employees are provided with allyship training. Disagree

We measure and track participation of diverse groups in L&D programs. Disagree

All employees have received inclusive behavior training. Somewhat Disagree

We offer sponsorship programs to promote the success of diverse groups of employees. Somewhat Disagree

We offer a mentorship program to promote the development of diverse groups of employees. Strongly Disagree

Objective criteria is applied when assigning projects and development opportunities. Agree

Employees have a degree of choice over the projects or type of work assigned to them. Agree

We have a tuition reimbursement policy for all relevant external courses. Agree

All employees are encouraged to pursue internal mobility opportunities. Agree

Consistent and objective criteria is applied to succession planning. Agree

Consistent and objective criteria is applied to promotion decisions. Somewhat Agree

Roadblocks to promotion are identified early and removed through coaching and development. Strongly Disagree

Systemic roadblocks to promotion are identified and removed by regular assessments of talent
Somewhat Disagree
management programs for bias.
Managers evaluate their work practices to ensure they are inclusive to all their direct reports' needs
Somewhat Disagree
(e.g. rotate responsibilities to ensure everyone has an opportunity to develop).
Managers have regular career conversations with all direct reports to ensure they have the
opportunity to meet all objective criteria.

We have a process to offboard employees with dignity and respect. Agree

Our exit survey asks if the employee's resignation is influenced by discrimination or a non-inclusive
Strongly Agree
In our exit interview we ask if the employee's resignation is influenced by discrimination or a non-
inclusive environment.

We engage with diverse groups of alumni. Agree

Level of Importance

Critically Important


Critically Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important



Moderately Important

Not at All Important

Not at All Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important

Moderately Important

Not at All Important

Not at All Important


Moderately Important

Not at All Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important


Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important

Critically Important


Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important


Moderately Important


Not at All Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important


Critically Important



Critically Important

Critically Important

Critically Important


Critically Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important

Moderately Important

Not at All Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important




Critically Important

Critically Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important


Moderately Important


Moderately Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important

Not at All Important


Critically Important




Moderately Important

Critically Important

Not at All Important

Moderately Important

Critically Important


Not at All Important

DEI Assessment Results

This tab provides you with a 2x2 grid to help you prioritize the high-level areas of your organization that require the most fo

It also provides further detail and advice on each of the areas assessed based on your current state input. Use this informa

Priority Matrix of Areas Requiring DEI Foc

High 4

3 Attract and Recruit

Grow HR Strategy and Operations
Organizational Culture


Low 0
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Present Current State


HR Strategy and

HR Strategy and Metrics and Analytics



External Partnerships

Leadership Commitment

Employee Engagement
Organizational 2

Work Environment

Branding and EVP

Candidate Sourcing

Attract and Recruit 3

Candidate Selection

Perform 4

Total Rewards

Learning & Development

Grow 4

Talent Management

Exit Offboarding

Alumni Alumni

h-level areas of your organization that require the most focus to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion.

essed based on your current state input. Use this information to identify, at a more granular level, the areas that require the most improvem

trix of Areas Requiring DEI Focus



Grow HR Strategy and Operations


3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

Current State Not


The overall organizational strategy is closely aligned to its commitment to DEI.

The organization's commitment to DEI is formally captured.
It is unclear as to who is responsible for DEI at the organization. There are some
interested parties, however, there is overlap over everyone's roles and

The organization needs to define its DEI goals.

Policies are not always enforced consistently across diverse employee groups.
Your policies can be audited to ensure they are free from bias.

The organization has some relationships with diverse external partners. However,
the relationship is not strong. The organization can take a stronger stance in
supporting diverse and inclusive external partners.

Your organization has partial leadership commitment. Ensure that leaders and
managers demonstrate behaviors in alignment with your DEI strategy by making
it a core part of your organizational values and strategic plan.

Most employees, especially minority groups of employees, have a strong sense

of belonging at the organization. There are high engagement levels across
diverse groups of employees.

Your corporate environment is inclusive for all employees, and issues are
addressed in a timely manner.

Your corporate brand somewhat communicates support for DEI. Ensure internal
and external marketing materials reflect your DEI values and, where appropriate,
become involved with community groups and events linked to diversity.

You effectively target a diverse group of candidates when sourcing to fill open

Your approach to candidate selection somewhat supports DEI principles. Limit

unconscious bias by ensuring that a diverse group of people make hiring
decisions and use a consistent approach to the interview process.
Your performance management policies and practices are somewhat inclusive.
Review your performance appraisal and work policies to determine if changes
can be made to create a more inclusive environment. For example, create
processes for addressing workplace conflicts or concerns in an open and
inclusive manner.
Your total rewards offering is somewhat inclusive and equitable. Review your
rewards plan to ensure equity and put in place flexible benefits that each
employee can tailor to meet their unique needs.

Your learning & development opportunities are somewhat inclusive. Improve

inclusivity of L&D by providing opportunities for all employees and giving
employees a degree of choice over the projects and types of work assigned to
Your organization has a somewhat inclusive approach to talent management. Be
sure to consider all employees when making promotion and succession planning
decisions. Apply a consistent approach and criteria for making decisions around

Your offboarding process ensures that employees are treated with respect. You
seek to determine if DEI issues have influenced the decision for voluntary exits
through exit interviews and surveys.

The organization engages with diverse groups of alumni.

as that require the most improvement, and the areas you can maintain and

Improvement Required
Maintain and Leverage

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