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NAPLES The Neapolitan army

The Neapolitan army was of very poor quality . .

History Soldiers were not motivated, and history gives them a
reputation as thieves and bandits. The infantry
The Kingdom of Naples occupied the whole of
included eight line infantry regiments and four light
southern Italy with Naples as its capital. It was formed
infantry regiments. Subsequently, four new line
following the partition of Ferdinand IV's Kingdom of
the Two Sicilies. He supported the Austrians during regiments were raised. The battalions were organized
in the French style. The cavalry included four
the 1805 Ulm Campaign. After the Battle of Austerlitz,
he was driven out by Napoleon and fled to Sicily. regiments to four squadrons. They were called
Chasseurs acheval and then Chevau-legers after 1811 and
French troops occupied Naples and Napoleon
were of low quality. The artillery consisted of 6-pdr
appointed his brother Joseph as ruler. Joseph and
foo t batteries and 4 or 6-pdr horse batteries - it was not
General Massena drove the English from Calabria and
very efficient and ranked Poor shooter except for the
undertook many reforms.
Guard which is of average quality.
In May 1808 Joseph was ordered by his brother to go
Murat formed a guard based on the French Guard
to Bayonne w here he was appointed King of Spain.
with battalions of Grenadiers, Chasseurs and Velites.
The Kingdom of Naples was offered to Joachim Murat
- Napoleon's brother-in-law. Relations between There were also sailors and veterans of the Guard who
have the same characteristics as the Guard Velites.
Napoleon and Murat were stormy. Murat saw himself
as king and dreamed of unifying Italy, while
Guard cavalry initially included Honour and Velite
Napoleon demanded obedience without discussion
Guards. The Velite Guards were transformed into
and often belittled him.
Guard Hussars in 1809. Honour Guards used lances
Murat was convinced that Napoleon's empire would from 1813 onwards and became Guard Chevau-Iegers.
collapse after the Russian disaster. He negotiated with In 1813 a regiment of Guard Cuirassiers and one of
Guard Lancers were also created. The Guard artillery
the Austrians to preserve his Kingdom. When they
consisted of two 4 or 6-pounder horse batteries.
invaded northern Italy, he did not support Eugene
and joined the enemy camp in February. Murat sided
with Napoleon when he returned from Elba, but he Tactical D octrine: Infantry operated in mixed order.
was defeated at Tolentino on May 2, 1815. Murat w as
captured and shot, and Ferdinand VI regained the
reunited Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

Kingdom of Naples troops tables

I antry Period Type Morale Class SK Abilities u ~e
Guard Grenadiers 1806-1815 LN E3 B 1 12
Guard Voltigeurs 1806-1815 LT E3 B 1 13 I
Guard Velite, Sailors
Line Infantry
and 1806-1815






Light Infantry 1806-1815 LT L2 C 1 8 I
ava ry Period Type Morale Class Size Abilities Bu d ge
Honour and Velite Guards 1806-1812 LC E3 B S, M 10
Guard Hussars 1809-1815 LC E3 B M 10
Guard Cuirassiers 1813-1815 HC E3 B M Cuirass 16 I
Guard Chevau-Iegers 1813-1815 LC E3 B M Lance 12 I
Guard Lancers 1814-1815 LC E3 B M Lance 12 I
Chasseurs cl cheval 1806-1812 LC L2 C M 6 I
Chevau-Iegers 1813-1815 LC L2 C M Lance 8 I
Artillery Period Type Morale Class Size Abilities Bud et
Guard Horse battery 4-pdr 1806-1815 HA L4 B S 8
Guard Horse battery 6-pdr 1806-1815 HA L4 B S 10 1
Foot battery 6-pdr 1806-1815 FA L2 B M Poor shooter 7 j
Horse battery 4-pdr 1806-1815 HA L3 B 5 Poor shooter 6 1
Horse battery 6-pdr 1806-1815 HA L3 B S Poor shooter 8 I

-eapolitans, 1806-1812 Neapolitans, 1813-1815
y of the Kingdom of Naples Tolentino, 2 and 3 May 1815

Im mander in Chief: Brilliant or Competent. Commander in Chief: Brilliant or Competent.

mmanders: Only one commander can be Ordinary, Comman ders: Only one commander can be Ordinary,
others are Poor. French commanders are Ordinary. the others are Poor.

Infantry Division (1-2) Morale Nb Infantry Division (1-3) Morale Nb

L2 1-2 Light Infantry L2 1-2
L2 3-6 Line Infantry L2 3-6
L2 0-1 Foot battery 6-pdr L2 0-1
L2 0-1
Foot Guard Division (0-1) Morale Nb
Guard Division (0-1) Morale Nb Guard Grenadiers
E3 1
Guard Grenadiers Guard Voltigeurs
E3 1
Guard Voltigeurs Guard Velites
Guard Velites Guard Sailors E3 1-2
Guard Sailors E3 1-2 Guard Veterans
Guard Veterans Guard Horse battery 4 or 6-pdr L4 0-1
Honour and Velites Guards E3 0-1
Guard Horse battery 4 or 6-pdr L4 0-1 Horse Guard Division (0-1) Morale Nb
Guard Cuirassiers E3 0-1
French Division (0-1) Morale Nb Guard Chevau-legers E3 0-1
L3 0-1 Guard Hussars E3 0-1
L3 Guard Lancers E3 0-1
L2 Guard Horse battery 4 or 6-pdr L4 0-1
L3 0-1
L2 0-1
L3 0-1
L4 0-1
Adriatic Division (0-1) Morale Nb • This list presents the Neapolitan army between

1813 and 1815 and notably at the Battle of
Tolentino in 1815.
L4 0-1
Switch to detached skirmishers • There were no more French units at that time to
L3 support the Neapolitans.
2-3 • It is possible to group the units of Foot Guard and
Horse Guard into the same division, but this is
L2 0-1 then limited to only four units plus one artillery.
L2 0-1
L4 0-1

This list presents the Murat army of Naples
between 1806 and 1812. It was not involved in any
of the major campaigns of the time, but this list can
be used for hypothetical scenarios.
Neapolitan forces can be reinforced by a French
division or by the Adriatic Observation Division
(only one of the two). These divisions were
composed of second-class units and foreign
French divisions must include at least one
provisional infantry with L2 morale.

Neapolitan infantry


Grand Duchy of Warsaw

Poland was divided between Prussia, Austria and
Russia in 1795. The Poles hoped for French support to
restore independence. Many Polish soldiers served in
the French army. The 1st Polish Legion served in the
Italian army and then in the Neapolitan army. In 1808,
it became the Vistula Legion which fought in the
service of France until 1814. The Danube Legion (or 2nd
Legion) was created in the Rhine army in 1799. The Polish cavalry was one of the best of its time. In
1807 it included three regiments of chasseurs a cheval
After the Jena victory over the Prussians, the Poles and three regiments of uhlans, each with four
raised an army composed of three large divisions squadrons. In 1809 a regiment of cuirassiers (with only
called legions. In addition, citizens were raised as two squadrons) and two regiments of hussars were
reserves and the 1st and 2nd Northern Legions were added. In addition, seven new uhlans regiments were
formed from Polish deserters from the Prussian army. raised in Galicia.
After the Treaty of Tilsit, 7 July 1807, the Grand Duchy
of Warsaw was established on territories taken from Five new uhlans regiments were raised in Lithuania in
the Kingdom of Prussia. 1812. Among the uhlans, some were excellent (2 nd , 3nl.
4 th , 6 th and 8th ) while others were of lower quality
The Duchy was a vassal state of France and provided (regiments 17 to 21 raised in Lithuania). In 1813 a
it with many troops. During the campaign against regiment of Krakus, Polish Cossacks, was formed .
Austria in 1809 the Poles fought heroically at Raszyn,
but this did not prevent the Austrians from briefly
occupying Warsaw.

After the victory of Wagram, the Treaty of

Schonbrunn ratified a significant increase in the
territory of the Grand Duchy - with the annexation of
Galicia at the expense of Austria. The Poles
participated in the disastrous Russian campaign and
the Grand Duchy was occupied by Russia in January

At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Grand Duchy

was dissolved. Part of the territories revert to Prussia
Polish Line Infan _
and Austria while the Kingdom of Poland became a
puppet state controlled by Russia.
National characteristics
The Polish army Tactical Doctrine: Polish infantry manoeuvre on
French model in mixed order.
When created in 1807 the Polish army consisted of 12
infantry and six cavalry regiments divided into three
Russian Hatred: Poles gain Tenacious ability w
divisions (or legions). The number of regiments
they fight Russians.
increased to 18 after the annexation of Galicia in 1809.
Five new regiments (of lower morale) were created in
Skirmishers: It is possible to deploy one Line infan'
1812 after the liberation of Lithuania. The army then
unit per infantry division as a detached skirmisher.
included nearly 100,000 men. In addition to regular
troops there was a large militia of the national guard
Converged Grenadiers and V oltigeurs: Like Frene::-
which served as a reserve for the army. The army was
Polish can attach Grenadiers and Voltigeurs to ar
organised on the French model and adopted the same
infantry divisions or to the commander in chief.
tactics. It is possible to form combined grenadier
battalions and detachments of light infantry. Some of
Battalion guns: In 1812, the infantry can be equip
the line infantry may deploy as skirmishers.
with 3-pdr battalion guns.

lish troops tables
~a ntry Period Type Morale Class SK Abilities Budget
_-"le Infantry 1807-1813 LN L3 B 1 Elan 11
'-eteran Infantry 1812-1813 LN L4 B 1 Elan 13
:::onverged Grenadiers 1809-1813 LN E4 B 1 Elan 15
'-oItigeurs 1809-1813 Sk L4 B 2 7
~~tional Guard 1809-1812 LN M2 C 0 5

'::.n-alry Period Type Morale Class Size Abilities Budget

:::ci.rassiers 1809-1813 HC L4 A S Cuirass except in 1813 13
<hasseurs a cheval 1807-1812 LC L4 A M 11 i

1813 LC L3 A S,M Lance 11

~~e Uhlans (2,3,4, 6 and 8) 1807-1812 LC E4 A M Lance 15
Lltlans 1807-1813 LC L3 A M Lance 11
~:h uanian Uhlans 1812-1813 LC L2 A M Lance 9
Hussars 1807-1812 LC L4 A M 11 I

1813 LC L3 A S,M Lance 11 I

~-akus 1813-1814 LC 12 A S,M Fast 6 I

\.rtillery Period Type Morale Class Size Abilities Budget

:oot battery 12-pdr 1807-1813 FA L3 B M 14
Foot battery 8-pdr 1807-1813 FA L3 B M 12
?oat battery 6-pdr 1807-1813 FA L3 B M 10
Foot battery 4-p dr 1807-1813 FA L3 B M 8
:-forse battery 6-p dr 1807-1813 HA L4 B S 10

Poles against the Russians in 1812

Poles in Prussia, 1807 Poles in Raszyn, 1809
Danzig siege, April-July 1807 Raszyn, 19 April 1809
Friedland, 14 June 1807
Commander in Chief: Brilliant or Competent.
Commander in Chief: Brilliant or Competent. Commanders: Only one commander can be
Commanders: Only one commander can be Competent, the others are Ordinary or Poor.
Competent, the others are Ordinary or Poor.

1st Legion - Kamieniecki (0-1) Morale Nb

Line Infantry L3 2-4
Uhlans L3
Elite Uhlans E4 0-2
Chasseurs a cheval L4
Foot batte~ 4 or 6-pdr L3 0-1

2nd Legion - Zayoncheck (0-1) Morale Nb

Line Infantry L3 2-4
UhIans L3
Elite UhIans E4 0-2
Chasseurs a cheval L4 Cavalry - Rozniecki (0-1) Morale Nb
Foot batte~ 4 or 6-pdr L3 0-1 Elite Uhlans E4 1-3
Chasseurs a cheval L4 0-1
3rd Legion - Dombrowski (0-1) Morale Nb Horse battery 6-pdr L4 0-1
Line Infantr-.Y L3 2-4
Uhlans L3
Elite Uhlans E4 0-2
Chasseurs a cheval L4
Foot batte!y 4 or 6-pdr L3 0-1
Saxons - Von Dyherrn (0-1) Morale Nb
Cavalry (0-1) Morale Nb Saxon Grenadiers E4 1
UhIans L3
Elite UhIans E4
1-3 Saxon Line Infanl!Y L3 1-2 1
Polish Line Infantry L3 1-2
Chasseurs a cheval L4 1-3 Saxon Hussars L4 0-1 -.1
Horse battery 6-pdr L4 0-1 Foot battery 8-pdr L2 0-1

French Division - Dupas (0-1) Morale Nb Reserve Morale Nb

Light Infantry L3 Converged Grenadiers E4 0-1
Veteran Light Infantry L4 Voltigeurs L4 0-2
Line Infantry L3 Chasseurs a cheval L4 0-1
Veteran Infantry L4 Horse battery 6-pdr L4 0-1
WurzbuIX Reciment L3 0-1
Horse batt~ 4-pdr L4 0-1 Notes:
• This list shows Poniatowski's forces in the defe
Notes: of the Duchy against the Austrian invasion fr -
• This list shows the Polish forces of Prince April to July 1809.
Poniatowski who fought alongside the French in • The option is given to add Saxon forces presen
1807. The Dobrowski Division was engaged at the Battle of Raszyn alongside the Poles.
Friedland. Other units were with the Xth French • The option is also given to provide a Natio
Corps at the siege of Danzig. Guard brigade although it was not present
• The option is given to add the French division Raszyn.
Dupas, which fought alongside the Dombrowski • It is possible to combine two Polish infan=::
legion at Friedland. The Dupas division included brigades to form a division.
the German Wurzburg Regiment which was part • Reserve units may be assigned to the Comman
of the Confederation of the Rhine. in Chief or to a Polish division.
• The army may include a maximum of three UhIan
and three Chasseurs a cheval divided between
legions or grouped into a single cavalry division.

Poles in Russia, 1812 Poles in Saxony, 1813
~molensk, 16-18 August 1812 Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813
rodino, 7 September 1812
'inkovo (Taroutino), 18 October 1812 Commander in Ch ief: Brilliant or Competent.
Commanders: Only one commander can be
Commander in Chief: Brilliant or Competent. Competent, the others are Ordinary or Poor.
Commanders: Only one commander can be
""ompetent, the others are Ordinary or Poor. 26th Division - Kamieniecki (0-1) Morale Nb
Vistula Legion E4 0-1
16th Division - Zayoncheck (0-1) Morale Nb Line Infantry L3 2-4
Line Infantry L3 Foot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1
Veteran Infantry (max 2) L4 2-8
Ba ttalion_~s 3-pdr option 27th Division - Dombrowski (0-1) Morale Nb
Foot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1 Veteran Infantry L4 0-2
Line Infantry L3 2-4
17th Division - Dombrowski (0-1) Morale Nb Uhlans
Line Infantry L3 L3 1-2
Chasseurs a cheval (lance)
Veteran Infantry (max 2) L4 2-8 Foot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1
Battalion guns 3-pdr option
Foot batte!Y&:Edr L3 0-1

18th Division - Kamieniecki (0-1) Morale Nb

Line Infantry L3
Veteran Infantry (max 2) L4 2-6
Battalion guns 3-pdr oEtion 4th Cavalry - Kellerman (0-1) Morale Nb
Foot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1 Uhlans L3 2-3
Chasseurs a cheval (lance) L3 0-1
Cavalry - Kaminski (0-1) Morale Nb Horse battery 6-pdr L4 0-1
Chasseurs a cheval L4 0-3
Uhlans L3 Reserve Morale Nb
Elite Uhlans E4 Converged Grenadiers E4 0-1
Hussars L3 0-1 Voltigeurs L4 0-2
Horse battery 6-pdr L4 0-1 Uhlans L3
Lithuanian Uhlans L2
Chasseurs a cheval (lance) L3
Hussars (max 1) L3
Foot battery 12-pdr L3 0-1

Reserve Morale Nb Notes:

IConverged Grenadiers E4 0-1 • This list shows the forces of the Polish VIII Corps
IVoltigeurs L4 0-2 during the Battle of Leipzig.
IFoot battery 12-pdr L3 0-1 • We add the 27th Dombrowski division, which
was independent, as w ell as Kellerman's IV
otes: Cavalry Corps composed of Polish troops.
• This list shows the Polish forces involved in • It should be noted that Polish grenadiers as well
Poniatowski's 5th Corps during the Russian as light lancers were part of the Imperial Guard.
campaign. Other Polish units were present in the • This list has been updated compared to the French
9th and 10th corps and in the Imperial Guard. The rules et.
cuirassiers and part of the light cavalry (including
most uhlans) were in the 4th reserve cavalry
The option is given to add the division of the
Vistula Legion. This division, which was attached
to the Imperial Guard, fought alongside the Vth
Corps at the Battle of Winkovo.
• It is possible to add one cavalry unit to each Polish
infantry division.

PORTUGAL The Portuguese Army
In 1809 the English General Beresford took charge of .
History the reorganization of the Portuguese army. If the
Portuguese army initially suffered from the same
Portugal was linked with England by a military
problems as the Spanish, it was improving gradually.
alliance since the 14th century. During the
The Portuguese army usually fought alongside the
Revolutionary Wars Portugal was used as a base for
British, but it is nevertheless possible to play an
British ships. The country is located on a strategic
autonomous Portuguese army.
passage between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
In 1801, Spain, an ally of France, invaded Portugal,
The Portuguese army consisted of 24 line regiments
which was forced to close its ports to British ships. In
each with two battalions of five companies of 120 men,
1806 Napoleon put pressure on Portugal to apply the
including a grenadier company. Territorial militias
continental blockade and stop trading with England.
and groups of armed civilians (Ordonanzas) can
Portugal temporised and secretly prepared to transfer
supplement the units.
its monarchy to Brazil if invaded.
The light infantry consisted of six battalions of
In 1807, freed from the Prussian threat, Napoleon
chasseurs, (Caradores) and increased to 12 battalions in
invaded Portugal. General Junot entered Spain with
1811. The battalions included five companies of 160
25,000 men and crossed the Portuguese border in
men, including a company of riflemen (altiradores)
No:vember. The Portuguese did not offer any
equipped with rifles from 1810. In 1813, two chasseur
resIstance. However, the court, nobility and senior
battalions were fully equipped with rifles. They were
Portuguese officials left the country for Brazil. They
part of the British Light Division. Between 1808 and
took with them the royal treasure, archives and works
1810 the Lusitanian Legion, composed of Portuguese,
of art. Junot settled in as governor in Lisbon and
English and Germans, fought in the peninsula.
disbanded the Portuguese army.
The cavalry included 12 light dragoon regiments each
The occupation of Portugal caused strong resentment
of four squadrons - but they were often understaffed.
among the population. As in Spain, the Portuguese
It was quite mediocre, especially due to poor quality
p~pulation rebelled against the occupier and the army
horses. The artillery was organized into fo ur
trIed to reform. In August 1808 the English landed in
regiments with a total of 28 batteries, being 20 foot an
Portugal with a force of 13,000 men commanded by
eight horse batteries. The guns were 6-pdr or British 9-
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. This was the
pdr. It was common for English divisions to be
beginning of the English intervention in the Iberian
provided with Portuguese artillery.
Peninsula. The French invaded Portugal a second
time, in 1809, and a third time in 1810-1811. After
Tactical Doctrine: Portuguese infantry operated .
liberating Portugal, Wellesley went on the offensive in
linear order.
1811 before entering Spain.

Portuguese troops tables

n antry Period Type Morale Class SK Abilities Bu d get
Cac;adores (Chasseurs) 1809 LT L3 B 1 11
Cac;adores 1810-1815 LT L3 B 1 @Rifle 12
Veteran Cac;adores 1813-1815 LT L4 B 2 @Rifle or Rifle 15
Line Infantry 1809-1812 LN L2 C 0 6
Veteran Infantry 1813-1815 LN L3 B 1 10
Lusitanian Legion 1809-1810 LT L3 B 1 11
Territorial Militias 1809-1815 LN M2 C 0
Armed civilians (Ordonanzas) 1809 LN M1 C 0 Large size 5 I

Artillery Period Type Morale Class Size Abilities B u d get

Foot Battery 6-pdr 1809-1815 FA L3 B S 8
Foot Battery 9-pdr 1809-1815 FA L3 B 5
Horse Battery 6-pdr 1809-1815 HA L3 B S 9

Portuguese, 1809-1812 Portuguese, 1813-1814

Commander in Chief: Ordinary or Poor. Commander in Chief: Competent or Ordinary.

Commanders: At most half of the commanders are Commanders: Only one commander can be
rdinary, the others are Poor. Competent, the others are Ordinary or Poor.

Regular Division (1-2) Morale Nb Regular Division (1-3) Morale Nb

Ca~adores Ca~adores L3
L3 0-1 0-1
@Rifle option in 1810 Veteran Ca~adores L4
iLine Infantry L2 2-4 Line Infantry L2
Light Dragoons Veteran Infantry L3
L2 0-1
Small size option Foot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1
iFoot battery 6-pdr L3 0-1
Cavalry (0-1) Morale Nb
L3 0-1

English Brigade (0-1)

Light Infantry
Elite Highlanders


English Brigade (0-1)

Line Infantry
. ......


Veteran Infantry (max 1) L4 1-2

Garrison Infantrv (max 1)

Reserve Morale Nb Reserve Morale Nb

L3 I 0-1 Ca~adores L3 0-1
L2 I 0-2 Line Infantry L2 0-2
L2 I 0-1 Territorial Militias M2 0-2
Foot battery 9-pdr L3 0-1
L3 I 0-1
otes: • This list shows the Portuguese army between 1813
This list presents the Portuguese army between and 1814. The army was now better organized and
1809 and 1812. The army was reorganizing and better trained.
had many militias and armed civilian units. • A veteran ca~adores unit can be fully equipped
Reserve units may form an additional division or with rifles and have Rifle ability instead of @Rifle.
be attached to the other Portuguese divisions. • Reserve units may form an additional division or
be attached to the Portuguese infantry divisions or
the English brigade.

Portuguese Line Infantry Portuguese Ca(:adores


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